✈teaser one

✈Welcome to EXO Airlines! ― apply closed


(ft. EXO K & Luhan)

"Are you ready?" Kim Jongin looked at his best friend and coworker, a determined look in his eyes. 

Oh Sehun nodded, pulling his red cap down and putting his sunglasses on, the oversized shades covering most of his small face. "Ready as I'll ever be," he said, his right hand on the handle of the door, getting in position to open it. Jongin nodded, doing the same, except his hat was a dark gray, a more neutral color than Sehun's blinding red. "Remember the plan?" Sehun asked, and Jongin nodded. "Good. Stick together, don't make any sudden movements, and stay low."

Jongin barely heard a word Sehun said, but acted as if he did to get him to stop talking. "Let's go," he said, and the two pilots opened the door to Jongin's car and stepped out. Immediately, screams could be heard piercing the air. Even though the two were disguised, they weren't exactly well disguised, which meant that their fans could still recognize them. Jongin turned around, saw the hoard of girls running towards them, and looked at Sehun with horror. "Run!" he shouted, sprinting off ahead of his friend.

Sehun, who was too busy fixing his tie to notice the crowd of fangirls racing towards the two, snapped his head up, confused as to why Jongin told him to run. He saw that Jongin was almost a full ten feet ahead of him, and that the girls were quickly getting closer and closer. "Hey! What happened to always sticking together?" he shouted, running after his so called best friend. 

Jongin turned his head around, and Sehun swore he could see a smirk on his friend's handsome face. "Every man for himself!" he heard Jongin yell, laughter following his words. 

The youngest pilot opened his mouth to retort, but it was already too late. By the time the first syllable escaped his lips, he was already tackled to the ground by a group of giggling girls.



"I hate you," Sehun spat as he wobbled into the room, a little unbalanced. Jongin titled his head up and looked at the younger man with a confused expression, before realizing what had happened and busting into laughter. He honestly tried not to laugh, but just one look at his coworker's state left him gasping for air as he laughed. Sehun was holding an ice pack against his poor little bruised head, his tie was lopsided and uneven, and his blinding white button up was now dirtied with dirt and lip gloss stains. It was not even an hour ago when Sehun was perfectly clean and happy. "I really hate you," Sehun repeated, deliberately leaving a seat between him and Jongin and instead sitting two chairs down.

Byun Baekhyun, a pilot who had just arrived in the meeting room, immediately cracked up laughing when he saw the younger pilot's predicament. "What happened to you?" he asked, his eyes looking Sehun up and down in an amused fashion.

Sehun just scowled at his hyung, the annoyed expression on his face becoming even more predominant. Seeing how he wasn't going to answer, Jongin took the liberty to reply for him. "He got mauled."

"By what?" Baekhyun asked, sitting down across from Jongin. "A bear?" He grinned at his own lame joke.

Jongin just laughed, shaking his head no. "Worse," he said, a wide smile appearing on his face. "He was attacked by his fangirls."

Baekhyun looked at Sehun, noticed the lipstick stains, and nodded, finally comprehending the situation. It took two more seconds before Jongin and Baekhyun both cracked up laughing, completely ignoring Sehun's scowl and glare. "Shut up," he muttered, though it seemed like he didn't even care anymore. "Ugh, I have a headache." He got up from his chair and just lay down on the floor, the ice pack propped up against his throbbing head.

Chanyeol opened the door, and Sehun was lucky enough to not get hit, even though he was dumb enough to lay right in front of the door. Chanyeol walked in, took one look at Sehun, and also started laughing. "What happened to him?" he asked, taking a seat next to Baekhyun. 

A groan was heard from the floor, and the other three in the room assumed it came from Sehun. Ignoring him, Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol and said, "He got attacked." Chanyeol just nodded, knowing exactly what Baekhyun was talking about. Things like this happened at least once a week, and during busy weeks, it happened at least twice.

Kyungsoo and Joonmyun both walked in, talking animatedly with each other. They stopped when they saw Sehun lying lifelessly on the floor. Kyungsoo tapped Sehun's shoulder with his foot, and when Sehun emitted a low moan, he relaxed, knowing that Sehun was still alive.

"Before you ask," Jongin said, gaining the attention of the two newcomers, "Sehun got mauled by a bear." Out of no where, a shoe was thrown in Jongin's direction. Luckily for him, he had fast reflexes and was able to duck before the flying object hit him. "What the hell?" Jongin slowly stood up, looking frantically left and right to make sure no more items were going to be thrown at him.

"Stop telling people I'm getting mauled by a bear!" Sehun shouted. Jongin looked at Sehun and noticed that he was missing his left shoe.

