
My Kyu
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"Kyuhyun hyung, could you please kindly ask your boyfriend to stop glaring at me, he's freaking the hell out of me"
"Jonghyun-ah, just let him be.  Think of him as a five years old.  If you don't pay him any attention he'll leave you alone"
"Haha, try telling that to Changmin-hyung, he's still outside sweeping the broken glasses your five years old dropped"   Kyuhyun directed a hostile glare over to Jonghyun whom still have the nerve to  as he innocently scratches his own perfectly mark-free collar bone.  Mockingly indicating Kyuhyun's love stamps were proudly showing.  Kyuhyun quickly adjust his own shirt to cover up while turning his glare to the cashier screen in front of him.  His once damaging glare failing again its power he thought to himself sulkingly.    Nonetheless a strong pull on his elbow snapped him out of his dazed.  The force dragged him towards the kitchen area leaving Jonghyung rolling his eyes for the nth time since this morning.   He would gladly yell out "Get a room" if he wasn't utterly positive that Kyuhyun would send a much more physical penalty to him than just glare.  



"Excuse me Kyuhyun-ssi, but my ice-coffee is totally wrong" Siwon whine while showing Kyuhyun the cold drink in his hand, with his eye set on Kyuhyun's parted plumy lips.


"y-yea...I ordered ice-coffee, why did you make me an ice-blackkkk-coffee"

"You don't take milk or syrup!"

"Oh, so you're telling your customer what to like or not now?!"

"aish...Fine... i'll make you another one."

"Too late.. i want a compensation"


"I want you to feed me"

"I only feed dogs and cats... do you belong to either category?"

"b-but baby...you fed me breakfast this morning...remember in bed..." Siwon suddenly turned all greasy and lean forward, both arms resting on either side of the youngers shoulder as he show his aeygo baby expression.  "our warm, cosy... bed..."

"aish... you're sooo annoying Choi Siwon" Kyuhyun claim while trying to supress the urge to smile or kiss the idiot in front of him. 

"Well i wouldn't be if you would only accompany me to the studio and be where i could see you"

"I told you i have to work."

"Wha-la! So here i am, instead of the studio..."  Siwon moved in, nuzzling his nose on Kyuhyun's blushing cheek, breathing in the scent of this totally bewitching boyfriend of his.  As he lower his arms, bringing Kyuhyun into his embrace, cuddling him like their first.  Sending a frustrating but very pleasing sensation down Kyuhyun's body as he return the hug with much tenderness as well. 

"Look, you've been here since 8am, you can't always watch me work.   You have your life and schedule as well.  You should go, besides we'll see each later tonight at home, dummy".  Whenever Siwon hear his baby kyuhyun ask him to "go", his auto respond will be: pulling away, look square into those brown, round eyes as he sports a pathetic kicked puppy expression.  Therefore queuing Kyuhyun auto comeback, which equally annoys the older: a habit of rolling his eyes, whenever Siwon reaction was too cute for words or wrathful scowl.  Moreover that'll consequently turned Siwon's mental age down by another 3 yrs. 

Its a vicious cycle these two decided to adopt.  The forever puzzled watching and face palming Changmin mentally acknowledged as he cleans up Siwon's mess. 



Yep, thats me and my silly Wonnie.  The ones that really starting to bug my best friend Changmin by every paying minute.  I bet he's regretting in encouraging me back then.  And he told me how he didn't believe in Karma once in high school.  Well my friend, karma's a . 

So back to me and my Wonnie....well we've been together for roughly 2months now.  Eventually he manage to harassed me into moving in with him some time later after our first night.   But i did manager to put my foot down on separation for at least one week from Siwon.  As to rethink about his proposed moving-in suggestion.  Well at least that's what i told Siwon.  So within that week i forbid him to contact me, see or let me see him or even simply come to the café for coffee.  

After the week was up, he kept on reminding me on how I did agree to the whole thing first. "Verbal agreement is legally binding in this country" he yelled across from Heechul's place after hearing it from said person.  I can't help but laugh and ultimately gave in after a few days.  But i can't help but felt i acted somewhat 'easy', although the time i brought up the topic, he'll say "Sweetie you're anything but easy". 

Our first week living under the same roof, kinda blew pass like a summer breeze, it was over by the time i knew it.  So much have happened, the moving itself took 2 days.  First day mainly Siwon watching me patiently on deciding what to bring over, we chatted, make-out and by the time i finalize everything into boxes.  Siwon agree it's too late to load them, so we spent one more night in my old bed.  We didn't do anything exceedingly naughty, although it was intense and passionate.  At the end we manage to just end up cuddling and chat till sleep over take us. 

The second day, after we had a scrumptious breakfast with Heechul hyung, i bided him and Heebum good bye.  Of course he'll come over and we'll see each other, but suddenly not having my hyung as my neighbour felt awfully depressing.  I knew he felt the same, he had kept his sunnies on while waving at the moving car although it was a cloudy 11am.  Siwon assure me, that my relationship with Heechul hyung would never be affected or fade with distance or this silly separation as he calls it.  I tried to argue his exact theory on his stubbornness on me moving in with him.  But he simply said "LOVE and friendship is measure differently". Which only made me laughed and soon attaching myself to his warming hug. 

