
My Kyu
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Kyuhyun held tightly onto Siwon's hand as they make their way through the street.  Its around eleven in the morning, hence students was already in school and most people at work by now.  The street was nice and spacious for their liking.  He really wanted to ask Siwon where the big goof is taking him, but before he manage to ask, his Wonnie already stopped right in front of a black(?) car.

"What's this?"

"huh baby?"

"Who's car is this?"

"Mine... what's wrong?"

"What happen to G?" Kyuhyun enquire as he bugged eyed the new black R8 in front.

"Baby... silly, you told me change it, so i did..." Siwon gave a hopeful look, expecting to be praise but not after seeing kyuhyun's surprised brows, rather he dejectedly sigh which cause Kyuhyun's heart to grumble a little as well.  He'll never approve such doleful expression on Siwon.  "remember how you said the other night that, I look really good in that leather jacket?"

All Kyuhyun could do was nodded as he tries to remember when on earth he ask this man to change his limited edition in this right mind.  "Actually the word you used was 'oh gosh, my wonnie looks wonderfully handsome in  black leather'. Right....?" 

"right...and...?"  Kyuhyun grew more curious. 

"Well so i figure..." Siwon beam at his own wonderful explanation.  Causing Kyuhyun to stomp the ground looking more irritated by the second yet Siwon was awe at the adorable sight. 

"that.didn't.explain.jack" Kyuhyun gritted as he slap Siwon's arm repeatedly but not harshly, more in venting his frustration. 

" i figure you meant that you liked me more with black, because you hardly ever compliment me.  So i thought if i could change something as little as a car for your approval, i'll do it in a heart beat, so i've toss Gabriel and in come M.Junior?" Siwon winced as he rubbed his arm, while dodging Kyuhyun's side kicks skilfully. 

If it wasn't the car, Kyuhyun might be already hugging the air out of Siwon as his words was adorably cute.  But we're talking about a brand new car just because  of a careless remark... on a jacket!

"what M.Junior?"  Kyuhyun question as he fold his arms across his chest, trying to not let the words or the blush on himself affected.  He still couldn't grasp the importance level he has on the goof ball. 

"Michael.Junior... the black Jeep is Michael... well now this is M.J...cause it's also black... hehee... no offense..." Siwon cover his own mouth, giggling at his own stupid joke while Kyuhyun roll his eyes and massage his temple. 

Seriously if i don't love you... i would have soooo dump your perfectly toned ... why good god... why must i've fallen for such, arghhhhhh.  Kyuhyun tries to contemplate on Siwons good and positive side, but the goof just out do himself everyday on stupidity. 

Siwon stepped behind Kyuhyun as he see the young in distress.  He back hug the young leaning his chin on the young shoulder gently.  "Babe... if you don't like MJ, i could change it back... i'm sorrie, i didn't meant to cause you trouble..." Siwon apologetically mutter, next to Kyuhyun's ears. Making the young practically pry himself off the goof ball and turn to face him.  While Siwon quickly pull him closer again, afraid Kyuhyun would fly away any second, as they lock eyes with a sense of nervousness present in Siwon's orbs. 

Kyuhyun cupped Siwon cheek with one hand as he lean forward, capturing his lips.  Siwon was only too eager to return the soft nibbling, with his hands still wrapped tightly around Kyuhyun.  The kiss turn into kisses and soon Kyuhyun pull away leaving Siwon pouting for more. 

"Silly, what are you being sorry for... i'm not troubled or anything, I just couldn't believe you CHANGE your car bcos i simply said you look awesome in black..."

"its wonderfully handsome..." Siwon corrected while bring his pout on again hoping to lure more kisses.

"yes, yes... also my Siwon is ruthlessly y and ridiculously good looking all the time"  Kyuhyun fascinated by the wide grin on Siwon's face, and he couldn't believe that's all it took to make this Siwon of his this blissfully happy. "So its fine that G have to leave us, i'll love m...j... nah.. we can't use that name"  Kyuhyun frown and shake his head in disapproval.  "What about if we just keep it Gabriel.Junior, or Junior? Michael is a Jeep.  i can't link an audi with Michael..." Kyuhyun look hopeful towards Siwon, whom only smile    

"Anything you like baby, if you want i could get G back... doesn't hurt to have another car..."

"NO!!! It's a limited edition... i think we're fine here"  Kyuhyun smack the chest, as he frown again.  Guessing himself will never understand the way rich, oh pardon me, he meant SUPER rich people spend their money. 

Siwon takes the hand that smack his chest into his and kiss it heartily "So really?! baby thinks i'm good looking and y alllll the time..." Kyuhyun would blush normally at those words, but being with the cheese-king for a while now, his immune system of greasiness has improved. 

"Ah huh... you bet you are.  And you know when you look absolute the best wonnie?"  Kyuhyun teasingly ask as he nuzzle his nose on Siwon's, causing the man to only reply in a hard swallow "hmmm?"

"Well, i can't tell you.  Cause then we'll have a idol walking around, and i'll have to ripe everyone's eyes out for ogling what's mine..."  Kyuhyun tiptoe playfully pecking the upper lips once and quick. "...and only."  As he pull away and smile heavenly to the alluring, hunky, dazed out Siwon in front of him. 

Wiggling himself off the goof, Kyuhyun looked at the car and back at his Siwon.  Whom could only stared back grinning like a goof he is.  So Kyuhyun took action into his own hands, reach into Siwon's black coat pocket to fetch the key.  Unlocking the door, the beeping sound finally woke the taller from his daze as he swiftly rush over to open the door for Kyuhyun.  Earning him a roll from those beautiful round eyes,

"i can do it myself" Kyuhyun sigh as he slide onto the new, sleek leather seat. 

