Chapter Five

The Strange But Lovely Demon






From his office, Mr. Choi looked down the window and was rather very annoyed that everyone in his class had gathered together, and not only that, most of them looked alright and relaxed at the school park. Krystal had called all of her classmates to the school park to discuss the chorale contest and although some of them didn't go, most of them went.


"Damn." he muttured under his breath "I didn't expect her to get many of them to join. They're making her more and more carried away." he glared at the sight


"Who's her?" a voice asked from behind him


Recognizing that voice, he was surprised and turned around only to find a girl standing in front of him. "I'm sorry for taking such a long break from school!" she chirped cheerfully "I just got out of the hospital, here's my medical certificate." she said, handing it out


"Sulli!" Mr. Choi gasped " your health good now?" he asked giddily


"Yes!" Sulli smiled "I'm in perfect condition now. Starting tomorrow, I'll be going to school." she said as something on Mr. Choi's table caught her eye. It was a seven-sided star shaped necklace. "Wow! What's this super-lovely pendant?!" she asked excitingly as she quickly approached it and picked it up


"Oh, you like it that much?" Mr. Choi asked


"YES!" Sulli said in a louder tone "....this looks really nice! It's very detailed and authentic." she smiled as she looked at it some more


"Oh? Then you can have it."


"Whaaa?! But it looks so expensive and--"


"I don't really mind." Mr. Choi smiled "Just wear it to school tomorrow."




"Good morning."


Hearing that voice, everyone turned to look at the girl that was entering the classroom in surprise. Krystal however exmained the thing that she was wearing on her neck -- her necklace that her eonnie had given to her.


"Sulli?! No way!"


"Long time no see!"


"Sulli, were you discharged from the hospital!?


"Thank goodness, we've all been waiting for you!"


Jiyoung and her friends started to smile and they quickly approached Sulli who started to tear up on what seemed like tears of joy from the treatment that she was getting from her friends.


"How long has it been?! Two weeks?"


"It felt so lonely without you around Sulli!"


"I love you all!" Sulli said as she quickly hugged Jiyoung "I missed you all so much!" she said in a louder tone as tears started to fall down from her eyes


Krystal only stared at her intensely.


"Don't cry Sulli." Jiyoung smiled


"But I'm so happy! I was so scared that there wouldn't be a place for me anymore when I would come back!" Sulli exclaimed as she started to wipe the tears that were on her eyes


"That's silly Sulli! You're so cute." another girl exclaimed "Jeez, you really do have a calming effect on us."


It was then that Sulli felt Krystal's staring so she turned to look at her. Tilting her head a bit to the left, she wondered on who she was as she had never really seen her before. "Who's she?"


"Ahh, that's the transfer student." Jiyoung scoffed "She transferred here just a week ago, shortly after you took your leave." she continued, as she snorted "....that demon Krystal."


"It's Jung Krystal." Krystal said, correcting Jiyoung as she continued to stare at Sulli in confusion


"Ahhh, you're so pretty!" Sulli exclaimed as she quickly approached Krystal "I'm Choi Jinri but everyone calls me Sulli!" she paused before continuing "Ah! I'm sorry!" she said as she bowed "Are you angry about something? You were just staring at me a while ago and I was wondering if.....well....if I--"


"Don't worry about it Sulli, she's always like that." one girl said


Krystal blinked her eyes before continuing. "I'm not angry, it's just that the star--"


"Good morning Krystal!" Jieun chriped from behind, causing Krystal to stop what she was about to say ".....Suzy isn't here yet? I wanted to give her a skull-designed keychain and--" she paused as she realized who was in front of her "Oh....Sulli, you're here."




Jiyoung gasped as she saw what was on Sulli's neck. "Sulli....that star...."


First period has now ended and Jiyoung and Sulli were talking to each other at the corner of the classroom, that is, until Jiyoung finally realized what Sulli was wearing.


"Ah, isn't it cute?" Sulli smiled "Mr. Choi gave it to me."


"You'd better not tell anyone about that."


Sulli looked at Jiyoung with a confused face. "What do you mean?"


