Chapter Ten

The Strange But Lovely Demon





Krystal swilred her macchiato using the stirrer as she kept her head low. She was sitting down on the table in a cafe that was somewhere in the noisy and busy areas of the city. She breathed in the relaxing atmosphere, alone. School had already ended and it was already night time. Just a while ago, she was wandering aimlessly around in the city to relax her mind, when the coffee shop that was nearby just happened to come into her line of sight. As she spotted the display of pastries, she was instantly reminded of her home.


It has been two days since the chorale competition and since then, everything has been well. As what she had expected, the status of Gwangju High School was raised and it's image was improved even more, mostly thanks to her efforts. She had also managed to get into friendly terms with Kang Jiyoung already, although at times the girl would be too embarrassed to show her nice ways so she would always put up a mean front. As for Choi Sulli, well, although they didn't really speak to each other, the both of them greeted each other with sincere smiles whenever they'd pass by each other down the hallways.


However, despite all of the fortunate events that had happened to her this week, her troubled mind still can't seem to completely relax. A million thoughts ran through her mind about her personal life. Initially, she had gone to the school only to find out about the sudden disappearance of her older sister, Jung Jessica. She didn't really care about making friends and the only other thing she really cared about besides her mission was to get good grades.


But these past few weeks, she felt herself change, not for the worse, but for the better, and it delighted her very much. She finally had what she could never manage to have -- friends, and true ones too. She smiled when she thought of the past events that she had with Suzy, who before, was very hypocritical about what she would say to impress, she slowly lost herself, and Jieun, who before could never really speak up for herself, always allowing other people to step on her as if she were a doormat.


And then her mind shifted to what was bothering her this whole week. She knew for sure that Gwangju High School, despite it's wonderful image, had something to do with Jung Jessica's disappearance. And how would she know this, some of you may ask? Two years ago, a week after her sister's disappearance, Krystal found a burnt letter in her sister's room, under her bed. What made it strange however, was that part of it was burnt and the only thing she could read on it were the words:


"Miss Jung, I hope that you will comply to the school's request. Some of the people in our school staff will be waiting for you in the school at midnight and please, make sure that you are not seen and that no one, absolutely, no one will know of this information. To make sure, kindly burn this letter after you have read it."


There was no signature at the end and that was the last paragraph since the burnt part was at the beginning of the letter. The letter was dated at the day of her disappearance. It was not written, but it was put together by some letters that you can find in a magazine, some of them from the newspaper. Krystal figured that the words at the beginning of the letter would have explained the, perhaps, unfortunate circumstances that her sister was in. And her sister was 18 at that time, a senior, and she was only studying in one high school -- the very high school that our young heroine was studying in right now.


And what's more, that wasn't the only thing that was troubling her. Just a while ago, as she was about to go home, she had received a letter in her locker. At first, she thought that it was some threatening letter by some girls jealous of her, or perhaps a love letter from a male student, but she was wrong as she gasped and her eyes widened in absolute astonishment when she read it's content.


"Jung Krystal, this will come as a warning, please, just please stay away from the school. Don't trust anyone, even if they don't work from the school since many of them are dangerous. I've seen this happen to your sister before but she took it as a simple joke and that's when she was entangled into the huge mess. Like you, I was truly saddened by her disappearance. You may not know me, but I was one of her best friends."


She couldn't believe what she was reading. For sure, it was only her family and some authorities who knew of her sister's disappearance, along with the school she figured. This letter was written down in real hand-writing, rather pretty and neat, but she didn't recognize it,  and she was surprised to find out that there was a signature at the end with the initials: "HT". She tried to think of a person with those initials but she couldn't think of any. Sure, she knew that her dear older sister had friends but she had never really met them.


But nonetheless, she decided to trust whoever this person was and if ever she would send a letter to her again, she would consider and think about her advice, but this time, she wasn't exactly going to follow her words. Krystal was a brave and fearless girl and she knew perfectly well on what kind of situation she had gotten herself into.


