Smelly Soo Hyun and the Scenery

Lost in Love


Soo Hyun clicked his neck and his back and just about every other joint in his body. 

'All that traveling really isn't good for me. 11 and a half hours... Ouch'

'You're such an old man' Ayumi sniggered


Yukwon came back from the reception desk of the ski resort with 4 sets of keys in his hand. 

'Alright, one each. Each set has a key for our chalet, an individual locker at the slopes and a key card thing for when we enter the ski house. You have to tap in and out when you enter and leave so they know who's in the building and all that so yeah... Here you go.' Yukwon passed round the keys and you each took a set. 'By the way, that one's ours' he said, pointing to a dainty wooden chalet in the distance. 

Ayumi's eyes widened. 'Woah...'

'Yeah...' said Soo Hyun

'It's beautiful...' you breathed

'Models arrive tomorrow for the shoot. If we wrap it up in a day, we'll have plenty of time to play'

No one answered Yukwon.

'Did you guys hear me?'

Again, nothing.

'Hello? Hey-'

'Shhh! We're admiring the scenery so be quiet. Shut your gob, Kwonchan.' Ayumi snapped

Yukwon smirked and pushed Ayumi over in the snow. She stumbled and fell straight through the thick snow making it impossible for her to get out. You laughed in hysterics and Soo Hyun tried to help her out only to fall over himself. Everyone fell about laughing uncontrollably.

'Last one to the chalet smells like Peter's foot!' Yukwon yelled

You glanced at Yukwon who smiled at you just before taking off. You ran after him leaving Ayumi and Soo Hyun to try and pull themselves out of the snow themselves. You hit a soft patch and found yourself knee deep in it. Tears rolled down your face as you couldn't stop laughing. Ayumi and Soo Hyun were gaining on you and screeching with laughter. Yukwon turned around to see what all the commotion was about and when he noticed you stuck in the snow, he ran back and held out his hand. 

'Come on, let's beat them to it.'

You stared at his hand. Do I take it? Or do I refuse? 

Ayumi and Soo Hyun were running at full speed ahead and Yukwon looked at them warily. He knew what you were debating in your head. This wasn't a simple 'take my hand and don't get called smelly'. It was far more complicated. He had read the letters. He knew what you were thinking a little better now. He knew how much he hurt you and he knew how hard he'd have to work to get you back. 

'Trust me, Dahye. We'll get there before them if you take my hand.'

You looked at his eyes. They were pleading with you. Asking. Begging. You stretched out your hand. Am I ready to trust him? Even after that stunt yesterday at the airport? Before you could stop it, Yukwon grabbed your hand and hauled you out of the snow. You were caught off guard and stumbled around whilst Yukwon steadied you.

'Are you okay?'

You nodded. His hand was still grasping yours. You felt a tug on it. 

'Come on, Dahye. Let's beat them to it! Run!'

You started running in the snow, hands locked together. Your fingers weren't entwined. There was nothing romantic about the gesture but you felt safe. With Yukwon by your side, you felt whole again. You felt fearless and brave. You felt bursts of energy you hadn't felt in years. You hated that you felt this way but there was no denying. He could rip out every happy memory in you and you would still love him eternally and forever. 




'Hey smelly, get me a coffee will you?' Yukwon chuckled as he walked past the hunched up figure in the quaint kitchen.

'Do it yourself Yukwon'

'What was that? I didn't hear you, smelly'

'How mature of you'

'Good morning smelly oppa!' you beamed.

Soo Hyun sighed. 'How did I come last anyway? You both know it was Ayumi' he sulked.

'Would it be better if she was declared the loser and called smelly?'

'Well... No...'


'That's why you're the loser'

'This is so unfair.'

Soo Hyun ran over to the toaster and took out the slices of bread. 'Hey Ayumi! Wake up! Breakfast is ready!'

You took the seat by the window and gazed out onto the snowy mountain scene before you. Ayumi came thundering out of her room. 

'Did you say breakfast?'

'It's in the kitchen. I made your favorite.'

'Thanks smelly'


'That's me'

You stifled a giggle and took out your folder, setting it next to our bowl of chopped fruit. Yukwon took out his too and so did Ayumi when she returned with her breakfast plate. 

