Time To Face The Music

Lost in Love

'I'm stressed oh my god! Outfit 2 please! Where are the shoes?!'

'Ayumi-ssi, is this okay?'

'That's... Aish, I don't like it.' said Ayumi bluntly

The make up artist bit her lip and scratched the back of her neck sheepishly. Soo Hyun gently pulled her away from Ayumi. 

'Sorry about her. She gets a bit rude and snappy when she's stressed out. How about you ask Yukwon what to do? He'll be a bit more helpful.'

The girl nodded and bowed. 'Thanks, Soo Hyun-ssi.'


'Okay! Where's the intern?!'

'I'm here, Dahye-ssi'

'I've got a boring job for you, sorry.'

'That's okay. I'm only an intern. What is it?'

'Could you possibly make everyone a tea?'

'Of course!'

'I'll let you follow me around as soon as everyone's got their tea, okay?'

'Thank you!'

The intern flounced off to the kitchen where the kettle had already been by Yukwon. You smiled knowing you had saved him some time by asking the intern to make the tea instead. When she arrived at the kitchen and took over, Yukwon pulled down on his face in anguish. He must be really stressed out. 

'Yah, where is Lee Hyuk?!'

'He's changing, Kwonchan. Calm down.'

'I need him now!'

'Models take time to change. You know that'

'Yo, Yukwon. Have no fear, Lee Hyuk is here.'

'You're going to be the death of me, Hyuk'

'I'll treat you out to a meal when we're both in Busan, how about that hyung?'

'I don't come down to Busan much though'

'Fine, I'll call you when I'm in Seoul for Fashion Week'

'Deal. Soo Hyun?'


'Get off the table. I need it'

'Yes Mr Bossy Boots'

'Don't get snappy, smelly. You sound like Ayumi.'

'Aish, how long are you going to keep this up?'

'Forever, hyung. Go help Ayumi.'

'She doesn't need-'

'Soo Hyun! Help me now!'

Yukwon smiled devilishly as if to say 'told you so'. 

'I hate you.'


Shooting finished at half nine that night. The models were well and truly worn out. Soo Hyun looked like he had sunk into and become part of the sofa by the log fire. Ayumi's mouth was gaped open and her eyes kept shutting despite her efforts to keep awake. You were all waiting for your boss' comments on the shoot. Did it live up to his expectations? You would soon all find out.

Soo Hyun's mobile rang and you all jumped up and gathered round the table. 

'Hello? Boss?'

'Hey, how's Switzerland?'

'Cold!' said Ayumi

'I'm freezing my balls off!' said Yukwon

Your boss laughed. 'Well make sure you come back with them, alright? Jieun's been getting hysterical because of you'

Yukwon groaned and the atmosphere went silent. 

'Oh by the way, Dahye, well done for being so prepared.'

'It was nothing. Besides, you were the one that helped me boss'

'Me? Well fair enough, I gave you the assignment but you used your brains to pull a few 'just-in-case' outfits.'

'So it wasn't you?'

'What wasn't me?'

'The post it?'

'What post it?'

'The yellow post it...'

Yukwon got up and hauled Soo Hyun off the sofa too. Ayumi stayed to listen to the conversation.

'Hey, we're going to go down to the slopes and see what's going on. Come down when you're ready'

You nodded and pressed the phone closer to your ear. 

'So you didn't tell me to prepare those outfits?'

'Definitely not. Why?'

Ayumi stared at you curiously and picked up your folder, examining the post it in her hands. She noticed that the handwriting was similar to Yukwon's but had been altered slightly. Smirking to herself, she placed the post it note back inside and put on her jacket. 

'I'm going to join the others. See you in a bit, Dahye'

You waved and put down the phone. 

If it wasn't my boss and it wasn't Ayumi, was it Yukwon?

You hoped it was but your instincts told you it couldn't have been. What did he care about you anyway? 


Rushing out and walking down towards the slopes, you heard the distant tinkly laughter of Ayumi followed by Yukwon's cheerful chuckle and Soo Hyun's groaning as he watched the two big children play around in the snow. 

'Dahye! Come on! We can't go skiing but we can toboggan!'

'I'm coming!'

As you hastily began running down the stairs, your hair flipped around in the wind and caught on a nearby branch, pulling you back. It tugged and snagged, the momentum causing you to lose your balance and come crashing down the hard stone steps. 


Yukwon ran forwards in an attempt to brace your fall. You fell on top of him and out.




It was gone midnight when you woke up on the sofa. A blanket had been placed over you and there was a hot flannel on your forehead. You fluttered your eyes open and sat up. 


Yukwon was sitting opposite you with a beer in his hand, looking concerned. You groaned.

'What happened?'

'You slipped and fainted so we got the reception guy to help take you back'

'Do I have concussion?'

Yukwon laughed. 'No, thank god. You're fine'

You frowned and muttered under your breath, 'It would have been better if I lost my memory'

'What was that?'


You stood up and looked around. 

'Where is Ayumi and Soo Hyun?'

'The heater in Ayumi's room isn't working so they've gone to complain and get a new one.'

'Is the heater working in my room?'

'Yeah, yours is fine'

'Then I'm going to bed.'


You turned around. 'Hmm?'

'Are you alright?'

'I'm fine.'

'Can we talk?'

'Talk about?'

'Well... Us?'


Forgive and forget. Forget about us. Forget about what we had. Forgive and forget. 

Yukwon stared at you and you rubbed your head. A small bump was beginning to form. 

'Well I'm going to sleep, okay?'

Yukwon didn't say anything. You sighed deeply. Fine, be like that. At least I have the courtesy to reply back. 

You opened your bedroom door and walked in, ready to slam the door shut for added effect but something was blocking the way behind you. Yukwon had wedged himself between the door and the doorframe. He slid out into your room and shut the door, locking it behind him. You glared at him in aggravation. 

'If you won't talk to me willingly then I'll need to be more forceful, Dahye.'

You didn't speak.

'Last time when I locked us in the closet, you got Ayumi to open the door. Well, she and Soo Hyun aren't here now and they won't be back for a while.'

Yukwon sighed. 

'You can't run away this time, Dahye. I want you to listen to what I have to say once and for all.'




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14 streak #1
Chapter 20: Its been a long time since i read this and the feelings are coming back!! ❤❤❤❤❤
Chapter 20: Aigooooo it's over already ....
Don't you want to write a sequel ??

Chapter 19: Yeayyyyyy finally they're back together
Wooohooooooo ;D
Chapter 16: Even me too ... It's feel weird reading the kising scene ..
But that's the drama .. Hope ukwon and dahye reconcile !! ;)
Chapter 13: WWuaahhhh the letters are T.T
Making me crying...
Hope ukwon can get rid of jiwon
Chapter 9: Doesn't see this coming.. Yooo
So unpredictable ...
That jiwon b*tch must be so pathetic ><
Chapter 5: Wow the analogy's perfectly written
China's doll T.T
Dahye must be suffering ...
Chapter 20: Read this for the second time in a day... Is there a sequel?? Like of just them and being married and continuing their work????THAT WOULD BE SO CUTE O M G
Chapter 20: IM COMPLETELY SPEECHLESS asdfghjklqwertyuio ! OmyGod i love this GREAT WORK AUTHOR NIM I MEAN IT! and those letters made me cry rivers T.T. Keep up the good work <3
Chapter 20: Oh my god what is that with with the sweet things hah . Hahaha aigoo you did great . Goodjob ;) i love this story