Chapter Eight

The Strange But Lovely Demon




"Hey, where's Jung Krystal?" a guy blurted out


Right now, everyone in Krystal's class was practicing for the chorale competition. A while ago, much to Jieun's and Suzy's annoyance, Krystal had asked her two close friends if they could attend the chorale competition practice for Choi Sulli's group. They refused at first but after Krystal started to say some more things, they finally complied.


"I have sympathy for her." they remember Krystal saying as she crossed her arms. "In other words, Choi Sulli and I have the same points in feeling. That's why I'm going to sympathize with her feelings." 


They certainly wondered on what their close friend meant by that since Choi Sulli and Jung Krystal were technically real opposites. They couldn't really understand what Krystal had meant by that but they trusted their friend so they knew that Jung Krystal was well-aware of whatever she was doing.


"She said that she wanted to do it seperately." Sulli answered


"For real??" the same guy said, scratching his head


Jiyoung then approached the scene. "Of course. After all, she did say those things. If she came here calmly then I'd doubt her nerves." she said, crossing her arms in annoyance


"But, she not really the type to work so hard and then give up, especially at such a moment like this right?" he answered again


Another guy nodded. "I know right. Like, all she does is take responsibility, even if she makes people really angry at times."


"More like the stubborn type?" another guy blurted out


He then nodded. "Right on! You can't really pretend around her so you have to be all serious and real. There are even times when you say something harsh, surprisingly she's all right with it, even if most people won't."


Sulli's eyes darkened at the scene but after a few moments, she smiled. "Don't mind Jung Krystal and let's keep on practicing. I went through a lot of trouble to get the music room that we're in right now you know?"


Suddenly, the door barged open and in came the interviewer from a while ago, still holding his microphone, along with the rest of the TV crew that followed behind him with their cameras and lights. "Please let us record this!" the interviewer exclaimed "Oh, and don't mind us. Just act all natural!" he exclaimed



Her wish remains in my heart and I truly understand it.


She wants to be liked, to be complimented. She longs for it but since she cannot reach the wish that she's working so hard for, she feels disgusted with herself.


I cannot blame Choi Sulli's feelings of wanting, even if it is only on the outside.



As soon as Krystal stepped inside the restroom, she saw Kang Jiyoung as she dropped the fake eyelashes that Krystal thought she was going to put on in before she came in. For a moment there, there was an awkward silence because both parties couldn't really grasp what was happening but finally, Jiyoung decided to speak.


"Hey, stop staring at me!! So what?! Excuse me then for fixing my make-up! It can't be helped you know since they suddenly decided to interview us!!" Jiyoung exclaimed in a frantic manner


Krystal then examined the bathroom table and noticed that so many make-up products were scattered all over it. She then looked up to face Jiyoung. "You haven't changed at all." she said as she walked closer to her with crossed arms "You look exactly the same as always."


Jiyoung clenched her fists and gritted her teeth in anger. She was about to grab Krystal's shirt but then she stopped herself from doing so. "Ugh! Everytime I'm with you I always look ugly! Now, I can't even go to the show! You're seriously the worst!" she said, bowing her head in anger


Krystal only stared at her. "Then with you like the way you look with....?" she said as she slowly approached Jiyoung, who lifted her head to look at her "Just pretend that the camera is that person, then won't you naturally be able to like the way you look?" she said as she took off the fake eyelashes that were on her left eye


"Hey! What are you--"


But Krystal quickly cut her off. "I think that the people around you, who come to like and understand you, like you not because of your outward appearance, but because of your own feelings that aren't lies." she said, giving Jiyoung a sympathetic look


For a moment there, Jiyoung's heart softened as she looked at Krystal but suddenly, that was interrupted when Sulli suddenly came in. "So you were here? I was wondering where you were!" she smiled but then that smile faltered when she noticed Krystal in the room. She quickly ignored her and walked to Jiyoung and grabbed her arm. "Jiyoung, hurry up! You don't want to be the only one missing right?" she said as she dragged Jiyoung out of the room




