Chapter Six

The Strange But Lovely Demon






The noise inside the classroom immediately died out, signalling that the teacher had just arrived. Soon, after going to the teacher's table, the attendance was being checked as different names were being called out one by one.


"Okay class, I would--"


But the teacher was suddenly interrupted when the classroom's door suddenly opened and Kai walked in with his hands in his pockets as he scanned the whole classroom with his cold dark eyes until it settled on a particular spot near the window where a brunette female sat, her attention focused on the book she was reading, totally in contrast to every single person in the whole class, with their attention fixiated on him.


Most of the girls just smiled and blushed because of his prescence however the guys in the room tried their best to avoid his gaze for they were afraid to be an unfortunate target. Even the nervous teacher could do nothing about the powerful Kim, knowing what he could do to him if he ever tried to oppose him.


Slowly but smoothly, Kai walked up to Suzy. "Move." he smoothly said with his deep voice cocking to an empty chair at the corner of the room


At the sound of his voice, Krystal's eyes tore away from the book she was reading to look at the arrogant male that was standing near her using all authority over her friend.


As to the reason why the leader of the all-famous gang in school would want to take Bae Suzy's seat, it was because next to her seat was our young heroine's seat. It may sound exciting to the rest of the female population of the high school if they were in her place right now, but to Jung Krystal, it meant saying goodbye to peace and quiet.


Suzy, however, was partially annoyed that Kai would do this, but mostly afraid of what he might do to her afterwards but still, she made no sign of movement nor sound as she tried her best not to look into his eyes. Observing this, Kai leaned down a bit to quietly whisper on Suzy's ear. "My, my, Luhan's girl sure is stubborn." he sneered


Suzy gulped at his words as she shifted her gaze to his eyes, glaring at him, but she was certainly still afraid. She didn't know if he was joking or not but whatever it was, she did not like what he said one bit as she felt hurt by his words. Could it be that Luhan had told him something bad about her? Could it be that Luhan had made fun of her in some way? Right at that moment, all she could feel is anger but at the same time, fear.


Sensing a huge storm brewing up ahead, Krystal was about to kindly tell Suzy to leave it be and just quietly transfer so that nothing bad would happen but her teacher beat her to it, doing what any typical teacher in Gwangu High School would do.


"Ms. Bae, kindly transfer to the empty seat so that we can finally start." the teacher pleaded, siding with Kai as expected. It didn't really come as a surprise to anyone in the classroom for they knew the reason why.


Heaving a defeated sigh and giving Krystal a meaningful but apologetic look, Suzy grabbed her bag and approached the said spot, sitting down while Kai sat down on her original place, all the while maintaining his cool form. Jieun also gave a sigh of relief as her friend finally gave in to Kai's demands and avoided being an unfortunate target to his gang.


Krystal was lucky enough that Sulli had gone to the hospital to have herself checked-up because if she had not, she would have had to witness this unfortunate scene.


After a few moments, the teacher finally started the class, but in an uneasy manner. The girls were busy glancing from time to time to look at Kai while the guys just felt nervous the whole time. Jieun's seat was right in front of Krystal's as she somehow felt that her friend did not like what was happening. She was indeed, very nervous.


Krystal then turned her head to Kai as the teacher was discussing. "Why are you here?" she said with her tone that had a hint of irritation in it


Kai just smirked in amusement. "To observe you. I heard that you're quite unpopular with the girls because of your bad attitude but with the guys, your popularity is huge and it's obvious why. I was curious." he paused as he turned to look at her ".....because you don't really seem like the bad type, however, to me, you aren't an easy, weak one either."


Krystal slowly nodded her head in agreement. "That's quite true sunbae-nim." she paused before continuing ".....goodness me, you've been quite observant of me haven't you sunbae-nim?"


And yet again, he smirked. "Of course. After all, you are my opponent."


Krystal only rolled her eyes in annoyance.




Lunch time finally came as the students quickly made their way either to the cafeteria or to the resturants that were lined up outside their high school. Meanwhile, Krystal immediately fixed her stuff and grabbed her bag as the relieved Jieun linked arms with her, which she didn't really mind, in fact, she felt really happy, as the two of them followed Suzy out of the room.


