✈chapter nine

✈Welcome to EXO Airlines! ― apply closed
chapter nine

Yawning as she stretched her hands back behind her, Meili was just happy the long day was over. After having spent a full day in front of a tiny screen that made her eyes blur, she was glad that it was time for her to pack up and go home. After setting her headset on its correct hook, she walked down to the staff room. Opening up her locker, she reached in and grabbed her jacket and bag, making sure to lock it after she was done. Sometimes when she forgot, the ATC jokesters would strike, and that was why her fear of finding a whole ton of glitter in her locker one day was very rational. After all, it had happened to Meili more than once.

“Ready to go?” Meili turned around and saw Henry standing there all smiles with his bag over one shoulder and his cell phone in his hand.

Meili started to nod, but she stopped when she realized she had forgotten her security pass in the tower. Without it, she wouldn't be able to go get into the building the next morning, and even though sometimes she wished she wouldn't have to go to work, she had to. “I'll be right back,” she told him. Henry followed her, saying he'd go up there with her.

Walking up to the control tower, Meili and Henry passed a few other air traffic controllers whose shifts had also ended. While Henry said goodbye and made small talk with a few of them, Meili just silently walked on by, not really the small talk kind of person. She was never the kind of person to stop and just have random conversations with people. Unless she had a specific reason to talk to someone, she usually didn't.

Once she was actually in the tower, she noticed how pretty the scenery was. Even though she had worked in the same place every day for the past couple years, she never really got much down time to just take a breather and just look. Especially at night with all of the bright and colorful lights decorating the runways and buildings. It was like a scene out of a movie, and Meili wished she could see the fine beauty of it everyday.

She didn't have much time to take in all of the scenery, though, since Taeyeon gave her a questioning look. Meili just grabbed her pass and held it up, showing her supervisor that she only came back to retrieve it. Taeyeon nodded and looked back out the window. She pushed the microphone of her headset up to and spoke to the pilot on the other end. “EA1489, you are cleared to land on L32.”

By now, Henry had stopped talking to his coworkers and had went to stand next to Meili, nudging her again and asking if she was ready to go. Meili shook her head yes and waved goodbye to Taeyeon. Taeyeon just nodded at her as she pulled her radio out of her back pocket. As Meili and Henry turned around to walk down the stairs, they both her Taeyeon say, “This is Taeyeon from ATC, Park Jiyeon's flight just landed, please get everything ready for her arrival.”

Henry stopped moving as he heard what Taeyeon had said. Meili kept walking, but Henry pulled her back. He eavesdropped into Taeyeon's conversation. All he heard was the name Park Jiyeon, but that was enough to get his attention. “Right, right,” Taeyeon muttered, fully oblivious to the fact that Henry was listening in. Meili was annoyed that she was being held behind, after all, it was Henry who had told her to hurry before, and yet now he was the one holding her back.

He quickly turned to Meili after Taeyeon finished her conversation, she turned around and got straight to work, still unaware that her private conversation wasn't as private as she thought it was. “Did you hear? Park Jiyeon just landed!” he said excitedly. Meili just rolled her eyes. “Can we go to the main building to see her, please?” He clasped his hands together and pouted, although he knew that would never in a million years work on Meili.

“Try again,” she said, although a small smile tried to break through her blank expression. It took her all her will not to smile, but she somehow managed.

Henry stopped pouting and thought about how he would convince her for a few seconds before he had an idea. “Amber's working tonight because of Jiyeon's arrival, so why don't we swing by the building, take a look at Park Jiyeon, and then me, you, and Amber all go out to eat. How does that sound?”

Meili pretended to think about it, although Henry and her both knew that her answer would be a resounding yes. “Will you pay?” she asked coyly. Hey, if she was going to be forced into seeing some celebrity she didn't care about, Henry had to pay the bill when it came time to.

