✈chapter seven

✈Welcome to EXO Airlines! ― apply closed
chapter seven

"I hereby start this meeting to-"

"If that's how you're going to start every meeting, I'm out." All eyes turned to Jongdae, who per usual, was strolling into the meeting late. He cockily walked into the room and took a seat at the table across from Hyerin. Unlike Kyungsoo and Hyerin who had both arrived early, and had both also brought along paper and pens for note taking, Jongdae walked in empty handed.

Hyerin rolled her eyes as the man in front of her took his seat. She couldn't believe that he was late to even a simple meeting as this. It was as if Jongdae and Kris were competing for the title of who could be late to work more. So far, Hyerin was sure Kris was winning, but she wouldn't doubt if Jongdae wasn't that far behind. And at least Kris managed to show up for this meeting. Hyerin peeked a look at Kris' face and saw that he also didn't look too happy about the fact that Jongdae had just casually walked in late when he just started talking.

Kris restarted his speech, although he did it without saying anything, there was a hint of annoyance laced into his words. He cleared his throat and spoke again, "I hereby start this meeting to-"

"Wait." Once again, Kris was interrupted, but this time not by the always late Jongdae. It was Hyerin who had spoken up this time. Kris groaned and looked at her, as did everyone else. "Is this everyone in the committee?" she asked, looking around at the nearly empty meeting room. Only three out of the twelve seats were filled. Kris was standing up at the podium.

Kyungsoo, who was the only one Hyerin could really tolerate out of all the pilots, nodded. "That's what Kris told me," he said, pointing up at the oldest pilot in the room. Kris nodded, confirming what Kyungsoo had said.

"So I'm the only woman." Hyerin wasn't sure she was very happy about that. She knew tons of girls that would kill to be in her position at the moment, but she herself would rather be anywhere but. When she only enjoyed the company of one out of the three men with her, she knew for sure that this was not going to be a fun experience. 

Jongdae snorted. "If you could really call yourself a woman, then sure." 

Narrowing her eyes at the idiotic pilot in front of her, Hyerin retorted, "Oh wait, I forgot you were a girl too." She looked back up to Kris, who did not look the least bit amused at what was going on. "Never mind," she said, leaning back in her chair with a pleasant smile. "Since Jongdae is a girl, the count is even now."

"You are so immature," Jongdae said, giving the only flight attendant in the room a glare. 

Hyerin scoffed, not believing that he had just called her immature. If anyone was immature, it was obviously him. "Says the troll." Hyerin held her head up high. "A mature person wouldn't print out a poster with a picture of someone else picking their nose and then display it in front of everyone to see for their own amusement!"

Jongdae rolled his eyes. "You're still upset about that?" When Hyerin didn't answer him, he laughed. "I didn't do it to you, so I don't know why you're so upset. You sister deserved it anyway."

"She quit her job because of you!"

"Yeah, well-"


Silence filled the room as everyone looked up at Kris. He was rubbing his temples with his forefingers and looked as if he was going to burst from all the stress he was currently under. It didn't help that two out of four people on the committee to plan the banquet absolutely hated each other. Maybe he hadn't made such a good decision when he decided to recruit the two onto the team ."Both of you, stand up," he commanded. Jongdae and Hyerin looked at Kris as if he crazy. "I said stand up!" They rushed to be the first out of their seat. "Now, Hyerin, walk over to Jongdae." 

She opposed being told what to do. Refusing to do what Kris said, she asked, "Why do I have to walk over to him? He should come here." Hyerin crossed her arms across her chest defiantly. 

Kris sighed and looked at Jongdae. It was almost as if Kris was pleading with him. "Will you walk over to Hyerin?"

Jongdae looked horrified at the thought. "No way. She has come over here because I'm not moving." He childishly turned his head away from Hyerin.

"Jesus Christ," Kris muttered. "It's as if I work with little kids." He straightened up and said, "Fine. Both of you meet in the middle then." Reluctantly, Hyerin and Jongdae walked to the end of the table. "Now hug."

"What?" they yelled simultaneously. 

Kris nodded, confirming what he said. "I want you two to stop fighting because it keeps interfering with this meeting. We'll never get anything done if you both don't at least pretend to like each other."

Hyerin looked at Jongdae in disgust. "You want me," she pointed a finger at herself, "to hug that thing?" A delicate finger was daintily pouted Jongdae's way. She couldn't even be bothered to say his name. 

"Excuse me?" he asked, obviously offended. "I have a name, you know. It's Jongdae, in case you're too dumb enough to remember."