As they were walking down the hallways on their way to find Suzy, however, Jieun stopped in her tracks. "Oh! I forgot to get my bag, Krystal, wait here!" she exclaimed as she quickly walked her way back to the classroom while Krystal only sighed and stood there


However, a deep husky voice made her widen her eyes, knowing that this was not over with yet. Turning around to face him, Krystal knew very well who the voice belonged to.


"We're having lunch at the high-class restaurant Kris's family owns." Kai said, referring to the high-end Swiss French style restaurant and bar located near the school.


Jieun's eyes widened in surprise. That restuarant?! Oh my goodness, the expenses there are too much! Even for a rich person like myself. she thought


However, the young Lee had once eaten there to taste what the food was like. Although the prices were literally jaw-dropping, even for any student of such a rich and prestigious school such as Gwangju High School, she felt that it was totally worth it, especially if it's coming from what the person she truly likes owns.


Krystal crossed her arms. "I'm sorry sunbae-nim but I'm having lunch with my friends." she said with her honest and innocent eyes


Kai then slowly approached her. "Krystal, let's not make this any harder for the both of us. In the end, you're gonna have to follow anyway so just follow me because I'm hungry." he said, turning around on his way to the door as he tried to grab a hold of her arm but just like air, he grabs onto nothing.


What the hell....he thought


Turning around, he sees her bowing down, fumbling through her bag


"Then eat already." she said in a simple and calm tone, much to his annoyance


"You're forgetting that I'm a senior and that you're supposed to follow me since you're just a junior." he said as he then attempts to grab her arm once more but again, he reaches out onto nothing but thin air due to the sharp turn that she keeps on doing due to the reason of fixing the contents of her bag


"Just where did I put my bottle apple juice?" Krystal muttured to herself, loud enough for Kai to hear, as she continued to look for her bottle of apple juice


What the? Are you serious? Apple juice?! Kai thought in frustration


He was certainly annoyed by Krystal's attitude, that's for sure. Whenever they would meet up, she would always keep calm, relaxed, it was as if in every conversation they had, it was like she were talking about the weather to a friend while the both of them drank tea. She has only shown hints of annoyance but never has she shown the slightest bit of fear, which he found very odd in every way. He had never met such a strange person in his whole life.


It pissed him off that he could never dominate her for some reason and what pissed him even more was that her way of getting away from him, in his eyes, was so easy to her. Getting away from him was one thing, but it was her manner of getting away that made him annoyed. Not even showing a single drop of sweat, as if this thing was nothing to her, that definitely pissed him off even more.


By this time, Baekhyun, D.O, Lay, and Kris were already waiting for Kai and Krystal at the door, much to all the delight of all the females that were present.


"Krystal, let's go!" Jieun said, suddenly coming up from behind but then stops short after seeing the kingkas at the door. They neared the two females as Krystal quickly stood up from her spot and stepped in front of Jieun, perfectly knowing that the kingkas can do nothing to affect her, unlike her friend.


"Whenever I ask someone to hang out with me, then they do." Kai said in a tone where mockery was evident in it, talking directly at Jieun as if taking mark of his property which in this case was Krystal "I don't want them to mingle with others." he then took a step forward, his eyes glaring darkly at Jieun who gulped in fear "Perhaps you have a problem with that?" he breathed out


Krystal could feel Jieun's fear but at the same time, she was certainly boiling in anger. She knew that any moment now, Jieun could lose it and that she was only holding everything back because of the kingkas' power but then everyone does have their limits and Krystal greatly feared that her black-haired friend was about to lash out on the guys that were standing in front of her. She was very worried on what they might do to Jieun.


This realization gave her no other option but to follow Kai for now. "Jieun--"


But she was quickly cut off by an unexpected voice. "Jieun-ssi." he smiled as he walked up to her "Would you mind walking with me? That is, if it's okay to you." Kris asked


Jieun's head turned to the tall guy standing in front of her as her eyes widened in shock. She couldn't believe that Kris was actually speaking to her. She blinked a few, no, a lot of times before coming back to her senses but she still couldn't speak.