Jiyoung then leaned forward and put beside Sulli's ear as she brought the palm of her hand to cover it. "That girl, Jung Krystal! She's the owner of that necklace and Mr. Choi was the one who confiscated it! And for what reason? She was causing a lot of trouble and chaos in our classroom! And you know what else? She even went against Kai on her first day here and two days ago, I think that he's decided on her as his new victim! He even banned her from getting into the cafeteria! Mr. Choi is keeping an eye on her too and Krystal seems to really dislike Mr. Choi so if you admit that you got this from him then she'll definitely harass you! She's even managed to brainwash Suzy and Jieun into being on her side all the time!"


Sulli gasped. "S-Suzy and Jieun?! But Suzy's everyone's friend and Jieun's nice and timid--"


Jiyoung just rolled her eyes. "Jung Krystal influenced them in some way! Now, the both of them act all tough and they've changed! To think that she even tried to grab Kai's attention by standing up to him!" she said, nodding her head


Sulli could only look at Jiyoung in surprise




"This is the guide for the chorale contest." Krystal said after approaching Sulli as she held out some papers in her hands "We're going to practice now in the classroom so if you don't mind, can you join us?"


All of the guys and a few girls were now pushing the tables and chairs to the corner to make space for practicing. Most of the girls however, including Jiyoung, stood by the door of the classroom. "Let's go home Sulli!"


Sulli only stood there, silent but after a few seconds, she was able to speak. "We can't do that." she muttured, which made Jiyoung look at her in disbelief. "It's wrong!" Sulli exclaimed, turning her head to face the girls that were by the door "I don't know.....why everyone in our class is dividing into two groups like this...." she paused before continuing "...and it's meaningless if we don't do things together!!" she smiled cheerfully "Come on over here everyone!" Sulli exclaimed as she grabbed Jiyoung's hand and dragged her to the middle of the room as the other girls started to follow her


The classroom's atmosphere then suddenly turned light.


"The guys too!" Sulli pouted " was wrong for you guys to leave the girls like that! You should have called them over!" Sulli complained in a cute manner


" know..." one guy said, rubbing his neck "....we never really told the girls to leave....and before we realized's already like this...." he said in a timid manner


Krystal observed the event that was happening right in front of her in shock. The girls that didn't want to go to the middle of the classroom even if their life depended on it, slowly walked in as they helped in moving the tables and the chairs. The guys started to laugh and make jokes which started to make the whole class happy.


All the things I couldn't do....she did them in a blink of an eye. It's as if....she's an angel -- the complete opposite of what I am. she thought


Feeling Krystal's stare on her, Sulli quickly turned around and approached her. "Ahhh, I'm sorry Krystal!" she bowed "Now that I think about it, I might have done something uncalled for. If you were trying to be the center of attention, I probably ruined it for you." she paused before continuing "....b-but I couldn't leave it like that and Jiyoung and the other girls seemed lonely so I just....ahh, but it's not like I'm blaming you for the way you do things Krystal...!" she exclaimed as she raised her head to face Krystal


"Not really." Krystal exclaimed in a light tone "I'm glad that you did that." she said, slowly nodding her head "Our class was divided into to groups but thanks to you, it's united again. And it's not like I'm particular about the way I do things either." she said, pausing for a second "I'm sorry if I made you feel like I didn't like what you were doing."


"N-no problem...!" Sulli smiled "Don't think that you're at fault Krystal!" she finally said, before walking away to join Jiyoung, leaving Krystal staring at her


Her words are sincere and I feel that they come from the bottom of her heart but....


Why do I feel so uncomfortable?




Krystal was now alone in the park, sitting on the grass as she leaned her back on a tree, peacefully reading a book. Suzy and Jieun were feeling really hungry and when Krystal, with her sharp nature, noticed that they were just preventing themselves from going to the cafeteria because she was banned from going and that they would feel like they were leaving her alone, Krystal just told them that it would be too bothersome to have them there while she was reading a book.


But Jieun and Suzy only giggled since they knew that Krystal only came up with that excuse since she noticed that the both of them were feeling hungry.


"Hey Krystal!"


Krystal looked up only to find Sulli's smiling face. "What?"


"Ahhh, I was just walking around and I saw you here by coincidence so I thought that it would be nice to get to know you more." she smiled as she sat down in front of her " you....been having a hard time lately....?"


Krystal only tilted her head in confusion. "Why would I be having a hard time?"


"You know, I heard that you stood up against Kai and that you're their new target."