Slumping down the round sofa on the secluded corner of the cafe, she closed her eyes and upon noticing a prescene walk in front of her, she slowly opened them, only to find a person whom she quite recognized. It was a guy, of normal height with brown, slightly messy hair, but it was of fashion. Krystal thinks she remembers Kai calling him 'Baekhyun' once back in that dreadful day wherein she was pretty much forced to have lunch with the kingkas.


"You have to come with us." he simply said in a rather serious tone and then she suddenly heard the cafe's door open and more of the kingkas from her school enter, making sure that she had gotten the message clearly


Baekhyun's stern facial expression slowly turns into a look of disbelief as Krystal only looked at the other members waiting outside and in front of their cars, with a rather bored manner, before replying to him which caught him off-guard.


"Can't....I haven't finished my croissant yet." she replied, her tone was relaxed and calm, like she usually was as she turned to look at Baekhyun with an eager face "Want some?" she says, looking at him for a few seconds after she offered the pastry and then slicing off a piece using her fork before taking a bite



Getting bored and impatient as he waited for his fellow kingkas to return, Kai headed down to the third floor of the huge building with a mask in his hand, wearing it before the elevator doors open. There was a party in the building, only for the richest of the richest people in the whole of South Korea, and as he entered the room, he adjusted his eyes to the red, flashy lights as he scanned the crowd.


There were fire-breathers, y acrobats swinging above the huge room, black lion statues and seductive waitresses clad in their lingerie's as they served red-colored alcohol drinks. Everyone in the room had their own masks and were dressed semi-formally with class and fashion related to the carnival theme of the event. Not wanting to be crowded by fan girls and model offers, he pretty much considered the place perfect for hanging out.


He aims for the bar and settles himself on the high chair to take a few swigs. He enjoys these sort of moments and declines the flirty offers that were given to him by flirty ladies in their feathery dresses. In about an hour, the party starts to heat up as more clients started to enter and the pumping up of the music. The crowd pretty much multiplies as the night went on.


Uninterested as always, Kai stands up and was on his way out of the room only to be stopped abruptly when a lovely vision caught his eyes -- a brunette standing a good distance from him look at him from afar with a mask covering the whole of her face. Her hair was in tight curls with quite suited her face shape as she made her way to him without breaking their eye contact. More so, the young brunette becomes the center of attention with her black, one-shoulder mini-dress, sprinkled with obvious expensive real diamonds from her waist down the fabric near her thighs.


She slowly nears him as Kai takes in the beauty of her long legs and curvy waistline. Even her diamond-studded heals, which perfectly matched her dress, were attracting so much attention but before any hot-blooded male in the room could take the young brunette to dance with them, the young brunette stops right in front of him with their bodies only a foot apart.


Unconsciously, Kai wraps his arms around her waist while the girl standing in front of him did the same around his neck. They start to dance to the music and from the girl's eyes, Kai shifted his gaze to her perfectly-shaped lips that seemed to just beg for a kiss. Slowly, he leans down and just when he was a centimeter away, the girl in front of him moved her face away from him.


He feels stunned as he watches her step away from his grip, turning around, walking away his own black mask dangling in her hand. Whispers echo inside the room as the people finally recognize Kai and that doesn't stop there when the DJ mixing the cool beats, acknowledged his presence with the spot lights on him.


Trying to make his way out of the room with the growing crowd around him, he looks around and sees the young brunette disappearing as she walked away from him but before completely out of his sight, the girl turns around before giving Kai one last look with a smirk plastered onto her face as she turned around and exited the room.


He tries once more to push away from the crowd that was surrounding him and as he finally did, Kai arrives out of the door and finds the hallway to be empty but as he narrowed his eyes down, he sees a lone white mask lined with flowery black designs and little diamonds.


