Chapter 4

Tale of The Sun & The Moon

^ link to Sunye- Song of The Sun & The Moon.

an extra long chapter.. not that long but longer than my usual chapter. hope u'll like it^^




Sun Mi was busy preparing herself for the prom when someone knocked on her door.

“Who is it?” she said while trying to put some blush on her cheeks. She sighed in defeated. Sun Mi never dresses up or put on some make up because Nichkhun didn’t allowed her to do so. He said it drew too much attention. The only make up that she ever wore were lip gloss and an eye liner just to make her looked less pale and make her eyes looked bigger.


“May I come in?” it was her mother. “Sure. Why not?” She answered with a smile.

“What my princess is doing?” Mrs. Horvejkul took a look over her daughter. She watched Sun Mi’s image that was reflected by the mirror in front her and smiled.


“Let me. I’ve always wanted to do this.” She said while took the blusher from Sun Mi and started to apply it on her. So, the make up session was continued until Mrs. Horvejkul was satisfied with her work. Sun Mi looked at her reflection and smiled. Pretty.


“Now, let’s get change. Do you have the suitable dress?” Mrs. Horvejkul asked.

“No. I’m not intending to wear dress. Oppa doesn’t like it.”

“You must to. Prom is all about dress, dance and first love or that what I thought it was. Nevermind. You’ll wear my dress. It was the one that I wore during my prom night years ago.”


-At the living room-


“Sun Mi, Wooyoung is already here!” Nichkhun shouted from the living room. Wooyoung had just arrived with a bouquet of red roses.


“Wooyoungie, we’re friends but I’ll never let you go if you do something bad with my sister!” Nichkhun gave him the infamous threatening looks to Wooyoung.


“I won’t. She is your sister. Nothing will happen.”


“Good because if anything happens to her, I WON’T LET YOU GO.” Nichkhun was about to continue when Wooyoung let out a gasped. He turned to see Sun Mi, wearing a y mini amethyst dress.


“How is it, she’s gorgeous right? My princess is growing up already. OMO.. I was so impressed. She only needs a minimal make up and a dress. You’ll make all the guys drool over you, honey.” Mrs. Horvejkul was very pleased with Sun Mi makeover.


“You’ll dead in that dress.” Nichkhun couldn’t believe his eyes. Sun Mi looked like a whole new person.


“No she won’t and Nichkhun, please don’t ruin her night. Okay?” Mrs. Horvejkul warned him.


Wooyoung and Sun Mi went to the prom with Wooyoung’s car since Nichkhun left first. He had to fetch Yoobin. There was an awkward silence since Sun Mi and Wooyoung were both shy.


“You look beautiful,” Wooyoung decide to break the silence first.

“Thank you.” Sun Mi answered shyly.

“No, thank you because you agreed to be my date tonight. Nichkhun gave me loads of warning and I’ve never seen that side of his before. He is so protective over you. I mean, over protective.”


“I’m sorry bout that. He thought I’m too good for any guy. But I’m not!”

“No.. He is right.” There, another silence again.


“So, do you have a boyfriend?” Wooyoung tried to pick up a conversation.

“No.. Not until Khunnie oppa get one for himself.  *sigh* I think it will take me 50 years until he approved me to do so.” Sun Mi sighed. Watching how depressed Sun Mi was made Wooyoung laugh a little.


Soon they arrived at the school hall where it was held. Being a gentleman, Wooyoung opened the door for Sun Mi and they walked together, hand in hand.


Every one eyes were on Sun Mi when she and Wooyoung stepped into the hall. Nichkhun was furious. He hated it when there were boys that scanned over her as if she was . Worst, he felt jealous when Sun Mi and Wooyoung dance together. Wooyoung placed his hand at Sun Mi’s waist while she clasped her hand around his neck. They looked close and comfortable with each other.


Yoobin sensed something wrong with Nichkhun and tried to pick up a conversation with him but he did not pay attention to her since he was busy looking at Sun Mi and Wooyoung.


The dance over and Nichkhun thought he saw Wooyoung tried to kiss Sun Mi, he quickly made his way to them and punched Wooyoung right in his face before he pulled Sun Mi out from the hall.


“Oppa, it hurts! Let me go!”

“No, I won’t.”


He opened his door’s car and half-throwing Sun Mi into the seat.

“Never thinking about running off because I can always catch you!” he threatened. Fastening his seatbelt, Nichkhun drove back to their house.


