
My Kyu
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For a moment there, he was lost in thoughts who is he? he seem tired? pale...far too pale? should i offer my help? but i don't know this person, plus if i take off my mask people will recognizes me.  But why am i walking forward?  Before Choi Siwon could stop himself, he was standing a meter away from this drained but beautiful looking boy. Whom just like Siwon a moment ago staring at the soft snow decided to decent on this winter day near dusk.  For them both was taking a break from their individual busy life. 
Omo, his so cute, his dark brow eyes, their so round, huge and it twinkle. His bubbly cheeks are just to die for, do i want to poke them? more like bit them.  Omo, those luscious lips....  hmmm..perhaps he's a cosmetic model? ahhhh don't you start pouting i wont be able to.....aishi... i must look like a fool, staring at a total stranger... act cool.. act cool Siwon.
He wanting to say something smart, but nothings comes out.  Of course, it's already weird enough for a total stranger to approach another stranger, what intelligent thing could he possibly say?  Siwon rub the tip of his nose with his knuckles, however it was too late when he notice he's indeed still wearing that mask, hence his knuckles touches that dumb mask and he looks somewhat of an idiot while quickly snapping his own hand away. 
However something sparked, cause that silly action itself manage to product the most angelic and wonderfully soothing sound he ever heard.  Way better than the non-stop applause he heard or the clicking of camera's he faces daily or the praises from millions of fans.  This soft, shy, chuckle manage to froze his current physical and mental mind.  All he wants was to hear it again and again or hopefully  more. 
However the boy's chuckle soon turn into a pleading dry cough, it was painful to watch and his orbs surly have turned from glossy to now screaming burn.  Siwon automatically reach forward wanted to support the boy's arms and let his body lean against his own strong tall figure.  However before he could,  a group of white gown nurses? doctors? have rush around them and took this boy away from him.   They came too quickly for him to react, just like this boy. 
Like a breeze of fresh wind, you try to capture it, but before you could reach out to feel it in your hands, it disappear right in front of your eyes.  Leaving Siwon standing in the middle of the street wondering if those brief few seconds of happiness was just a desperate mirage, or did he let destiny be taken away?!


For days, weeks and months Siwon have been taking his break as often as he can, he'll go back to that same spot just outside the park near the road, where they both once stood.  He wonder if the boy will ever come back to the same place, or perhaps he'll be wanting to meet Siwon again as well.  As Siwon watches the snow fell, snow melt, flowers blooms, autumn blow, the boy never show up again.  And that was 3months ago, Choi Siwon's agency company needed to relocate, so for the last time, he told himself, it'll be his last coffee around these benches and the last round of hunt he'll search in the sea of people passes by, try to make his destiny appear. 
FINE! don't ever show up again.  I'm over you, this is stupid, i've drool over you long enough.  I'm gonna just ask that model out and get over it.  I don't care no more. 
The more he makes himself listen to what's going through his mind, the more pathetic Siwon felt.  This is a boy whom only took notice of him for a mere few seconds and chuckle at his stupidity, yet he found himself day after day thinking, imagining, wishing, dying to see his face again.  How desperate are you Choi Siwon?
"Excuse me"
What now?! another one asking for autograph? aishi... can't i just sit here and curse myself for a quiet moment....gosh....
"Pardon me, b-but....but you're sitting on my note book?"
Siwon while rubbing the bridge of his nose, trying to pretend not to hear the words so he could escape the torture of fake smiling while he only really wanna be left alone.  Finally processed the words and it form a sentence which screams out 'GET YOUR FAT OFF MY BOOK'.  Siwon quickly snapped awake the words "I'm sorry" roll out itself.  He hop off the bench he was sitting on, while still holding his half cup of coffee.  His eyes didn't cross path with the figure standing next to the bench, Siwon just stare back on it, and indeed there is a note book, and this person aren't actually asking anything of Siwon.  He couldn't feel more of a loser at that moment.  
A pair of hands, with very long slim fingers reach over for the book and pick it up, dusting the whatever on it, off its cover.  Siwon tilted his head away from the figure his sight manage to see everything but the person, he felt too pathetic to face his non-existence fan. 
The non-fan let out a deep sigh and Siwon could feel the waiting stares from the person. 