Henry looked pained, and he felt his wallet through his back pocket. Knowing Meili and Amber, they could eat twice their weight each. He sighed, knowing that by the end of the night the money in his now full wallet will be gone. Henry nodded slowly. “I guess...”

Smiling, Meili complied to the terms. “Well, let's go then,” she said, dragging him down the tower and out the door. “But let's go through the back door of the main building.” Henry agreed, knowing that even if they wanted to go through the front, they couldn't because fans would be blocking it. As they walked the path to the back entrance of the airport, Meili looked at Henry, asking him a question she had wondered all day. “So what's so special about this Park Jiyeon person?”

Henry looked shocked, as did almost everyone else Meili had asked. “She's so pretty!” he said, as if he was defending her honor. “And I like her clothes.” To prove his own point, he shook off his jacket and showed her the tag. “A Park Jiyeon original, see?”

“Mhmm,” Meili mumbled, not really buying it. She didn't want to hear anything else about the girl, though, so she stopped the conversation entirely.

After a few silent, but comfortable, minutes, the pair finally reached the back entrance of the airport. Using their security passes, they got into the building without a problem. When they walked in, the fans were all sitting there, most of them talking amongst each other and fanning themselves off with crudely made paper fans. It seemed as if Park Jiyeon still had not gone through the building.

Since Henry and Meili knew that she would be coming through soon, they decided to sit down on a bench located across the front entrance of the airport. At this seat, they would have a clear view of Jiyeon when she did come through, and they wouldn't be in any risk of getting mixed up with the wild fans. They also had a clear view of security (along with a few ground attendants and pilots) struggling to hold the more eager fans back.

Amber noticed her two friends sitting down and waved to them. She excused herself for a second, and her supervisor allowed her to go since the fans she were assigned to hold back weren't being as rowdy as certain others. Jogging over to Meili and Henry, she gave them a grand smile, not expecting them to be there. “Hey!” she greeted. “What's up?”

“Henry wanted to see the celebrity,” Meili answered, rolling her eyes. “We heard her plane landing, so she should be here soon.”

“Aww, did Henry want to see a pretty girl?” Amber laughed and Henry's cheeks turned a bit red. “If you wanted to see a pretty girl, you could've just asked,” she joked.

He laughed dryly and sarcastically. Before he could retort, or even think of a retort, for that matter, Amber's radio beeped and she pulled it out of her pocket, holding it up to her ear. “Amber, we need you back. We just got a call from Building C. Park Jiyeon is walking down here now.”

Nodding, although the man on the radio wouldn't be able to see her, she pocketed her radio and looked at her friends apologetically. “Sorry guys, gotta run. Security needs me now, but we'll talk after?”

Meili nodded and called after Amber as she started to back away. “It's already decided! Henry's paying for dinner!” Amber smiled and flashed Meili two thumbs up.



The pilots and three flight attendants along with Park Jiyeon were greeted at the gate immediately by Victoria and Boa, along with the escorters. Haewa and Soah were standing behind the two supervisors, although Haewa looked like she wanted to be anywhere but there. Soah, on the other hand, was nearly about to burst from glee. Sehun and Luhan were also there, as were a few others, having been assigned this job by the CEO himself.

Victoria and Boa bowed as Park Jiyeon gave them a thin smile. “I hope you had a good flight,” Victoria said. She stepped to the side as Jiyeon walked forward.

Jiyeon nodded and her smile disappeared (not that there was much of one in the first place). Sliding her sunglasses up so they rested on her head, she gave Baekhyun a quick look before nodding. “Yes, thanks to my lovely pilot-” A cough from Jongdae interrupted her. Jiyeon glanced at him in exasperation before correcting herself. “-thanks to my two lovely pilots,” Jongdae finally looked satisfied, “I had a wonderful trip.”

