20: Locket

TIMELESS (based on Zhang LiYin's mv of her song timeless)

ding dong....

Leeteuk opened the door to find his eldest son...

"heechul..." he uttered..unsure how to react since his youngest is still with them...its been two days since the incident...kibum refused to talk to siwon or to anybody other than his parents..he even forbid that his sons see their father...

"eo...eomma..i want to talk to kibum..." heechul said..looking at his mother with pleading eyes...

"come in..." leeteuk invited his son and both went to the living room...at that moment kang in came out and walked up to heechul....

"a------" befor heechul could say appa he was greeted by a hard slap in the face...

"how could you..." kang in snarled at his son.."do you know how hurt your brother is?!"

"i...im sorry..." heechul said tears now flowing from his cheeks..it was not because of the physical pain but more of an emotional one..it was the first time his father slapped him..."i want to talk to kibum..please..." he begged...

hearing all the comotion in the living room..kibum came down..he saw how his father slapped his hyung...and as much as he hated his brother right now, he was hurt...his father never laid a hand to either of them....

"appa.." kibum called out..."please leave us alone.." he politely asked...their mother nodded 

once alone.. both brothers sat down across from eachother...for a moment they were not saying anything...

heechul's eyes were on the floor...kibum was just looking at him...

"why?" kibum asked..heechul looked up..unsure of how to answer that question..becuase he himself has been asking it...


"why did you do it hyung? why siwon? why my husband? why the father of my kids? i understand you just lost hankyung hyung...but why?!" kibum finally burst..his anger over flowing...he was clenching his fist to avoid going and punching his brother...

"im sorry....i know it was wrong..but something ..i also felt it was hankyung..he...his heart beat..i dont know...im sorry..." heechul broke down..he covered his face with his palms and he was bowing down...

"really hyung? that's the best thing you can come up with?!" kibum was very angry..."i think we need more time before we can talk again...please ..." he said after he calmed down...heechul just nodded...and stood up ..so did kibum... heechul walked to the door and walked to his car after one last glance... a painful parting of brothers who were once very close...


heechul sat behind the counter in his shop..he didn't open today...he was still thinking of his brother...of hankyung...of siwon...of what happened...

he looked at the picture on his table...their picture...they were smiling..they were inlove... he picked it up and touched it....
"mianhae..." he whispered...a single tear flowed from his eye...a memory came..one wher they were hugging eachother in their bed one night...


"hannie..im scared..." heechul uttered...

"of what princess?"

"of you falling in love with some one else..some one better than me..some one..prettier than me..." heechul pouted...

"you know that won't ever happen chullie...to me no one is better than you...no one is prettier than you...and my heart only belongs to you...so don't ever think like that ne?" hankyung hugged heechul tighter and he placed a kiss on his forehead...

"me too...you will only be my one and only..i love you forever hannie...." heechul smiled...

"i love you too princess....forever...."

>>>> end of flashback<<<<

more tears came...as guilt struck his heart....then a memory of his brother's pained face came asking him why...

why? in reality he didn't know the answer...

he stayed in his shop all day..till the night came...and he decided to leave...


in key/onew/heechul/hankyung's apartment..in heechul's room a soul was also asking why....

"why did this happen ryeowook?" hankyung asked as he sat on their bed..."i know siwon has my heart..but.."

"hankyung ah...your heart..was connected to heechul's heart..his heart beats for yours ...tho it is now with siwon..." the angel said as he sat on a chair...

"but its wrong..they hurt kibum..they hurt....me..." his tears flowed...clutching to his chest...


siwon was driving alone to where he doesn't know.....he felt his chest tighten...so he decided to stop...he leaned his head on the steering wheel hoping the pain would leave....

then after a minute or two the pain subsided...as he looked up he found himself in a familiar place...


He saw heechul closing the shop...like the first time he wandered and ended up here.... he reached down his pocket and felt what he was looking for...he pulled it out and raised it infront of him..

"you belong to him..." he uttered as if talking to the locket...he knew that if he returns it, he might get in trouble...but he also knew he had to give it to its owner...he was the one who took his lover from him...and maybe with this he can at least say sorry....

he got out of his car...a heavy feeling taking over...he dragged himself to the fron of the store...

just when heechul turned he was face to face with him...

he noticed heechul's eyes were swollen...red...maybe from crying and siwon's heart ached...he did it to him again....

"what are you doing here?" heechul asked...

"i...i..." but words won't come out of siwon's mouth...so he held out his hand..

heechul's face was shocked..he didn't know what to say now...siwon was giving him..his locket..the one hankyung gave to him...

"i'm sorry...." siwon uttered as he looked how heechul's tears came....

heechul reached out for the locket...he looked at it, turning it around he saw the words he and hankyung promised eachother "forever"... he opened the locket..and there was their picture...he brought it close to his heart..

Siwon broke down..he fell to his knees  and he was crying..he felt the guilt..he felt disgust towards himslef....

both didn't say a word..they just stayed there..both crying to themselves.....

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kyuwonfan #1
Chapter 23: nice story and nice plot...i love.it....make me cry n love the ending......tq for this nice story....
nadianuramirah #2
this is second fanfiction that i read n i cry really hard....
n when u read n hear the song together...its more feel...
seriously i really like ur fanfiction...pliss write more story about them...and keep it up.....
naznew #3
thanks for making this story...so sad and make me cry non-stop...
i miss hanchul when read your story..
hanchul2 #4
nice endind though.<br />
hanchul2 #5
this story is soooo sad.
Omg,i started crying T ^ T'' What a beautiful story. <br />
<br />
I watched the MV of timeless and i can see everything clear in this fic T ^ T'.<br />
<br />
This ff has a great story,the plot was amazing,it's only has a problem,the genre,maybe it has to be genreswitch,but anyway i'm totally luv the fact, the ending, the way story goes on,you do great job!<br />
Well done!!
awesome updateeeeeeee<br />
love the ending so much<br />
beautiful piece of art!<br />
your writing skills and story plots are amazing!<br />
eunhae1307 #10
at first while i was reading chapter 21, i had already thought that either heechul or kibum will die.. <br />
<br />
the ending was good!! i love it.. :))