But she wasn't the only one surprised. Everyone in the event watched the scene in pure shock -- and that included Krystal, whose eyes widened in shock, and Kai, who looked at his close friend incredulously but Kris only looked on innocently, ignoring the tension amongst him.


In just a second, he quickly held onto Jieun's arm and dragged her away. "I'm sorry but I have to get there fast." he said in an apologetic tone as her mind was still trying to process what was happening


But even though she didn't have a smile on her face due to the shock that she was receiving at this very  moment, Lee Jieun was happy. She was truly very happy.


"What the...." Krystal muttured in disbelief


With Jieun finally gone, Kai returned his attention to Krystal, giving her a smirk, perfectly knowing that he had cornered her in his own trap. Within the day, he was sure to get her to accept defeat and beg for mercy. He gave another smirk before walking away when suddenly, a light grip on his shirt made him pause for a second.


He then turned around, expecting some lame excuse from Krystal to avoid herself from coming with them but he was left speechless by what the dark-eyed brunette said next.


"Sunbae-nim, you will be paying for the food right?"




Jieun walked down the hallways with Kris right beside her, with her head bowed down. She was extremely nervous in the situation she was in right now and she certainly felt awkward that no words had come out of the both of them as they walked.


Come on now Jieun, say something! This is your chance! she thought


"Ummm....errrr...." she mumbled


What a great way to start Jieun! Just great! Losing your confidence already? You can do better than that! her inner thoughts scolded her


But before she was able to continue, Kris spoke out first. "Are you perhaps from the famous Lee family, the one filled with famous musicians?" he asked, trying to start a conversation


"Y-yes." Jieun stuttered, still looking down "Wait a minute." she then turned her head to face Kris " do you even know my name?" she asked


Kris just smiled. "You may not realize it, but you're really popular around Gwangju High School that's why I hear your name from time to time by different people."


Kris was telling the truth. For a junior, Lee Jieun was really popular around, due to her good looks and her family background. Jieun only tilted her head in confusion though. She had never really noticed nor realized that she was a popular figure around the school.


Again, Jieun tried to start a conversation. "Ummm....sunbae-nim, you see--" but before she was able to continue, while walking, she accidentally tripped and fell down to the floor with her arms reaching forward. Kris couldn't help but laugh at at the cute sight. He just found everything that she's done so far funny.


Oh.My.God. This is terrible!! she thought, frantically shaking her head in embarrassment. She had always been the clumsy type, and unfortunately for her, she just had to have that trait with her first conversation with the guy she really liked.


Just then, a hand reached out to her. She looked up and found that Kris was smiling lightly. "You alright Jieun?" he asked


Jieun nodded, taking his hand as Kris helped her up. "Ugh....I sorry for wasting your time..."she said, slowly shaking her head as she put her hand on her forehead "....I'm really clumsy and I know that you don't want to be with an uncool person like me so--"


"Nah." he quickly cut her off "You were cute actually." he said in all honesty as he continued "Hey, mind telling exchanging numbers with me?"


Her eyes widened in shock as she tilted her head in confusion. It took her a few seconds before she actually snapped back to reality. "Ahh, yes!!" she said as she brought out her phone before they proceeded to exchange numbers


Once they were finished, Kris turned around and waved goodbye "....see you around Jieun." he said before walking away leaving a pleasantly surprised Jieun blushing, making her head as red as a tomato


As he walked away, his phone suddenly rang. He looked down to find out who the caller was and frowned before answering the call. "We're over Hyomin." he said in a pissed tone


"Kris!! Why don't we start over again and--"


"Goodbye." he quickly cut her off as he hung up. He was seriously about to throw his phone but upon remembering the special number that he had just gotten a while ago, he sighed and decided not to.


Finally relieved, he again thought of his experience with Jieun a while ago. "I'm done with you because I've already found a new girl to play with." he said to himself with a smirk before finally walking away



Krystal got down the limousine upon arriving at one of the most famous restaurant chains in the country. She had to endure the awkward ride to the famous restaurant with all the making-out inside the luxury-vehicle. There were two couples who shamelessly "ate" and touched each other but Krystal was thankful that they didn't go all the way.


She sat down next to Kai, who acted like everything as if everything was normal, which pretty much shocked the heck out of her. Even the other two kingkas, D.O and Baekhyun, chatted as if what was happening near them was nothing.


