The Dark (K)night

Lost in Love

Soo Hyun and Ayumi were left in the studio. Ayumi walked over to the window and spotted Yukwon running out into the car park outside. He stopped and spun around a few times trying to find you. She spotted you on the other side of the road buying some food at a street vendor and Ayumi took out her phone to tell Yukwon until she saw Jieun run out as well, sprinting her way to Yukwon and holding onto him. Yukwon looked at her before walking back into the building. Soo Hyun patted Ayumi's shoulder to tell her to leave it. 

She obliged and as she walked back to her desk, she noticed your yearbook still on your desk.

Class of 2010. It's a yearbook?

She realized there would probably be no harm in reading it so she flipped it open. It landed on the page with a photo of your class and it became obvious to her that you had spent quite a long time looking at that particular page, otherwise it would not have automatically opened to it. 

Soo Hyun looked over her shoulder and pointed at Yukwon and you on his back.

'That's them, isn't it?' 

Ayumi nodded. 'She's obviously been looking at this a lot' 

'Should we... you know, ask her about it?' 

'No... Let's just leave it to Kwonchan to deal with' 


Yukwon stalked back into the studio, slamming the glass doors shut on Jieun. 

'Yukwon-' Soo Hyun started

'Don't let her in.'

'But-' said Ayumi

'Don't. She needs to learn about my anger eventually'

Ayumi and Soo Hyun both turned to look at Jieun who had given up knocking on the glass doors.

'She does realise we haven't locked them, doesn't she?'

Soo Hyun nodded. 'She's not stupid.'

The pair turned around again to face Yukwon. His head was on his desk and his fists were clenched on his lap. 

'Do you think Dahye will come back?...' he said quietly

'That's up to you and her, Kwonchan. If you want to get her back, you have to prove it to her'

'End it with Jieun' said Soo Hyun

'I can't!'

'You have to.'




'Aigoo! That stretch was needed!'

You lay out on the gym floor with Nari beside you. 

'Hey, aren't you supposed to be at work till late tonight?'

You nodded. 'I yelled at Yukwon again and walked out.'

'Aren't you going to get fired for all of this? Yukwon's a higher position than you so he'll get away with it'

'Ayumi's been covering for me... I need to stop though. It's unfair to her'

'At least she's there for you. If I arrive just a minute after the lunch break is supposed to finish, I've got dragons breathing fire down my neck.'

You both got up and headed towards the treadmills. You clipped yourself in and pressed the start button, easing yourself into a slow walk. Nari did the same but in the time it took for her to also begin walking, you had begun running, powering your way through.

'You're really working out hard, Dahye. Tell me what's up'

'I'm not working out hard.'

'That's utter bull and you know it. You hate walking up the stairs to our apartment when the lift isn't working.'

'Yeah but those stairs are going up!'

'Your elevation level is at 3, Dahye. You complain about level 1'

'I hate you when you're right'

'I know you better than you know yourself. It's Yukwon, isn't it?'

You nodded, slowing down the treadmill so you could walk at an easy pace. 

Nari watched you and crossed her arms. 'Come on then. I'm listening. Tell me everything and we can go to the supermarket and get a ton of good food for dinner tonight'

You stopped the treadmill completely and unclipped yourself. Nari did the same. 'My god, this must be serious if you're going to stop exercising for it.'

'Let's talk at the supermarket. I suddenly don't feel like running anymore'

'When have you ever felt like running, Dahye?'

You laughed. 'Never!'


Back at your apartment, you sat down in front of the hearty stew you had cooked with Nari. 

'Now tell me. What's up?'

You took a deep breath. 'Do you remember I told you about Yukwon's girlfriend?'

'Oh yeah her! What was her name again?'

'Jieun. Jung Jieun'

'Ah right, yes! I remember now. Why? Is she pissing you off?'

'Not me. Yukwon. She's pissing him off a lot recently...'

'So? Surely that's good.'

'It is... If Yukwon still likes me then it's good.'

'How do you know he doesn't?'

'Well... I don't.'

'Okay... Well maybe you should find out that?'

'Yeah I should but... Nari! That's not the problem!'

'Then what is?'

Nari took a gulp of the stew and spat it back out.

