✈teaser four, part 1 of 2

✈Welcome to EXO Airlines! ― apply closed
(ft. EXO M & EXO K, part 1 of 2)

Kris was prepared. He had been waiting for this day to come and he was willing to do anything (even get to work on time) to make sure everything went as smoothly as he had planned. He did everything he could to make sure he wouldn't miss this momentous occasion. He circled it on his calendar, three times in three different colors to make it stand out against the plain whiteness of the other dates. He had set three alarm clocks, and even went as far as placing them as far away from his bed as possible so he'd have to physically get up if he'd wanted to turn them off. He even took a long shower, not his usual quick five minute one. No, he had spent at least twenty minutes in the shower today, making sure he was as clean as possible. 

Imagine his mom's surprise when her son came bounding down the stairs a whole hour before he usually did. Her surprise grew when she noticed that he was dressed nicely and his hair was gelled, something he never did. And since he had woken up early, he actually had time to sit down and eat breakfast with her, unlike the other days when he would pick up a piece of toast as he ran out the door, late for work yet again.

"You're early today," she offhandedly commented as she passed him a glass of orange juice. "And you look nice too."

Kris rolled his eyes while scarfing down the bacon on his plate. When he finished chewing, he told her, "Don't get used to it."

"So why are you so early and dressed up?" she asked, raising an eyebrow at her normally lazy son.

He gulped down his orange juice and stood up, shoving another piece of bacon in his mouth as he collected his briefcase and luggage. "It's picture day for our pilot IDs," he said, before kissing his mother on the cheek and giving her a quick hug. "I gotta look good," he smirked and walked out of the house, another day at work ahead of him.



"I feel like I'm dying." Those was the first five words that left Luhan's mouth when he woke up. After a wild night partying with the ground attendants from building B, he woke up with a killer hangover. His alarm was still ringing from twenty minutes ago since he didn't even bother to hit the snooze button. Luhan groaned and to his stomach when his window curtain was suddenly pulled, revealing the bright day.

"Get up," Minseok said, throwing a pillow at the annoyed and hungover boy. "We have to go to work in like ten minutes."

When he heard Minseok say that he had ten minutes until he had to go to work, his eyes snapped open and he sat up in a panic, which seemed to only make his hangover worse. Luhan held his head in a futile attempt to calm his throbbing headache, and glared at the older man. "Ten minutes? Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" he asked, scrambling off his bed, still half , and wobbled into the bathroom. Minseok followed him in there and watched in amusement as Luhan hurriedly brushed his teeth while also trying to shave at the same time.

"I tried to, but you muttered something about how the building B girls are the best drinkers and then went back to sleep."

Luhan groaned in frustration and pushed past his chuckling roommate to get into his room, throwing whatever clothing he saw first onto his body. "I can't believe I went out and got drunk on a work night," he muttered to himself as he quickly pulled a dirty pair of jeans on. He turned to his roommate, an angry glint in his eyes. "Why didn't you stop me?"

Minseok chuckled again before answering, "I tried to, but you brushed me off saying something along the lines of 'I'll be fine, how much could these girls drink anyway?' Or something like that." He looked at the wrist watch on his left hand and noticed that they now only had three minutes left before they had to go. When he told Luhan that, all he received in reply was a dirty sock thrown at him.

"Please shut up," Luhan growled, still trying to find a somewhat clean shirt to wear. "In my defense, those girls can out drink anyone," he said as he picked up a black t-shirt in the corner of his closet and gagged when he smelled it. "What is this disgusting thing?" he shrieked, throwing the stained tee at his roommate. "This can not be mine." He accusingly looked at Minseok.

Minseok raised his hands in defense. "Not mine." When Luhan opened his mouth to refute, Minseok interrupted him with a final, "That's the shirt you came home in last night. There was puke all over it and you just took it off and threw it in your closet."

Luhan closed his mouth, remembering the event now that Minseok had said it. "Right," he mumbled. He sighed loudly when he couldn't find any decent shirts to wear, so he just picked up a gray Letterman jacket and put it on, not even bothering to put a shirt on underneath it.

"Let's go," he ordered, as he walked past Minseok, grabbing his briefcase on the way out.

Three minutes later, the two were on the highway, with Luhan driving and Minseok messing around on his phone. It was quiet, since Luhan was still fuming at his current situation and Minseok didn't want to add any fuel to the fire by bothering him anymore than he needed to. Minseok was innocently looking through his phone when he realized he had an event set for today on his phone calendar. When he saw what day it was, he busted out laughing.

"What now? Can't you see I'm trying to drive?" Luhan asked as he glanced at the still laughing Minseok. "You are a hazard to my driving and I will not take you to work anymore if you don't shut up."

When Minseok finally stopped laughing, he asked Luhan if he knew what day it was today. When Luhan told him no, he grinned and said impishly, "Today's picture day for our IDs."

Luhan pulled the car over immediately and grabbed the phone out of Minseok's hands, reading the date for himself. "You have got to be kidding me."



Byun Baekhyun was sick, and he was not happy about it. He was running a 101 fever and was coughing up a storm, yet he was still wanting to go work today.

Now, if it was any other day, Baekhyun would've been perfectly fine staying home and not spend another day at the airport, but today was different. Today was picture day.

