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The Power of the Phoenix [HIATUS]


*Ding, ding, ding*

“Alright class, just revise over what we had done today and do the question sheet for homework. You never know, some of the questions on the paper might be on the exam.” The teacher said, with a wink towards her students, who couldn’t help but smiled back.

Chairs were pulled out; students began to converse with their friends as they all headed out for lunch. Kevin began to pack his things slowly, feeling his heart pounding against his ear drum.
“Why can’t they leave me alone?”
The boy turned around, relieved to see it was Hyo Rin.
“Want to come with me to see Mi Rae?”
“Ohh..” He would have said yes, having been worried about his friend but he glanced over Hyo Rin’s shoulder and saw the look on Key’s face.

“Mia-anhe, I have to do something first, you go first I’ll catch up with you arraeso?”
Hyo Rin gave a confused look at the boy. She would have expected him to say yes straight away, as she knew that he really cared about her best friend, despite only knowing her for a couple weeks.
“You sure… Kevin are you ok?” She asked, noticing that he had gone quite pale.

Kevin gulped and said, “D-deh I’m fine.” He gave a somewhat reassuring smile.
“I meet you later ok?” He said as he turned away and walked out of the classroom.

“I wonder what happen?”
Hyo Rin turned her attention towards the two male students that were watching the scene and gave a slight frown.

“Those boys…”



“We thought you wouldn’t come.”
The two boys were standing in the middle of the roof and watch as Kevin slowly walked towards them. Kevin kept quiet, staring at his shoes and prepared himself for what was ahead. He stood a foot away from them.
“What do you guys want?” The boy ask softly, trying hard to show fear through his voice

Taemin gave Key a knowing look, waiting for his hyung reaction.
“I tell you in a minute but first…Why don’t you come and join Hyo Rin-ssi.”


Kevin looked up and his eyes widened when he saw his friend walking towards them, a frown upon her face.

“Hyo Rin? What are you doing here?”

She turned to her friend and gave a small smile; “I saw the note Kevin, you left it behind when you rushed out. I knew something was up so I followed you.”

She turned her attention towards Key and Taemin, “So you guys are hosts, am I right?” She crossed her arms and looked at the boys. Taemin seems shocked but Key crocked an eyebrow.

“Indeed we are, but you are also a host, correct Hyo Rin?”

“So what if I am?”
“Well it seems your friend here possessed the Air Phoenix, you know of the legends am I right?”

Hyo Rin looked at Kevin, whom was shocked to find out someone like him was beside him the entire time, and he didn’t even realise it!
“Yes, of course I know of the legends, who doesn’t?” She stood in front of Kevin, “What do you want with him?”
“We just wanted to talk, nothing more.”
Hyo Rin narrowed her eyes, “Why post a threat then?”
Kevin looked up expectantly. Key placed his hand up in defeat, “Calm down! I don’t want to hurt you guys honest.”
“Then why the threat?” Kevin asked once again, relieved that he wasn’t as afraid as he was before.
“Because we didn’t think that you would come if we didn’t.” Taemin answered and placed his hand out. “Let started from the beginning ok? I’m Lee Taemin.” He gave a smile.
Kevin looked at him and the hand before slowly shaking it. He couldn’t help but feel at ease with the auburn hair boy, he seem so innocent and carefree but at the same time, he gave the aura that he understood things that you wouldn’t expect someone like him to know.


“Always so friendly Taemin.” Key cooed, changing his demeanour in an instant, ruffling his hair. Taemin pouted, flicking his hand away. “Stop it hyung, and it wouldn’t hurt to be friendly with them you know?”

Hyo Rin and Kevin looked with interest at the scene they were seeing in front of them. Finally Kevin spoke, “Sooo…you’re a host too?”
Hyo Rin turned and nodded guilty, “Deh…I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I wasn’t sure at first but recalling what happened at the mall…I guess my assumption was correct. I thought it would be better to stay low and to be honest…”
Kevin shook his head “Ani, it’s alright, I wouldn’t have want to put you into danger. What is your animal spirit?”
Hyo Rin smiled “I’m a meekat.”
“That’s cute.”