He picks it up and he quickly called the control room and all security but the results disappointed him further as they had no positive effect over the search. The brunette with the diamonds was nowhere to be found, even if all the exits have been blocked, the security intensified and the dozens of cameras that surrounded the whole building. It was as if she had vanished into thin air.


To add more to his disappointment, Baekhyun calls him to give him another disastrous report. "Bad news. We had Jung Krystal in the car but....well....she ing escaped at the damn stop light and we tried to find her but we lost her. " Kai heard him say, in a rather pissed tone


As soon as he hears those words, he furiously throws his phone at the wall, not even minding the awkward and curious stares that were given to him by the people near him, afterwards walking to the elevator up to his room in the seventh floor with his aura, dark.


As he enters his dim room, he takes off his suit and throws it at a nearby chair before he grabs himself a bottle of vodka, opening it and sipping straight from the bottle.  Exhausted from the high he has been half an hour ago he then leans back on his sofa with his head resting on the back rest.  In a second, his eyes close as he breathes out but no sooner that he inhales when a hand clamps his mouth.


His eyes open and widen at the sudden encounter and brown long curls are what he sees first.  His muscles tense and readies for an attack but then all of a sudden the hand covering his mouth pulls away and he sees the same girl that was dancing with him earlier.


She was wearing a mask, but this time it was a different one from before, although it was still white, but it was plain and simple, but it suited her beauty, especially with the diamonds that were on it.


And that’s when his whole world turns around in the most unexpected way.  His eyes widen yet again as he looks at her in shock.  Now he knows where he had seen those mesmerizing eyes behind that mask before, the eyes he always comes in contact with almost every day.


Now he remembers it all as he speaks out her name. "Krystal?"


In response to this, she leans down again but instead of a kiss, which Kai had wanted from her all night, her lips slightly brush into his ears as she whispers in the same voice he is all too familiar with. “I hide yet you fail to seek… you lose again, sunbae-nim.”



Kai opens his eyes wearily only to be greeted by the blinding sunlight coming through the clear glass walls of his office.  Blinking several times he held his free hand up to block the light. 


Looking around the familiar surroundings it was clear that he had spent the night at the at his own private room, sleeping in his own sofa.  On the table in front of him three empty bottles of vodka and two glasses lay around.   Everything seemed like a normal night for him until his other hand bumped into an object beside him, a diamond-encrusted mask. 


Holding the object, it only took less than a second for him to remember the most interesting night of his life. He then straightened up from his seat and scanned the area quickly for any signs of her presence but the empty room told him otherwise.


Everything confused him that for a couple of minutes he lay deep in thought until the door of his office suddenly bursts open, catching him by surprise that he almost jumped out of his seat.  Facing the intruder of his quiet morning his dark look suddenly eased up when he saw his own good friend.


“Kris, what are you--” he asked but he was quickly cut off


Man, I need your help.


By the tone of his friend’s voice and the serious look on his face, Kai sensed that it was no joke.  “Some bastard messing with you?” Kai immediately concluded since it was mostly the case when Kris turns to him for help


“No, something way, way bigger than that.” Kris replied, sitting down the leather sofa across him. 


By those words Kai suddenly looked at him, now rubbing his temples because of the massive hang over he was feeling.  As shocking as it sounds both of them were alike in many ways and with the way Kris looked he was getting worried. Waiting for Kris to continue, Kai looked on at him now willing to give his full attention until his cousin is ready to tell all.


“I have a date." Kris said nervously


The words that rung on Kai’s ears almost made him fall of the sofa.  It was a good thing that he didn’t drink water before hearing what his cousin just said or he’d be choked to death. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. The atmosphere became quiet and Kai eyed him carefully wondering if it was some kind of joke or an April fool’s day special from his happy-go-lucky friend.


“That’s it?” Kai asked in a sarcastic tone filled with disbelief, although, the grave expression on Kris’s face was no joke at all.


“Kai, this is serious!” Kris protested as he ran his hands through his face in dismay, mumbling nonsense to himself.