"Okay, we're now going to start recording. Is everyone in your class here?" the interviewer asked


"No." Sulli smiled "The real previous leader, Jung Krystal, is not here. I wonder if she hates practicing with us." she said as she brought her index finger to her chin "Ah, but she didn't really have a cooperative personality from the start and she seemed to like being by herself but...." she paused before continuing ".....I believe that we will sing together in the end, because she is part of this class, isn't that right everyone?" Sulli asked


The interviewer for a moment, stared at Choi Sulli with a blank expression  but afterwards, he smiled. "Could you then perhaps forcibly invite her here? If it were me, I would certainly do that." he smiled as Sulli looked at him with wide eyes "It's lonely by yourself." he continued "Perhaps she's waiting for you to find her? Because if no one wants to welcome her then that would be so mean and cold don't you think?"


Sulli gasped. "B-but her s-singing is really good....a-and she thinks that being with us and practicing with people at a l-lower l-level than herself is s-stupid...."


"Did she actually say that?" the interviewer asked


Sulli gulped. "N-no she didn't say that but--"


"Maybe you purposely don't want to get her." the interviewer quickly cut her off "Am I right?"


It was then that Sulli's heart dropped.


"Oh, I'm sorry, I think I said too much." the interviewer said, waving both of his arms "She may not be as strong as you think she is you know."


After a few moments of silence, Sulli then realized what was happening so she tried to regain the light atmostphere. "Okay then, let's just practice again and--"


"Shut up." they heard a voice mutter


Every head that was present in the classroom then turned to where that line came from and they were beyond surprised to hear who it came from -- Kang Jiyoung.


"Wh-what...?" Sulli muttured


Jiyoung then lifted her head. "I'm mad okay! I'm mad because this whole damn thing is so fake and I am so sick of it all!! Is there something wrong with that?!" Jiyoung snapped


"You can't do that!" Sulli said in a louder tone as she clenched her fists "With such a boring reason, don't throw the whole class out of order!"



There are those ones who come to like you and understand you because of your own feelings which aren't lies.


Even if you can't see yourself well on the outside, it's futile. Surely, anyone can understand that and yet the person you want to show that to is only one special person.


We're together. What Choi Sulli longs for, me and everyone else as well, is pretty much the same.


Krystal was now on the rooftop of Gwangju High School, watching her classmates practice. Since from the rooftop, you could very well see the windows of the music room, she then just stood there, smiling upon the sweet sight.


"These two always sing with embarrassment on their faces." she thought to herself as she saw two of her classmates practicing "Jieun always sings accurately, as expected of a daughter of musicians." she smiled "Although Kang Jiyoung's voice goes off-tune once in a while, it's in tune." she giggled "Suzy, for some weird reason, always rolls her r's..."


With such thoughts, Jung Krystal started to sing to herself in joy. The song that the class had been practicing for the chorale competition. She felt the wind pass by her and she felt her hair fly as she closed her eyes. In between her singing, she did giggle a bit for she thought of her friends, but then she felt so free afterwards.



Argh! Stupid, stupid, stupid! I can't believe that I took Jung Krystal's words seriously!!


But more so, I'm an even bigger idiot for believing in what she said!


"What do you mean boring reason!? Are you saying that me getting angry at all these idealistic ideas is boring?!" Jiyoung continued


That if I'd say my true feelings, people will come to like me!


Sulli then gulped as she calmed herself down. Slowly, she started to smile. "Ahhhh.....I didn't mean it that way. I was just worried that other people would think that you're selfish and they would feel bad for you--"


But Jiyoung cut Sulli off. "Didn't you say that it was fine to be selfish?! At any rate, I do have my selfish times but..."


God, I can't take it! Stupid, stupid, stupid! Everybody's watching me! I look so uncool! At this rate, I won't have any friends anymore! No one will come to befriend me!


Devil Jung Krystal, you b*tch!