Hyo Ri began to laugh, “Sorry Kevin, it just really sweet that you think my animal spirit is cute. But you know it really is a great honour that to meet you. Not many people like us can meet with the legends, cos most of the time, they spend most of their time on their own, looking for the other Phoneixes. ”
“Well I have found one of them…”
“Really?” Hyo Rin eyes lit up, “That’s great!”
Key perked his head, overhearing what Kevin had just said.
“You meet one of them? Around here?”
Kevin nodded, “Deh, he been training me, helping with my power but why you look so worried?”
The Air Host noticed that the latter exchanged a glance at Taemin and sighed.
“Kevin…Ummm how do I put this? Have there-“
“Been people who are trying to capture me. Yes and they almost succeed…” He gave a shudder, the memories still haunting him.
Kevin heard Hyo Rin gasp, “Kevin! When did this happen? You didn’t get hurt did you? Wait…”
Before Kevin could answer her questions she looked at him with fearful eyes. “It was that man wasn’t it?”
Kevin widened his eyes before nodding, keeping his eyes down so they wouldn’t see the tears that were starting to form in his eyes. He didn’t want to seem weak but at the moment, he definitely felt the limits in his power. Sure he was improving but he was still afraid.
“Crap, this is bad…” Key said, annoyance laced in his voice.
“What’s going on?” Hyo Rin asked. Key looked at her and she saw the seriousness in her eyes.
“Kevin? Those people who try to take you, do you remember anything about them? I know it will bring back bad memories for you but I want to help you, so help me first ok?” Key placed a hand on his shoulder and the Air Host looked up.
He breathed deeply before speaking.  “Well, there were three men. Two were in hoods and had weapons and their leader, was the one that was chasing us in the shopping. He told me he possessed the Bear Spirit and it was easy for him to find me because of his sense of smell.”
Taemin gasped, “Hyung…” “I know Minnie.” Key rubbed his nose with his finger.
“Ok Kevin, I think you already know right? Those people belong to a secret organisation. However I would never underestimate them for a second. There are extremely dangerous. The members are hots as you know. Basically they want to capture all the Phoenixes and gain that infinite power. You know what that mean. With power comes the feeling to dominate and the end of life as we know it. I heard rumours that they have a way to control the Hosts that have the Phoenixes and use their power for their own.”
“Do you know where your friend is now? The Earth Phoenix I’m guessing?”
Kevin gasped…”No, we always talk to each other via minds but wait how did you know that the host I found was the Earth Phoenix?”
Key smirked slightly, “Well you could say that I possessed a power that is extremely useful but could also be extremely dangerous if I used too much or if the enemy gained a hold of me.”
“What power is that?” Hyo Rin asked, curious on what the feline boy could possessed.
“Well basically hyung is a Seeker.” Taemin piped up. “Give him something that belongs to someone else or if he is touching you, he has access to all your darkest secrets. For example, Key can tell you what my favourite drink is, what animal I possessed and my power.”
“Well that’s easy: Banana milk, the spirit of the Stoat and Invisibly. But I already knew that Minnie.”
Taemin beamed, “I know, just wanted to give an example.”
The Air and Meerkat Host widened their eyes. Kevin looked down at the hand that was gripping his shoulder.
“Yeah, that’s my power but I can’t use it too often. I see you know the effects when you give it all. Your energy gets drained and you feel extremely weak.”
Kevin only nodded, knowing that feeling of helplessness all too well.
“We came here to look for you, all the phoenixes so we can help take you guys somewhere safe so you can train.”
“Why?” Kevin asked, “You would do that for us?”
Taemin smiled sadly, “Of course, my grandma was the host of the Fire Phoenix and before she passed away, she gave me a message saying that the next line of Phoenix will be born in my generation and we had to help them because of an evil threat that dares to break the peace of the world.”
“I see.” Hyo Rin said, satisfied with the answer.  “Ok we found two so far, where could the other two be?”
“I think I would know..” Kevin said and looked at Key, who smiled and nodded.
“Yes, Mi Rae is the Host of the Water Phoenix. You see she is getting ready to accept her spirit.”
Hyo Rin frowned, “Yes and she has been having these weird dreams…Is that linked towards her powers.”
“Hmmmm to be honest, I’m not sure but let’s go down and check how she is doing? That was your plan originally am I right?”
The four began to walked off the roof and down the stairs but then Key said something that made Kevin heart froze with dread.
“I’m not sure if you are prepared to hear this Kevin, but the enemy had managed to capture the Fire Phoenix.”