“I'm so glad to hear that,” Boa said, stepping up to talk to the fashion designer. She turned to her ground attendants, looking at them with a look that basically said 'do not mess this us'. “You all, along with the pilots,” she looked between the four pilots as she said their names, “will be escorting Ms. Park to her car waiting outside. Be careful and make sure that fans don't get too close to her, do you understand?” Everyone nodded, even Luhan and Sehun, who just a minute ago were goofing off and not paying the least bit of attention.

Victoria looked at her three flight attendants. They were the only ones assigned to help, and all the other flight attendants were left to their own. “You three go ahead first. Go warn the security team that Ms. Park is on her way now.” With a nod of their heads, the three ran off, although rather unwillingly. “The six of you may proceed now.” Victoria looked at the escorters and pushed them on their way.

In an instant, Jiyeon hooked her arms onto Baekhyun and Luhan, pulling them along with her as the others were left to her behind her. Both pilots she had grabbed onto were surprised, but they went along with it. It wasn't like they had a choice. Haewa and Sehun, not really caring either way, were left to lead the way in the front, while Soah and Jongdae were behind Jiyeon. The others made a protective circle around the group.

“Ms. Park!” Soah called, running up to reach the trio who had walked ahead of her. Like she had said before, Park Jiyeon was really one of her role models, and she would have loved to ask her a few questions.

Jiyeon stopped walking and spun her head around, glaring at Soah who was more than shocked at the reaction she was receiving. “What?” Jiyeon snapped, annoyance evident in her eyes. “Are you a fan?” she said airily. “How sweet, but you're my . I need you to keep the fans away from me, not be the fans, is that clear?” Jiyeon ended her sentence with a sickly sweet smile. Turning around she continued walking, acting as if she hadn't just publicly berated Soah two seconds beforehand.

Soah was disappointed, and her expression showed it. She had hoped to get a few words in with her idol and role model, but it seemed as if Park Jiyeon wasn't who Soah thought she was. Slightly upset at her new revelation, she dragged her feet as she trudged behind the celebrity.

Jongdae noticed Jiyeon snap at Soah, and honestly, he felt a little bad for her. Deciding to do his daily dose of good, he walked up to Soah in an attempt to make her feel better. “Hey,” he started to say, reaching out to touch her shoulder. Immediately, Soah's eyes widened and she shook his hand off, stepping more to the right, making sure she kept a distance from Jongdae. “Okay...” he mumbled, confused as to why Soah had reacted that way.

Just last week, Jongdae had asked her a question and she had been fine answering it. Nothing weird or awkward about it, it was pure professionalism. What made today different? Maybe it was because I touched her, he thought. Jongdae couldn't help it though, he was just a naturally touchy person. Deciding that that was the reason why Soah had reacted weird, he tried again, this time without the skinship. “Soah,” he called, walking over next to her. As soon as he did so though, she sped up her pace. Jongdae was taken back by that odd reaction, but he just shook it off. “Maybe she's just not in the mood to talk,” he muttered to himself. Jongdae didn't bother with her anymore, though he made a mental note to find out why Soah was acting so weird.

However, Soah would've been glad to talk – if only the person wanting to talk to her wasn't Jongdae. Ever since she had that conversation with Jiyong, she'd been a little scared of Jongdae. Actually, she's been more than scared, she's been terrified, enough to warrant her even turning in the opposite direction and taking the long way when she sees him approaching her. Poor Jongdae didn't even have any idea why.

Up in the front, Haewa was walking beside Sehun – although there was a noticeable two feet of space between them – when she heard giggling behind her. Having heard that for the fifth time already, Haewa turned her head around to look at the group behind her, annoyed with their excessive giggling. Turning her head, she saw that it was only Jiyeon and Baekhyun doing the laughing and talking. Luhan was trying to distance himself from the pair, although Jiyeon held onto his arm tightly. So instead, he was satisfied with just looking to the side, making sure Jiyeon didn't talk to him.