As what Krystal had expected, the ambiance was luxurious and intimidating for people either of poor or average birth. A lady wearing a formal attire then approached them and led them off to their reserved tables. Krystal smiled in wonder as she looked at the wonderful of the city of Seoul, thinking that it was such a shame that she had to this fancy and beautiful place with the wrong people.


She took a short glance at Kai, who sat by himself at a table separated by his other friends who occupied the other tables. This soon had her wondering. Looking around her surroundings, she then realized that all of the seats were taken and the others were reserved. The only left to occupy was the table where Kai was sitting on, the table she dreaded the most.


The young Jung must have stood there for about half a minute on deciding what to do when another well-dressed employee approached her. "Miss, do you perhaps have a reservation?" he asked her politely


Breathing out and closing her eyes for a few seconds, she then answered in a confident tone. "I'm with him." she said, motioning over to Kai and sitting in front of him


Kai then shifted his eyes from the view to the girl who was sitting in front of him. His confused look did not come unnoticed to her as she met his cold stare. "Get another table." he said in a low tone


"All the seats are taken." she replied nonchalantly


Unknown to the both of them, the kingkas were now currently throwing looks of curiosity at them. They all knew how Kai preferred to dine alone. He was also very possessive of things that he labeled as "his", thus, he has his own table, own sofa, own private lounge and another things which were off-limits to every other human whose name wasn't Kai. The only exception was the limousine he lets his friends use when going out on trips like today.


"I don't care, this table is mine." he said in a louder tone, causing the people near them to look at them in interest


"Sunbae-nim," she began with the same calm tone that she would usually use on him " insisted that I go here instead of taking the comfort of my friends so you should have taken note of your reservations and added up another table rather than disrespectfully telling your guest to sit somewhere else." she said, flashing him a light smile which to him meant something else


At that moment, the waiter approached them with two menus on his hand, not at all aware of the tension between them. Their piercing stares could kill millions. 


"I'll have the usual." Kai replied as he still stared at Krystal


The waiter then turned to Krystal and asked for her order but Kai quickly cut in. "I'll order for her. She'll have the same food as mine. My guest here has never dined at a place like this." he said, emphasizing the word "guest" as if to mock Krystal


Krystal on the other hand only stared back at him but the difference between their stares was that Krystal's wasn't hostile at all and it was calm and unreadable, as if she were watching the stoplight to go green which frustrated him even more. The girl in front of him was either a good actress or just a complete alien.


He certainly had never encountered a person like her, calm and composed all the time even though he had tried numerous times to break her out of her comfort zone, not to mention the countless times when he would try to humiliate or intimidate Krystal, only to find her doing the unexpected and leaving him with a flawless remark at the end.


Everything she just does is effortless.


As they continued to stare at each other, he reached out for her hand as he gently ran his fingers on her skin, causing her to flinch with wide eyes and look down, quickly making her hand move away from his touch. It made her feel the goosebumps around her.


As she turned back to face him, she noticed a smirk that appeared on his face as she innocently tilted her head a bit and blinked her eyes, something that she always does when she doesn't really understand something. Slowly leaning forward to meet her face, he then answered the thoughts that were running through her mind.


"You blinked, therefore you lose."



The long day was finally over as Krystal walked to her locker to drop some books. Just a few hours ago, she had lunch with some of the kingkas at Kris's famous restaurant and because of the stuffy atmosphere that she felt extremely uncomfortable in, she heaved a sigh when lunch was over only for it to be exchanged with a sigh of dismay once she found out that he was going to stay with her in her next two classes as he smirked at her in contentment. Krystal had then come to admitto  herself that all these mind games that Kai had been playing with her were mentally exhausting.


Apparently, just because of her nervous attitude a while ago, he had suddenly gained a hundred percent confidence that in no time soon, she would soon say the words "I give in."


Earlier, she remembered that Suzy had one hell of a shock as she heard what Krystal and Jieun had gotten into. Jieun was just there, smiling like a lovesick puppy as Krystal nonchalantly answered her every question. Suzy started to complain on how she was all alone when her two friends.


