Dilemma after Dilemma

Lost in Love

It was a pretty lazy day in the Fashion Department of i-Magazine Korea, all things considered. Ayumi was getting started on the moodboards and you were busy prepping for the model castings that were going to take place later that day. Yukwon was busy tap tap tapping at his laptop and his head was bobbing gently to the music Ayumi had put on. 

You snuck a glance at the corner of Nari's yearbook that was peeking out of your bag. Giving in to temptation, you took it out and flicked through it, making sure no one could see what you were doing. 

Aigoo. What mess did he get into with Jiwon?

You rested your head on the desk and Ayumi rolled over on her chair.


You shot up and slammed the yearbook shut, covering it with your arms.

'Omo! Erm... Mmm? Yes?'

'Are you okay?'

'Huh? Oh! Fine! I'm fine!'

'What are you hiding, eh?' said Ayumi giggling.

She tugged at the book.

'No! It's private!'

'Private, eh?'

'No, stop it. I'm not showing you!'

'Araso, araso...'

You took it out from under your arms and bent down to put it away. Ayumi siezed her chance and snatched it.


'3 ice macchiato's for the hard working fashion team!'

'Soo Hyun!'


You grabbed the book back and slammed it back down on your desk. The head of Social Media breezed in through the doors, carefully placing down the cardboard carrier on the table in the middle of the studio amidst the mass of paper and every form of stationary imaginable.

'Hi Ayumi! Good morning Yukwon! Good morning Dahye!'

'Morning, you're in a good mood' said Yukwon

'And evidently, you aren't. What's up, buddy?'

'I'm just tired. Didn't get much sleep if you catch my drift?'

'Ah, I get you. Jieun keep you up, did she?'

'Like you wouldn't believe.'

Ayumi glared at Yukwon. 'Yah, Kwonchan! I don't want you talking about your ual activities that go on between you and your girlfriend when we're at work! I can happily go through my day not knowing about how you two have rampant until the early hours of the morning-'

'Aish, you're muddled, Ayumi. She kept me up by pissing me off.'

Your ears perked up. Yukwon raised his voice even higher in the hopes that you'd hear him. His plan was to let you know how unhappy he was in his relationship in the hopes that this would spark a desire to get back together with him.

'Yeah, she was really really annoying last night'

'Oh really? Like how annoying?' said Soo Hyun, catching on to what he was doing.

Yukwon smiled. He could always count on his friend to back him up. Ayumi sighed but also decided to play along too.

'On a scale of one to ten, how annoying?' she asked

'A billion'

'A billion?'

'Yeah, I have no idea why I'm still with her. I mean, I don't care about-'

'Oh shut up, Yukwon.' you said, standing up. You wanted to take a breather and get out of the studio. 'The least you can do is have some respect for her. She loves you so don't talk badly about her behind her back'


Ayumi's jaw dropped and Soo Hyun quietly sipped his coffee. You had no idea what his real intentions were and it astounded them that their plan had backfired so awfully.

'What did you say, Dahye?' Yukwon said

'Don't talk badly about her'

'How can you say that? You don't even know what she does to me!' he shouted angrily

The sudden change in his tone of voice scared you and you responded in the only way you knew- fighting back.

'And you don't know what happened to me when you left! You don't know how it feels to be let down by the person you love!'

You began crying and Yukwon stared at you dumbfounded. Ayumi and Soo Hyun began to feel very awkward and looked away, wondering how to sneak away. Even as you stood there with tears streaming down your face, you wondered why you were protecting Jieun. She was with Yukwon now and from what it seemed like to you, it was forced onto him. But even then, you couldn't stand him talking badly about a girl. As Yukwon's former best friend, it was your duty to correct him on his behaviour, even if every cell in your body willed you to tell him to break up with her. 

You knew what heartbreak felt like and you knew what could happen to her if Yukwon decided to leave. Jieun was obsessed with Yukwon and with an obsession that unhealthy, breaking it off could be like a bullet in the brain. It was a dilemma you didn't want to face- chosing between the possible reunion with Yukwon and telling him to break it off with his girlfriend or being the better person and letting him go. It was evident Jieun would never be able to.

'Dahye, I think you and I need to talk...' Yukwon said quietly, 'I've got some things to explain to you and I should have explained them to you earlier...'

Ayumi looked at Yukwon. Is he really going to tell her why? It goes against the agreement...

'Yukwon, I don't need an explanation. You left because you didn't like me anymore and you didn't care about me anymore-'

'No. Dahye. Stop. Listen to me-'

'No! You listen to me! I've been waiting 3 years to see you again!'