Ignoring his little dig at her intelligence, she dismissively said, "No one cares about your opinion." She turned to look at Kyungsoo, the only sane person in the room, apparently. "Kyungsoo, this is ridiculous, help me out here!"

Kyungsoo just sat there smiling. He was obviously enjoying all of this. "I think it'll be a good thing for you two," was all he said. Maybe Kyungsoo wasn't as sane as everyone thought he was. Working with crazy people has obviously taken a toll on his mental health, Hyerin decided.

"I still object to this," Jongdae said, raising a hand as if he was still in school. No matter how hot Hyerin was, he refused to hug her. It was the principal of the matter and his pride was also on the line. 

Kris shushed him, giving him an eyeroll. "No one cares what you want."

"No, wait. I care." Hyerin suddenly changed sides when she realized that Jongdae didn't want to hug her as much as she didn't want to hug him. At least they agreed on one thing.

"But you just said - you know what? Why do I even bother," Kris muttered, shaking his head. "Just hug." No one made a move. Kris laid his head down onto the podium he was standing at. He didn't do anything except emit a low groan. After a few seconds, he stood up and composed himself. 

He looked at the two with a threatening glare, though the two were fearless and just looked at him right back. Kris didn't want to have to do this - who are we kidding, yes he did - but he had no choice but to threaten the one thing they both cared about. Their paychecks. "I swear to god, if the two of you don't hug within the next five seconds, I will take away both of your bonuses and spend it all on myself."

That did the trick. Faster than lightning, both of them hesitantly, but surely, hugged each other. Although the hug was barely even two seconds long and they barely even made contact with each other, Kris was satisfied. Jongdae and Hyerin both scurried away from each other, scowls on their faces as Kris started the meeting again. "Good, now we can finally start-"

"Wait." This time Kyungsoo interrupted Kris. All heads turned to look at him. 

"For the love of god - what?" Kris shouted. He was so done for the day. All he wanted to do now was go home and go to sleep, even though he had just literally walked into work not even an hour ago.

Kyungsoo was never known for being outspoken, but it seemed as if today he just wanted to tell all of his opinions. "I think you and Hyerin should hug also," he said, looking at Kris. 

Kris narrowed his eyes. "What, no! Why?" Hyerin couldn't agree more. She was convinced that a demon had possessed Kyungsoo because he was acting a bit too much like his coworkers today for Hyerin's liking.

Shrugging, Kyungsoo said, "Because you two always bicker and I think it would help the tension in our committee." Hyerin could see the faint trace of a smile on his face. Kyungsoo was so not her favorite pilot anymore.

"Fine," Kris said, walking over towards Hyerin. "If it'll get this meeting finally started." He quickly strode over to Hyerin and pulled her up from her chair. Without letting her get in any of her objections, Kris put his arms around Hyerin and enveloped her in a tight hug. 

The hug lasted a few seconds longer than Hyerin would've liked, but it was over soon enough. Kris walked straight back to the podium without another word. "Alright, so we need to figure out the venue. Any suggestions?"



"Alright, everyone, listen up!" Boa yelled over the loud chattering of the ground attendants. She stepped onto one of the desks to address them all. Everyone stopped talking immediately and looked at her. "Today we have a very important guest flying in."

All the ground attendants started talking again, speculating about who the VIP was. Was it an idol? Maybe a famous actor? Whoever it was, they were sure to cause a lot of fans to show up, which meant more trouble for everyone, including the ground attendants.

Boa hushed them, telling them to be quiet for a second so she could talk. After everyone had quieted down, she finally revealed who it was. "Park Jiyeon is coming here at approximately 8 p.m. I need all ground attendants on board tonight, so for those of you whose shifts end before then, please stay until then to help out." A few groans were heard, but other than that, most of the ground attendants were okay with having to stay a few hours later. Boa continued her speech. "We'll be teaming up with the security team to help them set up railing and to help control the fans."

"Why do we have to help security?" Yonghwa yelled out confidently, earning the attention of everyone. "Don't they have enough big and burly guys on the team to push back a few fangirls?"

Boa gave him a stern look, but Yonghwa didn't back down. "Fine, Yonghwa, you can go home."

"Wait, really?" He looked like an excited little puppy the moment he heard that. Objections to this were heard all around him. Shouts of 'this is unfair', and 'why does he get to leave' were heard throughout the room.

Boa nodded nonchalantly. "Of course," she said, "you just won't get your extra pay for staying after."

Everyone turned and laughed as Yonghwa was defeated. "Fine, whatever, I'll stay," he muttered unhappily.

