Chapter Two

The Strange But Lovely Demon




"Excuse me." Krystal said in a polite tone after she had finally reached the scene.


Upon hearing Krystal, the guys stopped punching their poor victim. One of their fists was up in mid-air as they glanced upward to look at Krystal.


They looked at her in silence, eyebrows raised, before she continued, "Could you stop that? You're hurting him you know and whatever it was that he did to you guys, which I highly doubt that it was that big of a matter, doesn't give you the excuse to terrorize him like that." her tone was calm, as if she were talking about the weather to a close friend


"Mind your own business, b*tch." the guy spat out, holding the poor student's collar, ready to blow another punch.


By this time, Suzy had already caught up with Krystal. She immediately grabbed hewr arm and tried pulling her away. "Krystal, there's nothing we can do." Suzy paused as she leaned in to whisper to Krystal, "...those are the guys I was talking to you about a while ago." she whispered.


"Suzy, what they're doing is wrong." Krystal said, looking back to the scene "....not to mention stupid."


Suzy thought that her heart had stopped but after a few seconds, she sighed in relief after realizing that those guys didn't hear Krystal's remark. She couldn't really believe that at a situation like this, Krystal could still afford to say such a thing, in front of them no less.


Another strong punch was on the way when suddenly, an arm reached out to prevent him from doing so. He glanced above only to find Krystal holding onto his arm.


"Didn't I tell you to stop?" she said with the same calm tone, staring at the guy with her innocent eyes.


Annoyed by all of this, the guy shoved her hand off making her step back with force. By this moment, Suzy was already helping the poor guy on the floor, both of them standing behind Krystal who didn't really seem affected at all.


"Why you little--"


The guy was about to land a huge slap on Krystal's beautiful face when a voice was suddenly heard from behind.


"Enough."  his tone of voice was firm and strict as the guys suddenly turned their heads to him. The owner of the voice was leaning on a corner, watching the scene with his dark eyes.


With a cigarette in his hand, he breathed out some smoke before throwing it on the ground, crushing it with his foot. His eyes settled on Krystal's blank ones. He walked closer to her until they were only inches apart. It was as if they had entered into a staring contest and everyone around them had remained silent.


A couple of students had already gathered to witness the unusual scene. Normally, any girl who would be approached like that by the infamous leader would have fallen to the ground because of her weak and scared knees, but the girl in front of him only crossed her arms, lifted her head and gave him a blank expression.


After what felt like years of silence, Krystal suddenly leaned forward, her face only inches away from the leader's face. He might not have said anything, but his eyes blinked a few times, quite surprised by her actions


Stepping backwards, she then smiled lightly and again, spoke in her same calm and simple manner before nonchalantly turning away.


"You blinked, therefore you lose."


As the young Jung walked away, there had been a young guy, watching the whole scene along with the other students, smirking in excitement as he saw everything.


He smiled. "Oh things here are finally gonna get interesting."




Kai walked down the hallways before arriving at his classroom latet than expected, but it was a good thing that the teacher wasn't there yet. He quickly walked to his seat, by the window as he stared at the view. All this time, he had been thinking about the girl he encountered earlier, wondering who she was, and why she did such a thing, rather, how she had the courage to do such a thing to him.


"Kai," his good friend, Baekhyun, called out to him, interrupting his deep thoughts.


Looking up, Kai said "What's up?"


"You okay about what happened a while ago?" Baekhyun asked, "I heard from the guys that she's a transferee, her name's Krystal Jung, and it's her first day here. She probably didn't know who you were so she was all brave. I feel sorry for her, just thinking about what you're gonna do to her, I'm sure she'd fall down to her knees."


"Nah, forget it." Kai muttured.


His friend's words made his eyes widen "Huh? You've actually forgiven her?"


"That's not it." Kai replied, still staring, "I'm saying that that girl isn't really that much of a big deal. Dealing with her would just be a waste of time." he paused before continuing " a girl like that would ever stand up to me the next time, I bet that other girl she was with a while ago, the one who helped the guy that was beaten up, had already warned her about us by now."