'Oh god, that's hot! Hot! Help!'

You passed her a glass of water, rolling your eyes. 'As I was saying, whether Yukwon likes me or not, is irrelevant.'


'I feel like he's tied to her by something.'

'Are you sure?'

You nodded.

'What proof or evidence do you have for that? Yukwon's a strong guy, Dahye. Why would he just go with her?'

'Okay this is going to sound crazy but Jieun is Jiwon.'

'Jiwon? Who's Jiwon?'

'The girl from our class... Come on, you must know who she is! The girl that really liked Yukwon'

'I think I know who you mean but I can't picture her face. What do you mean by she's Jieun?'

'Well that's it. I was looking in our yearbook and she's Jieun. Jiwon had a lot done so I couldn't recognise her but she's Jieun now. Don't you think it's fishy that she's together with Yukwon despite chasing after him for ages and never getting accepted?'

'It does seem fishy I suppose'

'Hang on, let me show you. I'll just go and get the book, okay?'

'Okay. I'm going to try and tackle this stew again.'

You got up and headed to the corridor to retrieve the yearbook.

'Oh my God, where is it?!' you screamed

Nari ran out of the sitting room. 'Dahye! What is it?!'

You turned over your bag and everything fell out- wallet, iPod, lipstick, letters and documents but not the yearbook.

'I put it in my bag last night... Where is it?!'

'Calm down. I'm sure it'll be here somewhere, right?'

Your eyes widened in realisation. 'No... I left it at the office when I was looking at it. Oh God, Nari, if Yukwon opens it... He can't open it!'

'Relax, why don't we go there and get it now if you're so worried? What did you put in it?'

You shook your head. 'It should be fine. I'll go to work early tomorrow and get it then'

'What did you put in it that's so awful?'

'I put in some of the letters as bookmarks...'

'You did what?! Why do you still have those letters?! Didn't you burn them?!'

'I couldn't, Nari... I kept them in my safe.'

Both your eyes travelled to the sofa where your safes were carefully tucked away and hidden.

'You never let go, did you? You just pretended to...'

'I'm sorry Nari'

'Don't be. You love Yukwon. You tried to forget him but you couldn't. There's nothing we can do to change it.'




In the office, it was dark. A figure slipped into the studio, it's shoes making a click clack sound on the hard floor. It walked to your desk and began rifling through it. On your seat, hidden under the pillow placed by Ayumi, was your yearbook. The figure picked it up and shook it, letters flying out everywhere and spilling onto the floor. It dropped the yearbook and bent down to pick up the letters, taking them to the shredder on Yukwon's desk. The only light coming into the studio was from the moon. 

Another figure crept in and walked quietly to the desk. It's trainers made no noise. The first figure plugged in the shredder and turned it on. It picked up on of the letters when there was a voice. 

'Do it and it's over. Those are letters to me. Don't play around.'


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14 streak #1
Chapter 20: Its been a long time since i read this and the feelings are coming back!! ❤❤❤❤❤
Chapter 20: Aigooooo it's over already ....
Don't you want to write a sequel ??

Chapter 19: Yeayyyyyy finally they're back together
Wooohooooooo ;D
Chapter 16: Even me too ... It's feel weird reading the kising scene ..
But that's the drama .. Hope ukwon and dahye reconcile !! ;)
Chapter 13: WWuaahhhh the letters are T.T
Making me crying...
Hope ukwon can get rid of jiwon
Chapter 9: Doesn't see this coming.. Yooo
So unpredictable ...
That jiwon b*tch must be so pathetic ><
Chapter 5: Wow the analogy's perfectly written
China's doll T.T
Dahye must be suffering ...
Chapter 20: Read this for the second time in a day... Is there a sequel?? Like of just them and being married and continuing their work????THAT WOULD BE SO CUTE O M G
Chapter 20: IM COMPLETELY SPEECHLESS asdfghjklqwertyuio ! OmyGod i love this GREAT WORK AUTHOR NIM I MEAN IT! and those letters made me cry rivers T.T. Keep up the good work <3
Chapter 20: Oh my god what is that with with the sweet things hah . Hahaha aigoo you did great . Goodjob ;) i love this story