3| Cologne, Perfume, and Holes in the Ceiling.

Always on my Mind

“Hyoyeon! Over here!! Eattt withh uuussss!” Baekhyun yelled from across the canteen. I picked up my lunch from the empty table I was sitting at, and started to walk to the table the EXO guys were eating at. Baekhyun patted the bench beside him, so I sat. I was in between Baekhyun and Sehun. I took in the scent of this area. It smelled of perfume.


“Really guys?” I said after taking a bite out of my turkey sandwich. “Perfume?”


They all looks at me and gaped. Then Tao said like the answer was obvious,


“Duh! Of course we are. We wear it all of the time besides when we go to the gym.”


I gaped back.


“B-but what about cologne?” I sputtered.


“Cologne's too manly.” Luahn whined with a disgusted look on his face. I didn't reply. I scanned the canteen, then I made an 'ahh' sound and got up. I saw a guy using cologne. I walked over to him.


“Can I use this really quick?” I asked with my hand outstretched.


“Uhh, sure?” he answered, setting it in my hands. I bowed then sprinted back to my lunch. I innocently sat with it in my hands. Then right when Luhan looked my way, I sprayed some cologne in his face. He shrieked, and started to spit and sputter. Then I sprayed it in the air, then on Sehun's legs and Baekhyun's chest. Sehun just sat there, in shock, with his mouth open, Baekhyun was wiping his chest on Chanyeol, trying to rub some cologne on him, and Luhan was wiping his eyelids, asking Kris if it's still on. Kris smelled him then nodded Luhan franticly wiped his face. I laughed an evil laugh, and ran back to the guy.


“Thanks!” I exclaimed, handing him five dollars. “Where'd you buy that cologne?” He wrote down a store. I skipped back to the table. It was still chaos.


“Why didn't you spray Lay or Kai?! They would've enjoyed it!” Luhan yelled, still wiping his face.


“Yeah!” Chanyeol agreed. “Why'd you spray it on him?!” He motioned to Baekhyun. “Will you get him off of me?!” Baekhyun was still wiping his chest where he was sprayed on Chanyeol.


Baekhyun smelled Chanyoel's shirt. “It's not coming onto you! Let's trade shirts.” I gaped at this.


“No!” Chanyeol and I snapped.


“Their doing it!” Baekhyun whined, and pointed across the canteen. Sure enough, two boys were trading shirts. Baekhyun started to un-button Chanyeol's shirt.


“Baekhyun! This looks a little wrong...” Chanyeol whisper-yelled. Baekhyun kept un-buttoning. He got it all of the way un-buttoned. He took it off of Chanyeol's shoulders, then stuffed some in his mouth as he un-buttoned his shirt. I looked away just as Baekhyun threw his shirt at Chanyeol.


“A-are you c-covered?” I shuddered after a few seconds.


“Yes.” Chanyeol replied. I sighed with relief and turned around. The shirt Baekhyun's wearing was too big. Chanyeol's was too small.


“Kris, give me your shirt.” Chanyeol demanded.


“No!” he snapped. “I'm taller then you!”


“Fine. Kai?”


“No!” Kai replied.


“But, you like the smell of cologne, and your shorter than me.”


“Fi--” Kai started to say, starting to strip off his shirt.


“No!” I screeched. “Chanyeol, just put on a sweatshirt!”


He sighed and put on on. I sighed too, and sat down. I returned to eating.


“Um, what's your biggest cologne bottle size?” I asked the store lady. She put her hands up and measured about 8 inches. I nodded. “Can I have two of those?” I asked again. She nodded and lead me to an aisle. Half of the aisle was cologne, the other half was perfume. “Do you have this cologne in big bottles?” I asked holding out my arm for her to smell. She smelled my arm and nodded.


“Yes, right over here.” she lead me to the middle of the cologne half of the aisle. She gave me two bottles. I bowed and said thank you, and she walked away. I picked out 9 other normal sized bottles and put them in the basket along with the big bottles. I recounted how many bottles I had. 11. Good. I didn't pick out 12 because there's really no point in getting Luhan one...


I walked to the perfume half and scanned it. I was looking for a big bottle that Luhan would enjoy...


