Family Discussion

Exactly What I've Been Waiting For

Enchong got home late, but earlier than the day before. He left the house way before Erich woke up, and was sure that she'd be asleep. He was wrong.

She was cleaning up the kids' toys on the floor when he walked in. They haven't spoken to each other, despite the fact that they had nothing to be fighting about. Erich dumped the toys in their appropriate drawer and walked to their stairs. "Dinner's in the oven."

Enchong nodded, and she thought she saw his lips curve into somewhat of a smile. "Okay," he answered her. "Are you not speaking to me?"

Erich looked at her husband. "I believe I just did."

"Barely," he walked to their kitchen and she followed him. "I'm the one who should be pissed off. You have nothing to be snotty about."

"I'm being snotty?" She repeated.

He opened a cabinet and took a plate, also opening the oven and removing the tin foil. "I don't expect my friends and family to lie to me. Even lie by omission. And when they do--"

Erich grabbed his plate from his hands and set it on the counter. She didn't want anything breaking. "Okay, first of all I am your wife so don't talk to me that way. Second, I didn't lie to you. I didn't know you didn't know. So that's between you, Kim and Gerald. And third, I agree with you." She shoved his plate back at him.

"Can you just wait and listen--. You agree with me?"

"Yeah. I was pretty much the exact same when I found about they had too. I said you'd be mad when you find out, and that was two months ago. I assumed they spoke to you about it during that time."

He leaned in and brushed his lips over hers. "Well, thanks. And sorry."

"However," she put her hand on his chest and pushed him away an inch.

"," he muttered.

"However," she repeated. "You might want to ask yourself why they didn't tell you. And look back on that night where you acted like a superior, tight- jerk."

Enchong raised his eyebrows at her. "Wait a damn minute. Excuse me?"

"Look, I said I agreed with you. But you didn't have to be all Enchong Dee about it."

"And what the hell is that supposed to mean."

Erich took a seat by the counter. She could see this going on for awhile. "Honey, telling you now won't make a difference."

He took his full plate and sat across from her. "That is such a cop out."

"Enchong Dee, the corporate CEO. Enchong Dee disapproves. Enchong Dee knows best. Enchong Dee will manipulate and maneuver until he positions you where he wants, for your own good."

His eyes widened at that description, especially come from his wife, the mother of his three children. "That's cold, babe."

Erich sighed. "No, it's not. Well, it's not supposed to be."

"And I manipulate you?" It was a question that wasn't supposed to be answered. She was supposed to say 'no, of course not', she was his wife, his soul mate for goodness' sake.

"Is that a trick question?" She .

"Damn it."

"Sweetie, yes, of course you do. You're a problem solver. You manipulate people for a living, and sometimes you bring it home with you. Come on, if you haven't manipulated to some extent, we wouldn't have gotten married and had three wonderful kids together." A smile tugged at his lips. "I'm sorry you found out about the two of them like you did. But I think the situation is a little strange for all of us. Even more so for the two of them than us outsiders."

"I highly doubt that," he muttered.

Erich rolled her eyes. "Let's step into their shoes. One night, under the hood of the car eyes meet and all of a sudden, the one person you think of as a brother, the one person who you've learned to trust with your whole self is no longer that person. He's this attractive guy who is staring back at you. Butterflies fly all around your stomach, and this one guy who you're supposed to feel nothing for, suddenly makes you lose your breath, and you realize there's something more than just friendship." She put her hand over his. "You never saw it coming. They never saw it coming."

"I can't get used to it." He sighed, and took another bite. "It'd probably be over and done with soon enough."

Erich slapped his arm. "Aren't you the romantic?

"He's never been serious about anyone before. And yes, I have joked that he is a player, but he's not a dog...exactly. But he has never been in it for the long haul. I know he won't hurt her on purpose."

"And maybe you should have a little faith in both your friends. No one knows what's going to happen. Maybe it won't work out, and they'll move on from it. Or, maybe it will, and they're going to get married someday, and Kimmy will be known to be the one who changed that player. But no matter what happens, you cannot stand in the way of something that was bound to happen. Honey, this isn't your relationship. It's theirs."

He groaned, "I hate it when you're right. You're trying to tell me that I need to talk to Kimmy."

"Yes. That is where I'm positioning you, that is where I'm trying to manipulate you; but I'm no Enchong Dee."