As the group walked closer and closer to the main entrance, the voice of the hundreds of fans only got louder. Luhan ignored the loud screaming because he was preoccupied with trying his best to get Jiyeon's insanely long nails to stop clinging onto his forearm, but it was no use. Luhan gave up and just let his arm lay limply in her grasp. As she and Baekhyun chatted it up, Luhan looked to his left, as he had no interest in joining the couple's shallow conversation.

When he did so, he recognized the Chinese air traffic controller that he often times got help from when he had problems in flight. Luhan only knew she was Chinese because she often times muttered words in her native language when she thought he wasn't listening. And now, looking at her, he could confirm it because she sure looked the part. Meili, he thought her name was, was with Henry as they sat on the bench, and he assumed they too were waiting for Jiyeon to arrive.

Meili saw the group arrive before Henry did, and she turned to look at the approaching escorts with curiosity. When her small brown eyes landed on Luhan, he gave her a small smile before he was whisked away with Jiyeon as they headed into the group of screaming fangirls from hell.



Yoo Jin was having trouble. Actually, it was more than trouble. Imagine a single fan seeing their favorite idol. Naturally, that fan would start running and screaming towards said idol, right? Now multiply that fan by a hundred, but there's still only one idol. Now imagine all 100 of those fans running and screaming towards their idol at the same time. It's not a pretty picture, but Yoo Jin was living that scenario at that exact moment.

She didn't know what exactly possessed Boa to assign her to fan duty, but she hoped it never possessed her again. Yoo Jin just wasn't cut out for the job. She wasn't exactly the strongest, nor the most outspoken. Yoo Jin thought that even Seohee or Haewa fitted the job more than her. If even someone like Yonghwa couldn't keep fans calm and sane, how could she?

“Okay, guys!” she yelled towards the fans, trying to get them to stop pushing and calm down. Though her attempt showed bravery, it was futile as no one was planning on listening to her any time soon.

The pushing and shoving got worse as Jiyeon walked closer. For once, she was glad the fashion designer was a rude and heartless person. If Jiyeon showed no response to her fans and just kept walking towards the door, she would get out sooner and Yoo Jin would be able to hear properly again. Since Jiyeon never stopped to accept gifts or to sign autographs, the whole process of getting Jiyeon out of the building and protecting her against her own fans went a lot quicker, which meant Yoo Jin's job would be over sooner.

All of a sudden, a particularly brutal and strong fan pushed against Yoo Jin, making her fall hard to the ground. Luckily for her, she landed on her back and not her face (like Yonghwa), but nonetheless it still hurt. Yoo Jin tried to get up, but every time she did so, another fan would bump into her and push her back down again. All in all, she was not enjoying her time and hoped that Boa had given her a very large bonus for putting up with all these people.

Thankfully, her friend, Daehyun, appeared seemingly out of no where and held the fans back long enough for Yoo Jin to stand up properly. “Thank you,” she said, brushing her uniform off. As a perfectionist, she was in hell right now. All these fans that were screaming and not in order, and not to even mention her uniform, which was usually spotless, was now dirtied, her mind was screaming at her to keep things in order, but her actions couldn't support that ideal. Sighing, she got back to work, but this time with the help of Daehyun. “Shouldn't you be helping your own section?” she asked.

Daehyun shrugged as he told an especially enthusiastic fan to please calm down because she's killing his ear drums. “I'm not really assigned to a specific area,” he muttered, but by the way he casted his eyes down and his lips, Yoo Jin knew he was lying. And when she called him out on it, he just laughed, confirming her suspicions. “Alright, I'm really assigned all the way over there.” He pointed to the other side of the building. “But all of the pilots that are helping are over there too, and they make me feel so incompetent,” he told truthfully. “I wonder how they're doing by themselves over there, though.”

If the four pilots assigned to guard duty had heard Daehyun call himself unqualified compared to them, they would've smacked him around and called him an idiot. After Daehyun quietly sneaked away without anyone noticing until he was gone, the four just had an even tougher time controlling the fans.