"Besides," Boa said again, "we don't want a repeat of what happened last time Justin Bieber visited the airport, do we?"

Yonghwa shuddered, remembering the memory, as did everyone else. A few snickers were heard as the others recalled the funny memory. The last time Justin Bieber came to visit the airport was the worst time for all security and ground attendant personnel. Hundreds among thousands of fans surrounded the airport  just to get a glimpse of the American heartthrob, causing all kinds of trouble for the staff of EXO Airlines.

Yonghwa remembered that time especially well. He was assigned to help security keep the fans behind the guardrails. Let's just say that most of the time, his face was greeting the floor instead of the fans. He raised his hand meekly and said to Boa, "Can I not be assigned to help security with fan duty? I think I'll be okay with just being at the gate."

Boa rolled her eyes, but held up a packet. "These are the duties for everyone tonight, please look at it and make sure you know where you're supposed to be when Park Jiyeon arrives. Is everyone clear?" An astounding 'yes ma'am' was heard from all the ground attendants. Boa smiled proudly and hopped down from the desk she was standing on. She walked to the back wall and pinned the list up. "Good, now everyone, go do your job!"

As the ground attendants scattered, a selected few went up to the list to check their assignments for that night. Haewa and Jinri were part of that group. "I hope I don't get clean up duty," Haewa said, praying to dear god that she did not get stuck with having to clean up after the fans. "I got that last time and that was pure torture."

"I don't care what I get," Jinri said. Haewa noticed that her close friend had stars in her eyes. "As long as I get to see Park Jiyeon, I'll be happy."

Haewa rolled her eyes. She didn't get what was so special about the girl. Haewa was one of the few who didn't fawn over the so-called fashion designer. Honestly, Haewa hated the clothes Park Jiyeon designed. They were bland and boring, and even Haewa was sure she could come up with better designs. "I don't get it," she said aloud, "what's so good about Park Jiyeon?"

It was as if the whole world stopped. Everyone around her stopped and gasped at her. Haewa rolled her eyes, honestly, her coworkers were being a bit dramatic.

"She's like, only the best fashion designer ever?" Jinri said, her eyes wide in disbelief. "How could you even say such a thing?"

Haewa just shrugged. She still didn't see the girl's appeal. "She could be the worst designer in the world," Jinwoon said, sneaking up behind the two and nosing his way into their conversation, "but she's hot, and that's all I care about." He turned around to high five Hyunsik.

Seohee made a face at the two erted men. "You two are pigs."

Jinwoon took his finger and pushed his nose up, making a pig nose in Seohee's direction. "Takes one to know one," he said  immaturely while oinking at her.

Disgusted, Seohee pushed her way past him to take a look at the list. Groaning, she questioned why she was always stuck with the bad jobs. "I got cleaning duty," she muttered, unbelievingly. She suddenly saw Jinwoon look at her in panic, and looked back at him in horror. "Don't tell me you have it too," she said, not willing to believe that she was stuck with him again.

Unfortunately for the both of them, Jinwoon shook his head yes. Eliciting a low moan, Seohee cursed Boa for always sticking her with Jinwoon. At least she wasn't stuck with Hyunsik too.

"Hey, I have cleaning duty too!" Seohee closed her eyes and prayed that the chipper voice did not belong to Hyunsik. Unfortunately, again, it did and Seohee groaned for the nth time that day. She apparently had spoken too soon.

Gayoon walked up to her best friend and nudged the girl in the shoulder. "Have fun with those two." Rolling her eyes, Seohee didn't even want to think about having to work with the two biggest idiots she knew. She asked Gayoon what duty she was on. "I'm one of the escorters," she replied.

All of sudden, a loud voice was heard above everyone else's. "Boa!" Everyone turned to see Yonghwa flipping through the assignment list in a frenzy. "I thought we decided not to put me on security duty!" Everyone snickered at his poor luck. An angry expression on his face, Yonghwa stomped into Boa's office, apparently to get out of doing his job.

Yulin felt a bit bad for him, but she also knew that Yonghwa was one of the strongest guys on the team. It almost always assured him that he'd be stuck with the security guards. She patiently waited her turn behind the other rowdy ground attendants who were also looking at their duties. When Yulin finally reached the front of the line, she realized that she was assigned to clean up duty also.

Shrugging, she accepted her fate. Although clean up duty was not her favorite thing to do, it beat having to guard the fans.

Soah ran up to the list, hoping for the only duty she wanted to be put on. When she the words  next to her name, she almost did a leap in the air. She turned to her friend, Dongwoo, and looked at him excitedly. "I get to Park Jiyeon to her car!"