“I wonder where I am?”
The young man kept walking along the pavement, mingling with the crowd of people. He could smell many things, due to his hyper sensitive nose but learnt to not be too overwhelmed with what was around him by tuning it down. All hosts who possessed an animal spirit has all their senses level up but you can learn to control it through medication and breathing.  Some chose to embrace their true nature, some learn to balance between their human and animal soul.

“Breathing is the key.”
Dongho decided to leave the safe confident of Mi Rae’s house and see if he can find his hyung. He was sure Hoon was worried sick about him and it made him feel guilty, he didn’t want his friend to be worried about him, Hoon is the one he needs to take care of. He received first hand on what the group were capable of doing, so he knew he had to get back to his friend as soon as he can and warn them. He could also inform the Earth Phoenix that he has found another one of its kind, more important, the host of the Water Phoenix.
“I sense she will awake the spirit within her, which reminds me, why am I talking to myself?”
Dongho came to a stop, he looked up at the restaurant that he and his hyung often went to when they finished training and he remembered sadly that is was the last thing they did together before he was taken. He cursed himself for letting his guard down, but he couldn’t attack them when there were people around so when Soohyun confronted him, he had no choice but to follow them. He shook his head, trying to erase the fearful thoughts out of his mind but he couldn’t help but glance over his shoulder once in a while.

Dongho was happily walking away, enjoying the sweets that he purchased with the change of the grocery money. He smiled at the sight in front of them. Some were shopping and had many bags that were full with clothes or shoes. Others were chatting amongst themselves, couples were laughing as they walked to their destination. It was busy yet peaceful. Dongho couldn’t help but breath in the smells of the delicious food that was all around him. He loved food, and he sometimes really appreciate his sensitive nose, so he could smell what the stalls were cooking all around him.

He was loses in his own thoughts when he felt someone standing behind him. But before he could turn around, the mysterious person grabbed his arm subtly and gripped it hard.
Dongho couldn’t help but trembled, something was wrong.
“What are you doing? Get your hands off me!” He said in a low voice.
The person didn’t seem to hear Dongho and only held on tigher, earning a soft whine from the younger boy. He didn’t want to attract any attention so he tried his best to struggle out of the grip.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, Dongho-ssi, you see the strength of a lion is no match for a dog am I right?”
Dongho gasped but continue to struggle. By now the other man had managed to gripped his other arm and held it behind his back.
“Plea-ase let me go..”
The other man chuckled darkly, “What makes you think I will do that hm?”
Dongho couldn’t stop shaking and it only make the other man sneered in response.
“Now stop that. I’m going to give you a choice, you either come with me or I will order my companions to cause some excitement in this street.” He smirked, knowing that Dongho couldn’t escape that.
Dongho looked around and saw people stationed behind walls or shops, waiting for their orders.
“No-o please don’t…I come with you.”
“Good now be a good boy and walked naturally, don’t want anyone to get hurt if they knew you were in trouble neh?”

