Chapter One

The Strange But Lovely Demon




It's a little....well....difficult to talk to Jung Krystal.


It's not that I'm stupid or anything, well maybe, just maybe I am partially stupid but.....




Krystal was sitting down on the train, on her way to the new university that she was going to attend. She was peacefully reading a classic book that her father had given too her just the day before. She had found it quite enjoyable to read be honest. It was called "A Little Princess" - about a young, kind girl who goes through a lot of hardships before reaching to the top.


Next to Krystal was an old man, around his late 60's she asummed, sleeping soundly. He was snoring and his head was lying down on his shoulder. After a few seconds of observing, she ignored him before proceeding to the next chapter of her precious novel.


Just then, an old woman was approaching. Krystal asumed that she was around the same age as the man beside her. The woman looked at her pleadingly, as if she were begging for Krystal's seat. Krystal just stared at the woman's face blankly for a few seconds, eyes trailing down to the woman's shaking knees, before going back to reading her book.


"Hey, that girl in the Gwangju high school uniform, isn't she a little too cruel?" a girl near the scene whispered to her friend.


The girl beside her nodded. "I know. There's a poor old lady standing in front of her and she won't even give her spot?"


The girl just snorted. "I guess beautiful girls have bad personalities."




How do I say this exactly....?


Ugh, I don't care anymore. I'll just say it.


It's just that.....Jung Krystal is....Jung Krystal is a demon.




"Gwangju high school. Gwangju high school." the bus driver yelled "Please watch your step before getting off."


Krystal closed the book she was reading and quickly took her bag, putting it on her shoulder before standing up. She noticed that the old woman from earlier immediately sat down on her spot as soon as she had stood up. Krystal stared at the woman for a few seconds before shifting her eyes to the old man who was seated beside her. Krystal then decided to kick his leg with enough force to wake him up, which she had managed to do.


He gasped. "Wh-what the?! What are you--"


"Your legs were in my way." Krystal said coldly, crossing her arms


"O-oh...!! S-sorry miss!!" he apologized with sincerity


Krystal then turned her body to face the old woman who was sitting beside him. She glared at her for a few seconds before slowly bowing down, putting next to the old woman's ear.


"Preying on people who are asleep? That's not much of a skill, you pick-pocketing hag." Krystal hissed


The old woman gulped. "Wh, what do you---"


Krystal then straightened herself up. "What a petty person." she said, looking down on the old woman before walking away to go to school


"P-pick-pocketing...." the old woman mumbled " on earth did that girl find out?"




See what I'm talking about?


Krystal Jung most likely threatened the poor old woman for standing in front of her a while ago.


She even kicked the old man just because he was standing in her way!




Krystal arrived at Gwangju high school and found what she had expected to see upon her arrival. Students noisily gossiping about the latest gossip there is to know, catching up with the latest in-fashion trends in the magazines, girls talking about the hot guys and guys talking about hot girls and what not.


In the hallways, she walked in with her head held up high. As she was passing by, most of the students were looking at her in admiration. Krystal was always a good-looking girl. With a beautiful face and hot body, along with that intimidating air she always carried around her, who wouldn't notice her prescence?


"Hi there! Perhaps you are a freshman?"


Krystal turned her head only to find a girl standing in front of her. She was indeed tall and pretty but that wasn't what caught Krystal.


She felt as though something was off about her personality.


"Actually, I'm a transferee. I'm in my second year now, section two." Krystal nonchalantly replied


"Oh, then I'm your classmate! All you have to do is turn left over there and walk in the classroom near the window at the other end." the girl smiled "It's nice to meet you. My name is Bae Suji but you can just call me Suzy. I hope that we can be good friends." she said, extending her hand out expecting a handshake.


But Krystal didn't move her arm at all. What she did do was move her body and walk away, making her way to the classroom using the directions Suzy had given her.


Suzy only tilted her head in confusion. "Maybe she's just shy."




How can she even ignore a sweet girl like Suzy?


Ugh, and Suzy was even so nice to her.


She should be lucky enough that someone was even like that to her in her first day.




"I'm Jung Krystal, sixteen years old and I transferred here from America."


Class had already started minutes ago and to Krystal's annoyance, the teacher just had to ask her to introduce herself. Krystal seriously didn't understand why new students like her had to introduce themselves. Wasn't her teacher aware of the fact that her classmates were going to get to know her throughout the school year anyway?


Nonetheless, the young Jung had no choice but to comply.


"Hey, isn't she incredibly hot?"


"Her face is so pretty too."


"She must be great too."


"She also has a great well-proportioned body."


"Yeah, our school doesn't really accept transferees that often."


"Speaking of which, how did you get into this school?"