"Oh, that. Nah, I don't really care about them." she said as she sipped onto her apple juice


"Ahhh, I see." Sulli said, nodding her head "You see Krystal, Kai is my childhood friend. My parents and his parents are really close ah, but it's not like we're close or anything." she smiled as she turned to look at Krystal's eyes " there's nothing to worry about okay?"


It was then that Krystal finally put down her book as she crossed her arms. "I don't know what you're misunderstanding about, but there really isn't anything between me and Kai. Sure, he's out to get me, but he'll never really succeed."


"Huh?!" Sulli gasped " you feel no romantic feelings for him?!"


"Nothing really, I just see him as any other student in this high school." Krystal replied in all honesty


Sulli clasped her hands. "Oh, so that's all!" she smiled "I hate lying so I'll just tell you. The truth is, I've always liked Kai, ah! But he doesn't really notice me, it's either he makes out with senior girls or college girls. I mean, the guys in our class don't really treat me as a woman either, maybe because I'm not as attractive as you are Krystal!"


Krystal raised an eyebrow. "What do you want me to do by telling me all of this?"


Sulli's eyes widened in shock, stopping her from uttering any other word.


"Perhaps you are trying to keep me in check so that I won't get too close to Kai?" she asked with a calm face


Sulli gulped. "Y-you s-sound like you're accusing me...."


"I was just thinking about the reason why you suddenly brought him up as a topic. I find it rather strange that you'd want to talk about someone like him." she said with her usual dense self


"Th-the reason...!?" Sulli stuttered "I was just having a normal talk about love with you!" she paused as she looked at Krystal's confused face "What? You don't talk about these kinds of things with your friends? Like opening your heart about a guy and such...? Th-this is normal between friends you know!" she exclaimed in a higher voice


It took Krystal a few seconds before she could answer. "I don't really have.....anyone I like." she said as she bowed her head "I've....I've never liked anyone before...."




Right now, everyone in Krystal's class was practicing in their own classroom for the chorale contest. After a few rounds, they decided to take a break.


"Suzy...." Krystal said, turning to face Suzy who was right beside her " you have anyone you like in a romantic way? Since I don't really like anyone in that way."


Suzy's eyes widened as she smiled in a very awkward manner. " see....ummm...." she stuttered nervously, looking at Krystal in disbelief as she had a sympathetic look on her face


What the hell?! Just why does she have the look on her face, as if she's sad that she doesn't have anyone she likes! She's the lucky one here that she doesn't have to feel such emotions of a girl with unrequited love!! Suzy thought


Seeing that Suzy wasn't able to answer her question, Krystal then turned to Jieun. "How about you Jieun? Do you have anyone you love?"


Jieun's eyes widened nervously. "I....ahah....I think th-that it's f-fine to not have anyone y-you l-like...!! hahahaha.....ha..." she said, uneasy


Krystal then nodded her head slowly upon remembering something. "Oh that's right. I remember Kang Jiyoung saying last week that you like one of the kingkas. I think his name was Kr--"


"SHHHHH!!!!" Jieun said, panicking as immediately covered Krystal's mouth, turning around if anybody had heard her "....d-don't tell anyone! I don't want anyone to start spreading rumors! Some bad crap will happen to me if it spreads around the school and his fangirls start to come after me...!"


"She can't be popular if she settles down on one guy right?" Jiyoung, who was near them, hearing their whole conversation, blurted out


Slowly, Jieun put down her hand and turned around to stare at Jiyoung while Suzy and Krystal did the same.


"Krystal goes out there and get his attention, making him get close to her and then with her usual indifferent attitude, accepting his attention as if it were nothing, it feels good doesn't it demon Krystal? You're a real sly fox." she said, crossing her arms as she glared at Krystal


"Ji-Jiyoung...." Sulli said, holding Jiyoung's shoulder "....Krystal told me that there wasn't anything going on between Kai and her."


"Did she now Sulli?" Jiyoung laughed in mockery "....let me tell you this. Right in the middle of the hallway, Kai leaned down and kissed her continously until she decided that she had enough of it so she told him to stop, right Krystal?" she asked, now shifting her gaze to Krystal


"Oh, you're talking about that incident? I didn't approach him, it was the opposite, he approached me." she said in her usual indifferent tone, not even realizing that the atmostphere around her had already changed into a tense one


Sulli turned to look in Krystal in shock as a huge lump formed in . "K-Krystal you...." she said, clenching her fists " lied to me. Even though you made me tell you the truth...." she said, gritting her teeth " kept things from me even though I told you everything honestly? You betrayed me even though I trusted you."