He tried to escape, twice actually but each time, the man named Jaeseop managed to recapture him and he was severely punished. He couldn’t remember the last time he was in so much pain. He was sure that they were going to slowly kill him. He remember that terrifying moment  when Soohyun lost his temper at the poor boy because he refused to tell him anything, and turned into a lion and snarled at him, resulting Dongho to gain that huge bit mark on his stomach. He placed his hand over the wound. He was healing nicely but he whined at the pain that shot through from the small pressure. He sighed and decided to head back, he could always search tomorrow.
As he made his way down the street towards Mi Rae, he felt the presence of another person. He began to panic; it couldn’t be them, could it. He started to walk fast and could hear his followers trying to keep up with him. Dongho tried to breathe deeply and concentrated some energy to the palm of his hand but before he could do that, a hand was wrapped around his mouth and pulled him back.
“Mmmmmppphh, mmmmmppphh.” Dongho thrashed and tried to break free, he wasn’t going to be capture again and go through hell. Not again.
“Shhh, relax, it’s just me.” A voice say and Dongho stop struggling and turned around. A pair of familiar eyes looked at him with concern and he choked out.
Before he knew it he was tightly embraced and pushed into the man’s chest.
“DONGHO! My god! You’re ok! I thought I would never see you again!”
Dongho couldn’t believe it, here he was looking for his hyung and now here he was, hugging him tightly and shaking slightly as tears of joy run down his face.
The younger male slowly lifted his arms up and clung to his friend, his hyung, his teacher. He began to sob, everything had become very overwhelming for him. He buried his face, his tears socking Hoon’s t-shirt and felt a huge weight lifted off his shoulder. With the Earth Host, he felt safe. Completely safe. He was prepared to tell Hoon the vital information that he had gain while they were separated but at that moment he wanted to enjoy the comfort, the sense of security he felt at the moment make all that he went through worthwhile.
“Shhhh Dongho, calm donw. It’s ok, you’re safe. I’m here. Just let it all out.”
Dongho smiled slightly at his friend’s words. Eli and Alexander, who were standing behind the pair, watched the reunion with huge smiles plastered on their face.
“So hyung, will you be like that if I disappear for a few days?”

Alexander smirked at his dongsaeng.
“Of course I would worried! I always worry you know that? Especially about you…”
“Naawww thanks.”
Eli poked his tongue at the Fox Host.

“Well, well what do we have here?”
The small group froze and turned around to face the owner of the voice.








A/N School, SCHOOL, SCHOOL! Even though it’s the term break, I still get holiday homework -_____-
Can’t they give me a break!! So sorry for updating late!! >.< I think you get an update once in a while that’s all I can promise you my lovely readers.  So what do you think so far? Kevin doesn’t like to burden people and become he is the Air Phoenix he doesn’t want to put anyone in danger, that’s why he didn’t mind too much that Hyo Rin didn’t reveal her true nature. Hope that make some sense....Hmmm maybe not >.< Remember if you have any question, write it in the comment section or pm and I will answer it or I could leave it up to you guys to figure out ^^
But you keep on standing still~~ The song is still in my head!! I have the whole album and loving it ^^
Until next time~
This has been bluemoonluvkpop~
Btw I had a go and wrote my first one-shot >.< Could you guys check it out for me please? I really appreciate it :D Its called “One Snowy Night” It’s a fluff, 2min oneshot (Love this pairing XD) Love you guys lots xoxo 
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wow reading through this haha XD guess who gona try to update >.<


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lucky9606 #1
Chapter 11: I understand that school is important because I am also applying for uni this year
so but please don't forget about the story either... even small updates are good
thanks and good luck author-nim
lucky9606 #2
please update ^^
Primardya #3
Chapter 8: yeahhh...i can wait your update patiently.just take it easy and studying was more important for you.
fighting :-)
Chapter 7: Hoon so powerful *.*
Can't wait to read what will happen next ^^
Primardya #5
Chapter 7: hi..i'm a new reader here..
annyeong..i really like the story that you write and i specially like fantasy or adventure style story..and i feel you are a good person shown from your language you've used..
hope you write the update soon^^' #nooffense..
Chapter 5: Wow, this is so cool~~~~ Update soon ^.^
Chapter 5: I started to love this story ^^