Baekhyun's jaw dropped. "Seriously?"




Krystal's second day in Gwangju high school had just started and walking in the hallways, most of the stares that were thrown at her were the glares of hatred. Some looked at her in disgust while some were actually afraid of her due to her initmidating air that she always, always carried with her.


"See that girl? Jung Krystal?"


"She's really pretty!"


"Fool! What if the kingkas here you?!"


"I heard from the people in her class that she started to brag about her merits when she was introducing herself!"


"She's in trouble though, she went against the kingkas and worse, against the leader!"


"But wait....why is she barefoot?"


It was true. Krystal was on her way to her classroom, barefoot. Earlier, our young heroine had gone to the girl's locker room in the gym. She had wanted to take her shoes off first because she wanted to change her socks since going to school, someone had accidentally spilled some juice on her socks. As she was changing her socks, she left her shoes for a few minutes and then when she came back with brand new socks, as soon as she put her feet inside her shoes, she felt something fluid. She looked down only to find that her socks had the color of blue in them. 


She tilted her head a little and took off her shoes. Realizing that someone had put a small plastic balloon filled with ink inside her shoes, the young Jung just rolled her eyes.


"So that's what happened!" Suzy exclaimed after hearing Krystal's explanation.


As soon as Krystal walked into the classroom and sat down on her chair, Suzy hurriedly ran to her with a wide mouth, utterly shocked that Krystal was actually barefoot. Left with no choice, knowing that Suzy was going to ask her about it all day again that she knew for a fact she was going to get annoyed by it, she nonchalantly explained what had happened.


"It seems that I'm hated." Krystal muttured.


Jiyoung saw what was happening between Krystal and Suzy. She then, along with some of her friends,approached Suzy, trying to start a conversation about the latest fashion in the usual magazines they have for teen girls. Seeing this, Krystal quickly stood up and went outside of the classroom, knowing that the teacher wasn't going to attend class today because all the teachers had a meeting going on.


"What the heck's with that girl?!" Jiyoung snorted, "....rudely walking away as soon as we came don't you think Suzy?"


"Huh, that's what you think?" Suzy asked, tilting her head a little, "....from my understanding, Krystal isn't really that familiar with you guys." she paused before contiuing, putting her index finger on her chin "....maybe she went out because she felt that she was in the way of our conversation."


"What the---, Suzy?!" Jiyoung stuttered "Whose side are you on?! Don't tell me you're on hers!" Jiyoung exclaimed.


Suzy didn't really know what had gotten into her then. Defending Krystal? Why the hell would she do that? Krystal has never really done anything nice to her so far, in fact, all she's been is indifferent to her kind actions. Why would she take Krystal's side when she could easily take the side of Jiyoung, also making her seem like the good girl against the bad girl Krystal?


That, she did not know.




Outside the classroom, Krystal had overheard every part of Suzy and Jiyoung's conversation.


In our way of their conversation....hmmm...I see. That's actually true. Back there, I was almost going to tell Jiyoung and her friends that they were deliberately making me an outcast. she stopped at her thoughts before continuing.


"Then, it'd be lovely."


But strangely enough, after our young heroine remembered Suzy's words yesterday, she didn't.




"Hey, did you see how funny IU was a while ago?!"


"I know! Always smiling like an idiot therefore she gets treated like an idiot!"


Krystal titled her head a bit and raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Hey, Suzy...." she said, turning to the girl beside her "....who is IU? Come to think of it, not only has everyone been talking about her yesterday but today too and as far as I know, there isn't anyone in our class who has the name of 'IU'."


"You mean you've memorized everyone's names?" Suzy asked


Krystal nodded. "Yeah." as her eyes traveled to the corner of the classroom, to the girl whom everyone called "IU". Jiyoung and a few other girls were with her too, giggling about god knows what.