"She probably wanted to get into a good college--"


"I paid the school 10,000,000 yen to accept me.(A/N: 10M yen is around 9000 USD)" Krystal said, quickly cutting the person who was just speaking, off "That's the reason why I got into this school. I paid them to get me into this school."


The whole class immediately went silent as they started to stare at the girl in front of them in shock.


Sure, the school was rich, but paying the school 20,000,000 yen was already a maximum the usual family that lets their child attend could pay. For one, Krystal's new classmates were disturbed by the fact that this girl had just so easily gotten into their school.


"Isn't that what you guys wanted to know?" Krystal asked, confusion evident in the tone of her voice. "Well, you guys talked loud enough for me to hear so surely, you guys must have expected an answer right? Or should I have given you guys some time to continue gossiping?" she asked, raising her eyebrow.




"That's enough Jiyoung, calm down, she's new." Suzy quickly said.


Jiyoung immediately shut up. She knew who Suzy was. Suzy was like an angel who always, always knew what she was doing and anyone who went against her would be labeled as a mean person.


Suzy on the other hand just sighed. "You've just transferred so let's just reset this whole situation." she smiled, looking at Krystal " already know my name from our first meeting a while ago in the hallway. If you don't know something Krystal, you can always ask me."


Krystal crossed her arms. "You don't have to keep a watch on me, I don't intend to cause trouble." she paused, before continuing "....and you don't have to try to get along with me when you're not even truly interested in becoming friends with me."


Suzy's eyes widened in surprise.


How did she know?! Suzy nervously thought I don't get it.....either she's abnormally cunning....or if she's saying a random guess....with the intention of trouble or out of kindness.....


"It can't be.....Suzy's not that kind of person."


Relieved that someone in class had said that, Suzy heaved a deep sigh as she started to cool down.


"Don't believe that new girl. She's just saying all that stuff just to be all cool." Jiyoung replied


But Suzy knew one thing, and it was the fact that Jung Krystal was a threat.




See? Believe me now?


Just look at how she introduced herself!


In an instant, the view of the people around her changed.


I was right wasn't I?!




Krystal walked into the cafeteria, hoping that she wasn't too late in finding a seat for herself. Sure, the cafeteria was really big but there were also a lot of students. The long line that she was standing on for her to get some food immediately annoyed her once she realized that it was going in an incredibly slow pace but she knew that to eat, she had no choice but to endure the pain of waiting.


Speaking of which, where could she even get her tray? They were nowhere to be found and normally the trays would be there at the counter but they weren't.


I guess I should go look for them, better yet, ask where they are. she thought


She then looked around the cafeteria to ask her question. Looking around, she noticed that a lot of people were looking at her with dirty looks. Surprisingly enough, she wasn't affected at all.


I guess I'm already being isolated, and it's my first day too. she thought indifferently.


Anyway, the young Jung didn't really care. She tapped the shoulder of the girl who was right in front of her. Whoever the girl was turned around and her face immediately turned into a frown.


"What the hell do you want?" she hissed


I think I remember Suzy calling her 'Jiyoung', was it? Yeah, that's her name I think.


"I need a tray so would you mind telling me where you can get them?" Krystal politely asked.


She then turned and glared at Krystal. "Aren't you contradicting yourself there? A while ago, you told us that we shouldn't force ourselves to talk to you and now you're here, talking to me?" she scoffed


Come to think of it, she did say that a while ago. "That's true, I'm sorry. I just thought that you had the virtue of not refusing a request even if it would be really bothersome to you and I took advantage of that." Krystal said as if it were nothing, before turning around and walking away.


Jiyoung, however, had one hell of a shock of her odd personality.



Finally, after some ten minutes of walking around, Krystal had found the trays. They were just at the corner, next to one of the windows of the cafeteria. She quickly took one and lined up and got some food. After getting a burger and juice, she walked around and found a vacant table where she could sit on, which she did. As she was eating her food however, she cringed when she heard a voice chirp behind.


"Hey Krystal! So, how's your stay here so far?" she asked as she took a seat beside the young Jung.


Krystal just decided to continue eating and just ignore her. She would leave this way, eventually. She seriously isn't giving up is she? Well, a person like her couldn't give up with just that statement I made a while ago. Sure, it did affect her but no way is she giving up. Krystal thought


"I overheard the conversation you had with Jiyoung just a while ago're rather frank aren't you?"


"I guess you could say that." she replied, knowing that she might as well hold a conversation with Suzy.


"You know Krystal, I get that you're a very honest person, but you can at least say things gently so that the person you're talking to won't misunderstand your true intentions." Suzy said.


"So that the person you're talking to won't misunderstand your true intentions. Then, it'd be lovely."