"So what did you do while we were gone?" Jieun asked


Suzy gulped. "Ahhh....nothing...!" she nervously said


Jieun and Krystal noticed Suzy's sudden change of attitude but they decided that it would be better to just leave it for now. Truth to be told, whilet hey were gone, Suzy took the opportunity to spy on the only guy she's ever loved.


"Well today was a lovely day wasn't it?" Jieun said cheerfully, squealing in delight


"Mmmm...." Suzy uttered, slowly nodding her head"....I guess it was...." she smiled to herself



Walking out of the school gates since school for today has ended, Krystal could see a good number of high school students being picked up by their fancy and high-class cars while some others drove their own. Driving, she knew it. It was just a few months ago that she had gotten her liscence in the U.S. and she would drive using her black luxury car whenever she wanted to.


However here in Seoul, she decided that she would just walk and she felt relaxed doing it too. Observing the culture and the things around her, it was so different compared to the U.S. She could see a group of middle school students, hanging out in a small cafe, casually chatting. She smiled upon the sweet sight.


Continuing to walk home, her feet suddenly came to a halt when a delicious scent passed by. She immediately turned around and she found a small food stall across the street, eyeing the different people that stopped by to eat.


She remembered the other day when Suzy and Jieun were talking about a good restaurant nearby and while describing the taste, Suzy compared one of it's dishes to what she called 'Dukboki'. The name itself was foreign to Krystal's ears. Yes, she is Korean and she speaks the language fleuntly but she grew up abroad most of her lifetime.


It didn't help that the environment she was in was filled with rich and high-class people and that they have never really tried any of that "junk", or as they call it.


Without any second thoughts, Krystal found herself walking to the food stall, staring curiously at the food being placed on the sticks after being cooked. "How many would you like?" the ahjumma, who seems to be the one managing the food stall, asked her


"One." Krystal blurted out. She really did want to try the food.


After closely how it was being cooked and prepared, she was finally given her order. Carefully, as she grabbed a bite, her eyes immediately lit up as she continued to eat it. In just less than a minute, she was already done.


She looked back and the ahjumma and smiled. "Please give me five more of those."



The afternoon was already ending and the sun was reaching the horizon when Krystal munched on her last cup of Duboki and Omukguk (fish cake stews), sitting contently on a bench near the food stall. She had decided to drop by again tomorrow afternoon, heck she's even thought of hiring the ahjumma, who is now her friend, to make Duboki for her everyday.


Little did she know that her new found peace would be ruined as a black car  stopped in front of her. The vehicle looked very familiar to her and realization finally hit her as she knew that it was a car that belonged to one of the kingkas in her school. She had just forgotten as to who it belonged to, but right now it didn't really matter.


The car door opened and out emerged a guy. She thinks she remembers Kai calling him Suho one time. She honestly wondered on why he would stop in front of a small food stall like this when she knew very well that people his type wouldn't really do such a thing.


She groaned inwardly when his eyes settled on her and it suddenly hit the young Jung that she was the reason for him stopping by, not the food stall. With the playful smirk on his lips, Krystal immediately knew that his intentions for coming here weren't good.


The situation started to get worse as she realized that he wasn't alone when more of the kingkas emerged out of the car. There were about five of them, excluding Suho, and like him, they looked like they were out to have fun, or more likely, make fun.


Krystal sighed. Great, just when I thought that this day was starting to get better. I should have changed my appearance before going here. she thought in dismay


Suho walked closer until he was already standing right in front of her. "Jung Krystal..." he muttured


Krystal looked up at him but looked away again as if he wasn't something worth looking at and instead, she started fixing her bag since she was getting ready to leave.


"You do know that eating at" he said, in disgust as he looked at the food stall "....degrades Gwangju High School's image with the uniform you're wearing...." he continued as he was now sitting beside her with one arm behind Krystal's back


"The food here tastes delicious, you should try it sometime." Krystal said in all honesty, mindless of the words that Suho had just thrown at her


"You've got it all wrong Jung Krystal." he said, shaking his head in dismay ".....this is an offence to our high school and punishment is required. Since none of us are going to tell on you, let's just keep this as a little secret besides, it wouldn't be nice if a top student of Gwangju High School such as yourself would be punished because of this......embarrassing situation right?" he smirked


Krystal knew what was coming but she continued to stay silent and observe the scene in front of her.