"IU?" Krystal blurted out in confusion


"Huh?" a pretty girl with long black hair exclaimed before turning around to look at whoever had called her. Her eyes landed on Krystal, and the girls surrounding her also did the same.


Silence engulfed the classroom. Suddenly, the atmosphere became tense. As usual, though, our young heroine, didn't seem to notice it.


"So it's you. Isn't your name Lee Jieun? Why do they call you IU?" she asked.


"Why does it even matter to you?!" Jiyoung hissed.


"W-well, it's because it refers to "me" and "you" and I'm always smiling so people decided to give me this nickname." IU replied in a rather shy manner.


Krystal nodded. "I see." she paused before continuing, "You look down on these people, don't you Lee Jieun?"


Gulping, Jieun's eyes widened in surprise..


"Wh-what the?! Why are we the ones who are getting looked down upon by IU?!" Jiyoung scoffed, "'s the opposite, moreover, you're the one who's making fun of her!"


"Yeah, you're the worst!" another voice called out.


"How dare you say that to IU?!" another voice chimed in.


And soon enough, the whole class joined in as to shamelessly speak badly of Krystal. The words "b*tch", "arrogant", "loser" and "not really that pretty" were evident as they continued to gang up on her. Suzy tried to stop what was happening but it was too late. Everyone in the classroom was already bad-mouthing Krystal without any hesitation.


Only Krystal and Jieun remained silent.


"Aren't you guys being hypocritical here?" Krystal finally said, which made the whole classroom silent in an instant, "You guys go and make fun of Jieun without really feeling any guilt and then here I am, only asking her one single rhetorical question, with you guys afterwards reacting like wild animals in a zoo."


Everything was silent again. Before anyone could even say anything, the teacher had come into the classroom.




"Jung Krystal, she's so arrogant!"


"Yeah, yeah, she completely looks down on us!"


"She probably thinks she's the best or something just because the has a nice face."


"Even though she's still new here, she acts as if she owns the place!"


"She needs to learn a lesson!"


"Yeah, yeah, for her own good!"


"Don't you think so IU?" Jiyoung questioned, turning her head to face Jieun, who only smiled and nodded, with hesitation.




"Ms. Jung, you're still new here right?"


Much to Krystal's curiosity, her teacher, Mr. Choi, had called to meet her in his office. It was only her second day today and she didn't recall doing anything bad--well, she does know that she's made a lot of people angry and annoyed, but it wasn't as though she had done anything that may cause harm to anyone.


There she was, standing in front of the teacher, with Lee Jieun beside her.


"I've actually got a complaint by Ms. Lee here." Mr. Choi said, turning to face Jieun.


"Y-yes..." Jieun said, bowing her head, "I....I was bullied by Jung Krystal."


Staring at the scene in front of her, Krystal remained silent and unfazed with her arms crossed as usual.


"Is this true ms. Jung?" Mr. Choi asked, now turning her head to Krystal, "....Ms. Lee, she seemes to be very scared of you."


Krystal tilted her head a little to the left. "That's not true." she said in a calm tone, "....she's definitely not scared of me. To Lee Jieun, everyone isn't really that important anyway."


Jieun only shivered.


"Well anways, bullying isn't good okay? It's only your second day here today too. If something like that happens again, you'll be expelled." Mr. Choi said, slowly shaking her head in disappointment, "....well this time, I'll let you off. All you have to do is write a self-reflection essay about what you've done."




"What?! Only a self-reflection essay, that's it?!"

"IU, you should have looked more frightened!"


Suzy stared in suspicion about what was happening on the other side of a room. As soon Jieun and Krystal entered the classroom after being called by Mr. Choi, some of the girls immediately surrounded Jieun. Krystal only walked to her seat in a cool manner, as though nothing had happened, but Suzy knew better.


"Hey, can I ask you a question?" Suzy asked a girl beside her.


The girl's name was Luna and she was quietly reading a book until Suzy had suddenly talked to her. "Sure, what could it be?"


"What...what do you think would be the reason for you to memorize all of your classmates' names? In your opinion at least?" Suzy asked.