"You're doing great," he brushed his lips over hers. Enchong got up and put his dishes in the sink. "I'll go see her tomorrow at work."

Erich went behind him and linked her arms around his waist. "Are you going to just leave me tomorrow like you have been for the past couple of days?"

He turned around and kissed her, "Never."

Kim was in the front watering the flowers in the window display. She turned to the door when she heard the bell chime. "Hey," she smiled.

But Enchong didn't smile back.

Kim sighed. "How mad at me are you?"

This time he did smile, "Zero. Less than zero. Now Gerald," he his teeth. "That's about eight out of then, and it's an improvement."

"Okay, but I just want you to know that when Gerald is sleeping, I'm sleeping with him also." She didn't want all the blame to be put on Gerald.

Enchong flinched at those words. "We're going need a code word for these ual conversations."

"Right, other dimension," she used her fingers to zip up the imaginary zipper. "Can I ask you a question?" Enchong took a seat behind the register and nodded. "What's the big deal? I mean, everyone else was shocked at first, but they didn't have such a big problem with it like you did. You just walked away. I thought you'd be happy. Gerald's your best friend, and I'm like your sister."

"You just answered your question."

"I'm lost."

"Gerald is my best friend. I've known him longer than the rest of the gang. But since I know him so well, I know how he is with the ladies. Let's just say, he's like a kid with shiny new toy, but we all know that toys don't shine forever."

Kim nodded, and almost felt like she was slapped in the face. "So you're saying that I'm going to get all dull and rusty soon enough."


"I get it. 'Chong, I get it, trust me. He's a live-today-and-now type of guy. He enjoys the moment, and I'm not. I like commitment and anniversaries and a future. But what we have now, it's working for us." She smiled. "Gerald used to be the guy who wouldn't think past a second date, but now he plans on what we're going to do next week. It's not forever, but it's a start."

"But what if...?"

"No what ifs. We agreed that no matter happens we're going to sty friends. Yes, complicates things but we have fun. We take it seriously, but not too seriously to make it seem like it's going to last forever."

Enchong nodded. "It'll last for now."


"You do realize that if he hurts you, I'm going to kill him."

"And that is why I love you. And I hope you don't, because it involves both my favourite people trying to kill each other."

He laughed and kissed her on the cheek. "Now my wife manipulated me last night into talking to you today and made me almost miss a meeting with a potential partner. I got to go."

"Bye!" Kim said cheerfully.

His building was three blocks away from the flower shop and so he decided to walk back. The snow was melting, and the sun was brighter. It was a good way to walk, until he saw the one face he didn't want to see for a few more days.

They stopped about five feet apart. "Hey," Gerald muttered. Enchong jammed his hands into his pockets and continued on his way.

"Okay, this is ing ridiculous!" He said rather loudly, causing some heads turn. "Sorry," he mumbled.

Enchong turned and shrugged. "Yeah. Maybe."

"Look, we punched each other, we each said our piece. We even had a beer. According the man handbook, that should about cover it."

"We didn't take in a sporting event," Kim's words lodged in his brain.

Gerald laughed. "You think we can do it tomorrow? I've got a date tonight." He pointed his thumb behind him to a clear Kim helping out a customer.

"What happened to bros over hos?"

A smile spread across Gerald lips, "Did you just call Kim a ho?"

Enchong's jaw dropped. "You get the complications here?" He sighed. "I just called my honorary sister a ho because I wasn't thinking of her as a ho. She's not a ho."

"Yeah. Good to know you don't think so because I would've punched you in the face again." He laughed. "The game, Friday with the guys. We'll watch it on the big screen at my place, I got the beer and we all split the food."

"All right." It was good to have his best friend back. Enchong considered a moment. "Would you really punch me in the face over her?"

"I thought I already did."

"That wasn't about her."

The question was difficult for him to answer. He's known Enchong practically half his life, but Kim was someone different than the regular girls he's been with. "I don't know."

"Good answer. See you tomorrow," Enchong turned his back before turning to face him again. "And never do I want to hear details of your date."

"Got it." Gerald laughed.

He watched Gerald walk into the flower shop and welcome Kim into his arms with a hug and lingering kiss. The smile on her face said everything. They were happy, and he needed to let the two of them ride it out.


