Will you ?

Under Your Spotlight

“How is she ?” Her father stood up immediately, helping his wife up who was starting to look worn out by all the crying now. She was too worried, and she looked like she could collapse any moment.

“We’re sorry to tell you that she has developed a mental illness.” The doctor said in a low voice. “The incident has traumatized her badly, and she is probably unable to overcome it, thus developing the illness. For now, we would like to consider using medicine to start treating her and if it gets better, we might move onto therapy because her condition is quite serious now, and most patients like her are not able to handle psychotherapy. You can go in to see her, but please do not go in big groups. She is very sensitive to people and physical contact right now, so you might also want to keep a distance from her. We’ll do our best to treat her and for now, we’ve given her some drugs to calm her down.”

Upon hearing that, ___’s mother started to break down, feeling dizzy and going pale. The Super Junior members then quickly helped her onto the seat nearby together with her husband, while Leeteuk quickly scurried to the vending machine to get her a drink to get her to consume some sugar to feel better.

“Calm down, calm down…” her father told her and started to rub her temples, hoping to ease the giddiness.

Leeteuk returned quickly with a drink and offered it to her.

“Feeling better…?” Her husband asked after a while.

“H-how…how can I feel better ?! That’s our daughter !! OUR DAUGHTER !! She’s lying in there, suffering from a mental illness because someone her. SHE’S ___, our bright and cheerful daughter. How could this…h-happen to her…!” Her mother cried uncontrollably into her father’s chest.

Although he felt extremely down upon hearing the news, he had to take care of his wife and put on a strong front, being the man of the house.



She developed a mental illness ? How can she develop a mental illness ? WHY ?! How can that be ? N-no…no this can’t be happening. My head hurts, it feels like it’s going to burst. I hit my head against the wall. I couldn’t think straight. ___, my…my beautiful and perfect girlfriend…suffering from a mental illness all because of me ?

“Ya ! Lee Donghae !” Heechul exclaimed and held me back. “Don’t hurt yourself ! I know it’s hard on you but it isn’t going to help ___ either so stop it already will you ?!”

She was the most perfect girl I’ve ever met. The girl who cared and loved me with all her heart, who worried about me even though she had her own things to worry about. The one who would always be there for me, listening to me if I needed someone to pour out my troubles to, the one who warms my heart with just her beautiful smile. She was smart, always threatening me as a boyfriend with her high intelligence. Because she dated me, she had to let go of her dreams, which she had worked hard in hope of achieving it for 2 years, putting her efforts to waste. Because of me, she chose to stay alongside me although she wouldn’t go any further in the entertainment industry. Her love for me was so great, how could I doubt it. And now because of me, because of my stupidity and lack of trust in her, she’s lying in there, suffering from a mental illness which I could have prevented if I had gone there to save her in time.

“Hyung…”I cried to Heechul, pouring out all my tears.

I’ve never felt so horrible.



___’s parents went into the ward first, and the Super Junior members waited outside. They didn’t want to crowd the room knowing that ___ might be uncomfortable with it. Her parents then entered the room quietly, to see that ___ was lying in bed, eyeing them timidly.

“___...your Mom and I has come to see you…” Her father said softly.

___ stood still, not reacting to his words but continued staring at them, as if not recognizing them.

“___,” her Mother called carefully, “You…you still remember us right ?”

___ stiffened, covering herself with the quilt up to her eyes, making scared sounds. “Don’t…don’t come near me…” She said, her voice shaky.

“Okay, okay we’ll stay here, alright ?” Her father quickly replied, in hope not to frighten their daughter more, holding his wife in place beside him near the couch across ___’s bed.

Despite their efforts trying to talk to her, ___ wouldn’t reply. Instead, she would curl up in a ball under the sheets, making whimpering sounds or breaking out into tears. Thus, her parents walked out of the ward dejectedly, her mother sobbing, making her way to the rest room. Donghae looked at her father, afraid. Instead, her father just shook his head, patted him on the shoulder and went off.

“You should go in alone, she’ll probably be uncomfortable with so many guys,” Eunhyuk said. “We’ll watch from outside. Go on in.”

Donghae stared at the members, before entering the ward carefully. ___ eyed him carefully, looking more afraid than before.

Jake said that he had dumped me. Why was he still here ? What did he want from me ?


“___-ah, I’m back from Taiwan… You didn’t forget me, right ?” Donghae asked her softly, his heart filled with pain.