Luna found it odd that a girl like Suzy would ask her such a question but nonetheless, she decided to answer. "Well, that person would most likely want to get along with everyone if that's the case."


Suzy only nodded. "Thanks."


Did....did she really want to get along with everyone? Suzy wondered




"A welcome party?' Krystal asked, raising an eyebrow in confusion.


School had finally ended and Krystal was about to descend the stairs when suddenly, Lee Jieun had called her, making her turn around.


"Everyone said that they wanted you to go." Jieun said, smiling as she bowed her head "Ah, and I wanted our relationship to get better."


"Hmmm....I don't think I can go to this sort of thing...." Krystal thought but then paused, "No, I change my mind. I'll go." she said, turning around.


Jieun sighed in relief. "Tha-that's good then. Ummm....we're planning to karaoke and everyone has already gone ahead so--"


"Lee Jieun." Krystal said, standing in front of the dozen of stairs that she was about to descend, " might begin by getting picked but....I don't think that you can stop picking for yourself either." it was then that Jieun lifted her head to look at her, "....but in order to choose, there are things that you need to know and in return, in order to get picked, you need to let them know certain things." Krystal said as she stepped on the first step, holding the railing, "...that's why, I think that no matter how pitiful you put yourself out to be, you'll never get the self-respect that you truly need before starting a friendship."


Jieun grew tense. Her body started to shake as she put her hands at the top of her head. She was about to lose it. Her eyes grew dark as she looked at Krystal's back that was about to descend the stairs. By instict, Jieun lifted her hands and walked closer to Krystal.


Finally, after approaching her, Jieun had pushed her causing the the gasping Krystal to fall down the stairs.


Luckily though, Krystal didn't fall unconscious. Slowly but weakly, as she was already down the stairs, she but her hands on the floor , lifting her upper body but with her legs lying down weakly as she turned to look at Jieun, who had a panicked expression on her face.


"I-I'm not pitiful...!!" Jieun frantically said as she started to grab her own hair with both of her hands "I-I'm n-not like you!!" she screamed, as tears started to come out of her eyes, before running away.


Krystal just watched her run away before slowly shaking her head. "She's stupid..."


"Welcome party" and "karaoke" were just cover-up names for something else and Krystal knew that from the start. She could guess that there was probably some sort of bullying that was going to happen, or maybe even worse.


There is no way that a place filled with hate will have a nice atmosphere. she thought as she slowly stood up.


"I guess my leg's not broken but..." Krystal sighed as she held onto her foot, "'s swollen." she pouted.


But her dear older sister would probably think differently, she thought. Somewhere within the lines of -- "Krystal, it'd be foolish to suspect someone from the very beginning. There might be someone who would be really willing to welcome you."


"Krystal, you're still here?" Krystal heard a voice in front of her.


She straightened herself up after looking at her foot and looked at Suzy in the eye. "Suzy, would you mind telling me where high school students would usually go to for karaoke?"


"Wh-what?!" she asked, tilting her head curiously, "...oh, a lot of people from our school go to the karaoke place by the nearest train station here." she paused before continuing, ".....wait a minute, why would you even go there?"


"Oh, I've got a meeting with some people and I forgot to ask their place." Krystal replied as she slowly walked, or should we say, limped away, "Thanks for telling me."


Suzy, upon noticing a huge bump, asked. "Who are you meeting with?"


"With some of our classmates." she finally said, before leaving Suzy's sight.




Anyone can say that he likes himself the best. When you say that you like that someone, you just turn out liking yourself when you're in the moment with that person, right?


But see, when I'm with Krystal Jung, I end up feeling a great deal of agitation towards myself.


To me, Krystal Jung is like a mirror. A mirror that reflects all the bad parts about you.


A demon-like mirror that contaminates your heart.


Jieun tried to catch her breath after crying too much. She tried to calm down and think about things that could possibly calm her emotions down.


"Krystal Jung why is she....why is she like that...?"




