Run Devil, Run

Lost in Love

'Two ice macchiatos for my greedy partner' said Yukwon as he breezed into the studio, dropping his bag and hanging up his jacket.

'Hey Yukwon.'

'You're calling me Yukwon again. I guess you're still pissed at me?'

Ayumi shrugged. 

'Fine. Don't tell me then.' Yukwon looked around. 'Where's Dahye?'

'She's over in the closet pulling me some clothes. She's singing to herself'

'Singing? Why?'

'I asked her that and she said 'to prepare myself mentally for when that bastard comes in'.'

'What? She said that? That's not very like her'

'You obviously don't know her well, Yukwon'

'I've known her since nursery! How can I not know her well?'

'Well! Did you know that she stopped eating and got hospitalised three years ago?'


'Did you know that she has trouble socialising with people now?'

'That's not true. Dahye's popular! She gets on with everybody!'

'Fine. This one will throw you. Did you know she tried to kill herself two years ago?'

'W-What did you just say?'

'Yukwon.' Ayumi stopped pinning the trouser legs together. 'It's her, isn't it? She's the one you left.'

'How do you know that?'

'Soo Hyun did a bit of research'

'One reason why having a computer geek as a friend '

'You shut up.' 

Ayumi stepped down from her step ladder and passed Yukwon the pin cushion.

'Do you know what her friend said to Soo Hyun yesterday?'

'Friend? Which friend?'

'Someone named Soojin'

'Soojin? Oh what did she say?'

'She said you broke Dahye into a million pieces'

'Huh? That's not true! Dahye's strong enough to handle it, how could I be the one to break her?'

'You weren't there, Yukwon. How would you know?'

'Ayumi, you sound so patronising. You sound like my mother'

'I'm worse than your mother. I'm your friend'

'Yeah. Great.'

'Kwonchan... I know you still like her'

'No I don't'

'Yes you do!'

'No I don't! I don't like her! Why else would I break up with her?!' Yukwon shouted

You froze inside the closet, clutching the bags to your chest. Guess he still really hates me though I'm not sure why. But that's okay. I hate him too.

'Shhh, Dahye will be able to hear!'

'So?! I don't care about her! I don't care about how she feels either!'

Ayumi slapped Yukwon so suddenly it took him by surprised. He rubbed his cheek. He had never seen her like this.

'Why the hell did you slap me for?!'

'You're being a jerk!'



There was a slow moment of realisation. Jieun was standing by the door with a tupperware box. She held it out for her boyfriend.

'I made you something to make you feel better...'

'Not now, Jieun. I'm busy. I'm working'

'But... Why did the weird girl just slap you?'

'None of your goddam business! We're working and you aren't in this department so could you please leave whilst I'm asking nicely?'

'Oppa, why is the weird girl being so rude?'

'Jieun, don't call her weird. Ayumi is one of my best friends so could you please leave? I'm working, alright?'


'Look, I slapped your boyfriend because he deserves it. Now go back to work or else I'll call the boss and have him you out of my studio'

'It's oppa's studio too'

'Yeah and it's mine too' you said, dropping the clothes in front of Ayumi

Ayumi smiled meekly and gave you a thumbs up. Yukwon stared at you as you stared at his girlriend. 

'Please. Jieun. We have to work. Yukwon will see you at lunchtime for a nice date or something, won't you? Yukwon?'

'Huh? Oh... Yeah. Yeah, Jieun, I'll see you later'

'You didn't call me jagiya...'

'Oh right. Sorry. Jagiya, I'll see you later'


Jieun left quickly when she realised she wasn't welcome. Yukwon quickly ran to his desk to avoid any sort of conversation.

'These are wonderful, Dahye! Where did you find them?'

'They were shoved at the back of the closet under a pile of boxes. I just saw a sparkle and pulled it and boom, found the rest.'

'It goes amazingly with our task! Aigoo Dahye, what would I do without you?'

You smiled, taking cautious looks at Yukwon. Ayumi noticed this and signalled for you to talk to him. You shook your head.

'Ayumi... Can I ask you something?'

Yukwon looked up from his desk.

'Sure, what is it?'

'Could I borrow something to wear from the closet? My friend is having a party with her boyfriend and I don't have anything to wear'

'Oh of course you can! Perks of being a fashion assistant is obviously the clothes! Go ahead and choose something!'

'I'll choose later, it's okay. We've got the model coming in soon-'

'Nonsense. Go in there and pick. Busy yourself and I'll make Yukwon actually do some work.'

You nodded, practically galloping back into the closet. There were a few things that had caught your eye and you couldn't wait to try them on. Dolce... Marc Jacobs... Oh my God, this is a Prada dress. Put it back! Put it back before it gets ruined!...


Whilst you were busying yourself picking out an outfit, Ayumi marched over to Yukwon's desk and kicked him.

'Ouch! Yah, I'm not your punchbag!'

'Go and talk to her. This atmosphere is seriously horrid and besides, the shoot won't go well if you can't cooperate together.'

'It's not my fault she won't talk to me'

'Ahem. Who broke up with who?'