“So the self-confessed man- is seeking my advice in women? You have had more women than all of the our friends combined.” Kai pointed out before adding “This must be the end of the world.” he chuckled, amused at what he was witnessing while Kris glared at him.


“This isn’t just any girl. Hyung, she is the one,” Kris breathed out in all seriousness, emphasizing the last line. "I don't know how everything happened but these past few days, well, I've been spending some time with her and....and she's just"


“Alright, alright,” Kai said finally fearing that one of his closest friends would go on in some mushy, cheesy and lovey-dovey topic that he was certainly not interested in knowing about.“So, who is this girl and what has she fed you to turn you into a romantic one-woman man?”


“Look, I’ll make this quick since I will be seeing her in a couple of hours,” Kris said, preparing to describe her. He heaved a deep breath before continuing “I’ve fallen in love with Lee Jieun and she fed me the most amazing love drug I have ever—“


“Wait,” Kai held up his hand to make him stop, his face now back to its dark aura earlier.


“Lee Jieun? The daughter of the Lee musicians? That one with the long black hair and milky white skin? The one who's always with Jung Krystal? She's a real stubborn one.” Kai described before taking a drink of water for his dry throat.


“Kai! Don’t speak of my future wife like that!” Kris defended immediately before taking out a picture of her from his pocket as he looked at it with a sincere smile  “She’s precious." his voice was barely a whisper


Sighing at his cousin’s delusions, Kai leaned a bit and gave him the most useful advice in the world.“Give her up.”


Stunned at his cousin’s straightforward answer, Kris considered Kai’s opinions very seriously and most of the time they would always share the same point of view. “Come on now Kai, just because she looks a little weak doesn’t mean that she isn’t a great person.  Jieunnie means everything to me, those beautiful eyes, cute personality, amazing talent, that smile—“


“Have you forgotten about her family?” Kai said, cutting him off for the second time.


“Well what about it?” Kris almost yelled out, a little irritated


“Yeah, her father's South Korea’s top pianist while her mother's the top violinist. I heard that he isn’t very light when it comes to his daughter’s suitors.  Once he browses your background information which I believe he can do in a snap of his fingers, all your hopes will be crushed in a second.” Kai warned at the now life-forsaken Kris. His cousin’s face had gone pale and it’s as if his soul was taken away from him.“I hope you haven’t forgotten aboutt the incident you caused in Japan.” Kai remarked


“That was just a small fight,” Kris softly defended, clearly facing  the worst dilemma in his life with his head hanging low and his shoulders slumped.


“A small fight that turned into a huge brawl which got you in prison for damage to property and injury to a lot of innocent civilians.” Kai explained.


“That was just one night behind bars.” Kris mumbled, losing confidence with the soft tone he used.


“Of course since your father did his best to reduce your sentence to three months community service.” Kai finished while Kris fell back into the cushions, suddenly feeling heavy. Knowing that it was the end of his friend’s love story Kai stood up to give Kris a pat on the shoulder and prepared to leave. “Forget her you can have any girl you want with your looks and wealth."


Kai would have suggested that they head to the bar when Kris suddenly stood up after a few minutes of silence.  He straightened up his shirt and confidently lifted his head.“I am Kris Wu, so what? I may lose my pride but not this girl. I told you I love her and I’ll show her that I can be the man she needs.” Kris decided with much determination this time, his lips curving into a slight smile.  In a second he dashes pass Kai and heads for the door before stopping to look back at his baffled cousin. “Thanks for the advice by the way. I'd love to chat some more but I don’t want to be late for this date.”  he said before running off only to come back in a flash.“Oh and I hope you’ll find that girl that you’d fight for like I am right now. See you later.” he said smiling like a fool and running off like crazy.


Kai scoffed at his friend's words. A girl to fight for? Yeah, right.