"Congratulations?" Dongwoo wondered why she was so excited.

Soah looked extremely happy, however, which was rare for the usually pessimistic girl. "You don't get it. Park Jiyeon is a world wide fashion designer and she's basically my role model! I've always wanted to be a fashion designer, and the fact that I get to her is like a dream come true!"

"Oh," Dongwoo said, then he smiled brightly. "Well then I'm happy for you!"

At least one person was happy with their assignment, Yoo Jin, however, was not. She was staring at her name on the list and her face was not showing any signs of amusement. Jinri, her best friend, looked over her shoulder and made an apologetic face when she saw what job Yoo Jin was assigned too. "I don't understand why Boa would give you guard duty." A confused look was on the girl's face. "Jinwoon and Hyunsik are much better suited for that job than you."

Sighing, Yoo Jin just shook her head. "Well I'm not going to complain like some people." Some people as in Yonghwa. "Since Boa gave me the job, I'll do it. But let's hope there aren't too many crazy fans out there tonight."

Jinri nodded. "I hope so for your sake. We don't want you to end like Yonghwa."

"I heard that!" Yonghwa shouted. Jinri bust into a fit of giggles as she apologized insincerely. "But for both of our sakes," he said, stepping out of Boa's office with a dejected face, "I hope the fans aren't crazy either." It was safe to assume that Yonghwa was stuck with his duty for the night.



"So," Kris drawled, looking around the room awkwardly, "why did you call us here?" A meeting was suddenly called between the pilots and they were all summoned into the CEO's office. Baekhyun and Jongdae were not present, however Jongdae actually had a legit reason not to be. Him and Baekhyun were currently on their way back from a flight to Australia and would not get back until later that night.

Mr. Wu looked at the ten remaining pilots standing in his office. He smiled like a proud father. All of these boys were people he considered his sons, practically. Having trained some of them himself in the art of aviation, he was very proud of how they turned out as men.

Oh, if only he knew what most of them did while they weren't around him.

Clearing his throat, he looked at each pilot. "I need you all to help prepare for the arrival of Ms. Park Jiyeon tonight."

Kris raised an eyebrow at his father. "But we're just pilots," he stated. "Isn't that security's job?" Honestly, Kris would've been fine helping his old man out on any other day, but he was just utterly exhausted today. Having spent two hours in a meeting - if you could even call it that - with Kyungsoo, Jongdae, and Hyerin that morning, he was dead tired. The four of them decided on nothing and Jongdae and Hyerin just continued bickering with each other. At this rate, the banquet will  be held in the staff room with chips and crackers as the food.

"Yes," Mr. Wu said, "but a lot of our security staff is out today." That was true. Apparently, someone in the security department contracted a virus without knowing and came to work with it. Needless to say, they spread it around to the rest of the department and now, nearly half of the security guards were out sick.

"So do all of us have to work extra tonight?" Jongin asked. He was hoping the answer was no. He had a date with a hot air traffic controller tonight that he really did not want to reschedule. "Because I have a previous arrangement."

Nodding, Mr. Wu told them he understood. "I know this is on short notice, but we really need all the help we can get." No one said anything, and Mr. Wu sighed, knowing that he'd have to bribe them. "I'm willing to give a small bonus to anyone who helps tonight," he finally said.

As predicted, all ten hands were raised, even Jongin's. Sehun noticed this and looked at his friend with a raised eyebrow. "What about your date with Jiae?"

Jongin shrugged, obviously not caring anymore about his date. "Ehh," he muttered with a casual grin. "She can wait. Besides, Park Jiyeon is much hotter." Sehun just rolled his eyes but didn't say any more on the matter.

Mr. Wu smiled as he saw all of his pilots' hands raised, even his usually lazy son. He knew that money would be a good motivating factor. "Good," he grabbed a piece of paper from his desk and started to read off the duties he had already assigned everyone. "Kris, Tao, Jongin, and Yixing, you four have guarding duty. Kyungsoo, Joonmyun, Chanyeol, and Minseok have clean up duty. Luhan and Sehun, you two, along with Baekhyun and Jongdae, will be helping Ms. Park through the crowd. Is everyone clear on their jobs?"

They all nodded. Mr. Wu smiled, satisfied that he had managed to get through that smoothly and without any objections. That was a rarity at EXO Airlines.

"Wait, dad." Mr. Wu looked up at his son, as did everyone else. "How did you already have the list of assignments? You didn't even know if we would say yes."

