I'll Make A Woman Out Of You!

Eeny Meeny Miny Moe, Catch A Groom Before You Go!


*Jisue’s POV*

“Why aren’t you eating?” Kevin pouted at me from across the table. “You just got a promotion, we’re at Hankuk in Namsan Tower on a beautiful night and I’m paying! I thought you’d like it.”

“I do like it. I love that you’re doing this for me! It’s just… ugh,” I let out a sigh of frustration.

“Is it your mom?”

I nodded.

“What did she say?”

“It’s not what she said when I called her. It’s what she did twenty years ago,” I shook my head, crossing my arms.

“This sounds deep,” Kevin raised his eyebrows. “Do you want to talk about it?”

“I’m just so angry!” I finally shouted. People all around the restaurant turned to look at me, the source of their disturbance.

Kevin stared at me unsurely. Glancing around, he got up from his seat and grabbed my arm, “Come on.”

He led me out of the restaurant and upstairs to the Wishing Pond. There, we sat on a bench, out of the way of the crowd, to talk.  

“Jisue,” he looked at me curiously. “What happened?”

“I’m a criminal,” I mumbled lowly.

“A what?”

“A criminal,” my voice was still inaudible.

“A little louder?”

“A lawbreaker, you buffoon!” I stared at him with large eyes. Though the Wishing Pond was less crowded than the restaurant, I still got just as many stares.

“What- You- Jisue…” he glanced around then lowered his voice, “What the heck did you do?!”

Taking a deep, unsteady breath, I began to tell him the whole story from start to finish. I included everything from my dad leaving us to that very moment. He listened quietly without interrupting.

“What are you going to do?” That was his response to my long story. That.

“How am I supposed to know what to do?! I don’t want to get married! I’m not that kind of person! You know that!”

“Sure you are,” Kevin forced a smile. “I think you’d make a good wife. And it would only be for a little while. You could divorce the guy later… unless you’ve fallen in love by then,” he smirked deviously.

“Please,” I rolled my eyes. “This isn’t a movie.”

“You never knowwwww,” he laughed.

“Aigoo,” I rolled my eyes. “But anyways, where am I supposed to randomly get a husband? My mom expects me to have ‘results’ by the next time she calls. She mentioned some online mingle sites but… I just couldn’t do it!”

Kevin put his hands on my shoulders and stared into my eyes. “What is your name?”

“Gosh, my name is Jisue,” I crossed my arms.

“What do you do for a living?”

“As of today I am assistant designer.”

“And what is your dream?” he asked quizzically, as if I was on a talk show and he was the host.

“To design my own fashion line with my best friend as my assistant,” I sighed, “But-,”

“Hush!” He put a finger to my lips. My eyes followed it on instinct, making me go cross-eyed. He giggled at how silly I looked, but then regained composure. “You’re going to reach that dream Jisue the Assistant Designer! We’re going to be on the cover of every magazine! We’ll be stars Jisue! Stars! You can’t give up such a glorious life just because you’re scared of commitment!”

“I’m not scared of commitment!” I snapped.

Kevin gave me a sarcastic look and I knew it was no use.

“Okay, fiiiiine. So I’m not good at the whole ‘two people becoming one’ thing. But I’d hardly say I’m afraid.”

“Well we’re going to fix that!” Kevin stood up, offering me his hand. “I’m going to teach you Dating 101. From proper public eating habits to how to be a good kisser!”

He yanked me up off the bench.

“But first I should pay for our cold dinner downstairs. Or… we could be partners in crime!” he posed in an excited way, only to receive my flat “no” look.

“Okay. Good citizen it is.”

Once Kevin paid the bill, we headed back to my apartment for my first lesson in dating. 

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Chapter 13: Update soon!!!:)
anna-kpop #2
Chapter 13: HAHAHA I had a feeling that Kevin was gay but I'm still not completely sure xD Jisue what kind of question is that? xDD
Chapter 13: Whuuuuuuuut?! XD will be waiting for the next chapter! Will soohyun and jisue end up together? I was hopig for Kevin but I don't think that'll happen.. or would it? XD anywaaaaaay, I'll be waiting!
Chapter 13: I hope jisue and soohyun are together:)
Lexarvy #5
Chapter 12: Lmao XDDDD I had a feeling Soohyun would be made into the "Fiancé" XP
Wtheck? Eating habbits? Animal in bed!?! Yeah I'd be as embarrassed as Soohyun if I was him o/////o
Great Update!!! :D
R_Squared_Pi #6
Chapter 12: OMG Eli!!!!!!
Chapter 12: Well, everyone got the surprise....
Chapter 11: Please Update Soon Author nim!:)
JennyPark2ne1 #9
anna-kpop #10
whaaat?? xDD