Only You Can Open My Eyes
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When we arrived, I just quietly went into my room and lied down on my bed.

End of Eunjung's POV

Joon's POV

"What's wrong with her? Did I do something wrong?" I was worried about her.

"Mr. Lee, What's wrong with Miss?" Hyosung came up to me and asked.

"I don't actually know... We went to the zoo and aquarium and we went to eat but we came back."

"Can I know where you went to eat dinner?"

"Jardin des Oliviers...."

"You should have asked me first to reserve a restaurant!"


"That's the restaurant where she lastly ate with her parents!"

"Oh no... What have I done...."

"Go to her and do something!" She said as she pushed me to Eunjung's door.

 "Eunjung-ah, Can I go in?" I asked.

End of Joon's POV

Eunjung's POV

"Eunjung-ah, Can I go in?" He asked outside the door.

"Come in...." I said as I sat up on my bed.

"Eunjung-ah.... I'm sorry..."

"Oppa, please don't be sorry.... I'm sorry for ruining the day.... I know I shouldn't be too personalized but I just can't help myself whenever it comes to those memories.... I just got used to riding Limos which I haven't riding it for almost 10 years now......"

"I understand you....Please don't stress yourself." He said as he wiped off my tears from my face.

"Oppa... I love you..." I said as I hugged him tightly.

"I love you more..." He said as he caressed my face and brought his face closer to mine.

Then he kissed me and I kissed back. I don't know how long it has been but I heard something drop. We separated and looked over at the door and saw Uncle Junsu and Aunt Hyomin with a dropped flower and a gift wrapped in a gift wrapper.

"Eun...Eunjung-ah...." Aunt Hyomin said.

"You! What are you doing here?" Uncle Junsu came to us and he grabbed Joon oppa's collar.

"Uncle, stop!" I said trying to loosen the grip but Uncle was too strong.

"What the hell were you doing to Eunjung?" Uncle asked again.

"Uncle! Stop, please!" I yelled once again trying to get them to separate but Aunt stopped me.

"Uncle..." Oppa was trying to talk.

"Who's your uncle?" Uncle said.

"Mr. Junsu, I love Eunjung. I am going to marry her." He said calmly.

"Eunjung-ah, he is just joking, right?"

"Uncle, I am going to marry him as soon as possible. I'm not going to waste my time anymore." I said as I calmed myself.

"Eunjung-ah! You! What did you do to our Eunjung?" Aunt asked oppa.

"Will two of you please stop? I have the right to choose the person that I'm going to marry to"

"He is not the man for you! What would your parents say if you bring him in front of them if they were alive?"

"I'm sure they will be happy for me to find the right person for me! If you don't mind, I will leave." I said as I grabbed oppa's hand and walk out of the room.

"Eunjung-ah!" I heard Aunt calling me.

"Eunjung-ah, stop." I heard oppa say that and it made me angry.

"Oppa, what do you mean?"

"If we just run away like this, it will never end." Oppa stopped and held me in place.

"Mr Junsu and Mrs Hyomin, Please approve us. I will make Eunjung happy." Oppa kneeled in front of them.

"Oppa! What are you doing?" I whisper-yelled.

"I cannot appr

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lialee #1
Chapter 40: Make sequals for this story please
lialee #2
Chapter 40: Good story
Chapter 40: God..../▔□▔)/
Chapter 39: Wow u_u sad
Chapter 39: Please make them a couple I don't want eunjung and joon not to be a happy cover
eunice_eunjung #6
Chapter 38: author please update...please make them as a happy couple...jebal...
Chapter 38: Writer!!!! what did you do? huh? -o- why did u write this mess chapter? eunjung can't have baby it's too much and now joon is her brother what's the hell is that??? -________-
Chapter 36: Ahhhh. No!!!!! She can!
1123 streak #9
Chapter 34: ☺"̮ ЂoºoЂoºoЂoºo "̮☺
They are married now,,
Joon, pLase take care uri Jungie,,
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