Before Jongin could retaliate, most likely by throwing something back at the poor, suffering boy, the door was slammed open, and all heads turned to see Luhan staggering through the doorway. He closed the door with a thud and leaned against it, panting heavily.

"Did you get mauled by a bear too?" Joonmyun asked, trying to hide his smile.

Luhan glared at the younger man, and slid down against the door, eventually just lying down next to Sehun. "I wish," he muttered from the floor, snatching Sehun's ice pack from his head and putting it on his own. "Those girls are worse than bears."




Can I just apologize for this mess. Okay, I'm sorry. This was short, I know. But it is only a teaser, after all. I wrote a teaser that featured everyone, and it ended up being about 3000 words... So I'm debating whether to post the whole thing, or split it up into parts? What do you guys think? Would you rather read a 3000 word teaser, or would you rather me split it into two different teasers? The next teaser will feature all the other pilots (aka EXO M minus Luhan), so yeah. Thanks for reading and applying c: Tell me what you think and your opinion on the first teaser? Thanks!


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ExoAirlines: it's been a long time, but the thirteenth chapter is up now!


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Chapter 25: #superlate
but omg you're back ;u;
heheh i missed you!
and this chapter is awesome as expected.
lmao at kris and hyerin's relationship though so adorbs ugh
bachelor's action; i laughed a lot at the idea idek why
thanks for the update c:
Chapter 25: ugh late comment i know


i want to say right now that i have never done a bake sale in my life and, sorry kyungsoo sweetie, but i never want to do one. just...people. ugh.

to be honest though, a bachelor auction sounds terrifying, especially for the guys. i mean, c'mon. girls are nuts. and this coming from a girl.

thank you tremendously for the update- it was wonderful!
Chapter 25: Yoo Jin being late reminded me of thinking I accidentally missed my class today XD (my heart stopped when I thought it began 20 minutes before because we were going over things for the midterm o.o)
If they did the bake sale they should sell over-priced cookies girl scout style. By girl scout style they have to dress up as the cookies they're selling :P (Oh memories... I was always the one in one of the stupid outfits -_-)
I can totally picture Aerin being a Jongdae saesang.
I actually lol'ed when Jongin told Hyerin they all had to memorize her scehdule XD
The bachelors auction reminds me of the movie White Chics when the girls were being 'sold' in an auction for charity :o
Wow this chapter is giving me tons of flashbacks XD
Yay I'm happy this story was updated! :D
paperboat- #4
Chapter 25: 'We're doing a bachelor's auction.'
haha poor hyerin coming up with anything she can, lol
and u're back yay!
mojo, omg, I can't even, lol

Why did you have to cut off there though, I'm dying to find out if Hyerin manages to force those pilots to participate in her fabulous Bachelor's Auction wouLDN'T IT BE HILARIOUS IF JONGDAE ACTUALLY HAD TO GO OUT WITH AERIN?????/ "Read it and weep" LOL you gotta love this girl, she is no joke man, and you'd better acknowledge that Kris, before you lose out to her~ Also, I love loVE LOVE that Kris made the other pilots memorize Hyerin's schedule because ugh the obvious chemistry and sparks flying everywhere < 3

I wonder though, is the money/time excuse the real reason behind Mr. Wu Sr's decision?? For all they know, it's a sort of 'test' or something (okay maybe I'm over-reading into the situation now /shot).

Chapter 25: wee hee XD you're back!!!!
empressly #8
Chapter 25: ( just a note this is -shattered who has
undergone two username changes and
is now bull-shxt )
i'm still stuck on mobile for another hour ,
so i'll read and comment something relevant
afterwards OTL , but we're glad you're
back ! honestly , i'm just rather glad to
see that this apply fic will be contined
unlike others that are never completed
( and that you're okay as well ) orz .
welcome back though ! c:
Chapter 24: So far... I really wanna see Kai and Subin and Yixing and Saerom get together the most! ^__^
Chapter 24: omf i totally forgot to comment
the other day orz

gosh jihyun is annoying the sheets out of me
because laik, she is somehow ing
kai and subin okay?
and can i tell you that i love jongdae
very much since he actually refuses to be
a er and decided to go.
but poor jihyun's brother
although i'm happy she needs to go

and lay and saerom is just so fcking
adorable i can't even breathe *^*
why are they so sweet together gosh i don't get it
they are now one of my favorite pairings c:

i can see that the pilots value their works a lof
like... a lot and didn't choose the career path
just for the overflowing cash uknow?
and mature jongin is rare so i shall cherish
this precious moment /prays

thanks for the update c:
take your time o/