"Although it isn't a nice thing....!" Jiyoung continued " true feelings for this whole damn thing won't lose! Jung Krystal she....she's somehow always right!" she screamed


Suddenly, it became dead silent. The TV crew felt that everything was so awkward and they certainly had never felt this kind of atmosphere nor drama while filming anything however, Suzy and Jieun were more so, pleasantly surprised in a way. Although they knew that what Kang Jiyoung was doing wasn't necessarily going to make peace, they knew that it was going to make things better because for the first time, she had finally shown her true feelings and more so, she had actually complimented Krystal.


The two friends had the idea that maybe, just maybe, their friend had said something to Kang Jiyoung to encourage her in some way.


Finally, a frustrated Sulli finally decided to break the ice. "What are you saying Jiyoung? You can't decide if your feelings will win or lose."


But then, Jieun quickly walked up to Jiyoung. "Jiyoung, let's go look for Krystal, together with Suzy. I'm sure that she's around here somewhere." she smiled, holding out her hand as she motioned over Suzy, who was also smiling.


Jiyoung's eyes widened in surprise as she felt her heart warm up to what was happening in front of her. Slowly, she held out her hand as Jieun grabbed it and dragged her out of the room with Suzy quickly following behind them.


No way.....what's going on? Why are Suzy and Jieun supporting me?


This isn't good, I'm going to cry



."Huh? She's not here? A while back, Krystal would sing here alone that's why I thought she would be here but I guess she isn't."


Krystal immediately turned around when she recognized Suzy's voice. They probably didn't see her because of the small wall that was covering her. She was about to approach her when suddenly, she heard the next things that came out of Jieun's mouth.


"You were really brave Jiyoung." she smiled


Jiyoung waved both of her arms. "Ahh.....I'm's because....well...... .what demon Jung Krystal said....she said that people would come to like me if I showed my true feelings.....and....well...."


Krystal's eyes widened.


"So you thought that you could maybe take her advice?" Suzy smiled


"Th-that...!!" Jiyoung exclaimed nervously "....that doesn't necessarily mean that I approve of her!" she exclaimed, slightly embarrassed "....but...." she sighed "....just one time, I thought that maybe.....I would try to trust Krystal....." she said as she looked at the sky


Krystal slowly lowered her eyelids and she sincerely smiled. Her heart softened upon hearing that. Slowly, she approached Jiyoung, Suzy and Jieun, surprising them, most especially Jiyoung whose face immediately turned red as a tomato because of emabarrassment. Jiyoung then quickly grabbed Krystal's hand as she started to drag her down, on her way to the music room with Suzy and Jieun following behind them.


"Wait Kang Jiyoung! The TV crew's still there right? So I can't go back to practice yet and--"


But Jiyoung quickly cut her off "Don't you dare skip practice!" Jiyoung exclaimed in a frantic manner "Ah, could it be that you're planning to come just on the day of the performance with your hair all neat and whatever your fighting spirit!! And then getting recorded on TV looking all pretty and what not!! I certainly won't let you do it!!" she exclaimed before walking again but this time, in a faster pace


Krystal only giggled that Jiyoung would use such an excuse to just bring her back.



Just how much resolve did you need, in order to express all the secrets of your heart?


Just how much courage did it take, to believe in someone whom you truly hated?



"Thank you.....Kang Jiyoung." Krystal said


"H-huh?!" Jiyoung exclaimed, again in a frantic manner "I-I-I didn't come to get you!! It's just that I went by the flow and....and.....aish, nevermind!!"


Suzy giggled. "What do you mean 'nevermind' Jiyoung? You're the one taking the initiative to bring her back."


"Argh!" Jiyoung muttured as she stopped in her tracks to face the "I was j-just.....b-because Sulli got angry and.....and told us to not disrupt the class and....."


Krystal only stared at her. "What happened exactly between you and Choi Sulli?"