"....I don't really see the problem with showing others the negative side of you though. This is exactly why I'm always alone since people aren't used to me." Krystal said


"But doesn't that make you feel alone? You're the type of person who could have a lot of friends in an instant since you're really really pretty. Doesn't it bother you on what people might think of you?" Suzy asked


Krystal had finally stopped eating for a second as she slowly turned her head to face her. "Patterning your life based on the opinions of other people is nothing but slavery." she said, before she continued muching onto her burger


It was then that Suzy's heart dropped.


A group of handsome guys entered the room, looking all cool and proud. They paraded inside of the cafeteria and went to their usual table, all eyes following them, including Krystal's, with the whispers that were heard as they passed by. All of them were drool worthy, yes, but one stood out from the rest and he also seemed to be the leader. He also seemed to be the most composed out of all of them as his friends started to chatter with each other once they sat down.


Tilting her head a bit to the left, our young heroine wondered who they were.


"They're seniors Krystal, the most popular guys in the whole school." Suzy answered, knowing what Krystal was thinking of when she was observing her.


"Popular? Why?" she wondered whether they were the most talented or most intelligent in the high school.


"Looks, money, power." Suzy said simply, "You seriously do not want to be their enemy, all of the people in our high school fear them."


"And what would the reason for that be?" she asked again. Krystal found it rather ridiculous on how everyone seemed to be worshipping or fearing them when they were just mere students in her eyes


"Their fathers are either CEOs or politicians that could easily destroy anybody's career in an instant which means that if you get on their bad side, your family will lose their jobs and you can easily live a life of poverty afterwards." Suzy sighed, before continuing, "Those guys they.....they're a group that's really dangerous. Just a year ago, a male student mocked their group and went against their leader, Kai. He experienced absolute hell for a whole month until he suddenly stopped coming back to school, traumatized by what had happened him." Suzy continued, sighing.


"Kai? Oh, you mean the guy with the black hair, the one rubbing his neck right now?" Krystal asked curiously as she seemed to be dozing off already, "He doesn't look that scary." she continued in a normal tone, taking a sip from her juice afterwards


"Ssshhh, don't say that!!" Suzy quickly said, sincerely worried for Krystal if anyone ever heard her, "You would seriously regret ever uttering even the slightest hateful comment about them nor do you ever want to go against them, believe me."


Krystal was surprised, not particularly because of what Suzy had just said about the group, but because she had actually detected genuine concern from her.


Krystal took a sip from her juice. " aren't all that bad."


Suzy's jaw dropped a little when she heard that. So far, she hasn't really said anything to make her feel good. She has only told her about the kingkas that run this school, nothing else, so she didn't really understand why the girl sitting beside her would say such a thing.


This girl is really strange. Suzy thought to herself, scratching her head



Hmph! "He doesn't look that scary." my !


She's just acting all cool, putting up a front.


Sooner or later, she'll start crying once she realizes that she's all alone.



"Jung Krystal, have you seen her?!"


I guess they didn't notice that someone else was in here, well I am in the cubicle at the far end so they wouldn't really notice. It's the reason why they can freely talk about me.


"We saw her in the train this morning! She was so cruel!"


"She never offered her seat and she kicked a sleeping man when she was about to get off!"


"No way!"


"And she whispered the words "die" to the old lady in her ears!"


"That's not true." Krystal said, opening the door to the cubicle, annoyance evident in the tone of her voice "Why are you saying that I whispered the words "die" when I never did such an action?" she asked, tilting her head a little


"What are you--"


"Well, since I've gotten this far then I might as well explain things to you." Krystal said, crossing her arms "....that old woman was a confirmed pick-pocketing thief. If you actually rode the train every single day, you'd notice it, which in this case, I did." she paused before continuing "....and she had her eye on the old man who was sleeping, which is why I woke him up."


"Wha-what?! That's such a lame excuse!"


"We-we're not that stupid!"


"Well, it's the truth." Krystal nonchalantly said, raising an eyebrow.


"Yeah right! You even whispered "die" to the old lady!"


Krystal observed the scene that was happening in front of her. Ahhhh, I see. Krystal thought, slowly nodding her head They don't care what's true or what's false, nor do they even care about my explanation.They just want to pick a fight and start some drama because they literally have nothing to do and they find such a thing interesting and exciting.


"Who does that new girl even think she is?!"


"So that the person you're talking to won't misunderstand your true intentions. Then, it'd be lovely."


"Ah..." Krystal muttured, making the attention of the three girls go to her "I might do some cruel things but nice to meet you." Krystal nonchalantly said before walking away, leaving the three girls dumbfounded.



This girl really, do you honestly think we'll believe you?!


And I think that I'm about to barf on what she said at the end, acting all nice all of a sudden.