"So.....I guess you owe us a little favor don't you?" he said, motioning over to his smirking fellow kingkas


In response to that, she glanced at her watch and streched a bit as if nothing big was going to happen next before getting up. "I'd like to stay and chat but the next bus is going to arrive soon so I better go. Bye Suho." she said while looking for a trash can to throw her cup filled with Duboki sauce however, the gang closed in on her, blocking her way and circling around her like a pack of wolves


"I'm sorry but I don't think I've made myself clear here." Suho pointed out, sighing in frustration with Krystal's weird replies.


This girl was indeed making all of them crazy.


"Kai hasn't labeled you as his property so therefore, we can do anything we wan't with you so don't be such a hard b*tch and come with us." Suho's friend, Xiumin, sneered from the left


"By the looks of it, this one's still a ." Tao remarked, making all of them chuckle while Krystal only maintained an unreadable expression


She had been nothing but still, calm and composed all this time.


Unknown to all of them, another car stopped over to observe the scene. Kai spotted his fellow gang members cornering Krystal and by the looks of things, they aren't going to do something nice to her either. He was seriously furious as he watched it and he going to go to the scene and stop whatever was happening, he hesitates and insead, he thought of watching the scene first as he wanted to see how far Krystal's indifferent and dense personality would take her..


Back in Krystal's relaxed mind, in reality, if you are faced with a bunch of erts trying to pounce on you, there are unfortunately, only a few options to choose from, however they still do not guarantee your safety.


One is to call for help. This would work if there was either a policeman around or a brave citizen who is an expert in the field of martial arts to run to your aid however, this option is not applicable to quiet and lonely streets.


Two is to run. This option is what most unfortunate people would choose and is also considered another form of excercise but then if you are a girl, short and small and fully cornered by grown-up men then please think again before taking the risk. Again, this does not guarantee your safety.


Three is to simply beg. Yes, it is a lame one to choose but it might just work. Statistics say that it is only five percent effective and yet again, this does not guarantee your safety.


So Jung Krystal's choice?


None of the above.


"KAI!" she loudly exclaimed pointing to the direction behind the guys, who all, at the same time, stupidly looked at the said direction


Taking this chance, the Duboki cup filled with sauce that Krystal was holding found it's way to Xiumin's face causing him to panic, his hands frantically rubbing his face, causing him to lose balance making him fall to the person next to him, who was Tao. Now aware of what was actually happening, the others charged on her.


Krystal quickly walked backwards, still facing the group that was after her as she circled off into a corner of the food stall where her foot bumped onto a small trash bin, which caused it to fall and roll down. Chanyeol, however, unable to see this trash bin when he tried to grab Krystal, tripped and fell while Sehun, who was right behind him, tripped on his foot and fell as well. Both of them bumped onto the food stall and caused the red Duboki sauce to pour on top of their heads.


"HOLY SH*T, IT HURTS!!" Sehun screamed while Chanyeol could  only wince in pure pain


Meanwhile as the two kingkas fell, Krystal's hand got a hold of the chilli powder and as Chen tried to grab her, her fast reflexes made her arm shoot up, causing the guy behind her to be bathed in chilli powder.


"AHHHH!! MY EYES, THEY STING!" Tao, the unfortunate one behind her, yelled out before tripping over Xiumin who was still trying to get rid of the sauce that was also stinging his eyes


Chen, who was initially going to grab Krystal stood opposite the food stall and he didn't notice the boiling oil inside the pot between making him yelp in pain. Suho was standing behind her, ready to grab her when she jumped a bit to avoid the guy below that was about to grab onto her foot when she turned around sharply to catch her balance and that's when the ladle that she was holding accidentally shot straight into Suho's face.


"!!!!" Suho exclaimedin pain


In addition to that, Chanyeol, who was blindly looking for water to wash his eyes, tripped over Sehun below, who was also covered in Duboki sauce, lying on his stomach and he bumped onto the food stall making the small booth fall completely, spilling the boiling oil, where the Duboki and Omukguk were being cooked, unto Suho's lower legs and feet.