From Jiyoung's figure, Krystal's eyes turned to Sulli. "Betrayed you? You asked me if I felt anything romantic for him and I said nothing. I was telling the truth." she said in all honesty


"B-but he kissed you a lot...!!" she said, her voice slightly higher "...there must be something between the both of you...!! Opening your heart about love interests is the proof of friendship you know?! I trusted you and told you so many things but you only trampled on my sincerity..!! You're inhuman Jung Krystal...!" she screamed


Suzy knew where this was going. She looked at her surroundings and noticed that everyone had stayed silent. No one was doing anything but watching the scene in front of them. This was bad. "Now sto--"


"Jung Krystal, you've got to think about the things that you've done without running away! If you keep on betraying your friends like this, you'll meet with misfortune...!!" she screamed again


Krystal only stared into Sulli's eyes. "Do you like being pitied by others?" she said in a nonchalant tone


Sulli's eyes widened in pure shock.


"Ahh, sorry." Krystal said in all honesty after realizing the look on Sulli's face. "....when I look into your eyes, I'm reminded of some of the people who swindle on the streets. Sorry, I got sidetracked." she paused before continuing "....anyways, you seemed to have misunderstood. I don't like Kai in the romantic way so don't worry."


"D-don't worry you say...." Sulli glared "Why would I even want to worry? Whether Kai and I will become an item or not? You're making it sound as if I want Kai to return my feelings...." she shivered "Liking him is enough for me!!" she screamed as she quickly ran out of the room


Jiyoung then turned to glare at Krystal. "You're the worst demon Krystal!" she shouted as she followed Sulli and so did the other girls


An awkward silence engulfed the classroom.


"Man....and we were getting along for a change...." a guy muttured "....Krystal, just do something about that attitude of yours." he sighed


"Hey, Krystal's not the one at fault." Jieun said "I don't know what just happened back there though. Everything seems to be a huge misunderstanding on Sulli's part."


Krystal gulped. "Isn't anything going to happen to her?" she asked in concern


"Ah, don't worry about that. We all know about it already" one of the guys said "The phrase "Liking him is enough for me." we've heard that so many times already whenever she talks to her friends in the classroom."


Krystal's eyes widened in surprise.



It's kind of late for me to realize this just now but when she said that I was her friend.....I was actually....happy.


But what does she mean exactly when she says "friends"?


Unfortunately, this is reality. There aren't many smiles around me



"You guys are going home?" Suzy blurted out, seeing that the guys were already packing their stuff


One of them nodded. "Yeah. There isn't really anything to do here, all the girls have gone and.....well, we've all had a long day." he sighed



"Aigoo...." Mr. Choi sighed as he walked into the teacher's office. He had just heard from his students after going out to check on them that a huge fight occured between Krystal and Sulli and that they didn't want to practice anymore for today. "Guess I'll have to switch the leader position to Sulli."


"Choi Sulli?" another teacher asked "The one who recently got discharged from the hospital?"


"Yes." the teacher smiled cheerfully "Actually, everything changed when she got back. The air just got so bright all of a sudden." he laughed ".....and I knew from the very beginning that it was impossible for Jung Krystal to be the leader."


"Leader..... huh......?" the other teacher mumbled as he put his index finger on his chin "Mr. Choi, keep Jung Krystal as the leader." he said


Mr. Choi just stared at him in disbelief. "What are you talking about?! Sulli finally--"


"You see, a certain TV show from a popular channel mentioned that they wanted to collect data about the high school events that happen here in Gwangju High School. After all, this school is known to be the best school in the country. With people from high-class and rich families attending it, equipped with the best facilities that you can never find in any other school, it wants to take a sneak peek about the lives of those who actually attend."




"And I'm thinking that we should have Jung Krystal to promote us."


Mr. Choi gasped. "WHAT?! You can't be serious! For such a troublesome girl like her to show represent the students of Gwangju High School!" he exclaimed in a slightly higher tone


"Now, now, Mr. Choi. There's more to it than what meets the eye." he smirked ".....a bad and rebellious girl like Jung Krystal and as soon as she transferred here to our school, she suddenly became nice, friendly and independent as she unites her class into joining the chorale contest. That will be the story." he paused as he put his index finger onto his chin ".....and the title will be, "A School where unbelievably demon-like students can become angelic." he then turned to Mr. Choi "How does that sound?"