"I can't believe I'm sick today of all days," he muttered as he slowly got up from bed. He was hungry and he wasn't about to be unhappy and hungry. So instead of staying in bed like he should and calling his mom or someone to come take care of him, Baekhyun decided to do it all himself. As he walked down the hallway, he passed a picture frame. He stopped and admired it for a few moments. "I am so beautiful," he said out loud, a pleasant smile on his face. When he looked at a picture of himself smiling brightly he suddenly had a brilliant idea.

All thoughts about getting food were gone as he rushed back into his room and powered his laptop on. That picture was saved on his laptop, and he knew exactly what to do with it. When the laptop was , he opened his email and started a new draft, attaching the picture to it.

To the Pilot's Supervisor; Park Jungsu:

Unfortunately, as you already know, I am running a fever and unable to make it to work today. I know that today is the picture day for all pilots' IDs and I am extremely upset that I have to miss it. I know that there are no retakes available and I'll have to just use last year's photo, but wouldn't it be better to use a newer photograph?

I think it would be better to use a more recent photograph of myself, and I've taken the liberty to attach it to this email. I am hoping that instead of using last year's photo, you'll consider using this one instead. 

Thank you,
Byun Baekhyun.





I know this cuts off at a really awkward place, but I couldn't find a better stopping point. When I typed this, I just kept going and it ended up being 3000 words and thanks to a few commenters, I've decided to split it up into two parts, thus the part 1 of 2 thing. Part two will be up by tomorrow once I finish retouching it and whatnot.

ALSO. IMPORTANT NOTE TO MY APPLICANTS. I just realized that friends/coworkers/rivals and whatever else are going to clash badly with each other. So this is a warning. I might have to change your friends's occupation or take them out completely if it clashes with another applicant's. Don't worry, I'll ask around first for who's willing to switch or change around, so hopefully it won't be that big of a change. Rivals will most likely have to change for some of you, because I've gotten like a bunch for the same idol, and some friends/coworkers will also, but yeah.

Deadline will probably be like, somewhere in March. Probably the beginning, but as of now, just keep applying. Thanks so much!


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ExoAirlines: it's been a long time, but the thirteenth chapter is up now!


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Chapter 25: #superlate
but omg you're back ;u;
heheh i missed you!
and this chapter is awesome as expected.
lmao at kris and hyerin's relationship though so adorbs ugh
bachelor's action; i laughed a lot at the idea idek why
thanks for the update c:
Chapter 25: ugh late comment i know


i want to say right now that i have never done a bake sale in my life and, sorry kyungsoo sweetie, but i never want to do one. just...people. ugh.

to be honest though, a bachelor auction sounds terrifying, especially for the guys. i mean, c'mon. girls are nuts. and this coming from a girl.

thank you tremendously for the update- it was wonderful!
Chapter 25: Yoo Jin being late reminded me of thinking I accidentally missed my class today XD (my heart stopped when I thought it began 20 minutes before because we were going over things for the midterm o.o)
If they did the bake sale they should sell over-priced cookies girl scout style. By girl scout style they have to dress up as the cookies they're selling :P (Oh memories... I was always the one in one of the stupid outfits -_-)
I can totally picture Aerin being a Jongdae saesang.
I actually lol'ed when Jongin told Hyerin they all had to memorize her scehdule XD
The bachelors auction reminds me of the movie White Chics when the girls were being 'sold' in an auction for charity :o
Wow this chapter is giving me tons of flashbacks XD
Yay I'm happy this story was updated! :D
paperboat- #4
Chapter 25: 'We're doing a bachelor's auction.'
haha poor hyerin coming up with anything she can, lol
and u're back yay!
mojo, omg, I can't even, lol

Why did you have to cut off there though, I'm dying to find out if Hyerin manages to force those pilots to participate in her fabulous Bachelor's Auction wouLDN'T IT BE HILARIOUS IF JONGDAE ACTUALLY HAD TO GO OUT WITH AERIN?????/ "Read it and weep" LOL you gotta love this girl, she is no joke man, and you'd better acknowledge that Kris, before you lose out to her~ Also, I love loVE LOVE that Kris made the other pilots memorize Hyerin's schedule because ugh the obvious chemistry and sparks flying everywhere < 3

I wonder though, is the money/time excuse the real reason behind Mr. Wu Sr's decision?? For all they know, it's a sort of 'test' or something (okay maybe I'm over-reading into the situation now /shot).

Chapter 25: wee hee XD you're back!!!!
empressly #8
Chapter 25: ( just a note this is -shattered who has
undergone two username changes and
is now bull-shxt )
i'm still stuck on mobile for another hour ,
so i'll read and comment something relevant
afterwards OTL , but we're glad you're
back ! honestly , i'm just rather glad to
see that this apply fic will be contined
unlike others that are never completed
( and that you're okay as well ) orz .
welcome back though ! c:
Chapter 24: So far... I really wanna see Kai and Subin and Yixing and Saerom get together the most! ^__^
Chapter 24: omf i totally forgot to comment
the other day orz

gosh jihyun is annoying the sheets out of me
because laik, she is somehow ing
kai and subin okay?
and can i tell you that i love jongdae
very much since he actually refuses to be
a er and decided to go.
but poor jihyun's brother
although i'm happy she needs to go

and lay and saerom is just so fcking
adorable i can't even breathe *^*
why are they so sweet together gosh i don't get it
they are now one of my favorite pairings c:

i can see that the pilots value their works a lof
like... a lot and didn't choose the career path
just for the overflowing cash uknow?
and mature jongin is rare so i shall cherish
this precious moment /prays

thanks for the update c:
take your time o/