Soo Hyun brought out his iPad and shut the folders. 'I'm going to instagram and tweet a photo to get some attention for the shoot, alright?'

'That's cool' said Yukwon, picking up his mug of tea. 

You glanced at him as you shoveled a spoonful of strawberries into your mouth. Messy bed hair was always my favorite on him. 

Soo Hyun leant over the table and put the folders in the centre, arranging them in order. Each folder was labeled neatly. 


Kishimoto Ayumi

Kim Yukwon

An Dahye


'Can you also put your staff passes on top of your folders? Readers love it when they get to see Yukwon's face'

Yukwon chuckled and yanked his out from his pocket. You pulled yours out of your bag and laid it across the front of your folder as did Ayumi. 


Kishimoto Ayumi- Fashion Editor

Kim Yukwon- Head Stylist

An Dahye- Assistant Stylist


Soo Hyun lifted the iPad and took a photo with a click sound.

Almost time to stat the new shoot! Are you excited for what the @iMag_Fashion team have in store for you?! @iMag_YUMI @iMag_KWON @iMag_DHYE 

He turned and passed the iPad to you whilst you were putting away your staff pass. 'Can you take a photo out of the window? Creates a load of interest in where we are, you see'

You smiled and nodded, capturing the beauty of the snowy ski slopes and passing the iPad back. 

'Right then. How about 'Shhh! Guess where the @iMag_Fashion team is!! @iMag_YUMI @iMag_KWON @iMag_DHYE'? Does that sound good?' said Soo Hyun furiously tapping on the screen. 

'It's a work of literature, Soo Hyun' Yukwon replied sarcastically, 'now seriously, this is an 8 page spread. We need to be organised for when eveyone arrives.'

'I thought it was 6?' said Ayumi

'No, 8. Peter messaged me this morning to say that the beauty market hasn't been active enough so we've got an extra 2 pages'

 But we're not prepared for it!'

'We'll be fine'

'B-But... I haven't pulled enough for those extras! Kwonchan, how are you so calm?! We need another 3 more at the very least!'

'I prepared a few more...' you said quietly

'Kwonchan! Wait... Really, Dahye?'

You nodded and peeked inside your folder. A bright yellow post it note was stuck on the inside of the back cover. You unpeeled it and showed it to Ayumi. 


Please prepare a few extra outfits just in case.

'You mean to say Peter told you in advance to do this?'

'I found the post it note a few days after we were told about the trip... I thought it was from you so I didn't bother to mention it.'

'Did you know about this from before too? You're not lying to me right now, are you? Peter told you earlier as well, didn't he?'

Yukwon shook his head. 'Ani, I only found out this morning.'

Ayumi sighed. 'Well... Well done, Dahye. You're my little life saver. I guess we'll actually be able to complete the shoot then.'

You smiled meekly and Soo Hyun patted you on the back. 'Well done.'

Yukwon took this moment to carefully hide his stack of yellow post inside his jacket pocket. There was a knock on your chalte door and Ayumi jumped up.

'Right then, let's get cracking!'


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14 streak #1
Chapter 20: Its been a long time since i read this and the feelings are coming back!! ❤❤❤❤❤
Chapter 20: Aigooooo it's over already ....
Don't you want to write a sequel ??

Chapter 19: Yeayyyyyy finally they're back together
Wooohooooooo ;D
Chapter 16: Even me too ... It's feel weird reading the kising scene ..
But that's the drama .. Hope ukwon and dahye reconcile !! ;)
Chapter 13: WWuaahhhh the letters are T.T
Making me crying...
Hope ukwon can get rid of jiwon
Chapter 9: Doesn't see this coming.. Yooo
So unpredictable ...
That jiwon b*tch must be so pathetic ><
Chapter 5: Wow the analogy's perfectly written
China's doll T.T
Dahye must be suffering ...
Chapter 20: Read this for the second time in a day... Is there a sequel?? Like of just them and being married and continuing their work????THAT WOULD BE SO CUTE O M G
Chapter 20: IM COMPLETELY SPEECHLESS asdfghjklqwertyuio ! OmyGod i love this GREAT WORK AUTHOR NIM I MEAN IT! and those letters made me cry rivers T.T. Keep up the good work <3
Chapter 20: Oh my god what is that with with the sweet things hah . Hahaha aigoo you did great . Goodjob ;) i love this story