"If you go back may make you miserable.....she'll definitely use you as a pawn to make herself look better....." but then after realizing what she was saying, Jiyoung quickly turned her head away and crossed her arms "....b-but this is also your fault you know! You were skipping practice so you're going along with what she wants to happen!"


Krystal was unable to hold her smile upon seeing Jiyoung's actions.


Noticing Krystal's smile, Jiyoung then grabbed her arm. "Aish! I don't really care anyway! Let's just go!"


"Kang Jiyoung, I won't be miserable." Krystal blurted out, making Jiyoung stop in her tracks "....even if I am weakened for the sake of making someone else look better.....I still have some people right here who will focus on me....." she paused as she turned to smirk at Jiyoung ".......and you couldn't help but worry about me right Kang Jiyoung?"


Jiyoung only stood speechless.



Yes, gather up your courage.


I can't tell other people things while I run away. No matter what other people may think of me from now on, what I have to say has to be my own feelings that aren't lies.



Every person's attention in the classroom turned to the door when it suddenly opened, revealing Krystal, Jieun, Jiyoung and Suzy standing by the door. They were all very much surprised to see them all standing there and they were even more surprised when suddenly, Krystal walked up and bowed.


"I'm sorry." she said in all sincerity "I want to sing together." she said, still bowing a ninety degrees ".....I saw you all practicing when I was at the I thought that I could come back." she paused before continuing ".....before.....I didn't really get along with anybody.....and the only person who truly loved me was suddenly gone....." she said as she finally straightened herself up and lifted her head to face her classmates "......but I don't want to be alone anymore. I want to be friends with everyone." she said with determination


Sulli only smiled as she approached the young Jung. "Of course Krystal, after all, we are classmates. I believe that we can sing together." she smiled cheerfully


Suddenly, Jiyoung heard clapping at the corner of the classroom. Her eyes widened in surprise when she saw that it was Mr. Choi who was doing the action.


I don't like what's happening. I don't know why but I just don't like it. I don't like it at all.


Jung Krystal may have said her true feelings but something's wrong. There's something wrong with Sulli too, and my surroundings, there's definitely something wrong.


Just why am I feeling this way?


"THE TRUTH IS, I DON'T WANT TO SING!" Jiyoung suddenly screamed, making all the attention turn to her


It was silent before Sulli was able to speak. "Jiyoung, what's wrong? Why don't you want to sing? Oh, I just knew that there was something weird from the beginning, with you suddenly speaking up a while ago and--"


"Stop making a fool out of me!" Jiyoung screamed again as she turned to glare at Sulli "I'm not like you! For eveyrone this, for everyone that, Choi Sulli, all you truly care about is yourself!"


This is not for Jung Krystal nor is it for anyone else.


This is for myself, to protect my true feelings.


"I don't need your lies any longer! I don't need your flattery!" Jiyoung continued as she slowly approached Sulli "Tell the truth Sulli. You don't really want to be friends with Krystal right?! You pretend that you're doing this for us, but all you want is to make yourself the good one in front of everyone!" she screamed


"M-Ms. Kang!" Mr. Choi exclaimed as he quickly approached the TV crew "Damn, stop recording!"


"It's not my fault." Sulli suddenly blurted out, making the attention turn to her "Jung Krystal wanted to work together. She said that she'd apologize in front of us all." she said in a calm, nonchalant tone


"Stop lying! Krystal wouldn't--" Jiyoung said but was cut off


"I'm not lying!" Sulli hissed "Jung Krystal is the one here who is desperate to make others like her!"


"What's this?"


"They're all over the place."


"Which one is telling the truth and which one is the one lying?"


"It's all true." Krystal suddenly blurted out "I'm not a very agreeable person, and I don't like it when people's feelings are hurt because of my words but.....I want to change." she said as she lifted her head up ".......however, I do not want to change my personality, I just want to change into a person that will like myself. And where a person can say that they truly like me from the bottom of their hearts." she exclaimed as she put her hand on her chest


Jiyoung, for a moment there, smiled but afterwards, she realized what she was doing so she returned to her normal self. "Aish! You can actually say some embarrassing things in front of the whole class!"