Okay, first and foremost I am so angry at everything I've been hearing about Kimerald. I understand, there's rumours circulating, but can they please make it seem like this is a life/death situation. And how can people be saying he never loved Kim. That gets me so pissed off! I just watched a nine-minute video about how Gerald cheated and how Bea was so QUIET in an interview when Kris asked a question. Point 1 - the frigging clip they used of Gerald happened like what almost a year ago n Bea wasn't even in their life!  And as for Bea, you are just taking it WAYYYY out of context. Three years ago, I signed up for a Kimerald group page on yahoo and the e-mails I've been getting make me want to puke! "Gerald has been lying and cheating; don't drag Kim down" blah blah blah! If you guys are turning your backs on Kimerald now, you were never their fans to begin with. Yes, there may be pictures with Gerald holding Pauline around the waist sitting down. Well guess what, there's also a picture of Kim and Gerald sitting with a kid, doesn't make it theirs. There are so many people who are fanning the fires with Kimerald gossip. It's frigging showbiz! They photoshop pictures together to make a story. Like the one sam milby and piolo saying they're gay!

I'm sorry for ranitng here, but when I try to do it on youtube, it won't fit the character limit. So here's my opinion. The first bump in their relationship, you turn on Gerald because of the LACK of evidence! You need to have faith, and even if everything is true, they had some AMAZING projects together. They made us laugh, they made us cry, they made us crazy with their questionable status. But the one thing they gave us, they gave us Kimerald. We have been bounded together because of them. So instead of calling names and hating on them, we should be supporting because of what they gave us. If it wasn't for them, I never would've started writing these fanfics. And as cheesy as it sounds, I never would've believed that out there is a guy who would love me unconditionally. Kimerald gave us that. And becuase if that, I support them 100% no matter what the tabloids are saying about them.

Annd I know that the amount of readers ALMOST mean everything to me, if you no longer support Kimerald, I don't even want you reading my fanfics. This story has been written for them, because of them. I started writing because of them. And I don't want you people reading it because it's so they can be together. I want you to read it because you guys have the same passion for Kimerald as I do.

I LOVE KIMERALD, and I still do no matter what happens. I support Kim Chiu and her upcoming studies and career. I support Gerald and his ongoing career. And most of all I support the two of them together. Cal me a loser, a hopeless romantic, a stupid person, I don't give a damn. One thing is for sure, I am a true Kimerald fan. And I hope my readers are one too. Leave comments :D

Note - When I say You people; You guys, I mean the general population. There is no intended victim of my rantings.

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madesunrene #1
THis is amazing!
JoJomontano #3
aww nice :))
KG4life #4
hi kismets/rose...thanks for all the fanfics u have written...i have read all of it na...weeeeeeeeeee...i love all of it :)<br />
<br />
---Rich of SCK/SK---
sunshines5254 #5
Rose nalimutan ko itanong sayo...may nagsend na ba ng new kg pics sayo? Kasi may mga pics ako na save pero di ko alam kung baka meron na din ka non...just send me an email at [email protected] kung gusto mo isend ko sayo mga pics na un...thanks Rose
sunshines5254 #6
Rose..thank u thank u thank u sa update and I'm so sad kasi nag end na tong FF mo na ito..pero ok lang kasi kasi may bago ka namang FF..thanks talaga Rose sa walang sawa sa pag update...waaaa kiligness naman ng ending...marriage then waaa surprise buntis na pala si kimmy...Rose update mo na ung bago mo please...thanks Rose
chekimandge #7
aawww thank you kismets for a wonderful story!!<br />
hope you can do more =)
aglovekg #8
Waaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!<br />
I love that song "Just the way you are" I always think of Kimmy and Ge when I hear it. I'm so glad you included it in your story.<br />
<br />
Rose, again, another beautiful story. Looking forward to more.....keep up the great work!!!!<br />
<br />
Kimerald LOVE forever!!!
Binggirl16 #9
wwwwhhhhhhaaaaaaaa.....<br />
<br />
aw... wedding at baby!! love it..<br />
<br />
sa mga pingdaanana nila.. they really deserve a happy ever after...<br />
and Exactly What I've Been Waiting For.. hehehe...<br />
<br />
Thank you 2x rose..
Binggirl16 #10
aw.... day 1 of newly engaged hahaha...<br />
love love it.. pero nlulungkot ako...<br />
kasi prang its nearing to its happy ending...<br />
at di ka pa nagsasabi rose na may bago kang gagawin hahaha...<br />
<br />
thank you thank you sa updte rose... <br />
hope you can update more...