I've never move in with anyone before, its always me, myself and i.  So i didn't know what to expect or expected from when living with someone else, yet alone your boyfriend.  There's times loaded with foolish wackiness plus so many senseless laughter, but also many moments of absurd dilemmas and pathetic dummy arguments.  That MORON!!!


 ***** ***** ***** *****

"So Kyu... which side of the bed you'll like? but seriously i don't think it'll matter after we're through with each other... if you get what i mean...keke... kyu? kyuuuuu? BABYYYYY?!"

"You like blue slippers or white? i think white suit you best... just like your soft, cushy, smooth, round....b.o.t.t.o.m...babe? where you going?"

"Look, look i got your favourite hot chocolate and coffee... i would make you a mocha every morning, and you'll pay me with your kisses...good deal right?"

"No, baby... you can't bring any pictures into our house that doesn't have me included in.  That includes Changmin...nope... staff camping album... nope... x'mas party 09... nope... NO PIC without ME!!"

"babe...need some help?... ok...huh?...of cos i need to be topless, your box of anime plush is very heavy, see how tense my arms are already...see? kyu? kyyuuu? yah! i'm helping you!!


"Won, what's this...OMO you ...when did you take that... delete it!! you printed them?! bin... BIN IT NOW!"

"No i don't mind couples pj's... but couples briefs?! really?!"

"What... so i can't even have a single picture in the house!! Yah! you're not listening are you? don't... don't put your fan made sticker over their face!!! arghhh... SIWON!!!"

"ERT!!! lemon, apple, cherry, grape, peach, minty, scotch, coffee...1,2,3,4,5,.......12 bottles... You Permmmffffffff"


"Siwon... can we talk for a moment..." I stood and crossed my arms as i watch him tuck the last few shirt into the draws for me.

"o-of cos..." he forced a smile, afraid that i might be changing my mind already... what an idiot... he moved most of my stuff into his, this place already...

"So i was thinking...."

"a-ahmmm...yea..." He pocket his hands, nervously watching my face.

"you wouldn't mind if i kept my house right?..."  He only stared at me, without moving a mucsle, so i continue "...well, more like i'll get Heechul hyung to rent the place out for me.  It's just that I've been there for so long, its...its my home... i want to keep it.  But on the other hand i don't want you to think i'm keeping it for any other reason... if you don't mind, please don't over think..."  OK done, i've said my part...and now just waiting for him to say something... or move... or breath.

"Oh my lord baby" he said as he crash onto me from his spot.  Now, for a moment there, i really felt like a horse came charging at me. "Baby...i thought you were having second thought in moving me... Don't you scare me like that again!!! ever!!!"

I couldn't help but return the hug with a love struck grinned.  Eventually unable to resist not to bit that supple shoulder pressing itself sooo tightly onto me.   It made him yelp, but that only led to a series of nibbling and kneading in return... Hence starting out first steamy night under one roof as a couple. 

***** ***** ***** *****

Thank bejesus on who ever invented 'soundproofing'. cos that man makes me... aish... bottom line... No one have yet to call the police to shut us up.  Or we'll have to move, cos no way i could control myself...he makes me... ahhh... i'm blahhing now...

I didn't go to work for that one whole week and so did Siwon.  He manage to convince Changmin in going on a fully paid getaway to one of Asia best beach resort in order to have the cafe close down for a week.  I would have gone bonkers at Siwon, if i wasn't myself under his palm of control in that week.  Changmin later told

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kyuwon1013 #1
Chapter 8: I really loved this story
Kyured #2
Chapter 21: aww this was sweet! Nasty Kyu and Wonnie Fluff but with sincerity that you can feel and relate to! Beautiful vows, beautiful , sweet end. ThanKyu authornim! ^^
That was lovely story with a happy ending. Thank you. :*
Chapter 21: That was one heck of a story. i loved it! By the way, what was the condition that Kyu's hyung had which made Kyu blush (mentioned in 20 chp.) ? Was it Kyu getting married? I only have that question left in my mind. Rather than that, I absolutely loved it.
Angela17 #5
Chapter 21: Wow.. Sweet story.. Thank God i read this after all the chap completed...
Angela17 #6
Chapter 9: I like it.. Will continue read the next chap..
sujumin96 #7
Amazing amazing amazing
how should I explain my emotions about this fic in words???!!!!
Thanks a LOT
Love you authornim <3 <3 <3
kyuwon1013 #8
Chapter 1: i love to read this story over and over again.it is one of my favorite wonkyu fanfic
coffeelf #9
Chapter 21: It's a simple romantic ! :)
Chapter 21: I love THAT siwon...the story was really romantic all your ffs are great...thaks a lot dear