
Love Radio



People might think that being a singer is a “dream job”, but Jonghyun knows a different story.

Thousands hours of training. Thousands hours of straining your voice, to your only friend,  a microphone inside a black room. And then, there comes the time, when you can’t even talk anymore, afraid that people will think, that there is an ogre sitting here, screeching to them. And the only thing you do is nodding or shaking your head, gulping liters of water.
And then comes dancing.
After –you even cannot count how many- times of the same dance routine, the only thing you want to do is to cry like a baby, sprawled on the ground. You sit in a corner of a practice room, praying for a bed, but the only thing you get is a nudge from the choreographer, coming with a very enthusiastic
“You. Get up.” and a sound of your song (which you already managed to hate, by the way) played for a hundredth time.

Yet, there are times, when Jonghyun could relax, and write a lyrics. Sometimes he even stays up late, sitting alone in a room full with instruments, writing some shallow rhymes about love, and listening to Key’s smooth voice


“And, yeah, I was like ‘What the heck, gurl? I was first here, so don’t make me go all ghetto on you!’, and she was like ‘Whadaya talkin’ about?’ I swear I was so damn pissed on her, so I said ‘U know wut, u bit…”

Jonghyun listened to the rambling coming from the radio, mouth hanging open and dreamy eyes.
People can say, that Key is too Diva-ish for their liking, but Jonghyun always thought, that this is one of Key’s best features. Listening to his voice, no matter of circumstances (nagging to listen to his audition, reading some stupid question from fans, talking with someone, or even, oh God, doing his aegyo!), became Jonghyun’s ritual. This time he chose to stay in a studio, sitting, and writing some lines for his new song, but failing miserably, because of that sweet voice, coming from his phone (he saved that channel, just to listen from his phone, when he couldn’t do it in his car).

But what annoyed him slightly, was the fact, that nobody knows what he looks like.
Key carefully cares about his privacy, he doesn’t want to see his pictures on the internet, and that’s why there is always a group of fans in front of a broadcasting station, waiting for someone, who would be Key, just to give expensive gifts to a complete random people. Jonghyun closed his eyes imagining, what Key looks like, and started drawing something without even looking at the sheet.

“YAH!! I know you guys are probably falling asleep, so I have to wake you up! It’s still early, it’s 10:30 pm. So don’t even try to close your eyes, coz Key’s going to the rescue!”

Key’s voice startled a singer, pulling him out of his reveries, and making him jump on his seat. He looked at his notes, and noticed a big fat KEY between lines of his song. Sighing, he started to re-write his lyrics, and furrowed his brows, when he heard his song coming from the device.

Neo wae, neo wae, down-iya gibuni
Oh wae, oh wae, cheok hamyeon cheok”

Again, those question. Does Key like his songs? Does he like him, as a singer, or maybe he finds him attractive? Jonghyun felt really uncomfortable, thinking about it. What an irony. He was famous singer, everybody want him, yet, he himself felt vulnerable, listening to a stranger from a radio.

“Jonghyun-ah? You still here?”

He turned around, just to see his friend Onew, standing in the doors.

“I thought you went home, you always run away before 10 pm.” When he came up to him, Jonghyun quickly covered the notes with his right hand. Onew took the phone lying on a table, looked at the radio application, and smiled. “You are listening to Key? He’s so awesome!”

“I decided stay for a little longer…” Jonghyun looked at his smiling friend. “And give me my phone!” Forgetting about his notes, he reached with his right hand for it, but Onew raised his hand. Damn his height.

“Whoa! What my eyes just saw!” Onew put the phone on a table, quickly grabbed paper with a big KEY on it, and started laughing. “I didn’t know Key has an admirer! Oh, Jonghyun, I never knew you like to draw swirls on letters!” He started laughing.

Jonghyun quickly took the phone from a table, and looked at his friend, just to see him laughing hard, while looking at his damned lyrics. His eyes widened, and face turned dark red. He didn’t want anybody to know about his love to Key Key’s auditions, watching his friend's mocking face made him so embarrassed.

“You punk!” He snatched a paper from Onew’s hand, and glared at him. “It’s not what it looks like!”

The older only laughed more, gripping a table. “Yes, of course! But your face tells something else!” He calmed down after a while, and looked a his friend, who was sitting with his head lowered down, and pout on his face.

“Don’t tell anybody.” Jonghyun murmured, wanting to just sink into the ground, to stay away from his laughing friend. He was acting like a schoolgirl, who has first crush, but he couldn’t help it, he really couldn’t stop thinking about this mysterious man, even when he tried.
Suddenly, he felt Onew’s arms encircling his waist, and looked at his friend’s face. Onew flashed him his big signature smile, and squeezed his body.

“Jonghyun-ah, don’t worry. In the end I’m your friend, you Puppy!” The older cooed, earning a growl from his friend for calling him a Puppy. “But you know what? I think you should go to Key’s studio, and talk to him, if you want. You can, you are a star, Jonghyun.”

“No, no. He won’t treat me like a normal person, but just like another idol.”

“Then maybe call him?”

Jonghyun looked at Onew. Call him?

“No, Onew, I don’t know, I would chicken out, Hyung.” He looked at his friend, who gulped, and stood up.

“Well, then, think about it. I have to go.” He smiled weakly. “I have to… eat something…”
He waved quickly, and left a studio, leaving Jonghyun alone, with confused expression on face, radio still quietly playing in the background.

Call him?


I don't know what I write xD I'm hungry too, so I understand you, Onew <3 I hope you didn't fall asleep, reading it xD

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Chapter 1: Howww cute ♡♡♡ the guy with a lot of fans is becoming a fan himself ♡♡♡
Chapter 10: OMG this story itls so cuuute shurhj i love it! **
It's written very well Great job! :D
Chapter 10: OMG THIS IS SO CUTE I LOVE IT!!!! I can't even form words because it's just so fluffy :3 jkshfkwnfkwh I love it!
Thank you for writing this wonderful ff ~ Chu ~ *huuug*
Chapter 10: Hahaha this was so cute ! This made me laugh so many times, oh god why Iäam I reading while I'm at work? XD
Chapter 10: Awwwww, it's our cheesy dinosaur>< it finally confess to keyyyyyy: and is that onew? Cause I know he will be listening to love radio:))))) and after that he would be calling jonghyun and .
dinocheeese #7
Chapter 10: Loved it! It was so fluffy:3 thanks for sharing:-)
susumiya08 #8
Chapter 10: awwwwwwwww that was way toosweet!!!! I'm in love with Jongkey so u gave me oxygen !!! OMG I need more!!!! pleeeeeeeeease!!!! >3<
another jongkey fluffy love story!!! *Q*