This school isn't really so bad. Although most people here don't like me, I can get used to it. Krystal thought as she looked around the hallways. She was on her way to the cafeteria holding the book she was reading a while ago on the train in her hand


Krystal was, somehow, pleased with the overall turn-out of her first day in the school. Exploring the huge school, she had found a place that suited her tastes. It was soothing and peaceful with all the huge trees and the big grassy park where the students hung out and relax. The school itself boasts of its the luxurious equipment and facilities.  After all it is a school which requires you to have wealthy background with the jaw dropping school fees you have to pay before becoming an official student.


The school wasn't like any other high school with the usual lunch break and then classes either. High school students would have one-hour breaks three times every day. They would start school at 7:30am and end end at 5:30pm.


Our young heroine decided to spend her the third time of breaktime in the park that the school had inside and read the book that she had with her. Only a few more hours and I'm done for today. she thought


Little did she know that another turning point in her life is about to unfold.


Her thoughts were cut off by some kind of noise that came from somewhere, making her stop in her tracks. Turning her head to the left, she saw a boy dropping to the ground as a couple of guys started to beat him.


"Next time, you better watch where you're going, !" an angry voice boomed at the poor defenseless boy. The food he was carrying was already scattered and stepped on by his oppressors while he made a weak effort to cover his face with his arms. By the looks of it, he had unfortunately spilled some drinks on the bigger guy’s shirt.


Krystal frowned upon the sight before slowly dragging her feet to the disturbing scene.




By coincidence, Suzy was at the park the whole time, but not because she was there for Krystal or just anyone. She was there for one reason and one reason only.


To watch the guy she's always loved


Suzy has always loved him, since childhood. They had even promised to go to the same high school together -- Gwangju High School. He was a year older than her so Suzy followed him just a year after. After all, coming from a rich family, going to Gwangju High School wasn't much of a problem for her.


She was, of course, excited to see him--so excited that as soon as she had stepped into the school's grounds for the first time, she looked all over the place and sought to find him.


When she did manage to find him however, he had already changed.




He wasn't the same kind and caring oppa anymore. It wasn't as though he became mean or anything, but with the way he treated her.......the way he treated her was just so different.


"Oppa! Mind going with me on Saturday to the park?" she asked


"Ah, I can't Suzy. Just ask another person to go with you. I have a date with a girl." he said


And that was when she had realized that they had grown apart.


She thought, if only, if only they were of the same age and he wasn't a year older than her, then they would have been in the same school, same class and they would have stayed together instead of being apart for a year.


But this was reality.


SuZy then decided that she would be nice to everyone. She knew that she was pretty and what others thought of her appearance, so she used it to her advantage - with good grades, good looks and a nice personality, she would become popular in an instant. Only then would her oppa come to see her and hang out with her, seeing as he was always dating the most popular girls.


She became popular, of course, and she was happy about that. However, he still didn't come to her nor did he even try to get close to her.


It was only a matter of time before they had stopped talking to each other.


Because they had grown apart.


Suzy felt miserable but she recovered quickly. Now all she could do was watch him from afar and right now, he was there flirting with a few girls who were around him. Of course the scene hurt her, but it was worth it for if she could only get to see his smiling face.


"Next time, you better watch where you're going !"


The roar made Suzy startle. Quickly, she turned around and started to walk, trying to find the location of the sound. After a few moments of walking, she gasped as soon as her vision caught some blood just a few feet way from her.


Her gaze then traveled to a girl who was standing at a closer proximity to the scene. Suzy's eyes widened as soon as she noticed Krystal approaching the group of guys. Following her, she immediately stopped dead on her tracks when she finally recognized who the group of students were.


"Oh no, Krystal." she muttured as she ran after Krystal, hoping that she can get her out of the situation in time.


It was too late, though.



What the hell Suzy?! That girl doesn't deserve to be saved!


Let that damn demon experience hell, where she belongs!







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Chapter 10: Hi its me again re reading this T^T
who_me #2
Chapter 10: It's 2017 when i decided to reread this (because i loved it so much). Will it be too much to ask for the next chapter? :(
helloyoukrystal #3
Please update the story is so sweet and it's getting so interesting I want to know more about krystal
Chapter 10: please update authornim ~
Citraysm #5
When will u update
anayuliana #6
Chapter 10: Hi. . .:-) New reader here. . . I'm looking for your next chapter. . . .
Please update soon author-nim
deerinheadlights #7
Chapter 10: Hey authornim! Are you still going to update this story because i have been rereading the whole thing and waiting for an update. This story is like one of my favourite kaistal stories ever and let me tell you that impressive kaistal fanfics are hard to come by. I really hope you won't abandon this story and update soon. I'd support you either way so fighting!
Nixieilosh #8
Chapter 7: Is this normal in here that the thing is exactly same as Akuma To Love Song manga?? If not shame on you... reported. -.-
Chapter 10: Been missing this story T^T
jayzie #10
Chapter 10: i love this story <3 but,can't you put more kaistal moment?
and im so curious about the next!!
please update soon author-nim!
i'm waiting ><