
Love Radio



One, two, three…

Jonghyun hates that day. February, 14th. It reminds him of his loneliness. He can’t go on dates like normal person. Probably going on a date with one of his fangirls would end up with him lying on a hospital bed unconscious, because she would nearly strangle him, hugging her perfect idol, and screaming “I LOVE YOU OPPA!”.

And then, it’s Key. The owner of a beautiful, soft, colorful voice. Jonghyun would love to at least meet that mysterious man.

Yet,  looking at his previous days, he would never guess, that today, he will take a first step…


“I’ve got you-uuuu-uu, under my skin…”

“One, two, three…” Jonghyun fisted his hands, sitting on a chair in front of a big mirror in his bedroom, looking at his perfect face. Music played softly from his phone. Today was meant to be another boring day, with him being in some stupid shows, and back in bed, in deep slumber.

Yet, it didn’t end just like he wanted to, when just he heard from his muse Key, that he was watching a show.

This definitely won’t end with him being in deep slumber.

What if he found Jonghyun not funny? Not interesting? Was he watching him, or someone else only? Or what if he found him completely stupid? With a derpish face? Do I have a derpish face? What if he said something, that made Key hate him?

“And that was legendary “Mirotic”, if you don’t know, but I guess you all know, because if you don’t know, then… err… you don’t know! Kekeke…”

Jonghyun sighed, and looked at his phone. Beautiful laugh filled his room.
He hoped he won’t have bags under his eyes tomorrow.


“Oh my God, Oppa, what happened to you?”

He gritted his teeth. He heard that question a fifth time on this day. And it irked him like never. So what, that he has big purple bags under his eyes? One, two, three…

“I couldn’t fall asleep.”

“Oh, maybe I can hel-“

“Yeah, you can help. Get out of my way.” He moved past another stupid girl, and headed to Onew’s studio.

The older was sitting beside a console, with his usual big grin. “Oh my chicken! What a pretty boy just came here! Your aura is killing me, my friend.”

Oh my chicken? Jonghyun shook his head, and slumped on a chair in front of his friend.

“I’m so dead, Onew, so dead. Key probably doesn’t like me.”

Onew glanced at his friend’s big pout, and chuckled. “Why are you thinking like that?”

“Yesterday he said he watched Star King. He probably thinks I’m stupid, since I was acting like a dork…”

Onew rolled his eyes. Thinking about someone, not knowing what he looks like. That boy is really hopeless.


“Hey guys, tomorrow is Valentine’s Day! I’m going to share my love to everyone! But for now, I’m going to share a song with everyone!”

Sitting inside his car, and waiting for a green light to appear in front, Jonghyun was playing with his telephone.

Onew, two, three…

He tapped his fingers on a wheel, listening to the beat of the song. 
He always plays good music.

"And that was BIGBANG~ But don't worry girls, there aren't only Bad Boys in this world. If your boyfriend dumped you, don't get depressed. You can always call ME!"

Jonghyun took his phone out of his pocket, and typed the number given by the voice in the radio. He squeezed the device, looking at the number displayed on the screen.

"What if it won't be a girl, who will call you, but a man?"

Yes, I can do it. Maybe he will like me, if I won’t make any stupid thing…

One, two, three…

“Beep! Beep! Beep!”

With his finger a centimeter above a call button, he looked at the already green lights, and decided to take off, before a horns from a car behind him will turn into something worse. He saved the number, though.

Tomorrow will be such a boring day.


“Today was sooooo boring!!!” Jonghyun stretched in his seat, starting his daily ritual, but froze, when his ears reached that voice.

“Hi guys… It’s me… I have to tell you something…”

He turned up the volume and looked at the device, as if it could answer his questions.

“I told you before that I am single… I was lying… at least until n-ow…”

Key’s voice cracked, and Jonghyun cringed. That was the first time, when he heard that perfect voice under control.

“That bastard… stupid, stupid bastard… Today he broke up with m-e-ee…”

Loud sobs filled Jonghyun’s car, stabbing his heart.

And that was when Jonghyun decided, that he will do anything, just to hear that beautiful laugh again.

Without thinking, he found that number on his phone, and looked at a green button.

One, two, three… NOW.


His heart was beating so fast, he thought he would pass out. This was the first time he did something crazy, since going to the SM casting. He closed his eyes, praying in his mind.


He turned down the volume with shaking hands, and took a big breath.


He is talking with KEY.


“Don’t cry. Please, just don’t be sad.”

“Who is calling?...”

He bit his lip. He couldn’t tell him his real name.
Suddenly, an idea struck him.




It's a bit hectic, because I'm figting with a writer's block, since teaser photos came out (KEEEEEEEEEYYYYYY, ONEEEEEWWWW!!!!!!! <333), so I'm just learning again how to write xD but don't worry, I'll try to update quickly, because now it will be only (I hope) fluff <3 

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Chapter 1: Howww cute ♡♡♡ the guy with a lot of fans is becoming a fan himself ♡♡♡
Chapter 10: OMG this story itls so cuuute shurhj i love it! **
It's written very well Great job! :D
Chapter 10: OMG THIS IS SO CUTE I LOVE IT!!!! I can't even form words because it's just so fluffy :3 jkshfkwnfkwh I love it!
Thank you for writing this wonderful ff ~ Chu ~ *huuug*
Chapter 10: Hahaha this was so cute ! This made me laugh so many times, oh god why Iäam I reading while I'm at work? XD
Chapter 10: Awwwww, it's our cheesy dinosaur>< it finally confess to keyyyyyy: and is that onew? Cause I know he will be listening to love radio:))))) and after that he would be calling jonghyun and .
dinocheeese #7
Chapter 10: Loved it! It was so fluffy:3 thanks for sharing:-)
susumiya08 #8
Chapter 10: awwwwwwwww that was way toosweet!!!! I'm in love with Jongkey so u gave me oxygen !!! OMG I need more!!!! pleeeeeeeeease!!!! >3<
another jongkey fluffy love story!!! *Q*