Shaking his head, Kai watches as his now completely insane friend’s figure fades at the end of the hall.  He then took his car keys when his eye caught the glittering object still lying on the sofa. Walking slowly back to the sofa, he picks up the mask left behind by its mysterious owner.  Flashes of her seductive image enter his mind tempting him to let himself be controlled by her however after leaving that flawless remark yesterday, she quickly stood up and ran away before he was even able to catch her and again, after checking the security, Krystal Jung was nowhere to be found.



Feeling the light shine over her, Krystal slowly opened her eyes. It was Saturday morning and she slowly straightened herself up in her bed as she rang the bell on the table next to her, signalling to her butler and maids that she was now ready for a breakfast in bed.


As she recalled the events that happened yesterday, she flushed her face in embarrassment. Never in her life had she ever done such a thing before, but she felt as if it was worth it. She certainly enjoyed teasing Kai when he really wanted a kiss from her. Oh, how amusing it was for her. She giggled softly at the thought.


Last night, as she escaped from the kingkas, she immediately brought out her wig and glasses to hide herself from them. Luckily, as they passed her, they didn't even recognize her. Krystal wondered on why Kai would suddenly call her out but then she remembered receiving an invitation that was given to her by her butler about some party that was going to happen and only the elite of the elite were invited.


At first, she refused since she wasn't really interested in those things and instead, she had planned on reading a book but then she immediately called her butler and asked for the most-skilled hairstylist in Seoul and a good expensive dress that would suit the party. After giving her butler the locations on where she was, in only 15 minutes, her limo was already in front of her as she walked in it. The hairstylist that she had asked for was already there as she started to fix her hair that would suit the party.


Afterwards, Krystal changed into her shoes and dress. Overall, she was satisfied with her whole apparel. As she entered the room that night, she immediately recognized who Kai was, with her sharp nature, and smiled as she decided to play with him for a bit.


Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted when she heard a knock on the door followed by a voice. "Miss Soojung, your breakfast is ready."


"Aigoo..." Krystal sighed, smiling



Krystal stepped out of her limo and waved goodbye to her driver, bowing as well. The driver smiled and bid goodbye as well to his mistress. When the limo was out of her sight, Krystal turned around and looked at the unfamiliar mansion in front of her. It was huge with two floors and what seemed like there were over fifty rooms in it looking from the outside.


So this is Suzy's house huh? Krystal thought to herself as she examined the house some more, nodding her head


Suddenly, a car stopped behind her. She turned around and examined it, it was black, long and it had a modern and expensive look to it. When one of the doors were opened, out came Jieun, smiling as she looked at the young Jung.


"Krystal!" she exclaimed as she hurriedly approached her, but before doing so, she said goodbye to her driver who did the same in return before he drove away. Jieun smiled again. "It's a good thing that we can spend Saturday here right?"


Krystal simply nodded in agreement. Yesterday, Suzy had invited the two of them to her house today as she gave them her address and the time that they were going to arrive -- 11:00. It was now 11:04 and as the two friends walked closer to the house, holding the cement railing and stepping on the stony steps, they finally reached the door and Jieun rang the doorbell. It only took a few seconds before a woman, who looked like she was in her 40's, answered it with a smiling face.


"Oh, you must be the friends of the young mistress?" the young woman asked


The two friends smiled and nodded in unison as they were both escorted to Suzy's room. On the way, they both examined the inside of her house. It was huge, as they had both expected, with a giant chandelier hanging in the middle and with the staircase on the side. They ascended the staircase and the three of them finally stopped in front of a room.


"Young mistress?" the woman said, knocking on the door "Your two friends are already here."


An "Oh!" was softly heard from the inside as footsteps neared the door. It opened and there was Suzy in some casual clothes, smiling as she motioned for Krystal and Jieun to come inside, to which they quickly did. Suzy thanked the woman and bowed before closing the door.


Turning around in excitement, she told her friends that they may sit on the big mattress that was on the floor. It was actually somewhat of a mattress-like chair. There, Krystal put her bag on a table nearby.