"Saying that, aren't you just like me Kang Jiyoung?" Krystal smirked "You also want to be liked."


"Argh! You make it sound as if I'm like you!"


"Well, you are in some ways."


"Gyaa! Jung Krystal!!"


"Stop it." Sulli suddenly said as she lowered her head "I never wanted people to like me." she said as she slowly made her way to the door "I don't care anymore. Do whatever you want to do with the chorale competition." she nonchalantly said


Suddenly, Mr. Choi grabbed her arm. "W-wait Sulli! We are going to perform the day after tomorrow! Why have you gone into despair of all times?!" he frantically exclaimed, panicking "Controlling these brats, isn't that what you do?!"


The whole class then stayed silent.


"I know that you're just a little hurt Sulli but since you're so simple-minded--"


But Sulli cut him off. "I was also.....controlling you songsaeng-nim....right?" she finally said, before moving away from his grip as she finally left the classroom


"What was with those eyes....." Mr. Choi muttured in disbelief


Krystal raised an eyebrow. "The students adore you, yet you still insult them. You don't even know what you're doing to them do you?" she said, crossing her arms


Mr. Choi turned to glare at the young Jung. "Stop it!" he said in a louder tone as he approached Krystal "STOP BLAMING OTHERS! WHAT DID YOU SAY TO SULLI?!" he screamed as he finally grabbed both of Krystal's arms "YOU CHANGED SULLI INTO SOMETHING WICKED DIDN'T YOU?!" he screamed as he started to shake Krystal "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!"


By this time, Mr. Choi was about to slap Krystal, hard, on her beautiful face as Suzy and Jieun were about to stop it from happening but then, then suddenly heard the keys of the piano being punched in a loud and seemingly angry manner, shocking and to some, scaring them.. Everyone stopped their actions as they turned to face who had done it.


"Songsaeng-nim....." Jiyoung muttured as she took her had off the piano "....have you forgotten that all of this is being recorded?" she asked, turning to glare at Mr. Choi



"Excuse me, I accidentally lost my temper." Mr. Choi smiled


Mr. Choi and the rest of the TV crew, along with the interviewer, were now in the teacher's room discussing some things. Mr. Choi was greatly embarrassed about what had happened a while ago so he immediately called the TV crew so that he could talk to them.


"Jung Krystal really makes my head hurt. She's actually a new student here that came two weeks ago and she immediately became a troublemaker on her first day here. So please, cut that part out." he laughed


The interviewer just stared at Mr. Choi for a few seconds, who was nervously sweating, before he finally spoke. "Don't worry. We're not a documentary, we're a variety show so we will more or less do some changing for the program."


Mr. Choi sighed in relief. "I'm glad that you understand. You see, what the school wants is to bring up it's reputation with this show and we were thinking if we could use Jung Krystal. "At first, she was a big bother to everyone but now she's been reborn because of the school." - how does that sound? She could start to reflect on herself and we can perhaps make it into a touching drama that everyone can understand right?"


Unknown to them, a few students from Krystal's class that were passing by had heard their whole conversation.



"I want to boycott the chorale competition." Suzy said, reading what was written on the blackboard of their classroom "What's this? Why is--"


But before Suzy was able to continue, Jiyoung spoke up to answer her. "A few guys from our class exposed what they had heard from the staff room to everyone." she said, making Krystal, Jieun and Suzy turn to look at her "...and then they said that they didn't want to participate anymore so everyone else wanted to quit too. They are using the students, faking everything! So they said that they won't come on the day of the competition."


"So no one's going to participate?" Krystal asked


"Obviously!" Jiyoung exclaimed "The school's being ridiculous here, I'm not even going either!" she sighed "If everyone else isn't going to sing....why should you guys sing?" she asked as she looked up at the


"I won't quit." Krystal blurted out


"Aigoo...." Jiyoung said, putting her head on her forehead "....I knew you were going to say that."