"Oh, Krystal, you're finally here!" Jiyoung smiled, "We were waiting for you!"


Suzy was right, Krystal thought. She had just walked in the room that the lady a while ago in the counter told her of after asking her if any girls from Gwangju High School were here.


"Sit, sit in this middle king seat!" another girl said


Krystal just stared at them. "Sorry for being late."


"Oh, don't worry." Jiyoung said, moving her hands, " was probably IU who made you late. After all, she's just pitiful." she paused as she looked at her surroundings " the way, where is IU?"


"Lee Jieun snapped." Krystal nonchalantly replied.


The girls only stared at her in confusion.


"She snapped and walked away, that's why I came here by myself." Krystal said again, with the same tone before pausing, as she surprised the shocked expressions that the girls had "....would there perhaps be something wrong if she weren't here?"


Cold sweat started to form on Jiyoung, "N-not at all...!! Will you excuse us for a second?" Jiyoung asked in an agitated manner.


"Okay." Krystal nodded.


It was then that Jiyoung and the other three girls that were with her immediately walked out of the room with nervous faces, leaving Krystal in the room.


"Who the hell does IU think she is?! How dare she leave us!"


"What should we do? We can't carry out the plan anymore!"


"The one where we make IU drink, she gets caught and she blames Krystal for forcing her to drink too much!"


"We even went as far as to buy bottles of beer too."


"L-let's just change the plan." Jiyoung suggested, trying to make the girls around her calm down.


"I've got it!" a girl said, "....let's order a lot of food and make Krystal pay for everything, how about that?!" she smiled, obviously proud of what she had thought of, "....let's pretend that we're her friends with her and make her have a hard time! And let's back out on her in the end...!"


Jiyoung nodded, finding the idea good. "Okay, let's do it."



Krystal was rather surprised with all of the food. There were twelve huge bowls of Korean food in front of her, on the table. What surprised her more was that the girls that were with her were ordering more food. Her eyes traveled to her classmate who was on the phone right now.


"....and a big bowl of fruit salad, seven chocolate parfait ahhh, forget it. Just bring us everything listed on page three of the menu." she smiled.


"Okay, now while waiting for the food, Krystal, you should sing!" one girl suggested.


"I prefer listening more." Krystal nonchalantly replied.


"Okay, okay, I guess that there are some people who prefer listening more. At least suggest us a good song Krystal. Look at the list, here." Jiyoung said, handing Krystal the list of karaoke songs.


Krystal took the book and looked through the pages with a bored expression. "I don't know any of these songs." she replied in honesty.


"You don't listen to anything?" Jiyoung asked, with widened eyes, "...what do you listen to then?"


"Hmmm....hymns, compositions, nursery rhymes from textbooks and...the songs that my older sister sings along with her friends."


The girls in front of her couldn't contain their laughter.


"How lame." one of them whispered


"Pick one that even Krystal can't sing."


"What should we pick?"


"Just enter a random one in, who cares!"


"Krystal, you can sing this right?" Jiyoung smirked as she gave Krystal the microphone, " won't be fun if the main person in this party isn't the one to sing."


Krystal looked at the microphone with a blank expression on her face. She stood up and surprisingly, took it as she held it near . The music started and as Krystal was about to sing, the music suddenly turned off.


"Oops, I'm sorry!" Jiyoung exclaimed, "...I accidentally pulled the plug! I'm sorry Krystal." she smirked


Krystal just stared at her for a few seconds before putting down her microphone. It was then that she started to sing a song in acapella, one of the songs that her sister would sing to her before going to bed. The girls around her were quite surprised of her beautiful sound that was coming out of her filled with emotion.


"S-stop it...!" Jiyoung demanded "Why are you singing?" she laughed, " seriously can't be taking this whole thing seriously right?" she asked in arrogance.


"Of course I'm serious." Krystal said as she put the microphone on the table, crossing her arms afterwards, "...if I didn't care about it at all, I wouldn't even be here in the first place." she paused as she narrowed her eyes down to Jiyoung's "...and you surely care about this because if you didn't, you wouldn't have prepared a party like this."


