Too Consumed To Poison

Lost in Love

The hair and make up artist arrived early. The models arrived on time. The lighting assistants arrived slightly later and the photographer arrived a whole 10 minutes late.

'Where the heck is she?' Ayumi hissed, 'And why is your girlfriend back?!'

'A little more to the right, please! Yes! Perfect! And... Hold!'

Yukwon cocked an eyebrow and snuck a look at the glass doors to the studio. 


He stopped watching and walked away to help the photographer. Ayumi turned to look to see if Jieun was still there and she was, only this time she was also with you. You had changed back into your jumper but you were wearing the heels. Your trainers were dangling by their laces around your neck and you were watching.

That pabo was right. She did come back...

Ayumi turned her attention back to the shoot but found herself constantly looking back. Jieun had left and you were holding the tupperware box in your hands. She should be poisoning the food in that box but she's staring at the photographer and the model... Why is that?

Yukwon casually sidled up beside Ayumi like a sly cat.

'Told you she'd be here'

'She isn't here'

'Well she's watching'

Ayumi groaned. 'Fine. Congratulations, you were correct.'

'And you're still angry at me'

Ayumi side eyed Yukwon who had the sort of expression you would give someone when you wanted to say 'at least you know it' or 'don't play dumb'. Even so, Ayumi could never stay angry at Yukwon for long and she gave up the act almost instantly.


'How did you know?'

'How did I know what?'

'That Dahye would be back for the shoot. I mean, even if she's watching through the glass over there... She's here and you knew she'd come'

'Hair! Can we fix that please?!' the photographer shouted.

'I may not like Dahye or care about her-'

'That's a lie already'

'No it's not'

'Yes it is'

'Do you want to know or not?'

'...Carry on'

'Like I was saying, although I don't care that much about Dahye I know that it's always been her dream to do this- to be a stylist.'

'Kwonchan, you're so contradicting' said Ayumi, shaking her head

'What are you saying now?' he replied with a sigh

'You! Before Dahye and Jieun began working here, you used to talk about her all the time like you missed her and that you hoped she'd-'

'It's not her! It's not Dahye! There was another girl-'

'Lie number 2!'

'Eurgh. There's no point talking to you because you never listen!'

'Do you want a slap?'


'Then carry on'

'You're the one stopping me!'

'Slap or carry on. You choose'

Yukwon held onto his cheeks in protest and pouted. 'You wouldn't...'

'Try me'

'What do you want me to say, honestly?'

'I want to know why you're still lying to me. I know it's her and I know you don't like Jieun'

'Doesn't take a rocket scientist to realise that, Ayumi'

'Why are you still dating her then?'

'You already know the answer'

'But the girl you love is standing outside. Surely this is the second chance you've been wanting for the past 3 years?'


This time Yukwon didn't fight back. Ayumi was right. The girl he loved was now his assistant. Instead he sighed. 'It's complicated'

'You keep saying that but you're doing nothing about it, Kwonchan'

'What can I do? According to you, I broke her into pieces. She won't talk to me. She runs away. She hates me!'

'I don't blame her. From what I heard yesterday at lunch, what you said to her wasn't the nicest'

'How else would I break up with her? You tell me how you'd break up with the person who is your everything. Dahye was my life and I ruined hers by leaving! I don't deserve her anymore.'

'Surely there would be a way to end it without giving her all these problems'

'Well I was young back then! I didn't know she'd end up like this. She was always strong and...'

Yukwon realised there was nothing else to say. What's done is done.

'Kwonchan, it doesn't help if you're being horrible to her and talking about her badly behind her back. She can hear everything you say.'

'Old habits die hard, Ayumi'

'I know... I understand you, really, I do... But there's only so much someone can take'

'So what can we do to make this better?'

'For starters, you can break up with your girlfriend. She's pissing me off by coming to our floor every hour to check on you'

'Yeah well I can't change that. What else can we do? To make work a bit... Happier?'

Ayumi smiled.

'You like Dahye, don't you?'


'Kim Yukwon! Don't just repeat what everyone else wants you to say. Say what you want and do what you want. You've left them anyway'

'Well... Yeah... I don't know. She won't accept me though, not after all the crap I did... And I have Jieun now'

'Eurgh, enough with Jieun. Now that I've met her, I think I understand why you never spoke about her before.'

'Gee thanks'

'Well that's settled it then'

'What's settled? Oh God, what are you going to do?'

Ayumi grinned and patted Yukwon's back.

'I'll get you two back together if it's the last thing I do'

'Easier said than done'

'Don't you want it though?'

'No I do... But I don't think Dahye will forgive me easily'

'I'll be surprised if she does'


I hope this hasn't moved on too fast. Any thoughts on Yukwon's reason for leaving?


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14 streak #1
Chapter 20: Its been a long time since i read this and the feelings are coming back!! ❤❤❤❤❤
Chapter 20: Aigooooo it's over already ....
Don't you want to write a sequel ??

Chapter 19: Yeayyyyyy finally they're back together
Wooohooooooo ;D
Chapter 16: Even me too ... It's feel weird reading the kising scene ..
But that's the drama .. Hope ukwon and dahye reconcile !! ;)
Chapter 13: WWuaahhhh the letters are T.T
Making me crying...
Hope ukwon can get rid of jiwon
Chapter 9: Doesn't see this coming.. Yooo
So unpredictable ...
That jiwon b*tch must be so pathetic ><
Chapter 5: Wow the analogy's perfectly written
China's doll T.T
Dahye must be suffering ...
Chapter 20: Read this for the second time in a day... Is there a sequel?? Like of just them and being married and continuing their work????THAT WOULD BE SO CUTE O M G
Chapter 20: IM COMPLETELY SPEECHLESS asdfghjklqwertyuio ! OmyGod i love this GREAT WORK AUTHOR NIM I MEAN IT! and those letters made me cry rivers T.T. Keep up the good work <3
Chapter 20: Oh my god what is that with with the sweet things hah . Hahaha aigoo you did great . Goodjob ;) i love this story