"Well, I don't really agree with the school though." Suzy said, bowing her head down "....sacrificing the rights of a student just to advertise the school. I mean, why would they want to advertise it anyway? Gwangju High School is literally the best high school in South Korea and it's a well-known fact among everyone."


"Who knows? This school is filled with narcissictic idiots anyway. The principal is probably just as full of himself as the other students are." Jieun sighed



Jung Krystal was peacefully walking down the streets on her way home, however, on the way, she was first finding where she could dress up into a plain girl. She was always cautious of walking home, especially since she didn't want the kingas to know where she lives.


However, instead of finding the peace that she wanted, a black car suddenly stopped in front of her but it wasn't the black car from last time, in the Duboki incident, this one seemed more luxurious and it was bigger. She sighed in dismay when the door opened and out came the person she dreaded the most -- Kai.


God, now how am I supposed to change my appearance with him around? she thought to herself


"Well, well, well Krystal, I didn't expect you to be walking. Don't you have a car to fetch you?" he asked, putting his hands in his pockets as he approached the young Jung


Krystal crossed her arms. "Mr. Kai, do you really not have anything better to do than to torment me?" she asked, raising an eyebrow ", how boring your life and how lonely you must be then." she said, rolling her eyes


Her sarcastic tone slightly ticked him off. "Jung Krystal, you really are something. Aren't you the least bit worried on what I might do to you right now? We're alone, in a street. I'm a guy and you're a girl." he said as he walked closer to her


Krystal took a step backward, sensing his prescence "I know how to defend myself Mr. Kai and you certainly would be surprised on how well I can do it." she fired back


Kai just chuckled as he took a step once more. "I'm sure that I would be. After all, you are full of surprises." he said, as he looked up and sighed "....Jung Krystal, just who are you?" he asked as he turned to face her


"Jung Krystal." she nonchalantly replied


He was slightly irritated by her sarcastic answer but then he regained his composure. "You sure are a mystery. There's no info about you, nothing about your parents, just nothing." he paused before continuing as he turned to look at her "....whatever it is that you're hiding, I'm going to find it out and once I do...." he said as he leaned in closer until their faces were only centimeters apart "'ll finally say those words." he smirked as he quickly kissed her


Krystal's eyes widened in shock when he started to kiss her. More so, it was the kind of kiss that wasn't a peck, but the tongue type. It lasted for a few seconds before Krystal managed to get back to her senses but before she was even able to push him away, he quickly straightened himself up, smiling in victory.


"So you can lose your cool from time to time." he smirked


Krystal clenched her fists in anger. She wanted to kick him, hard! However, she knew that doing that would do nothing good, it would only release her anger, and that's it. After a few minutes have passed by, she looked up to Kai and asked "Mr. Kai, aren't you leaving yet?" she asked, rather politely


He shook his head. "Nope. The guys, for some reason, weren't able to find out where you live which is why I'm just going to do things myself." he grinned "I'm going to directly follow you home."


Krystal's eyes widened in shock. Oh, if only she had dressed up sooner. She didn't know what to do and cold sweat started to form on her. As she started to walk ahead of Kai, whom she knew was just following her, walking behind her, she tried to think of a way to lose him.


Finally, she thought of a plan that just might work. Perhaps if she goes to a crowded area, instead of this quiet place, she could lose him. As she thought of that, she started walk again, this time in a faster pace, with Kai following behind her and in just a few seconds, she was already running to the busy streets of Seoul. As she ran faster and faster, turning around the streets as she bumped into people, of which she of course apologized too afterwards, she finally rested herself behind a tree.


Panting, she thought This is good. I've lost him.


However, if anyone thought that it was all over, then they were certainly wrong. Krystal felt someone tap her shoulder from behind and she turned around only to find Kai, with his usual hands in his pockets, smirking at her. Her eyes widened in surprise and disbelief. She just couldn't believe that he had managed to follow her.


