Teaser for CL

S.M ACADEMY |Apply open|

CL let out a loud sigh before laying her head on the table outside of her favorite cafe, Lunar Cafe.

She had just came from teaching her dance class and she was beat.

"Are you ready to order?" someone behind her asked.

She didn't bother looking up as she replied, "Do you really need to ask me what I want?"

She heard the person sigh, "Mocha Latte with caramel then?"

"As always." She said tiredly.

When she was sure he left she picked her head up before looking over to the direction he left before mumbling, "Stupid flower boy. ing irrating me when I'm tired as ."

She layed her head back down and pulled out her phone when she heard it ring once, meaning she had just recieved a text message.

It was from one of her best friends, GD.

Hey, you wanna hang out tonight? Bring Bom, Minzy, and Dara if you want.

" this ." she groaned.

She stared at the message before deciding to text back later.

"Here's your Mocha Latte." She heard the flower boy say as he placed the drink down on her table. "Will that be all?"

She sat up before looking blankly at her waiter, "Are you serious?"

He smirked at her before bowing and leaving.

"Did that little just smirk at me?" She glared at him, "s these days."

"Someone's in a bad mood today."

She glanced behind her before smiling tiredly, "Minzy! I'm so ing tired."

"No, really?" Minzy replied sarcastically.

"Shut up." CL laughed as she playfully punched her friend.

As Minzy sat down she swipped CL's phone and looked over GD's message.

"Tonight? Crap, I don't think I can go." she pouted.

"Why?" CL asked, even though she already knew the answer.

""You know why." she sighed, "Hey, but go for me ok? Make sure they don't talk crap about me."

"As if anyone has the guts to." CL scoffed, rolling her eyes.

It was true.  2NE1 is known as 'The Rebelious Seniors' at S.M Academy. No one messed with them or they'd have to face CL's and Minzy's wrath.

"Did you  need me for something?" CL asked all of a sudden, "You just popped out of no where."

"No, I was about to head home from school when I had a feeling you'd e here." she said giving CL her phone back.

"Ok, then let's go." CL stood up, grabbing the plastic cup of mocha latte.

Just as they were about to leave, though, they heard someone throwing plates down and swearing.

The two stopped and looked over to see 4 guys crowding a high school girl and the waiter that had just served her. CL could tell right away that the waiter didn't know how to fight and just wanted to save the high schooler. She respected that.

"You want me to handle it or you?" Minzy asked, already knowing CL would do it.

"Leave these s to me." she smirked, "I needed to get my frustration out anyways."

All of a sudden, she swung her bat, that she hid under the table. out and over her shoulder.

She walked towards the group before kicking a chair over to one of the guys, "Hey, s. What the do you think you're doing?"

"Is this talking to us?" the guy who CL kicked the table to asked furiously.

CL's eye twitched, "Mwoh? Did you just call me a ing ?"

The guys smirked before taunting her, "Does the little princess feel offended?"

These guys obviously didn't know who they were talking to.

"Today is not your lucky day, motherers." She smirked, "First, you pick on these two who can't do and now you wanna piss me off? By the time I'm done with you, you're going to wish you never messed with both these people and me, Korea's most badass female."

Musicfreak17 here:

Oh the suspense!! Oh the action!! Oh the most badass female known to man!! Keke, hello. ^^ I apoligize if this isn't how you wanted it. I tried my best so please don't be too mad, I'm not as good as my unnie. I don't mean to make her violent, I tried to make her seem badass, but...yeah, kinda crappy, huh? But don't worry, I'll improve and if you have any more ideas, please feel free to PM me. :)

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Chapter 17: Yay! You're back :DD
Chapter 17: Long time no see! And that's cool I guess~
I myself haven't really gotten into BTS yet (though I do love their song N.O) so...yeah, awesome!
Chapter 16: Yay, you're back!!! XD Oh poor you getting grounded for a long time :( We all missed you ^^
Chapter 16: how long were you grounded? :0
Chapter 16: Cooool~ :)
Chapter 1: Shinee is the only band tat s fully taken<3<3 proud to be a shawol XDXD
Chapter 12: Yeah Exo :3
I love Exo!
*Sigh* Chen and his trolling
:3 Applying as Sunny of SNSD


Chapter 11: Even though it's short I still like it! :DD Cute teaser~
Chapter 11: Woah, short teaser but very interesting.
Suzy and Jia are so cute as friends. And Suzy's journal is now with a certain baozi-faced boy =))
Will wait for the next updates!