
Love Radio



“And the winner is… Kim Jonghyun!!”

Someone handed him the prize, he thanked his fans, Onew hugged him, and then Jonghyun started singing.

It’s been two months since he saw Key. He didn’t call him anymore, well, he’s sure that Diva wouldn’t even answer his calls. Who knows, Key probably deleted his number.

But Jonghyun still listened to Key’s auditions and looked for the information about the blonde. This time he wanted to know his real name.

Meanwhile, Taemin and Key became  friends, yet, that kid didn’t want to tell Jonghyun anything about him.

But what angered Jonghyun the most, was the fact, that Key had a meeting with Rabbit.

The blonde blabbered about their encounter for nearly half an hour, making Jonghyun grit his teeth in fury. How could they? Key probably knows that Puppy is still listening to his auditions, there’s no other solution.

As soon as song ended and Jonghyun left the stage, his smiling face disappeared, being replaced by a frown.

He missed Key’s voice. And when he finally knows what he looks like, it gives him more pain in his chest. But still, he’s a star…

“Jonghyun-ah, that was great!”


 You were the best! Awesome!”


 He felt arms encircling around his shoulders and looked up, just to see Onew’s big flashing smile.

“Thanks, Hyung.” He knew, that his smile, that he just showed to the older was fake, but Onew couldn’t stand seeing his dongsaeng sad for longer than ten seconds.

Soon coordi-noonas attacked Jonghyun, separating him from still Onew, whose smiling face also disappeared, as soon as the younger left his sight.

“I have to do something.”


“And that was MBLAQ, guys! But, keke, you probably know it~”

Sitting in the recording room, Jonghyun listened to Key’s melodious laughter. His hands cupped his chin, his brows furrowed, small wrinkles adorned his forehead, glistening eyes and lips pouting.

Even if he knows he can’t do anything to make Key forgive him, Jonghyun still listens to Love Radio, like obedient puppy. He chuckled bitterly. Like a puppy.

“So I was thinking today about my job this morning… like, what if I were, for example a singer? Damn, even if I would be a star, I would probably work very hard, but I would stay with my image, not like some ordinary people, who are thinking people will judge them…”

Jonghyun sighed heavily. Of course, Key still doesn’t know who was calling him all the time, but sometimes Jonghyun had that urge, to just hit that green button on his phone, and cry out his real name to Key.

But then, what people would say?

Inner fight between love and fame continued inside his head, when he heard that voice. So familiar, yet Jonghyun still can’t recognize it fully.


“Rabbit! How are you?”

“Day 46 of diet, I’m still trying to forget about chicken, but you know how hard it is…”

“Don’t worry, Hyung…”

He gritted his teeth. Again, that stupid Rabbit. If he could, Jonghyun would choke him to death, drown him in the glass of water, burn him with a single match…



Jonghyun jumped in his seat. What the hell?

“Sorry, it was me. I, uh, fell…”

Was it a coincidence? Or maybe…

Bang! Uh, sorry!”

This time Jonghyun heard it clearly, behind the wall. He stood up and left the room.

He thought that he was alone here, but when he heard a muffled voice behind the door of a store room,  in front of recording room, he guessed he was mistaken. And that voice was too familiar…

He quickly opened the door and the sight left him speechless.

Sitting on a bucket, with rubbers on his head and brooms on his thighs, Onew was holding a phone, looking at Jonghyun with eyes big as plates.


Booming voice reached Onew’s phone, and when he heard silent “Rabbit?” he decided to bid a quick goodbye, and end the conversation.

“Listen, Jonghyun-ah, I will tell you everyt-“


“It’s the illusion, what you are seeing now is the illusion!”

Jonghyun blinked, when Onew’s desperate voice filled his ears. The older was trying to shrink further into the bucket, smiling sheepishly. Jonghyun sighed and entered the store room, closing the door behind him and sat cross-legged in front of the elder.

“Jonghyun-ah, I didn’t do anythi-“

“Hyung, did you see Key?”

Jonghyun’s question distracted Onew from his ramblings. He looked at the younger and nodded slowly.

“And you weren’t afraid of paparazzi’s?”

“Jonghyun-ah.” Onew looked at a Dino boy with a warm gaze. “I don’t care.”

The latter widened his eyes. “But Hyung! It could be in the newspapers! In the internet! In-“

This time the elder cut Jonghyun with his raised hand.

“I think it’s time for you to learn something about life, my dear dongsaeng. You see, if you really love someone, you will do anything, just to make that person happy. Do you want Key to be happy?”

Jonghyun didn’t hesitate to nod eagerly.

“Do you want to make him smile?”

He nodded again.

“Was your heart beating madly, every time you talked with him?”

“Yes.” Was the answer.

“Do you want to apologize for your cowardice?”

“YES!” This time Jonghyun shouted with blazing eyes.

“Jonghyun-ah! You are such a lovesick puppy!” Onew chuckled, shaking his head. “Okay, I will help you.”

“But how? Hyung, He won’t forgive me, he probably hates me now!” Jonghyun lowered his head and hit the floor.

But Onew already had a big mischievous grin on his face.

“Don’t worry, I’ve got a plan.” The elder stood up and headed to the exit.



Onew bit his lip. At least for now his plan is already working, he had to reveal himself, but now he can do everything.

He opened the door and turned to Jonghyun for the last time.

“Kim Kibum.”

He saw the younger’s questioning gaze and smiled to him.

“That’s his name. Kim Kibum”

With that, Onew left.



Okay, here you are, another little <3
I don't know what;s wrong with me, but I can't write this story with serious face, like really xDD I don't even look for mistakes, so if there's any, tell me xD
The nect chapter will be the last one, I think 3 I'm preparing for the end D:
Anyway, take care <3

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Chapter 1: Howww cute ♡♡♡ the guy with a lot of fans is becoming a fan himself ♡♡♡
Chapter 10: OMG this story itls so cuuute shurhj i love it! **
It's written very well Great job! :D
Chapter 10: OMG THIS IS SO CUTE I LOVE IT!!!! I can't even form words because it's just so fluffy :3 jkshfkwnfkwh I love it!
Thank you for writing this wonderful ff ~ Chu ~ *huuug*
Chapter 10: Hahaha this was so cute ! This made me laugh so many times, oh god why Iäam I reading while I'm at work? XD
Chapter 10: Awwwww, it's our cheesy dinosaur>< it finally confess to keyyyyyy: and is that onew? Cause I know he will be listening to love radio:))))) and after that he would be calling jonghyun and .
dinocheeese #7
Chapter 10: Loved it! It was so fluffy:3 thanks for sharing:-)
susumiya08 #8
Chapter 10: awwwwwwwww that was way toosweet!!!! I'm in love with Jongkey so u gave me oxygen !!! OMG I need more!!!! pleeeeeeeeease!!!! >3<
another jongkey fluffy love story!!! *Q*