“Oppa, what is wrong with you?”

“YOU! He’s trying to kiss you! Don’t you get it? Or are you dumb enough to realize it?!”

“If so, let it be.. I’m sick of your overly protection!”

“He tried to take an advantage on you..”

“Didn’t you just do it before, this morning?”

“No, I did not. It was just a stupid joke and for God’s sake, you are my sister..”

“I’M NOT YOU SISTER!!!” Sun Mi cried out. “No matter how hard we pretend to be, I’m still not your sister. Mom was right. We’re still strangers that been living together for 10 years!”

The car was on abrupt stop. Sun Mi almost jerked away and smashed the mirror thanks to the seatbelt.


“What the hell was that?” She looked at Nichkhun but was shocked when he cupped her chins and brought her face closer to his and crushed his lips with hers.  To which she let him. She was caught off guard. Their tongue moved in rhythm and their kiss becoming deeper and deeper even though both of them knew this entirely kiss was wrong but no one dared to pull of. They’ve been yearning for this. The kiss lasted like forever until Sun Mi got enough guts to pull off.


“You like that, huh?”

“Oppa, why are you acting like this?” Panting, she unfastened her seatbelt but Nichkhun grabbed her hand.

“If you don’t want to be my sister.. How about become my lover?” Sun Mi tried to free herself but to no avail.

“We both know that we felt when we kissed.’

“I felt nothing.” Sun Mi tried to remain rational.

“Yeah, right! Don’t make me gag. You respond to it. There must be something.  I know I’m not the only that had those feelings all these years.”

“Khunnie oppa, don’t.” Tears were forming on her eyes.

“I tried but I can’t seem to think of you as my sister. Never.”

“You’re the one that agreed to take me as your sister 10 years ago..”

“I said I don’t want any sister or brother! Don’t you remember?”




“I know, I read you diary. I’m your first love, right? You’re hurt when you thought I’m going to date Victoria when she asked me out before. But you don’t want to hurt mom and dad that’s why you hold back your feelings.”


Sun Mi started to cry. “Why you’re making this hard for both of us?”

 “I’m sorry Sun Mi, but I love you.” Nichkhun pulled her to his embrace. Soon, they started kissing again and the night fells deeper.



I have an announcement!!

starting this 21st may, i'll start my college life. i'm quite excited bt at the same time, sad bcoz i have to sacrifice some *things* including this fanfic.

i'll try to finish this week bt i can't promise. maybe i'll post another chapter before going on hiatus or maybe this is the last one. SORRY!!

maybe i should delete this fanfic and repost it later. OR, i'll update it on holiday? which one is better??

again, sorry :(



no comment, no update! =.=

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annech #1
Anything you'll come up with will be great, as long as you let Khun and Sunmi be together :D. Is my suggestion any help at all haha.
hellopanda23 #2
Yes you have been gone far too long. I'll retread again and message you suggestions !!!
I love this!
hellopanda23 #4
yeha you are have beeeennn gone... <br />
All these random flashback...i like them..but i am being honest. i don't get it? ha ha ha like it seems lik its all fillers or something ha ha
OkNerd #5
Omo taec bb.. even in a fanfic he couldnt get the girl.. T.T <br />
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But im so glad that the two finally met! new reader here hope u update soon ^^
Rassyjam #6
Yay another chapter! This time Sunmi and Nichkhun finally meet! Poor Taecyeon though, I wonder what will happen next? Will Sunmi and Nichkhun finally have a happy ending? Hmmmmmm until the next chapter then I'll be waiting! :)
2100gv #7
oh my god! poor Taecyeon!!!<br />
just go with me!! hahaha LOL!!<br />
Sunye is very lucky!! my two bias loves her!!<br />
aish, I'm here you know!<br />
hahahaahah btw<br />
this is really unexpected!!!<br />
love the update! <3
hellopanda23 #8
i feeel bad for taec... he has been by her side all the time..and then this guy who left her comes back and she only wants him... ummmm....boooo
Poor Taec :(
jongbb93 : thank you for reading this.^^<br />
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taeckhun_cess : thank you for supporting this story. i believe i already answer your question, rite? ^^<br />
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mayvin : yes, junsu! :) i wish to write more about him but maybe.. on my next story.. ^^<br />
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rassy : yes, i've updated it dongseng!.. drama?? errmmm.. i'm working on it! please anticipate it ^^<br />
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hellopanda23 : thank you for your kind word!! love it ^^ <br />