The room was silent.


"So is there any reason for me to not be serious?" Krystal asked.


It took the girls only a few seconds to compose themselves from the shock and nervousness they felt from Krystal's words. They seriously did not like where the situation was going. Krystal, on the other hand, remained calm.


"Hey Krystal....I think you're misunderstanding something...." Jiyoung stuttered, clenching her fists, "'re pretty dense aren't you? We don't care about you at all!" she screamed, "...morever, you piss us all off! We all don't care for you!"


"Is that so?" Krystal asked, nodding her head slowly, "...if you didn't care for me, then why do you even bother speaking to me right now?" she honestly asked.


"Wh-what the...?! Are you intimidating us?!"




"Yeah, right! You definitely sound like you're gonna take revenge on us!"


"Oh, I wouldn't really do that."


"We don't believe you!"


"Then don't, however, closing your eyes and choosing not to believe, only then will you never know the truth." Krystal replied, with her usual cool and calm tone.




Krystal Jung....makes you notice the things that you didn't really want to look at before.


She is like a demon whom you can't stray your eyes away from anymore....



"S-Suzy..?! IU..?! What are you guys doing here!?" Jiyoung stuttered when the door of the karaoke room suddenly opened.


"Hmmm...? Just a while ago, in school, I saw Jieun crying in the hallway. She thought that Krystal really hated her so I told her that she should go see Krystal directly." she then turned her head to Krystal, "Hey Krystal, it's not like you hate her right?"


"No." Krystal replied


"That's good then!" Suzy smiled.




"500,000 won?! (A/N: That's like, around 460 dollars.) How much food did you guys eat?!" Suzy exclaimed in surprise, " about this. Each of you guys pay 50,000 yen and I can pay for the rest." she smiled


After each of the girls payed for their bills, the atmostphere suddenly became tense.


"Ummm...we'll be going now." Jiyoung said, grabbing Jieun by the arm, "....we all have somewhere else to go." she said, before walking out of Krystal's and Suzy's sight.


The two of them just stay silent. After a few seconds though, Suzy finally broke the ice by sighing. "I just knew that something was going on when you told me that you were gonna come here." she then turned to look at Krystal "....and then I saw Jieun crying in the hallway. Did you really have to tell her that you hated her?"


Krystal then turned to look at Suzy. "Oh, so that's her explanation to you?"


Suzy tilted her head to the left a little bit."You mean she was lying?"


"Yes." Krystal said as she paused for a few seconds before continuing, " can I match myself to the others?" she asked, turning to look at Suzy.


Suzy was caught off-guard by her question and by the facial expression she had on her face--it was sad, soft and filled with emotion. "Krystal's true that you're too frank but...your personality shouldn't be perfect." she said, turning her head to the view outside the window, "...I like you just the way you are. Just be yourself Krystal."


It was true. If anything, Suzy actually admired Krystal's personality. Although she can be a little harsh a times, she's honest, she speaks her mind, she does what she truly believes in and somehow, even if the whole world were to go against her, she was sure that Krystal Jung would remain as Krystal Jung. .




"Ah, you're finally here Krystal!" Jiyoung said as soon as Krystal walked inside the classroom, "...look at IU's foot! You pushed her yesterday!"


Krystal raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms as her eyes shifted to Jieun's feet. Her left foot was bandaged and she was holding a crutch to support herself.


"IU won't really say anything since she's too shy but isn't it your fault Krystal? Aren't you being a little too cruel?! How are you going to take responsibility for this?!" Jiyoung exclaimed, as if she were the one who had the injured foot.


"What happened to your foot Jieun?" Suzy asked as she walked in the classroom, " should probably sit down. I can do the morning cleaning for you."


"Argh, that's not the problem Suzy! You're too kind." Jiyoung hissed "...we want Krystal to do it!" she said as she turned her head to Krystal, " should do the cleaning every morning in IU's place! Moreover, you should be able to do every single thing that she does! Be IU's replacement and take responsibility for her injured foot!"