It wasn't like they weren't strong, because they were – Tao was one of them, come on. The problem was the specific fans they were assigned too. These fans were special. After seeing that the four handsome pilots were there to keep them back, these fans seemed to have forgotten all about their idol, Park Jiyeon, and seemed to be fangirling over the pilots more than anything.

“Okay, guys, really, thank you for your support and love,” Yixing tried to reason, though it was futile, “but if you could please step back, that would be great.”

No one listened to him, as they only pressed up against the railing even more. The four pilots backed up, not wanting to be anywhere near their crazy fans. “Okay, who thought this was such a great idea?” Jongin complained. He gave up his date for this? “The extra I'm getting for this better be worth it,” he muttered.

Kris ducked as a sign was thrown at him. Picking the neon green board up, he saw that it had originally said 'I LOVE PARK JIYEON', but the fan who had thrown it at him had crossed out Jiyeon's name and replaced it with his own. Kris was flattered, but he would've been more flattered if the fans just backed up and let him have room to breathe.

“Yeah, I'm starting to think this was not a good idea.” Kris looked to Tao, who seemed to be defending a few fans off of him, though he looked like he was having some trouble. If Tao was having trouble, then they were really screwed. “Definitely not a good idea.”



As the clean up crew looked around the main entrance, their jaws dropped. Everywhere they looked, there was trash. Even in the most inconspicuous places, fans found a way to stick trash in it. Posters, banners, streamers, and signs had been carelessly left behind by the fans that dispersed the minute Jiyeon drove away in her fancy limo. They seemed to have left behind a departing gift for the clean up crew to remember them by.

Most of the employees that had been assigned duty or security duty had someone how also been roped into cleaning up by their respective supervisors. Except for the few that had important things they needed to do or that had gotten hurt during the whole setup, everyone else was forced into it and they were not happy with having been assigned two jobs.

The ones that were originally given clean up duty were now ecstatic that they had less work to do, they were also gloating about the fact they only had one job to do all day while everyone else had two.

“ to be you, doesn't it?” Minseok was absolutely gleeful at the fact that his coworkers have been pounded by crazy fans and then were stuck with the job of cleaning up also. He childishly teased Luhan, who just grunted at him in reply.

Yulin just shook her head at him, although a small smile could be seen on her face. “You're mean,” she chided, though they both knew she was just kidding. “Don't listen to him, Luhan,” she said. “I think it's very commendable that you've been so helpful throughout this whole ordeal.” Luhan still didn't reply.

Luhan was honestly just not in the mood at the moment. After having been basically harassed and d by the worldwide fashion designer, all he wanted to do was go home and take a long shower and then go to sleep, but seeing how he was roommates with Minseok, he didn't see how any of that was going to be possible. Luhan continued to ignore everyone around him and just sweep the dirty floors by himself.



Seohee was about to punch someone, more specifically Hyunsik in the face if he didn't shut up. It seemed as if both him and Jinwoon had a death wish, as they both were following Seohee around, annoying the crap out of her. “Shut up!” she yelled for the hundredth time. She turned around to glare at the two before returning to her work.

“Why?” Hyunsik asked, walking even closer to Seohee. He know being anywhere close to him bothered her, and he did it just so Seohee would be uncomfortable. “Are we bothering you?” One look at his feigned innocence and Seohee wanted to throw up. If only she could. She had heard him bragging about the new shoes he had gotten earlier today. Maybe if she just aimed – What was she thinking?

Seohee shook her head, clearing her head of the weird thoughts that invaded her brain. “I'm going to clean up somewhere else,” she muttered. She grabbed her dust pan and broom and walked to the other side. Thankfully, Jinwoon and Hyunsik were too lazy to follow her. Finding a semi quiet corner, Seohee started to clean up the place again, making sure to not leave any place unswept. She knew that if she did, Boa would have her head up on a platter in a second. Speaking of... “Wait,” she said out loud, her head popping up at her sudden revelation. “Where did all the supervisors go?”