What?! he's waiting for me to apologies? b-but i didn't do anything...gosh... Siwon just say 'sorry' how hard is that, you sing, you act it all the time.  Be a man...
As Siwon's self encouragement speech finally ended, he could eye the person in front of him and proudly apologies for his misbehavior.  However it was his back he see's drifting away from him.  The boy was done waiting and took his leave without saying a word, well what was he suppose to say to Siwon? I'm sorry my note book was under you  or i'm sorry my book made an imprint on your cheek?
Siwon took a few steps forward, wanting to hold on to that person however he couldn't find any reason to stop a stranger from leaving him.  Yet his heart tell him other wise, but he just couldn't put a finger on it.  Till that boy turn around, showing his face to the standing figure who's bug eyed from the realization that smack him in the face.  The boy yell back from the taxi he was about to board.
"YOU LOOK BETTER WITH THE MASK ON!"  he grumpily exclaim, sticking his tongue out before boarding the car.
HOLY ~~~!!! its HIM!!!kjsbdklisgcvkbvzilgdvsfjgdjkgbskdfglhk


Siwon have never ran like this his entire life, not the time when he was nearly late for his first audition, nor the time his entire company rely on his appearance or like last week he really needed to pee.  But now he's using all the power he could master to run after that taxi carrying apparently the breeze-thats-not-too-happie-with-him.  Siwon felt and hear the stares he got from the people he passes or pushes by on the pathway, he felt bad for not stopping to apologies however his body only ran and ran.  Pass a few students calling out his name, jump over the leash connecting the dog to its magazine reading owner, duck under the steel pole entering a construction building.  Till he finally made his way onto the road, his hand reaching out to the distance taxi, as if he could pull it back.  However his lung are failing him, it has taken in too much air while running, its been over loaded and now its telling his body to slow to release some.  Siwon could feel his eyes getting moist, maybe from the mostique that decided to use his eyes to suicide Siwon told himself. 
Soon he was force to sit down on the edge of the road, with his knee arched up, either arm resting on either side, while his head hang between his knee's and trying hard to catch his breathing and not be recognizes. 
STUPID, STUPID, STUPID what the hell are you doing?! you don't even know him... yet you ran like a crazy lunatic on sterols...  just breath loser... ya gonna kill yourself one day with your stupidity, breathe.... breathe...
When Siwon found his breathing has return to a normal low groan, he fish out his phone from his pocket.  Message his manager hyung his current location which happens to be near the coffee shop they frequently visit and ask him to pick him up asap.  Manager hyung replied within seconds, so Siwon pick himself off the ground, dust himself off which only remind him of the way those hands brushes against that -book, he couldn't help the scrunch up feeling from his heart. 
he was RIGHT in front of me... front... i could have... jinja...
He let out, which somehow didn't help him feel any better what so ever, he dragged his body into the coffee shop, fetching out his mask from his back pocket.  The last thing he wants is people coming up to him for photo or sign sth or chit-chat.  Maybe a decent cup of americano will be able to calm himself down.  Being a regular at the cafe, meaning they already know what he wants as he enter the heavily coffee beans scented, cozy environment, luckily tonight there's only a handful of quiet custome
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kyuwon1013 #1
Chapter 8: I really loved this story
Kyured #2
Chapter 21: aww this was sweet! Nasty Kyu and Wonnie Fluff but with sincerity that you can feel and relate to! Beautiful vows, beautiful , sweet end. ThanKyu authornim! ^^
That was lovely story with a happy ending. Thank you. :*
Chapter 21: That was one heck of a story. i loved it! By the way, what was the condition that Kyu's hyung had which made Kyu blush (mentioned in 20 chp.) ? Was it Kyu getting married? I only have that question left in my mind. Rather than that, I absolutely loved it.
Angela17 #5
Chapter 21: Wow.. Sweet story.. Thank God i read this after all the chap completed...
Angela17 #6
Chapter 9: I like it.. Will continue read the next chap..
sujumin96 #7
Amazing amazing amazing
how should I explain my emotions about this fic in words???!!!!
Thanks a LOT
Love you authornim <3 <3 <3
kyuwon1013 #8
Chapter 1: i love to read this story over and over is one of my favorite wonkyu fanfic
coffeelf #9
Chapter 21: It's a simple romantic ! :)
Chapter 21: I love THAT siwon...the story was really romantic all your ffs are great...thaks a lot dear