That was true. All the other pilots were wondering the same thing. They looked to their CEO for an answer. Mr. Wu just smiled, and simply said, "Would any of you have turned down a bonus?" No one said anything and he took that as a no. "That's what I thought."




And the story has now taken off! Wow, I am so punny. /shot. This was literally the fastest chapter I have ever written, even though it's a monster of a chapter with 3770 words. 

There is honestly no way for me to include everyone in one chapter, so the next chapter will include everyone else. The ground attendants (plus my character) were included today.

Anyway, please leave feedback? Did you like this chapter? Hate it? Tell me, alrightie? Favorite part of the chapter?

Oh, and to the applicants who's character was in this chapter, did I write your character alright? I tried my best, so let's see how it goes.

By the way, first cameo goes to hyunvirus, who had the character Bang Jiae. She was supposed to be Jongin's hot date, but unfortunately, Jongin decided that getting a bonus was better. Sorry about that, aha. But thanks for still staying subscribed and reading.  

That goes to everyone else who didn't get chosen but has stayed subscribed. Thanks so much!


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ExoAirlines: it's been a long time, but the thirteenth chapter is up now!


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Chapter 25: #superlate
but omg you're back ;u;
heheh i missed you!
and this chapter is awesome as expected.
lmao at kris and hyerin's relationship though so adorbs ugh
bachelor's action; i laughed a lot at the idea idek why
thanks for the update c:
Chapter 25: ugh late comment i know


i want to say right now that i have never done a bake sale in my life and, sorry kyungsoo sweetie, but i never want to do one. just...people. ugh.

to be honest though, a bachelor auction sounds terrifying, especially for the guys. i mean, c'mon. girls are nuts. and this coming from a girl.

thank you tremendously for the update- it was wonderful!
Chapter 25: Yoo Jin being late reminded me of thinking I accidentally missed my class today XD (my heart stopped when I thought it began 20 minutes before because we were going over things for the midterm o.o)
If they did the bake sale they should sell over-priced cookies girl scout style. By girl scout style they have to dress up as the cookies they're selling :P (Oh memories... I was always the one in one of the stupid outfits -_-)
I can totally picture Aerin being a Jongdae saesang.
I actually lol'ed when Jongin told Hyerin they all had to memorize her scehdule XD
The bachelors auction reminds me of the movie White Chics when the girls were being 'sold' in an auction for charity :o
Wow this chapter is giving me tons of flashbacks XD
Yay I'm happy this story was updated! :D
paperboat- #4
Chapter 25: 'We're doing a bachelor's auction.'
haha poor hyerin coming up with anything she can, lol
and u're back yay!
mojo, omg, I can't even, lol

Why did you have to cut off there though, I'm dying to find out if Hyerin manages to force those pilots to participate in her fabulous Bachelor's Auction wouLDN'T IT BE HILARIOUS IF JONGDAE ACTUALLY HAD TO GO OUT WITH AERIN?????/ "Read it and weep" LOL you gotta love this girl, she is no joke man, and you'd better acknowledge that Kris, before you lose out to her~ Also, I love loVE LOVE that Kris made the other pilots memorize Hyerin's schedule because ugh the obvious chemistry and sparks flying everywhere < 3

I wonder though, is the money/time excuse the real reason behind Mr. Wu Sr's decision?? For all they know, it's a sort of 'test' or something (okay maybe I'm over-reading into the situation now /shot).

Chapter 25: wee hee XD you're back!!!!
empressly #8
Chapter 25: ( just a note this is -shattered who has
undergone two username changes and
is now bull-shxt )
i'm still stuck on mobile for another hour ,
so i'll read and comment something relevant
afterwards OTL , but we're glad you're
back ! honestly , i'm just rather glad to
see that this apply fic will be contined
unlike others that are never completed
( and that you're okay as well ) orz .
welcome back though ! c:
Chapter 24: So far... I really wanna see Kai and Subin and Yixing and Saerom get together the most! ^__^
Chapter 24: omf i totally forgot to comment
the other day orz

gosh jihyun is annoying the sheets out of me
because laik, she is somehow ing
kai and subin okay?
and can i tell you that i love jongdae
very much since he actually refuses to be
a er and decided to go.
but poor jihyun's brother
although i'm happy she needs to go

and lay and saerom is just so fcking
adorable i can't even breathe *^*
why are they so sweet together gosh i don't get it
they are now one of my favorite pairings c:

i can see that the pilots value their works a lof
like... a lot and didn't choose the career path
just for the overflowing cash uknow?
and mature jongin is rare so i shall cherish
this precious moment /prays

thanks for the update c:
take your time o/