Krystal raised her eyebrow. "No way."


"Wh-what do you mean?!" a girl asked.


"I won't do anything that you're asking me to do, like cleaning, carrying her stuff and what not." Krystal said as she turned her head to Jieun, "....and I especially will not be her replacement. Smiling and doing something against my own will, I prefer to be myself."


The class suddenly went silent. Jieun shivered and Suzy started to feel happy.


Go get them Krystal! Do what I could never have the courage to do! Suzy eagerly thought in excitement.


Jiyoung stepped forward and grabbed Krystal's shirt, "Wh-why you little-- You arrogant b*tch!" she screamed as she pushed Krystal to the ground, with IU, who was behind her, falling behind her.


"Hey, you guys are taking this too far!" Suzy shouted, "Krystal, Jieun, are you guys okay?"


"Hmph!" Jiyoung said, crossing her arms as she started to laugh in mockery, "....that girl deserves it! She needs to be punished."


"Huh?" a girl muttured as she looked at Jieun, ".....IU........ you're standing up with your...... crutch lying on the ground like that?"


"You mean IU, you lied to us?!" a girl exclaimed.


For a moment there, Jieun became tense. "N-no, I really did slip--"


"But you're standing up!"


"Don't joke with us!"


"Did you lie about Krystal pushing you?!"


"Could it be that both of you were plotting something?!"


"Jieun's a liar and so is Krystal!"


"Yeah, a liar!"


"They both fooled us!"


Soon enough, the whole classroom was in chaos. The girls suddenly started to gang up on Jieun, who could do nothing but cover her ears, shivering. Suzy tried to stop what was happening but it was useless, nobody was listening to her. Krystal only stood there, watching the strange event with furrowed eyebrows. How dumb can these girls be? she thought, shocked as she was watching what was happening in front of her


"Man, girls can be scary." a guy uttured at the back.


"I know dude. Never mess with a group of girls." his friend replied.


"What's going on in here?!"


The whole classroom finally became silent and they turned to look at who said that. There he was, Mr. Choi, standing by the door of the classroom.


After a few seconds, Jiyoung had finally spoken. "Sir, Krystal's causing trouble again."


Suzy's eyes widened in disbelief. "Hey, that's not true! It was you--"


"You again Ms. Jung?" Mr. Choi asked as he turned to look at Krystal, cutting Suzy off, "...I guess a fallen person stays like crap forever."


Krystal raised an eyebrow."What a pathetic and simplistc belief."


Mr. Choi glared at the young Jung. "What did you say?!" he paused before continuing, "Ms. Jung, stay outside for the whole day with your arms held high!" he smirked, feeling as though he were victorious.


Krystal just rolled her eyes and decided to comply.






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Chapter 10: Hi its me again re reading this T^T
who_me #2
Chapter 10: It's 2017 when i decided to reread this (because i loved it so much). Will it be too much to ask for the next chapter? :(
helloyoukrystal #3
Please update the story is so sweet and it's getting so interesting I want to know more about krystal
Chapter 10: please update authornim ~
Citraysm #5
When will u update
anayuliana #6
Chapter 10: Hi. . .:-) New reader here. . . I'm looking for your next chapter. . . .
Please update soon author-nim
deerinheadlights #7
Chapter 10: Hey authornim! Are you still going to update this story because i have been rereading the whole thing and waiting for an update. This story is like one of my favourite kaistal stories ever and let me tell you that impressive kaistal fanfics are hard to come by. I really hope you won't abandon this story and update soon. I'd support you either way so fighting!
Nixieilosh #8
Chapter 7: Is this normal in here that the thing is exactly same as Akuma To Love Song manga?? If not shame on you... reported. -.-
Chapter 10: Been missing this story T^T
jayzie #10
Chapter 10: i love this story <3 but,can't you put more kaistal moment?
and im so curious about the next!!
please update soon author-nim!
i'm waiting ><