Krystal swore that she had never seen a grown man like him scream like that in her entire life.


Up until this point, every single thing that Krystal did was unintentional, except for when she put the Duboki cup filled with hot sauce on Xiumin's face. It was ironic to think that all she did was duck, avoid and circle around the food stall as she unconciously grabbed things that were around her. More so, all of their injuries happened because of their own actions.


In the end, they all scampered and blindly ran away as they all saw what she was holding next, a knife. They looked like idiots bathed in chilli powder and sauce screaming for help.


An awkward silence suddenly engulfed her surroundings.


"Wow...." Krystal paused, still not recovering from the shock ".....what the heck..... just happened back there.....?" she asked herself


Hearing a noise behind her, Krystal turned around to see the ahjumma, huddled into a safe corner, looking at her in fear and shock.


Krystal lightly smiled and bowed. "I'm truly sorry for all of what's happened. I'll pay for everything." she said, placing the knife that she was holding down on the now crashed table


After bowing several times again, rummaging in her bag, Krystal then took out an envelope and handed it to the ahjumma. Whatever amount that was inside that envelope seemed to have been huge as the ahjumma turned up to look at her in shock and amazement.


"Th-thank you kind miss b-but....isn't this....a little too much?" the ahjumma stuttered before looking back at the contents of the envelope, blinking her eyes several times


"No." Krystal said, lightly smiling innocently "I want you to put up a bigger store." she simply said before walking away like nothing happened


The ahjumma just stared at her for a few seconds as she left her sight. She looked at the envelope and noticed that there was a name on it, she figured was the name of the girl who just gave her it. "Jung Krystal...."



Kai had watched the scene in pure shock. Sure, he found a lot of it funny, due to the unexpected reactions that he had seen from his friends, but he never would have expected that Krystal would remain flawless and effortless throughout the whole thing.


But at the same time, he was greatly amused by her attitude. Because of this, he's now even more interested in the young Jung.


If there was one thing he learned from her it would be that she's hiding something.


Jung Krystal definitely isn't an easy opponent.



Three days have passed since the Duboki sauce indcident and Jieun was now riding in Suzy's car. Since Krystal refused to go home with them by saying that she was always busy, Jieun would always go together with Suzy in her high-class car as they talked about things that normal close friends would.


"Suzy, look! It's a new restaurant!" Jieun exclaimed, pointing at it's direction


Suzy immediately told her driver to stop. "Wow, they're selling a huge variety of street foods! A lot of people are lining up for it's grand opening too and it's huge!"


Jieun smiled. "Krystal will surely like this. Recently, she's been craving for these sort of foods."


Suzy laughed and added "Oh my, even the name of the store reminds me of her. It's even in english." she exclaimed before reading the store name









Beautiful and valuable like a Crystal











A/N: Some bonus gifs that I've got for you guys. :D.



"The food here tastes delicious, you should try it sometime."

- Krystal




Jieun's reaction after Kris asked her to go with her:





"Oh my, even the name of the store reminds me of her. It's even in english."

- Suzy






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Chapter 10: Hi its me again re reading this T^T
who_me #2
Chapter 10: It's 2017 when i decided to reread this (because i loved it so much). Will it be too much to ask for the next chapter? :(
helloyoukrystal #3
Please update the story is so sweet and it's getting so interesting I want to know more about krystal
Chapter 10: please update authornim ~
Citraysm #5
When will u update
anayuliana #6
Chapter 10: Hi. . .:-) New reader here. . . I'm looking for your next chapter. . . .
Please update soon author-nim
deerinheadlights #7
Chapter 10: Hey authornim! Are you still going to update this story because i have been rereading the whole thing and waiting for an update. This story is like one of my favourite kaistal stories ever and let me tell you that impressive kaistal fanfics are hard to come by. I really hope you won't abandon this story and update soon. I'd support you either way so fighting!
Nixieilosh #8
Chapter 7: Is this normal in here that the thing is exactly same as Akuma To Love Song manga?? If not shame on you... reported. -.-
Chapter 10: Been missing this story T^T
jayzie #10
Chapter 10: i love this story <3 but,can't you put more kaistal moment?
and im so curious about the next!!
please update soon author-nim!
i'm waiting ><