Chapter 9

Does it look like i care ???


"Now, you didn't tell me you finally got a boyfriend" Kevin said winking at her. "He's blackmailing me" EunMi whined, now Kevin wasn't her actual husband he was her gay husband.
"You have no idea how long i have been waiting for you to let me do this" Kevin squealled as they walked into a dress shop. "I'm not gonna deny it i miss the days you did ballet" he added, EunMi rolled her eyes "I don't" she muttered. "You to the change rooms, leave the rest to me" he said shooeing her. 
Dress after dress "Honestly Kevin you know the rule no pink" she yelled chucking him the dress. "Oh god Babes i found the perfect dress" he said coming into the change room. "Why do you wear nice knickers if no ones going to see them" Kevin said, EunMi took the dress from his hands and pulled it on. "Zip me up" she asked Kevin did the zipper up the rest of the way. The dress came mid thigh and hugged her in all the right places and it was black. "Damn if i wasn't gay, i would have to take you to my room and have my way with you" Kevin said. EunMi began laughing "I'm serious girl, this guys gonna have an on spot" he said. "I'm meeting his mother, i can't wear this" she said, Kevin looked at her curiously "I thought you didn't care" he teased. She shook her head "I don't its just no something you wear to meet someones mother" she said shrugging.
After much more searching they eventually found a red dress with black lace sleeves. Yet Kevin still insisted that he would buy the other dress. 
"So whose this derp you mentioned over the phone" Kevin asked, "You mean Chanyeol" she said. "Ahhh so the derp has a name" Kevin said wiggling his eyebrows. "Knock, Knock" EunMi sat up she slapped Kevins shoulder "Coming" she called opening the door. "Chanyeol, Tao" she said smiling and holding the door open for them. "Guys this is my friend Kevin" she said motioning to Kevin. "Damn if i knew the guys were this good looking i should have come to SM instead" he said. EunMi laughed Tao and Chanyeol looked confused, "He's gay" she said simply. Tao "Oohed" and Chanyeol just stared at EunMi. "So i heard you have a dinner with Kris's mother" Tao said looking at EunMi. She nodded "Tao know's Kris's mother" Chanyeol said smiling at her. "Soo" EunMi asked, "he can help you impress her" Chanyeol said. "Really" EunMi said looking at Tao, he nodded, "Thank you" she said hugging Tao. "Hey What about my hug" Chanyeol whined, EunMi rolled her eyes and hugged him. 
Kevin left saying that he would see EunMi on saturday to help her get ready.
"So its not really his mother you need to worry about more so less his grandfather" Tao said, "Whats so bad about him" EunMi asked. Tao and Chanyeol looked at eachother "He's not the nicest people, He's been trying to set Kris up in an arranged marrige" Chanyeol said. "What about Kris's dad" she asked, "He died" Tao said sadly. 
Finally beginning to get back on track, updates will come sooner and be longer i swear on Exo's tree of life and yes Kevin is Kevin from Ukiss I thought about making it Key but i prefered Kevin for this. 
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Editing chapter 13 ^^


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Chapter 18: what a sweet story ~ :)
Chapter 17: OH MAI GAWD!!!! THIS WAS AN AWESOME STORY!!!! :") Thank you for the amazing story author-nim!!!! :DD
ArianaTomlinson #3
Chapter 16: omo update soon
Chapter 13: //dies// THEY KISSED!!!!! OH MY EFFING GOSHHH!!!!!
Chapter 11: please update soon
Chapter 11: Sorry >< I meant I not in ><
Chapter 11: If only in had a friend like Kris, dude, I'd make his life a living hell yet still shower him with pure affection :)
Chapter 3: this story is so awesome!!! pls update soon... i'm really enjoying it