“Ahh-ha!!” I squealed. I found a big bottle of CHANEL no. 5 perfume. Luhan was wearing it at lunch. I grabbed two bottles of that and put it in the basket. I skipped to the check out stands. I payed for everything, and skipped outside.


After that, I went to a ribbon and tag shop. I picked out a roll of ribbon and a pack of tags. I payed for that, then went to a nearby park. I sat cross-legged by a tree, and set to work. I took out a bottle, put some ribbon on it, then grabbed a tag and wrote a name. This got quite tiring, so I was relived when I got to the 12th one. I wrapped the ribbon on neatly, and grabbed a tag. I looked at the other bottles to see who I missed...


*Kai, Tao, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Xiumin, Lay, Sehun, Suho, D.O., Luhan, Chen.* I thought. I nodded while writing Kris's name in a fancy font. Then I set that bottle in the box with EXOm's stuff. Then I took my pen and printed on one box: EXOk. And on the other: EXOm.


I smiled, and scooped up the boxes. I walked to campus.


It was getting fairly dark as I walked into the dorms. I walked through the first floor, second, then climbed the stairs up to the third. I walked to the end of the hallway. I set the EXOk box in front of dorm room 253, and set the EXOm box in front of dorm room 254. I clapped my hands together and walked upstairs to my dorm.


Kris POV

“Guys!” Tao's voice yelled. “Wake up! Look what Hyoyeon left.”


I slowly opened my eyes and sat up. Luhan was getting slippers on and leaving the room. I groaned and rolled out of bed. I slipped on a sweatshirt and walked to the living room. All 11 of the other guys were hunched over something.


“What the heck are you guys looking at?” I asked.


“Hyoyeon left us cologne!!” Lay exclaimed.


Chanyeol sniffed him. “You're not wearing perfume!”


“I've been waiting a long time for this...” Lay said, spraying his cologne all over himself.


I rolled my eyes and walked over to the boxes. Before I knew it, Luhan was squealing and jumping all over the place, hugging two bottles.


“What kind of cologne is that?!” D.O. asked.


“CHANEL no. 5!!!!!” He squealed. “It's perfume!! I could never afford this!” He started kissing the bottles of perfume. We all stared at him. Suddenly, there was a sniffing sound from the ceiling. There was a hole up there, and Hyoyeon's nose through it, sniffing.


“What the...” I said. I had my hand over the garbage can, about to throw the cologne away.


“I love the smell of cologne!” Hyoyeon's voice said through the hole. She was sniffing in Lay's direction, (because he was the only one wearing cologne right now.)


Now, I don't know what made me do this, but right after she said that, I took my cologne away from the garbage, and sprayed it all over myself. Then I strutted to the hole and stood under it.


“Really Kris? Do you have to be that obvious?” Lay asked.


“About what?” I confusedly asked.


Lay rolled his eyes. “You know.” Then he looked away from me. I glared at his back.


Hey guys!!

I hope you like this chappie...

I just had to put a Baekyeol moment in there >.<

and Hyokris... hehe

So, tomorrow or the next day,

My poster and background I requested will be done!! :)

I'm excited...

So, I'll start writing my next chapitar now.

Comment and subscribe!



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I'm going to switch this story into third person.


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naringgit #1
Chapter 12: happy belated birthday dear,, :) so nice to hear more about this story..miss you dongsaeng~~
Chapter 12: Happy birthdayyyy ^_^
Divampires #3
Chapter 12: Oh happy bhirthday authornim.. And I hope hyo don't go to school transfer :D
Chapter 12: happy birthday..
Chapter 12: happy birthdaaayyyyy !!!!!! haha oh chen is so sad goshhh i'm sad too :(
Chapter 12: HYOKRIS~~~~
shea_shariff #7
Chapter 12: cute!! awww.... lurve hyokris. actually I lurve hyo with anyone : )
Chapter 12: Omo! Omo! I love the updateee~ please update again soon^^~
Chapter 12: asdfghjkllsadkjsdkcweonvorehgfvfg
chen fainting is always funny
why didn't they kiss
yOU SAID THEY WOULD /cries in betrayal
Chapter 11: Please update moree soon author-nim!^^~