___ sat still, pulling the sheets over her head.

“I…I’m your boyfriend,” Donghae said. “You…don’t want to see me ?” He asked, hurt.

Though she was under the sheets, Donghae could see that he was shaking her head. He walked closer to the bed, wanting her to have a closer look of him. However, as ___ peeped from under the quilt and saw that he was approaching, she simply broke into tears, causing Donghae to back away immediately.

“Okay, okay. I’ll take my leave now…” Donghae hurriedly told her and left the room.

The members had seen what had happened in the room, and none of them spoke to Donghae about her condition, as he was yet again in tears. Donghae stayed outside her ward, his face becoming pale. He even had trouble standing up without feeling giddy and needed to lean against the wall for support.

“Donghae-ah, you okay…?” Leeteuk asked, going over to support him.

“Ne...” Donghae replied weakly.

“Donghae, why don’t you go back to the dorm and rest ? There’s nothing you can do here anyway. A long night has passed and it’s already morning. Come again tomorrow, okay ? Your health is more important,” Her mother advised, seeing how tired and disheveled he looked especially since he hadn’t shaved.

“It’s okay, I’m perfectly fine,” Donghae said, giving them a small smile.

After much persuasion from her parents, Donghae went back to the dorms with the members. The members were awake by the time he reached home, and those who had schedules had already left the house. He had taken a long shower and Ryeowook had started to make some food for him as he has yet to eat since yesterday, but he didn’t eat much and even when he went back to the room, he couldn’t fall asleep. Every time he closed his eyes, all he could hear was ___ screaming, and turning away from him.


After taking a short nap, Donghae washed up, once again heading to the hospital. He walked towards the ward, only to hear the sound of glass breaking coming from the room. As he hurried closer to the ward, a cup flew out from the door, landing a few feet away from him. Stunned, he quickly peeped into the room, to see the nurses trying to hold ___ back from throwing any more items while 2 policemen stood a distance away from her bed. He immediately approached the policemen.

“Is anything the problem ?” Donghae asked.

“Oh annyeonghasayo, we’re here to take her statement regarding the recent case she’s involved in but…” One of them trailed off.

“Have you found the guy yet ?” Donghae asked immediately.

“Sorry, but we’re still investigating the case,” One of them said apologetically.

“Why don’t the you come again another day ?” Donghae told them, disappointed, “I don’t think her condition is suitable to give you anything right now.”

After contemplating for a while, the policemen agreed and left the hospital. Meanwhile, ___ had been shouting the same old sentences, calling herself a murderer, shouting at the nurses to let go of her and leave her alone, even throwing things around to threaten them. Broken glass pieces were on the floor, magazines were everywhere and because they had no other choice, the nurses tied her hands.

“Can you not tie her up ?” He asked, not bearing to see his girlfriend in this state.

“Sorry Donghae sshi, but we have no other choice. She’s not willing to take her medicine. Even if we put it in her food, she refuses to eat. She hasn’t eaten anything since she came here, and even threw the food away,” the nurses said apologetically.

Donghae sighed. “Where are her parents ?” he asked.

“They told us to take care of her while they checked into a nearby hotel, they had just left an hour ago,” she explained.

The doctors and nurses advised Donghae not to enter the ward nor approach ___ until she takes her medicine, in fear of worsening her condition. Having no choice, Donghae then sat outside the ward, bending over with his hand on his forehead being all stressed out. The members realized that Donghae had left the house once again and of course they knew he was in the hospital. Some of them decided to come over and accompany him, and her parents came shortly after. Seeing that all of them were present, the doctor in charge came over.

“Since you are all here, “ The doctor cleared his throat. “Although her condition is not too good right now, I believe she can be discharged after a week when it gets better, as long as she takes her medicine and come back for check ups regularly. If she takes her medicine regularly, her emotions will be controlled. Just make sure she does not live alone, and that she’s always being supervised. Do not let her be alone, as it would be dangerous. Patients tend to have suicidal thoughts. Try to talk to her more, don’t shout at her and always be patient. She really needs the support of her families and peers right now, so it would be great if all of you would help. She’s living alone now, right ? Perhaps you guys can start helping her move for now.”

“Of course,” Leeteuk said, nodding seriously.

“Will it be okay to take her back to Singapore in her condition ?” Her mother inquired. “I have a full schedule for the upcoming weeks and those are important, I have been postponing them for a while now and I can’t hold them back any longer, so I have to get back to Singapore by the end of the week.”