"The one single thing that I can do....for the people around to probably not to anything at all." Krystal sighed as she looked at the night view of Seoul


"Miss? You've done so much and you've worked really hard for them to participate. Are you really going to give up just like that?" Dongmin asked as he gave her a glass of cold apple juice


"Miss, I apologize if it might be rude for me to say this but, I think that it's wrong for you to say that. For exmaple, you have told me that a friend of yours, Lee Jieun, has told you that because of you, she has realized the things that she didn't want to see or look at before. Now, she feels free and herself. Aren't you happy that she has told you that miss?"


Krystal only stayed silent as she continued to drink onto her glass of apple juice.


"And another example would be Bae Suzy. Didn't you tell me that she has told you that she doesn't feel wortheless anymore and that she doesn't have to try hard so much whenever she's with you? Weren't you glad when you heard those words from her miss?"


Krystal continued to stay silent.


Dongmin just sighed. "Just remember that miss, you're not alone and from what you have told me so far about them, Bae Suzy and Lee Jieun really do seem to like you and they truly want to spend time with you as a friend. You are a lovely person miss, remember that. Allow me to excuse myself." he said, bowing, before leaving Krystal's room in silence


A lovely person? Krystal thought, drinking her apple juice


Dongmin's right.


I have friends now.


I am not alone anymore.



"Jung Krystal is it?"


Krystal was on her way to the music room to get the piano music sheets for the chorale contest when suddenly, someone called her name. She immediately stopped on her tracks upon hearing someone call her name. It was the first time that she had ever heard this voice so she wondered on who it could be.


Turning around, she found a guy whom she had never seen before. He was rather tall and his hair color was of the shade of light brown, almost blonde. He had fair skin and a baby face with a smile plastered onto it.


"Who are you?" she asked in her usual indifferent tone


"Ahh, allow me to introduce myself first." he said as he brought out his hand "My name's Luhan."


Crossing her arms, Krystal raised an eyebrow. "And what do you want?"


"Wow, they were right. You are intimidating to be with." he laughed ".....and you're quite frank. I just wanted to see what kind of girl Kai was hanging out with."


Krystal twitched her eye in irritation when she heard that name. "You're wasting my time if he's going to be the topic of our conversation." she said as she turned around and slowly made her way down the hallways but she immediately stopped in her tracks when she heard the next words that came out of Luhan's mouth.


"I didn't expect that you'd come to this school for your eonnie." he muttured, slowly walking away with both of his hands behind his head


Krystal turned around with widened eyes and a dropped jaw. She was skeptical whether she had heard him right but after a few seconds, she was somehow sure that she had heard him wrong. "What did you say?"


Luhan just smirked. "Nothing, just take care of Suzy." he finally said before disappearing out of Krystal's sight


Suzy just shook her head in disbelief. What were you thinking just then Jung Krystal? There's just no way that he knows my sister. No way. she thought, shaking off the thought


The young Jung started to walk again but she stopped in her tracks after remembering something.


Wait a minute.


Why did he mention Suzy? she wondered again


Meh. He probably has a crush on her. Suzy is rather popular after all.






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Chapter 10: Hi its me again re reading this T^T
who_me #2
Chapter 10: It's 2017 when i decided to reread this (because i loved it so much). Will it be too much to ask for the next chapter? :(
helloyoukrystal #3
Please update the story is so sweet and it's getting so interesting I want to know more about krystal
Chapter 10: please update authornim ~
Citraysm #5
When will u update
anayuliana #6
Chapter 10: Hi. . .:-) New reader here. . . I'm looking for your next chapter. . . .
Please update soon author-nim
deerinheadlights #7
Chapter 10: Hey authornim! Are you still going to update this story because i have been rereading the whole thing and waiting for an update. This story is like one of my favourite kaistal stories ever and let me tell you that impressive kaistal fanfics are hard to come by. I really hope you won't abandon this story and update soon. I'd support you either way so fighting!
Nixieilosh #8
Chapter 7: Is this normal in here that the thing is exactly same as Akuma To Love Song manga?? If not shame on you... reported. -.-
Chapter 10: Been missing this story T^T
jayzie #10
Chapter 10: i love this story <3 but,can't you put more kaistal moment?
and im so curious about the next!!
please update soon author-nim!
i'm waiting ><