Slowly, Kai shook his head. "Tsk, tsk, think you could get away from me Krystal? You're forgetting that you're tall, you have a good figure and your long brown, sligtly wavy hair is recognizable." he chuckled


Krystal sighed in dismay. She was happy that she had a plan B, but this plan was rather embarrassing, even for her, but she knew that she had to do it. She looked around her surroundings and noticed that there were plenty of people, good. She then turned to look at Kai, who was just smiling at her, however, she did the same.


As she smiled, she said "Mr. Kai, don't get too confident." she paused before continuing "HELP! THIS GUY'S TRYING TO DO SOMETHING NASTY TO ME!" she screamed as loud as she could, purposely saying it in a sympathetic and pitiful tone as she pointed at Kai, who was right in front of her


The attention of the people that were near them then turned to what was happening as they looked at Krystal with sympathy as the others looked at Kai in disgust, who was very much shocked and frustrated at what Krystal had done. Suddenly, the people around them started to surround him and Krystal took this opportunity to run away, which she had managed to do.


Kai tried to do the same but failed because the people around them had already surrounded them, much to his frustration. Someone even went as far as to call the police. He could even hear the nasty remarks that were being thrown at him.


"." he muttured, angrily "Jung Krystal, I am so going to get you."



"Good morning Miss Soojung." Dongmin bowed as soon as Krystal entered the doors to her house. She greeted Dongmin back, and she also greeted the maids who had greeted her. As she was going to step on the first step of the stairs however, she slipped down.


"M-Miss Soojung, are you alright?!" Dongmin asked as he quickly ran to Krystal with some maids following behind him as they started to help Krystal up


"Y-yes!!" Krystal exclaimed, frantically "....o-of course I am! Of course I'm alright! I'm alright ha....ha...." she said


Dongmin looked at her in a confused manner. "Miss Soojung, pardon me for saying this're acting rather strange."


"I'm acting as always!" she quickly said before  running up to her room, afterwards changing her clothes into her night clothes as she lied down on her bed.


"Mr. Kai, what is the meaning of this?" she pouted as she started to talk to herself "No matter what I do, I cannot seem to understand your train of thought." she said, angrily as she grabbed a pillow for her to hug ".....say it clearly because it's troubling me. I am also slightly angry with your actions." she pouted again "....that was rude you know, suddenly doing that to me." she said, thinking about the kiss that they had a while ago.


Slowly, she brought up her hand to touch her lips " was my first time too." she whispered to herself


Suddenly, a knock was heard on the door. "Miss Soojung, I have brought your apple juice." 


Yeah, that's it. Kai, just get out of my head! she thought



Tonight was like any other night as Kai lounged lazily in unimaginable silence on his black, leather sofa sipping his usual alcohol. His gaze was fixiated outside the room's clear glass walls where the city night's view came into sight. Right now, he was in his usual spot in the bar where he and his friends would usually hang out however, most of them were downstairs, enjoying himself, while he stayed there, alone.


After the ruckus that had happened a while ago, thanks to Jung Krystal, a police officer did come but he gulped after seeing Kai's face. Kai figured that he knew who he was and the police officer took the intiative to make the people around him go away. Kai, afterwards, gave him a huge tip before leaving.


"I want to talk to you." a voice was suddenly heard when the door opened


Making his way inside, Baekhyun had to adjust his eyes to the dimness of the room for his eyes had already gotten used to the neon lights on the party floors below.


He stopped and sat down on a seat in front of Kai. "I was just wondering, why can't you just get rid of Jung Krystal already?" he asked before taking a sip of the alcohol from the glass that he was holding


"To make her give in." was Kai's simple reply


"Give in?" Baekhyun repeated, not satisfied with the simple answer


Although he had heard the same answer for years now whenever a new victim would show up, he had never quite understood the reason on why his friend would treat Jung Krystal differently from the rest.