Donghae stiffened. ___ was going to be taken away from him ? He immediately turned towards the doctor, waiting for his reply.

“Well…I don’t think you should. Her emotions are quite unpredictable now and taking her to another country would mean getting her to be in crowded environments like the airport and airplane. It can be dangerous for her and the people around her, so I advise that you let her remain here,” the doctor explained.

Her father thought for a while, before he spoke up, “Alright then, we have until the end of the week before we leave, so we’ll see what we can do to fix our schedule.”



A few days passed and although ___ condition would be much better after medication, it would also worsen drastically when she doesn’t take them on time. ___ has yet to open up to anyone, nor speak to anyone. All she said whenever she opened was to scream, shout or cry. So far, no one understood the reason behind ___ calling herself a murderer, and the police had yet to find out that it was Jake. They had only asked around, like the owner of the club, and found some clues at the scene of fabric from clothes and taken some DNA sample from ___, but had yet to find any suspects.

Donghae was sitting beside ___’s bed again, like any other day when he went to visit. However, ___ was curled up on the bed, trying to be at the furthest possible distance from Donghae who was trying to get her to take her medicine.

“___ ? Come on, take your medicine…” He said patiently.

He had been patient with her, trying to get her to take her medicine for the past 15 minutes but to no avail.

Why was he looking at me as if I owed him something ? I felt threatened.


In the end, it was still the nurses who had to force her to eat her medicine. The two didn’t talk afterwards though, as ___ continued to avoid him despite the fact Donghae made attempts to talk to her. For the next few days, she would still hide under the blanket after that, hugging her knees at the corner on the bed furthest from Donghae. Thus, Donghae decided to leave the room, not wanting to disrupt her rest and sat outside the ward. Once he turned away from ___, the smile on his face disappeared, and a depressed expression was plastered on his face again. As he stepped out of the ward, he bumped into her parents, who had seen everything.

“Thank you for taking care of her, Donghae,” Her mother took his hand in hers and smiled sincerely.

“It’s what I should do, don’t worry about it,” Donghae smiled slightly and took a seat outside the ward as her parents went in.

To be honest, Donghae still could not face reality. Though he had shown his smile to ___, deep inside, he was crying. He had always tried his best to contain himself, crying alone in the toilet where no one else could see him. Many reporters and the media had published articles regarding ___ but SM had only given a short and brief statement about her medical condition. Her parents had also decided to take up ___’s case, being her representative lawyer working with one of the local lawyers they had known for a few years as they have worked together once in the past.

On the last day of the week before ___ would be discharged, Donghae went into her ward once again after she had taken her medicine. Once he stepped in,  the sad expression on his face immediately turned bright as ___ looked at him. He walked towards the windows, drawing the curtains so that sunlight could enter the room.

“___-ah, the weather’s so beautiful today, just like you,” He said with a smile. “You look a lot better today !”

However, as usual, ___ didn’t respond, and just looked at him.

“Want to take a walk at the garden with me ? You must be feeling bored staying in the ward all day,” Donghae asked her, showing her the best smile he could put on his face.

It took him a lot of patience to get ___ out of her bed and onto the wheelchair he had took for ___. Initially when Donghae removed the blanket, trying to get her to come down from the bed, ___ had shrieked, curling herself up into a ball and tearing. But now, ___ was finally seated on the wheelchair, and Donghae took a blanket to cover and wheeled her out of the room. He then brought her downstairs after informing the nurses at the reception.

“___-ah, why are you putting the blanket over yourself when the weather’s so good ?” Donghae asked, trying to speak to her.

Many people were looking at me. Were they mocking me ? Mocking me about the fact that I was no longer clean.


He didn’t remove the blanket from her, as he was afraid she would shriek again. However, ___ didn’t reply. Donghae continued to push the wheelchair around the garden, talking to her about his trip in Taiwan, trying to make her feel comfortable around him. It was then when a toy car suddenly ran into ___’s wheelchair, and ___ bent down to pick it up, looking at it curiously. A young boy then followed and looked at ___.

“Noona, can I have my toy car back ?” He asked.

___ got scared for a while, hiding under her blanket, feeling threatened by the little boy. The boy then burst out in tears, calling for his mother.

“Aigo, I’m so sorry Donghae sshi !!” His mother quickly hurried over and apologized before making her son quite down.

Donghae then squatted beside ___. “___-ah, don’t be scared, the boy just wants the toy car. Will you hand it over to him ?” He asked gently, stretching out his hand in front of her again.