'You're so quick to side with her'

'That's because you're the one that did wrong. Now go and sort something out, okay?'

'Fine! I'm going! But if I get punched by her, you owe me an extra-large ice macchiato'


Yukwon dropped the jacket he was tailoring and took a deep breath as he walked towards the closet. I say closet but I really mean 'clothes room' because that's pretty much what it was. The closet was packed with boxes of shoes and jewellery stacked high up to the ceiling and rails of endless designer clothes adorned the walls. There were spare mannequins and mirrors littered the entire room. Shoes were found in a room that acted like an ensuite bathroom should. There were rows and rows of Christian Louboutins, Jimmy Choos and Jeffery Campbells and it was just about anyone's dream wardrobe. There was something for everyone. 

And that wasn't all. There was a seperate men's closet too but that was further down the corridor in a room on it's own. Most of the shoots done were for women's fashion so it made sense to have the female closet join the studio.


Yukwon knocked on the door.

'Dahye? Come out for a sec, please'

You were busy humming to yourself.


Now you were singing.


'Because I naughty, naughty... Hey! I'm Mr Simple!'

You cursed Nari for getting Superjunior stuck in your head. She had been singing it in the shower yet again and the infectious Superjunior disease had passed onto you too. As you were singing, you carefully took off your sweater, keeping your skirt and tights on. The number of mirrors in the room was a bit off putting as you could see your body from all angles but you decided not to worry about it too much. Who would walk in now anyway?

'Dahye? Are you alright?'

'You better run, run, run, run, run!'

You carried on humming, carefully stepping into the short, black Armani dress you recognised as being one that had been in a different magazine recently. There were no straps on the gown and it was backless but you placed your leg through the dress anyway. Nothing was going to stop you having the time of your life dressing up in pretty dresses. Nothing.

'Hey, I'm coming in, okay?'

You stopped humming. 'What was that? Did you say something, Ayumi?... I'll be out in just a moment!' 

You picked up a pair of shoes that had been calling your name and walked over to the door, still pulling up the dress. Once on, it fit like a glove. You turned to look in the mirror when the door opened.

'Ayumi, I'm coming out n-'

'Woah.' Yukwon said. He could see your body from every angle the mirrors were pointing at. You looked gorgeous, just as Yukwon remembered. 

You shrieked. 'Oh my God, what are you doing here?!'

'This is where I work?... That dress looks good on you by the way'

'Get out!'

'But you're clothed... What am I doing wrong? It's not like I haven't seen you before...'

'Don't say that! People will hear and assume things!'

'No one's in here apart from us...'

'I don't care! Just go!'

You tried to push him out but Yukwon shut the door firmly behind him, locking it with his master key.

'No. I'm staying here until you listen to me and- Ow! Stop hitting me! Hey! Dahye! Stop!'

Yukwon grabbed your arm as you raised it and you looked at him in surprise. He was even more shocked to see that you were crying. Your mascara was running down your face, just like that night 3 years ago.

'Dahye... Are you... Crying?'

'Oh so now you care about how I feel?!' you said angrily, pushing past him and banging on the door furiously.

Ayumi unlocked it, wondering what the fuss was about and you grabbed your clothes and shoes, making a run for it.

'Wh-What was that? Kwonchan, what did you do now?! Why is she crying?'

'Beats me... I didn't do anything. I just said the dress looked nice on her.'

'So I take it you're not going after her?'

'The shoot is starting soon. She'll be back'

'How do you know that? She took her clothes.'

Yukwon smiled and laughed. 'No, she'll be back. I promise you'



I'm glad you guys liked the china doll analogy... I thought it might be too artsy fartsy so I toned it down a bit lol but hey, maybe it worked at giving Dahye a bit of 'sob-factor' ;)

For those of you interested, Yukwon's side will be revealed soon so don't worry!

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14 streak #1
Chapter 20: Its been a long time since i read this and the feelings are coming back!! ❤❤❤❤❤
Chapter 20: Aigooooo it's over already ....
Don't you want to write a sequel ??

Chapter 19: Yeayyyyyy finally they're back together
Wooohooooooo ;D
Chapter 16: Even me too ... It's feel weird reading the kising scene ..
But that's the drama .. Hope ukwon and dahye reconcile !! ;)
Chapter 13: WWuaahhhh the letters are T.T
Making me crying...
Hope ukwon can get rid of jiwon
Chapter 9: Doesn't see this coming.. Yooo
So unpredictable ...
That jiwon b*tch must be so pathetic ><
Chapter 5: Wow the analogy's perfectly written
China's doll T.T
Dahye must be suffering ...
Chapter 20: Read this for the second time in a day... Is there a sequel?? Like of just them and being married and continuing their work????THAT WOULD BE SO CUTE O M G
Chapter 20: IM COMPLETELY SPEECHLESS asdfghjklqwertyuio ! OmyGod i love this GREAT WORK AUTHOR NIM I MEAN IT! and those letters made me cry rivers T.T. Keep up the good work <3
Chapter 20: Oh my god what is that with with the sweet things hah . Hahaha aigoo you did great . Goodjob ;) i love this story