“They went to go get dinner, I think.” Seohee nearly jumped ten feet in the air when she heard the deep voice. She turned around and only relaxed when she recognized Chanyeol and his friendly smile. “Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.”

Seohee just shook her head, although her hand was still over her quickly beating heart. “It's alright, you just surprised me, that's all.” She returned his perfect smile. “But what do you mean 'they went to go get dinner'? Did they really leave us all to clean by ourselves?” If what Chanyeol was saying was true, Seohee wasn't exactly happy with her new finding.

Chanyeol nodded, unfortunately confirming the fact. “They kind of just left us here to fend for ourselves, huh?” Seohee laughed and agreed.

An awkward silence fell upon the two, both wanting to continue talking to each other, but neither one knowing how to start the conversation again. Feeling that the conversation was heading no where, Seohee decided to break the silence first. “Well,” she said slowly, “I'm done over here, so I'm going to go...” she trailed off, hoping that Chanyeol would get the hint and tell her to stay.

But this was Chanyeol we were talking about, and he didn't get anything. So with that radiant smile of his, he said, “Okay! I'll talk to you later, then.” Seohee resisted the urge to face-palm herself in front of him.


“Can you, you know, not be so close?” Saerom glared at the youngest pilot as he bumped into her for the nth time that night. “I'm trying to clean up, and it'd be nice if you didn't ram your bony into my side every few minutes.”

Sehun narrowed his eyes, ready to come back with an equally insulting retort, but Yixing pushed him off to the side with a long sigh before he could. Sending the younger a tired look, he said, “Go clean somewhere else, okay? We're all tired and just want to get home. I'll treat you to lunch tomorrow, alright?” Sehun grumbled incoherently but nodded, taking his mop and leaving.

Saerom turned to Yixing to thank him, but after her small utterance of appreciation, the atmosphere around the two became awkward. They've never talked much, and every time they started a conversation, it always ended in silence. Like now. “So,” she tried, although she knew her attempt would be useless, “how it's going?”

Yixing looked up at her, surprised that she was talking to him. After recovering from his initial surprise, he managed to utter, “Uh, it's been good, I guess.”

“That's good,” she said. Saerom awkwardly laughed as she continued to pick up trash. “Well, I'm going to-” Before she could finish her sentence, she stepped into one of the puddles left behind from Sehun's mop and slipped, falling flat on her .

Yixing burst out laughing, and although he tried to conceal it by holding the backside of his hand against his mouth, his loud guffaws could still be heard. He helped an embarrassed Saerom up with his spare hand, gently pulling her to a standing position. Saerom groaned when she realized the backside of her uniform was now wet. “Why is it that I always talk to you when you're on the ground?” he said, laughing again. Saerom's cheeks tinted pink in embarrassment.

Saerom opened to speak, but just got embarrassed again and lowered her head.

Yonghwa, who was next to the awkward pair the whole time, laughed his head off as he witnessed the usually graceful flight attendant fall on her backside. He stepped forward to make fun of her, but unfortunately for him, he also was a victim to one of Sehun's puddles and also slipped. Though there was one major difference between his and Saerom's fall. Saerom fell on her , and Yonghwa fell on his face, which was ten times worst if you asked, well, anyone.

Slowly getting up, Yonghwa scowled at his laughing coworkers. “Not so funny now, is it?” Saerom called, glad that the attention was off of her and onto the over confident ground attendant.

Yonghwa gratefully accepted a clean rag from Yulin to wipe himself off, all the while muttering, “I'm so taking a day off the next time a celebrity comes.”




Wow, okay, I know I didn't update for a few days, but I have a valid excuse. School started and I'm no longer on my spring break, so yeah. OTL. It . But here's an extra long chapter to make up for it?