Siwon quickly ran over to his side and jump in eagerly.  Kyuhyun manage to fasten his seatbelt but not without the taller leaning over kissing squarely onto those lips passionate and longingly.  Heating up the small internal space instantly, only stopping when Kyuhyun pushes the taller's hand away from his danger zone.  The taller manage to control his desire and groaningly turn back towards his side and let out his wrath on the poor seatbelt which to Kyuhyun's much amusement.  Kyuhyun finally able to let out his blush while turning around from the lip pressing man and towards the street view, trying to control his heart beat and lewd thoughts.

The car started, and Siwon have kept concentrating and quiet to where they were heading.  Kyuhyun battle between asking or just being surprise, he did remind himself that Siwon told Changmin that they'll be back in 3hrs.  No way Siwon would be driving very far.  Kyuhyun peek towards the gleeful driver and got taken by that deep smiling dimple and that pathetically bliss over taking him. 

"Ughh...fine... you're killing me here.  Where are we going?" Kyuhyun couldn't fight the anxiety no more.  Siwon cutely blinked a few times and lean forward to the windscreen, seeing the building getting closer, Siwon points towards it.  Kyuhyun follow Siwon's direction and his sight landed on a very new, tall, majestic building. 

"A hotel?!"  Kyuhyun asked.  While Siwon grin eagerly and nodded.

Kyuhyun didn't wanna ask the obvious but 'really?'.  This erted idol, didn't just ask his company driver to replace his boyfriend work duties so he could drive him to a HOTEL and have his way with him right?! No way! right?! Nah! hmmm?!

Before Kyuhyun could run any other possible reason, Siwon already had the car stopped in front and the valet attendee promptly had his door open.  Kyuhyun took an extra few seconds to react, he slowly unbuckle his own belt and climb out the car.  Siwon waited patiently and entwine their hands devoutly as he pull Kyuhyun through the extremely huge glass revolving doors and into the luxurious hotel. 

The hotel was very much elegant and sleek, there isn't much locals in the lobby, mainly foreigners in suits waiting to check in/out or attend some conference meeting held there.  Kyuhyun didn't felt right, for only wearing his tan jeans and grey sweater into this fancy, stylish place.  A young girl from the reception, came over to him and Siwon upon seeing them, softly greeted her guest with a 45 degree bow

"Mr Choi"  she then courteously hand over a key towards Siwon with both her hands.  Her smile was very friendly and pleasing that Kyuhyun caught himself smiling back towards her.  Siwon signal her an ok sign with his hands and she giggled and nodded in reply.  Kyuhyun took sight of that exchange and couldn't help the concern frowning upon his forehead.  Siwon softly tug his hand and heads them both towards the lift as the taller seem to know exactly what he's doing.  While the young continue to be pull and drag, as graciously as he could manage.   

Maybe i should ask him... i can't just assume he wants ... right... but why else are we here? but in the middle of the day? plus...we been through once in the morning already... and i'm kinda still in a little pain from last night....

Kyuhyun didn't even realise he was already inside the elevator while he keeps debating to himself on Siwon's purpose.  His heart beating extremely fast as he place a hand over it as if to stabilise it while taking deep breaths, causing the jolly-Wonnie smile encouraging as he plant a kiss on Kyuhyun's temple while he press for their level.  Although the young have ready spend many sensual, enchanting hours with the man next to him.  But coming to a hotel, for a room, in the middle of the day.  Just doesn't seem to sit well with him.

Kyuhyun isn't a prude but isn't this too much?.  Besides its his first time in a Seoul Hotel and not attending someone's wedding.  He kept thinking what does Siwon take him for.  One minute he's working in a café and next his , possessive, obsessed boyfriend kidnapped him and drove him to a hotel for a 2hours rendezvous?! really?! come on?!  True, Kyuhyun is glad that his boyfriend is obsessed with him and after their last weekend of intensity he still wasn't satisfy.  But he can't help feeling 'cheap' at this moment, in a hotel, with his boyfriend. 

If anyone caught me here... with you.... i'm gonna be soooo dead... arghhhh


"And here we are baby"  Siwon excitedly sing song and pull Kyuhyun as he exit while missing Kyuhyun's cheeks hollowing as his baby nervously chewing from inside. 

Kyuhyun like a lost little duckling, could only follow the taller as he breeze through the corridor and currently standing in front of a double wooden door, what looks like a very pricy suite room.


Siwon push the door open and lean back to let his babyKyu in first.  Kyuhyun took a sightly deeper breath and was about to

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kyuwon1013 #1
Chapter 8: I really loved this story
Kyured #2
Chapter 21: aww this was sweet! Nasty Kyu and Wonnie Fluff but with sincerity that you can feel and relate to! Beautiful vows, beautiful , sweet end. ThanKyu authornim! ^^
That was lovely story with a happy ending. Thank you. :*
Chapter 21: That was one heck of a story. i loved it! By the way, what was the condition that Kyu's hyung had which made Kyu blush (mentioned in 20 chp.) ? Was it Kyu getting married? I only have that question left in my mind. Rather than that, I absolutely loved it.
Angela17 #5
Chapter 21: Wow.. Sweet story.. Thank God i read this after all the chap completed...
Angela17 #6
Chapter 9: I like it.. Will continue read the next chap..
sujumin96 #7
Amazing amazing amazing
how should I explain my emotions about this fic in words???!!!!
Thanks a LOT
Love you authornim <3 <3 <3
kyuwon1013 #8
Chapter 1: i love to read this story over and over is one of my favorite wonkyu fanfic
coffeelf #9
Chapter 21: It's a simple romantic ! :)
Chapter 21: I love THAT siwon...the story was really romantic all your ffs are great...thaks a lot dear