Jieun was the first to start the conversation. "Yesterday was amazing. I'm glad that everything went well, despite all that's happened."


Suzy nodded in agreement. "Yeah but there's one more thing that's a bit weird to me." she said as she turned to look at Krystal "I just wonder....who the heck was the one who spilled all that ink on you?"


Krystal shrugged her shoulders. "I don't really know nor do I really care." she said in all honesty as she grabbed one of the pastries that were piled on the plate that was near them for eating


"Oh yeah, I've always wondered Krystal. You were born in America right and you're half Korean right? So does that mean you have a Korean name?" Jieun asked


Krystal's eyes widened for a second there but she quickly regained composure. Slowly, she turned to look at her two friends. "Would you guys really want to know that?" she asked


The two friends nodded in unison


Krystal sighed in disbelief. She didn't expect a question like this, well she knew that it was coming but not this soon, and she didn't really want to lie either. It's not like anything bad will happen if the both of them knew her Korean name. "Promise me that you girls won't tell this to anyone, even if they ask you. Since my arrival here in Seoul, I have never told anyone about my name and please, no more asking why I don't want it to be known, it's rather personal and it isn't really of your business." Krystal replied bluntly like the girl she usually is


Jieun and Suzy showed looks of confusion at first, with the former furrowing her eyebrows and the latter tilting her head as Krystal stared at them, patiently waiting for an answer. They wondered on why she would want to hide it but soon afterwards, they nodded her heads, thinking that perhaps it really was a personal thing.


"It's Soojung. Jung Soojung."



After all the conversations that Krystal, Jieun and Suzy had, about fashion, school, food and what not, and afterwards watching a movie, to which they all quite enjoyed, they were already exhausted from all of that. Krystal was the first to say that she already had to go home by herself and she bid goodbye to her two friends. As she left Suzy's room, Suzy immediately looked at Jieun.


"Hey Jieun, why do you think Krystal wants to hide her name?" Suzy asked, curiosity written all over her face


Jieun had the same facial expression as Suzy's when she answered "I don't really know....perhaps nothing good will come out of it if her Korean name happens to spread around....nontheless, I believe that we shouldn't call her "Soojung" out in public."


Suzy nodded in agreement as she walked to the window of her room, facing the grounds of her house. She examined the place and saw Krystal on her way to the gates of her mansion, obviously about to walk out, but something caught Suzy's eye. She shifted her gaze onto a car that was nearby, a black one, on the street near her mansion.


"Jieun....that car over there..." Suzy muttered as she pointed towards it


Jieun slowly walked towards her and looked at what Suzy was pointing at. As she observed it, she noticed a man inside with binoculars which were pointed on what seemed to be at the direction where Krystal was walking by. Jieun figured that he was a man about six foot high, and he looked like he was in his early 30's. "What about him?" she asked, clueless as to what Suzy might mean, even if her facial expression was evident of nervousness


"Ever since you and Krystal came here a while ago.....he's already been there.....I was up here as you guys walked closer to my house but he's been staring at the both of you when you rang the doorbell to my house. I saw him through my curtains." Suzy gulped


Jieun's eyes widened in astonishment as she looked once more at the man but this time, he seemed to be walking away, slowly. It was then that the both of them finally realized that he was following Krystal, who was walking cooly down the road, not knowing that there was a man following her.


"Oh my god Jieun, quick! Let's get Krystal before something else happens!" Suzy frantically said as she immediately ran out of the room with Jieun following closely behind her. Together, they ran downstairs in panic and the maids were surprised as to why the two young girls were running and they tried to ask questions but it was no use since Suzy and Jieun ignored them as they continued to run with no time for answering them.