To tell you the truth, I don't think this chapter was my best. It was really hard to write this for some reason. But I hope it turned out okay. This ends the Jiyeon issue (though she's bound to appear sometime again).

I love reading everyone's long comments, okay? They're really fun to read. I hope you guys will bless me with your wonderful words and critiques or comments about this chapter? Tell me if anything is wrong, too, alright? Thanks so much!


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ExoAirlines: it's been a long time, but the thirteenth chapter is up now!


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Chapter 25: #superlate
but omg you're back ;u;
heheh i missed you!
and this chapter is awesome as expected.
lmao at kris and hyerin's relationship though so adorbs ugh
bachelor's action; i laughed a lot at the idea idek why
thanks for the update c:
Chapter 25: ugh late comment i know


i want to say right now that i have never done a bake sale in my life and, sorry kyungsoo sweetie, but i never want to do one. just...people. ugh.

to be honest though, a bachelor auction sounds terrifying, especially for the guys. i mean, c'mon. girls are nuts. and this coming from a girl.

thank you tremendously for the update- it was wonderful!
Chapter 25: Yoo Jin being late reminded me of thinking I accidentally missed my class today XD (my heart stopped when I thought it began 20 minutes before because we were going over things for the midterm o.o)
If they did the bake sale they should sell over-priced cookies girl scout style. By girl scout style they have to dress up as the cookies they're selling :P (Oh memories... I was always the one in one of the stupid outfits -_-)
I can totally picture Aerin being a Jongdae saesang.
I actually lol'ed when Jongin told Hyerin they all had to memorize her scehdule XD
The bachelors auction reminds me of the movie White Chics when the girls were being 'sold' in an auction for charity :o
Wow this chapter is giving me tons of flashbacks XD
Yay I'm happy this story was updated! :D
paperboat- #4
Chapter 25: 'We're doing a bachelor's auction.'
haha poor hyerin coming up with anything she can, lol
and u're back yay!
mojo, omg, I can't even, lol

Why did you have to cut off there though, I'm dying to find out if Hyerin manages to force those pilots to participate in her fabulous Bachelor's Auction wouLDN'T IT BE HILARIOUS IF JONGDAE ACTUALLY HAD TO GO OUT WITH AERIN?????/ "Read it and weep" LOL you gotta love this girl, she is no joke man, and you'd better acknowledge that Kris, before you lose out to her~ Also, I love loVE LOVE that Kris made the other pilots memorize Hyerin's schedule because ugh the obvious chemistry and sparks flying everywhere < 3

I wonder though, is the money/time excuse the real reason behind Mr. Wu Sr's decision?? For all they know, it's a sort of 'test' or something (okay maybe I'm over-reading into the situation now /shot).

Chapter 25: wee hee XD you're back!!!!
empressly #8
Chapter 25: ( just a note this is -shattered who has
undergone two username changes and
is now bull-shxt )
i'm still stuck on mobile for another hour ,
so i'll read and comment something relevant
afterwards OTL , but we're glad you're
back ! honestly , i'm just rather glad to
see that this apply fic will be contined
unlike others that are never completed
( and that you're okay as well ) orz .
welcome back though ! c:
Chapter 24: So far... I really wanna see Kai and Subin and Yixing and Saerom get together the most! ^__^
Chapter 24: omf i totally forgot to comment
the other day orz

gosh jihyun is annoying the sheets out of me
because laik, she is somehow ing
kai and subin okay?
and can i tell you that i love jongdae
very much since he actually refuses to be
a er and decided to go.
but poor jihyun's brother
although i'm happy she needs to go

and lay and saerom is just so fcking
adorable i can't even breathe *^*
why are they so sweet together gosh i don't get it
they are now one of my favorite pairings c:

i can see that the pilots value their works a lof
like... a lot and didn't choose the career path
just for the overflowing cash uknow?
and mature jongin is rare so i shall cherish
this precious moment /prays

thanks for the update c:
take your time o/