Yukwon felt incredibly guilty. It never crossed his mind that you wouldn't get over it. He was always told otherwise.

'You left me on my birthday and disappeared without a word. I had no idea what I did wrong and even to this day, I have no idea what I did wrong... Was... Was I not good enough for you?'

'Dahye, come here...' 

Yukwon stretched out his palm but you slapped it away.

'I thought that maybe something serious had happened so I searched for you. When I couldn't find you, Nari and Jonghyun had to drag me home again. I was sad at first, you know. Then I came to accept it- that you hated me.'

'Dahye... I could never hate-'

'And then when I came here and I saw you and Jieun... I couldn't feel anything. Numb? Burning? None of it. I had completely erased you from my memory but now... The more time I spend with you, the more I hate it! It really hurts being here, you know? Having to watch you come in everyday with your girlfriend hurts!'

'A-Are you... jealous?'

'W-What?! N-No! Are you crazy?! It doesn't hurt me because I wish I was Jieun! It hurts because I hate seeing you happy! I want you to carry on being with Jieun so you can suffer just like I have!' you shouted.

You knew you were spewing lies. It came out like vomit. Harsh, ugly words. Words you never dreamt you'd say. 

Confusion messes with one's mind. Jiwon being Jieun and the quick disappearing act was beginning to muddle what seemed like a pretty standard break up story. More than anything, you wanted to be back with Yukwon, just like the good old days. 

But sometimes, it's easier to play the villain. It's easier to wish for revenge. It's easier to not get involved. After all, even if Yukwon broke up with Jieun, who was to say he'd fall for you again? He had dumped you once. Twice was too much. 

'Dahye, are you sure you're not jealous?' said Yukwon.

Please. Say it. Say you still like me. I'm begging you to forgive me.

He was hopeful. If you just told him that you still loved him, he would break it off with Jieun immediately. With you by his side, he wouldn't be scared of any of the threats placed upon him. With you by his side, he could be happy.

'I'm not jealous! I don't want to be with you, not after what you did! Get that crazy thought out of your mind!'

Yukwon bit his bottom lip, as if to stop himself from crying too. God, I'm an idiot. Forget me, my . She remembers everything.

'Look, Yukwon. Just carry on as you do and ignore me. Be happy with Jiwon because she really does love you. She loves you just as much as I did'

and still do.

You picked up your bag and left, leaving behind the melted ice macchiato.


As you made your way towards the car park, Yukwon turned to his friends.

'Did you hear that?'

'Of course we heard that. That was some heated argument!' Ayumi snapped. 'What are you doing? Go after her you fool!'

'She doesn't like him though' said Soo Hyun softly

'No wait, guys. Did you hear what she said at the end? She said Jiwon...'

'So? Who's Jiwon?'

Yukwon fell silent. 

'Holy-! She knows! She knows that Jieun is... Oh !'

Yukwon grabbed his jacket and ran out to chase after you. He wanted answers and he wanted them now.



nice comments u guise... I like the how they almost all had to be dubbed out XD

Oh and just felt like telling you: everytime I write about Soo Hyun, I always imagine he looks like Kyungsoo. I feel like the character of Soo Hyun fits D.O like a dream hahaha (I was going to call him Kyungsoo but decided against it in the end)

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14 streak #1
Chapter 20: Its been a long time since i read this and the feelings are coming back!! ❤❤❤❤❤
Chapter 20: Aigooooo it's over already ....
Don't you want to write a sequel ??

Chapter 19: Yeayyyyyy finally they're back together
Wooohooooooo ;D
Chapter 16: Even me too ... It's feel weird reading the kising scene ..
But that's the drama .. Hope ukwon and dahye reconcile !! ;)
Chapter 13: WWuaahhhh the letters are T.T
Making me crying...
Hope ukwon can get rid of jiwon
Chapter 9: Doesn't see this coming.. Yooo
So unpredictable ...
That jiwon b*tch must be so pathetic ><
Chapter 5: Wow the analogy's perfectly written
China's doll T.T
Dahye must be suffering ...
Chapter 20: Read this for the second time in a day... Is there a sequel?? Like of just them and being married and continuing their work????THAT WOULD BE SO CUTE O M G
Chapter 20: IM COMPLETELY SPEECHLESS asdfghjklqwertyuio ! OmyGod i love this GREAT WORK AUTHOR NIM I MEAN IT! and those letters made me cry rivers T.T. Keep up the good work <3
Chapter 20: Oh my god what is that with with the sweet things hah . Hahaha aigoo you did great . Goodjob ;) i love this story