As Krystal walked by the sidewalk of the quiet and silent street, she got the unusual feeling that something was strange. Walking some more, she heard the engine of a car behind her. She figured that the car was just going to pass by but she was wrong, it immediately stopped right in front of her which prevented her from passing. Her eyes widened in disbelief but then she saw a man step out of the driver's seat at the other side, someone completely unfamiliar


Closing the door of his car, he stared at Krystal for a few moments, who only tilted her head in confusion on what he was possibly going to do. "So you're Jung Soojung huh? Her little sister?" he said, letting out an evil grin


Krystal's eyes widened even some more due to her utter astonishment.


How the hell does he know about that? she thought to herself


As the man walked closer to her, with each of his step getting faster and faster, she quickly turned around and ran as fast as she could. She didn't bother turning around to waste her time but even so, she knew that the man was running after her because of the way his steps were heard.


Just then, a car stopped in front of her. She recognized it as one of Suzy's car since it would always be the car that she would get on after school. The door of it suddenly opened and there, she saw Suzy and Jieun looking at her in worry. Not wasting anytime, Suzy who was nearest to the open space quickly pulled Krystal in.


But before the door was even able to close, they heard the man exclaim: "JUNG SOOJUNG, DON'T YOU THINK YOU CAN ESCAPE! YOU WERE DESTINED TO BE NEXT AFTER YOUR SISTER!!"


"Step on it!" Suzy commanded to her driver as she closed the door and soon enough, the car was already driving around the city of Seoul. Suzy had ordered her driver to not stop at her house first, because most likely, the man would just wait for Krystal to come out.


Silence engulfed their surroundings before Krystal was the first to break the ice. "How did you guys know that I was in trouble?"


Suzy sighed."Okay Krystal, what the heck is happening? As for your question, that guy, I noticed that he was here ever since you arrived at my house and he was following you when you went out and then Jieun and I got worried so we decided to follow you."


Jieun nodded in agreement. "Yeah, and he called you 'Soojung' too. I thought that you've never told that name to anyone else ever since you've arrived in Korea when you were in America?"


"And you even have a sister?" Suzy remarked with a questioning look "Krystal, please, just tell us. We're sincerely worried for you."


It was no use now. Krystal knew that she had to tell her two friends and that there was no way out of this. Also, there's the fact that the guy might do something to her friends, heck she was surprised enough that he knew where Suzy's home was. Who knows what he could do next? To be honest, Krystal herself had no idea who the guy was but she had a feeling on why he followed her. She had never planned on telling anyone, but that was when she didn't really expect to have any friends.


Krystal cocked her head over to the driver, signalling that she didn't want him to hear anything of what she was going to say next. Suzy responded by nodding and using her remote control, covered the space that seperated her and her driver with soundproof material.


Krystal then closed her eyes, heaving a deep sigh "Okay then. Let me start off by saying that I have no american name. There is no Krystal, there is only Jung Soojung."






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Chapter 10: Hi its me again re reading this T^T
who_me #2
Chapter 10: It's 2017 when i decided to reread this (because i loved it so much). Will it be too much to ask for the next chapter? :(
helloyoukrystal #3
Please update the story is so sweet and it's getting so interesting I want to know more about krystal
Chapter 10: please update authornim ~
Citraysm #5
When will u update
anayuliana #6
Chapter 10: Hi. . .:-) New reader here. . . I'm looking for your next chapter. . . .
Please update soon author-nim
deerinheadlights #7
Chapter 10: Hey authornim! Are you still going to update this story because i have been rereading the whole thing and waiting for an update. This story is like one of my favourite kaistal stories ever and let me tell you that impressive kaistal fanfics are hard to come by. I really hope you won't abandon this story and update soon. I'd support you either way so fighting!
Nixieilosh #8
Chapter 7: Is this normal in here that the thing is exactly same as Akuma To Love Song manga?? If not shame on you... reported. -.-
Chapter 10: Been missing this story T^T
jayzie #10
Chapter 10: i love this story <3 but,can't you put more kaistal moment?
and im so curious about the next!!
please update soon author-nim!
i'm waiting ><