Seeing no response, Donghae turned around to apologise to the lady. “I’m really sorry, if you would wait a while, …she needs more time.”

“It’s okay, Donghae sshi, I’ve heard about her condition, I understand. She can take it if she wants,” the lady explained.

“Don’t worry, she’ll return it to your son,” Donghae reassured the lady.

Being patient to ___, he continued being soft spoken to her, speaking softly and gently to her, before she finally handed the toy car to Donghae, who passed it to the little boy. The mother and son left, not wanting to disturb the couple any further. Donghae then smiled at ___, patting her head gently.

“That’s my ___ !” He said with a bright smile.

Although ___ did not respond to him, he didn’t mind. He felt slightly better with how much she had improved, and even started listening to him. He could communicate with her now, which eased his troubled mind a lot better. After a while, Donghae brought ___ back up to her ward as he thought she needed to rest since she started yawning and hugging her blanket.

“Oh, Uncle, Auntie, you’re here ! I’m so sorry if I made you guys worry, I brought her down for a walk !” Donghae quickly apologized upon seeing her parents in the ward.

“It’s okay, thank you for taking care of her and being patient with her,” Her mother said with a smile before helping tucking her daughter in bed.

“This is what I should do, don’t need to thank me,” He replied politely.

“The doctor told us how you tried getting her to eat her medicine, and how you’ve been taking care of her. You’re a very nice guy, Donghae, and I’m glad ___ has found someone like you. We’ve watched the two of you in the park from upstairs, and I’m confident in handing my daughter into your care. Do you mind taking care of her while I return to Singapore to finish my remaining schedules ? It’ll only be a short while before I return to attend to her case,” Her mother asked sincerely.

“O-of course I don’t mind ! I will take very good care of her, there is no need to worry. I’ll see that her condition improves,” Donghae replied immediately. He was relieved that ___ wouldn’t be leaving him again.

“Thank you so much, I don’t know how to thank you enough,” Her father said, hugging him.

“It’s my duty as her boyfriend to ensure that she’s well and healthy, I’ll do a good job, don’t worry. You can work without worrying and I believe you’ll come back and help to find the criminal who had done this to her,” Donghae said and smiled.

With that, her parents departed from the airport after ensuring that ___ was in good hands. ___ was also set to be discharged from the hospital later that night, since the members had to help move some of her belongings from her dorm at the academy over to the Super Junior dorm during the day. ___ would be using the room with which used to be Hankyung’s since it was currently vacant and the furnitures were intact. Donghae and Leeteuk would still be sharing rooms like they used to.


___. I promise, I’ll put in a hundred and ten percent, to make sure you recover and never get hurt again. So please, return to my side, will you ?







A/N: Thanks for all the comments, love you guys ! So here you go, an update for ya (: Wasn't able to proof read so please forgive me for my errors. Hope this chapter was fine. Promise after this chapter, no more boring hospital scenes :x Thank you for reading and do keep the comments going, I'd really love them :D Remember to subscribe if you haven't !! Take care dear readers ! Done typing the next chapter since it's rather short, but I'll post it up when there is a nice number of comments hehe ^^ 

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You're finally back!! Continue writing yeah? This story is too brilliant to be given up on:) HWAITING~~
eileen_elf #2
Woohoo,finally u are back
with another awesome chapter !
dear_mochi #3
Awh, I'm so envious of her and Donghae's lovey dovey moments.(: How can they be so sweet and so cute to each other like that, SHISUS! PLEASE GIVE ME A BOYFRIEND LIKE LEE DONGHAE! O;<br />
<br />
Thanks for the update^^
eileen_elf #4
Nice update !<br />
They are so sweeet together <3<br />
<br />
yaaaaaaaay! My unni is back! nice update! :D
PYEONG~~~I'm fast aren't I? I'm not going to forgive you for not updating on Friday!!! :( HEEEEEE! I know that you've just updated, but I still wanna say UPDATE SOON:)
Hello! :D<br />
New reader here! :D Grrrrrrr!!! I can't help but curse Jake!!! :( Even typing his name makes me mad:( Please don't let him do anything to Ga eun okay?<br />
And I'm waiting patiently for your next update! :D<br />
Kimbum_7 #8
I want to kill Jake so bad.....
a_chuu #9
YOU'RE BACK!!!! :D<br />
mmm, that voice.. scares me. it's jake right?!