
Love Radio




Jonghyun ended his part and took off his headphones. Jinki gave him thumbs up, and stood up from his seat. When younger entered a room, where his friend was standing, Jinki patted him on his back.

“That was really good Jonghyun-ah! Tomorrow  we’ll record my part. Now we have to go to Taemin.”

Jonghyun chuckled, nodding. They left the recording studio, and headed to the dancing one.

“Sooo… today again?”

“Of course!” Jonghyun grinned.

Since that fateful day not long ago, Jonghyun called Key every day, even for a few minutes. They would talk, talk, talk… And other stuff.  Jonghyun bit his lip. If he knew, that this would happen, he would call Key earlier. He looked at his friend. Each time Jonghyun ended phoning Key, Onew would call him, just to comment his conversations. It’s really embarrassing sometimes, but to be honest, he helped him a bit.

“Smile, Jonghyun-ah. We are here.” Onew grinned and opened the doors.

They entered a dance studio. It was really spacious, and the walls were covered in wallpaper with sky design. On the floor were laying various things like hula hoops, jumping-ropes, etc.

“HYUNGS!!” A petite teenager ran to them, stumbling on the way. “You came to see Taeman dancing?!”

Jonghyun resisted the urge to roll his eyes.

Taemin. This boy was just unique. He was sixteen, yet he wanted people to treat him like adult, and call him Taeman.

“So, Taemin, did you lear-“

“Taeman.” The youngest scoffed. “It’s Taeman, not Taemin.”

Jonghyun sighed. “Okay… Taeman. Did you mastered that dance?”

Taemin beamed, his eyes lit up, making him look extremely cute. “Actually, it was a matter of minutes.” He turned to a wall made of mirror, and started to make some moves. “You see, there will be something like that in the chorus, and then, you will…”

Blah blah blah…

Jonghyun yawned, trying to focus on younger’s blabbering, but his mind already floated somewhere else, trying to imagine Key’s appearance.

Is he tall?
Or maybe shorter than me?

Jonghyun smiled slightly.
Is he well-built?
He groaned, and shook his head. He can’t be fat, no, please, no.
Maybe he has a mustache?
Or a beard?

“NO!” Jonghyun screamed, shaking his head. “NO! NOO!!”

“Hyung? You don’t like it?” Small voice pulled Jonghyun back to reality. Taemin looked at him with glistening eyes. . Jonghyun facepalmed himself. He will never behave as he should.

But still, he must know what Key looks like. And he will find out.


Sunglasses on his nose, cap on his head, hood on cap, to add anonymity.

Kim Jonghyun sits in his car, ten meters away from front doors of a broadcasting station.

Key’s audition just ended, which meant that he will walk out of a building. Couple of fangirls stood just in front of the doors, with pink bags in their hands, giggling like crazy.

When first person opened the doors, Jonghyun picked up a newspaper from seat beside him, and opened it in front of his face. Jinki likes to read some criminals, and told him, that detective always had some kind of newspaper, to not look suspicious. Jonghyun didn’t pay attention, to the fact, that reading a newspaper upside-down, with a sunglasses on, in the evening, looked rather weird.

He looked up slightly from the newspaper, and saw how fangirls gave a big pink bag to a bald man. He scoffed. It can’t be Key.

Next one was really tall, and with brown hair. Jonghyun bit his lip. That man looked okay. But still, after him appeared so many handsome males, making Jonghyun really confused.

That one with long hair! No, that one with longer! No, no, he has too long hair… oh, wait, it’s a woman.
Jonghyun yawned. He felt really sleepy, but he had to look for Key. Maybe this one? Or this…

After a short long fight with his heavy eyelids, sleep finally overtook him, and Jonghyun fell asleep with a magazine in his hands.

He woke up at 3 a.m. A magazine on his knees, sunglasses on his chest, a disappointment in his eyes. How could he fall asleep in that special moment?

He drove home, went to sleep, woke up at 7 a.m. and went to work.

He decided he would wait again, to search for his Key.

…But he immediately changed his mind, when in the evening, he heard Key’s notice.

“I have to congratulate the endurance of a man with a sunglasses, hood on his cap, and a newspaper turned upside-down in his limp hands. So bad your car doors were locked. I wanted so much to draw a on your forehead…”

After a few seconds, his phone started ringing. He picked it up with shaking hands.



Jonghyun just entered a new level of a humiliation.



It's so random, it's killing me xD 


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Chapter 1: Howww cute ♡♡♡ the guy with a lot of fans is becoming a fan himself ♡♡♡
Chapter 10: OMG this story itls so cuuute shurhj i love it! **
It's written very well Great job! :D
Chapter 10: OMG THIS IS SO CUTE I LOVE IT!!!! I can't even form words because it's just so fluffy :3 jkshfkwnfkwh I love it!
Thank you for writing this wonderful ff ~ Chu ~ *huuug*
Chapter 10: Hahaha this was so cute ! This made me laugh so many times, oh god why Iäam I reading while I'm at work? XD
Chapter 10: Awwwww, it's our cheesy dinosaur>< it finally confess to keyyyyyy: and is that onew? Cause I know he will be listening to love radio:))))) and after that he would be calling jonghyun and .
dinocheeese #7
Chapter 10: Loved it! It was so fluffy:3 thanks for sharing:-)
susumiya08 #8
Chapter 10: awwwwwwwww that was way toosweet!!!! I'm in love with Jongkey so u gave me oxygen !!! OMG I need more!!!! pleeeeeeeeease!!!! >3<
another jongkey fluffy love story!!! *Q*