Intead of answering him directly, Kai chose to answer it on the way Baekhyun would be close to understanding it. "There are only two types of people." he began as Baekhyun listened intently "First is the ones who know something, keep quiet and walk away...." he continued before pausing to take another sip


"And the second one?" Baekhyun asked


After a few more seconds, the leader spoke once more. "Secondly would be the ones who know something, speak out and do something about it...."


"And what type would Jung Krystal be?" Baekhyun asked, although he was pretty sure that Kai was going to answer the latter since Jung Krystal had already gotten Kai's attention since the day she stopped his friends from hurting a freshman


"Neither." he answered, leaving Baekhyun surprised and confused, with a slight frown appearing on his face


Seeing his friend's reaction, Kai continued. "She is......she is the one who knows something, keeps quiet and walks away.....however......she comes back and stabs you when you least expect it."


Baekhyun gave his friend a skeptical look as he heard his answer. To most people, even to him, Jung Krystal was just a simple tough girl who just hasn't given up yet but to Kai, she seemed different, much different that what Jung Krystal was to him. "So you mean to say that she is special?" he asked, but it sounded more like a statement


"See, that's the problem here. Yeah, maybe she is special in some ways having this I-don't-give-a-flying--attitude all the time with that intimidating air she always carries around her....." Baekhyun continued "....but then did you really have to leave her like that, all high and mighty? She's probably full of herself right now. If you wanted to get back at her, then we could have just played around with her like the usual way."


Hearing nothing but silence from the leader, Baekhyun just sighed and added "There's one more thing though. Days ago, as I was driving, I saw Suho and the others running around the streets, screaming, with their eyes filled with some sauce and powder. I helped them afterwards and it seemed like Jung Krystal scared the out of them."


Kai only nodded to this before taking another sip to his alcohol and Baekhyun was rather surprised by his reaction. "Why doesn't this surprise you? Did Suho tell you or.....perhaps you had....something to do with what happened?" he asked cautiously


Kai met his questioning look in silence and that was all it took for Baekhyun to get his answer.


"Why did you do that?" he asked curiously


"To prove my point." was his only answer


Baekhyun sighed. "Now that you have, then what? Sure, she is tough, her looks are not what you would normally see in an everyday basis and she probably has had some self-defense lessons but that really isn't much."


"Jung Krystal is sharp and she has wit." Kai added, earning another surprise from Baekhyun


"And after she gives in? What are you going to do next?" he asked


"Then, I own her." Kai replied, simply before continuing as he finally turned to look at his friend "Hasn't it ever bothered you on how none of the people we've hired couldn't find and info about her?" he asked


Baekhyun nodded. "Well....yeah. I mean, we asked the best in the country to find something about her and yet.....there was nothing."


"Exactly." Kai nodded "Jung Krystal, whoever she really is, don't you think that it would be really interesting to find out her true identity?" he smirked








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Chapter 10: Hi its me again re reading this T^T
who_me #2
Chapter 10: It's 2017 when i decided to reread this (because i loved it so much). Will it be too much to ask for the next chapter? :(
helloyoukrystal #3
Please update the story is so sweet and it's getting so interesting I want to know more about krystal
Chapter 10: please update authornim ~
Citraysm #5
When will u update
anayuliana #6
Chapter 10: Hi. . .:-) New reader here. . . I'm looking for your next chapter. . . .
Please update soon author-nim
deerinheadlights #7
Chapter 10: Hey authornim! Are you still going to update this story because i have been rereading the whole thing and waiting for an update. This story is like one of my favourite kaistal stories ever and let me tell you that impressive kaistal fanfics are hard to come by. I really hope you won't abandon this story and update soon. I'd support you either way so fighting!
Nixieilosh #8
Chapter 7: Is this normal in here that the thing is exactly same as Akuma To Love Song manga?? If not shame on you... reported. -.-
Chapter 10: Been missing this story T^T
jayzie #10
Chapter 10: i love this story <3 but,can't you put more kaistal moment?
and im so curious about the next!!
please update soon author-nim!
i'm waiting ><