09: mianhae eomma

TIMELESS (based on Zhang LiYin's mv of her song timeless)

that night..siwon found out that one of his works are in full plan and ready to go..and thinking it can be dangerous for kibum to have the baby in korea, he needed to send him somewhere..

"bummie..what do you think of having the baby in america?" siwon asked as he set himself comfortanle on their bed

"hmm? waeyo? do you want us to move to america?" bummie replied with a question of his own...

"neh...i think it will be much better if our baby grows up in another country..at least he can live a normal life there without having to find out who i am and what i do...you understand me right?" 

"come to think of it, i do want him to know about all this..and all we went through..when do you plan to leave?" kibum sitted himself on the dresser and started to clean it out

"well..you are leaving tomorrow..i have already arranged everything..." siwon looked away as he didnt want to see kibums reaction to him leaving alone

"tomorrow? isnt that a bit rushed? and what do you i am leaving tomorrow? how about you?" kibum faced his husband and gave him a confused look

"i will follow soon, i just need to get somethings done first..but i promise, i will be there if not to stay i will go back and forth..i still have to run some business but i dont want you around here because its too dangerous.." siwon explained as he turned back to look at his lover

"why can't you just leave all that behind? i mean if were going to another country..why dont we just go and start all over..like non of this ever happened?" bummie looked upset about the idea of siwon still continuing whatever "business" he and his gang are doing..

"bummie..we need money..we need money for the baby..and we need money if we want to start a new life..this will not go on forever..i promise..just let me secure everything that we need..." siwon tried to convince kibum and although he didnt really like how things are going, he really can't do anything either so he just agreed to what siwon wanted...

"before i leave tomorrow..can i go see my mother first?" kibum asked, remembering how he just left his family that day, so at least he wanted to apologize and let them know about their grandchild...

"arasso..you can go see them..and please tell them i am sorry...i'll make things right in the future somehow,,,,"


kibum called his hyung to meet him at their parent's house, he was afraid to go alone as he has not seen his parents since he left...

"are you ready bummie?" heechul asked as they walk to the house's front door

"i..i'm scared hyung..."

"don't worry im here.." heechul held his brother's hand beofre he rang the doorbell..

dinggggggggggggggggggggg donggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

"oh heechul ah..what brought you here?" kangin smiled after he opened the front door and saw his eldest son but soon his faced changed when he saw kibum standing behind his brother's back "what are you doing here?" he spat at kibum with a stern face

"appa...kibum wants to talk to you guys..so please let us in..neh?" heechul kissed his father's cheek and dragged kibum in beofre his father could even say something...

"kang in ah, who was that----" leeteuk asked as he walked out of the kitchen but stopped in his tracks when he saw his youngest son..he ran to him and just hugged him which surprised kibum, he was expecting a slap on the face but he got hugged instead...

"oh my baby kibum..how are you? are you alright? i missed you..why havent you called me not even once...i was so worried about you..." leeteuk uttered continuously as they sat in the living room..

kangin has a bitter face on and wasn't sure on how he should react about kibum coming home  after years of not talking to him.. "what now? are you coming back home coz your lover got tired of you already?"

"appa, eomma...before anything else i want to apologize for leaving just like that..." kibum went down on his knees and lowered his head

"apologize? almost 6 years kibum...and you apologize just now? what are you?!" kangin angrily said to his son...

"i know appa..i know its a bit late but still i apologize..well..we apologize...siwon wanted to say sorry as well..he just doesnt want to face you right now as he doesnt know how...." kibum lowered his head once more but was then lifted my his mother..

"bummie..come here baby...i forgive you..we forigve you...you are our son after all...so are you coming back home?" leeteuk said with a hopeful voice..all he wanted was to be with his youngest baby again and catch up witht he time lost..

"im sorry eomma..but i actually came here to say goodbye...i'm leaving for america tonight..."kibum said , his eyes starting to tear up...

"what? why bummie..we didnt see you for years..now you come here and tell us you are leaving?" teukkie cant help but sob upon hearing waht his son just said..even heechul was surprised , he knew about kibums other secret but he didnt know about kibum leaving...

"appa..eomma..i am pregnant..and well siwon wants me to have the baby in america..and start a new life there.."

both parents were now speechless...they find out they are having a grandchild soon but their son is leaving for america..leeteuk sobbed harder and heechul went to calm his mother down...

"mianhae..." was all kibum could say as it breaking his heart to see his mother cry becuase of him once again...

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kyuwonfan #1
Chapter 23: nice story and nice plot...i love.it....make me cry n love the ending......tq for this nice story....
nadianuramirah #2
this is second fanfiction that i read n i cry really hard....
n when u read n hear the song together...its more feel...
seriously i really like ur fanfiction...pliss write more story about them...and keep it up.....
naznew #3
thanks for making this story...so sad and make me cry non-stop...
i miss hanchul when read your story..
hanchul2 #4
nice endind though.<br />
hanchul2 #5
this story is soooo sad.
Omg,i started crying T ^ T'' What a beautiful story. <br />
<br />
I watched the MV of timeless and i can see everything clear in this fic T ^ T'.<br />
<br />
This ff has a great story,the plot was amazing,it's only has a problem,the genre,maybe it has to be genreswitch,but anyway i'm totally luv the fact, the ending, the way story goes on,you do great job!<br />
Well done!!
awesome updateeeeeeee<br />
love the ending so much<br />
beautiful piece of art!<br />
your writing skills and story plots are amazing!<br />
eunhae1307 #10
at first while i was reading chapter 21, i had already thought that either heechul or kibum will die.. <br />
<br />
the ending was good!! i love it.. :))