Chapter 10

Does it look like i care ???


"Is this your mum" Chanyeol asked looking up, "where did you find that" EunMi stepping out of the bathroom. "It was on your dresser" he said innocently, "is that you" he said pointing to a picture of EunMi and her mother. EunMi smiled softly "Yep and thats my mum" she said, "Omo" Chanyeol said "What now" she said. "I think its the first time I've seen you smile properly" he said poking her cheek. "Your derpiness must be a disese" EunMi joked "Am i interupting something here" Tao said. She walked over and sat next to Tao, Chanyeol pouted but continued to flip through the photo album. "Hold up, hold up" Chanyeol said, "You did Ballet" he exclamied showing the photo to Tao. "I never took you for the ballet type" Tao said staring looking at the picture. "This never leaves this bedroom" EunMi threatened, "Its cool, Kai used to do Ballet" Chanyeol said. "Yea but then he switched to hip hop" Tao said, "wait to make me feel better guys" she said rolling her eyes. 
"Soo why did you quit ballet" Chanyeol asked, EunMi froze and fidgeted with her fingers. "When my mum got sick, i was running to the hospital and i fell down the stairs, broke my leg and never bothered going through rehab" she said. "Why" he asked, "Why do you ask so many questions" EunMi said pushing away the photo album.
"And now the last thing we have to do before he picks you up" Kevin said, EunMi stared at him. "Selfies duhh" Kevin said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. EunMi laughed and posed with Kevin for the hell of it.
'Knock, knock' Getting up she walked to the door Kevin stared curiously. Opening the door, Kris stood there dressed in a black suit and not that she would admit it out loud he looked good, like really good. "Lets get this show on the road" she said grabbing her bag, He rolled his eyes "admit it you were staring at me" he said. "In your dreams" she muttered going to shut the door she caught Kevins eye who was staring at Kris. 
"Don't forget to call me oppa" Kris said, "so jackass isn't a suitable nickname then" EunMi said blinking innocently. "Not tonight darling" Kris said sarcasticlly, "So anytime after tonight" she said. He winked "you know it" he said, EunMi fought the urge to smile and laugh. 
Kris held out his hand and helped EunMi out of the car, she resisted the urge to throw up. 
"Mum, this is my lovely girlfriend EunMi, EunMi this is my mother" Kris introduced, "Its a pleasure to meet you Mrs Wu" EunMi said shaking Kris's mothers hand. Mrs Wu being in her early 50s looked like she was in her mid 30s at the latest, her black hair tied up in a tight ponytail with only a few gray hairs visable and she could see wear Kris got his eyes from. 
"EunMi lovely too meet you Kris has told me so much about you, your even more beautiful than what he told me" she said smiling warmly. "Kris talks about me, all good i hope" EunMi said stitting next to her, Mrs Wu laughed "You have no idea" she said. "Mum" Kris snapped "Aww look oppa's blushing" EunMi teased, he turned and glared at her. "Now darling you must tell me everything about you" Mrs Wu said grasping EunMi's hands. "What can i tell you that Kris already hasn't" EunMi joked, "I like this one" Mrs Wu said looking at Kris. 
"Lets start with your parents, what do they do" Mrs Wu asked, "Um my mum passed away a few years ago and my dad owns a restaurant" EunMi said. "Ahh thats a shame i understand i lost my husband a few years ago" Mrs Wu said. Kris stared at EunMi "You never told me" he blurted out, "Its not something i publicly announce" she said. Mrs Wu started at both of them "Your father whats the name of his restauraunt" she asked breaking the silence. 
"So I what do you want to do when you leave school" Mrs Wu said pouring tea into her cup. "I know Kris will take over his fathers company, but what about you" she said. "Well i had plans but a they were forced to change, so I'm not to sure at the moment" EunMi said. "It's Amore" she said, "Will have to go visit sometime, right Kris" Mrs Wu said. He smiled "Of course only if EunMi would acompany us" he said, EunMi nodded "Of course" she said. 
The three of them walked out of the hotel, "Well EunMi it was lovely to meet you" Mrs Wu said pulling her into a hug. Hesitating EunMi hugged her back "You too" she said, "Your freezing, Kris give her your coat" Mrs Wu said. Pulling off his jacket he placed it over her shoulders, not even giving her a chance to protest. "Kris" she said hugging her son "Don't screw this one up" she said. EunMi laughed "Yes mum" he grumbled stepping back "I hope we can do this again EunMi" Mrs Wu said. "Me too" she said nodding, watching Mrs Wu get into her own car they both waved. 
"Mum likes you" Kris said walking, "Mhhm she's nice" EunMi said. "It's suprising though, for once tonight you acted like a human being" she said. Kris rolled his eyes "Don't get used to it" he said "Oh i won't" she said gettting in the car. 
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Editing chapter 13 ^^


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Chapter 18: what a sweet story ~ :)
Chapter 17: OH MAI GAWD!!!! THIS WAS AN AWESOME STORY!!!! :") Thank you for the amazing story author-nim!!!! :DD
ArianaTomlinson #3
Chapter 16: omo update soon
Chapter 13: //dies// THEY KISSED!!!!! OH MY EFFING GOSHHH!!!!!
Chapter 11: please update soon
Chapter 11: Sorry >< I meant I not in ><
Chapter 11: If only in had a friend like Kris, dude, I'd make his life a living hell yet still shower him with pure affection :)
Chapter 3: this story is so awesome!!! pls update soon... i'm really enjoying it