Chapter 15

Everything Is Just A Game
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Chapter 15










A mind is a terrible thing to waste.



















I smile as Dara laughs, trying to stop while covering with the back of her hand.

"Yah," I nudge her shoulder. "Gwenchana?"

She nods, trying to keep a straight face, but failing.


"Aish!" I mutter. I knew I shouldn't have blurted that out, but I can't help but want to know more about her.


I inwardly facepalm myself as I lean back on the headboard of my bed.

Dara and I somehow found our way in my bedroom, which I gladly toured her around.

"It's your turn to tell me a secret," I bow my head down, not wanting her to see me blushing.

Dara caughs, getting my attention while fiddling with the bottom of her shirt as she looks up at me.

"I... I don't know where my parents are."

I blink.

She doesn't know where her parents are?

How is that possible?

"You're... kidding right?"

Dara bites her lip, her eyes wallow with tears and she looks down at her feet, as if she's waiting for someone to hit her like an abused animal.

Judging by her actions, I immidiately know she's not lying.

"Do you want to find them?" I ask carefully, not wanting to break the dam as I notice her looking up at the ceiling, trying to not let her tears fall.

"I... I don't know."

She looks at me with a watery gaze and sadly smiles.


"Would you still love the people who hurt you in the first place?"


My mouth slowly opens as my mind buzz, trying to find a safe answer.


"Will you keep on waiting for the people who left you?"


Again, I try to answer, but my voice won't pass through.


"Would you?"


I clear my throat, saying, "I will, because love is infinite."

She looks at me curiously as I continue on rambling.

"It is quite impossible to stop loving someone because if you do, well, you're not living then, right?"

Dara nods her head, thinking.

"Would you still love the people who can hurt you the most?"

I nod, my lips forming a small smile.

"You never truly fall out of love. You just find a reason to start loving someone else, but you never truly fall out of love."

I sneak a glance and notice tears swiftly flows down her cheeks.

I shuffle my body to hers and forcefully tilt her stubborn head on my shoulder and sigh.

"Yah," I whisper softly as I listen to her sniffles. "I'm always here arrasseo? I won't leave you."




"I promise."


She looks up at me with sadness.

"Promises are meant to be broken."





I lay my head on hers as I mumble,

















"Well, I guess this is one of the promises I will never break."




Dara abruptly sits up and I smile down at her.

How cute can she be?

"Hey," I made her lean down on my shoulder again, which she willingly oblige. "You know, I know how to play the guitar."





"Mmm. I know how to play a lot of instruments."





I nod.


"Wahh, Oppa jjang!" Dara said it so monotoned, I started to laugh.


"Do you want Oppa to play for you?" I play along as my heart beats irrationally in my chest.



"Mmm," She softly mumbles, thinking. "Ani."




"Because I want to stay in this position." Dara bluntly said and I chuckle.


"Arrasseo," I smile as my eyelids start to droop. "Oppa will play for you next time we meet."


"Promise?" She drowsily looks at me.















"I promise."















Day after day, Dara and I get closer, and of course, none of our interactions  go unnoticed from my friends.

"Ooooh," Seunhyun and Seungri, the Pabo Brothers (I named them that), hoots as Bom, Dara, and I walk towards the lunch table. "The lovebirds are here."

I simply roll my eyes as Dara shoots them a menacing glare, stopping them from their playful banters.

"Dara, let's go get food," Bom pouts. "Kaja!"

She nods and I watch longingly as both of them saunter to the lunch line.


Punches land on my shoulders and arms as I grunt, dreading this moment.

"Aigoo~" Seunghyun dabs the corner of his eye with a napkin, looking up at the ceiling wistfully. "Our Yongie is growning up!"

I growl making the boys back off while chuckling.

"Arrasso, arraso," Youngbae stifles his laughter as he holds up both of his hands in surrender. "You want to keep her to yourself."

"Tch," I wave my hand dissmissively. "I don't like her."

"Really?!" Seungri's eyes light up like a christmas tree and I look at him curiously. "YES! I have a chance!"

I stiffen as I prepare myself to roar and abruptly stop as I hear them cracking up.

"Did you see that?" Daesung clutches his stomach while tears stream down his face.

"HAHAHA!" Youngbae's eyes twinkle with amusement as he looks at me teasingly. "He really is our Yongie!"

"Yah, yah, yah," Seunghyun interrupts their rediculous persiflage and I feel thankful for my wonderful best friend. "Stop or else he'll blow fire at for noticing that he finally fell in love."

"PWAHAHAHAHAHA!" The boys join in mocking me.

"AISH!" I mutter under my breath.








Why am I friends with these idiots again?

















Bom's POV






"Dara," I nudge her as we wait in the lunch line.


"Do you like him?" I fidget, scared that Dara will blow up. Call me crazy, but this girl can do wonders.


"Really? Oh wow, I thought- " I freeze as I stop mid sentence.

My mouth drops open as my head slowly swivels towards her.

I blink.

Did I hear right?

"You what?" I ask again, wanting to make sure.

"I like him."

"As a friend, right?" I stare at her face which remains composed as she looks at me square in the eye.

"Well, duh." Dara rolls her eyes and shrugs nonchalantly, checking her newly designed nails. "What, you think I like him?"

I study her expression.

"Well, that's too bad." I pretend to flip my hair casually, glancing to make sure that my best friend is paying attention before I say, "you guys would've looked cute together."



















My eye catches a glimpse of her with rose tinted cheeks before she looks away.


I don't like him my .



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Chapter 20: Update juseyoooooo~
Dara23 #2
Chapter 20: Next chap plsss
Chapter 20: Cant w8 for next chap
update soon
daragon18 #4
Chapter 18: I just finished reading it in one go and Oh boy!I'm hooked!A beautiful story and I'm counting the next and hoping to read it sooner.I'm a curious person you know and I'm racking my brain on any possibilities of what happened Dara before.hope you can update sooner authornim!fighting....
Chapter 18: omg I have been waiting and waiting and waiting for this update!!! Dara's story will be revealed soon, I hope?!?!?!
Thanks for updating! Nice writing as always :D
author-nim you're a meanie!! what will happen to my otp omfg
kimchan #7
Chapter 15: oh the gif's above u noticed those dance moves too...hahaahaha another clue
Chapter 15: Oh my god good god this...
I hope nothing crazy happens alksdjfalskdjflkjsdfj
Well now Dara's parents have been added to my fast growing list of curiosity lol
Thanks for the update!!! XD