Another Chase

The Power of the Phoenix [HIATUS]

“Let’s go!!”

The three students dashed out of the door, thankful that the passengers outside were waiting for them to get off. They were doing their best not to run, as to not alert the man that they had figured out he was following them.
They stepped out on the platform and were greeted with a humid atmosphere. There were people everywhere, announcements being said over the speaker, trains pulling in, passengers heading in and out, everyone had somewhere to be.

“Hurry guys, he hasn’t seen us yet.” Mi Rae said quietly, her voice being drowned out by the noise around them

“We would, but it’s hard to move, man they are a lot of people around.” Kevin was doing his best to dodge the mass of people, trying to keep up with the girls.

“Crap, he’s coming, he saw us.” Hyo Rin said, her voice slightly shaking. She had turned around while the three were making their way towards the escalators. Both looked at her direction.

Sure enough, the young man that bumped into Kevin was making his way towards them, his eyes gleaming with joy and a wicked smirk could be seen forming on his face. The man had brownish hair, bangs of it slightly covering his face. He was lean but fit and you could say he was very attractive but the aura he was giving out, seem dark. The smirk on his face and the glim of his eyes was transforming his handsome features into someone who looked…hungry. Hungry for something, or perhaps for someone.

“Quick, follow me!” Mi Rae said, dashing her way out of the crowd and headed towards the end of the platform, where hidden in the corner was a metal door.

“Are you sure we can go through here?” Kevin asked, catching up to the girl as she opened the door.

She only nodded and walked in. Kevin looked around and saw that there was a flight of stairs. He peered up; it was a long way up.

“Kevin, hurry!” Hyo Rin was running up the stairs, closely followed by Mi Rae.

Their footsteps echoing in that tower as the three ran up and up, going pass different doors, with one goal in their mind, outrun the stalker.

Just as they reached the fifth floor, panting and faced with another door, they heard a noise. It sound like someone opened the metal door down on the first floor. They all froze, feeling the fear creeping into their chest.

“Come out, come out wherever you are.” The voice jeered.

Mi Rae wasted no time and flunked open the door, revealing the shopping centre, their exit and all three ran out.
They made their way through the different department stores, all trying to sell their mechanics. They kept looking back and could see the man far behind them.

“He gaining on us, what are we going to do?” Kevin asked, panic evident in his voice.

Mi Rae looked around, shops were everywhere, and people were walking around; clutching shopping bags, laughing away. She leaded the two behind a wall and turned her view to the two faces.

“We need to spilt up.” Mi Rae said.

“Are you serious?” Hyo Rin said, shocked.


“But-” Hyo Rin tried to said but Mi Rae gave her a look and Hyo Rin didn’t question it. When Mi Rae was determined about something, nothing could be said or done to change her mind. Mi Rae was very persistence, quiet but motivated. It’s what made her strong.

“Kevin, you go over that store.” Mi Rae pointed to a toy store that was nearly.

“Ok but-”

“No buts.” Mi Rae said, she looked directly towards him. Kevin could see her serious glare.

“That man is after you, I saw how he looked at you, don’t worry we’ll lead him off. Besides me and Hyo Rin know this place, we can mislead him.”

Hyo Rin nodded, gaining confidence from her friend’s plan, though she looked anxious.


“Kevin, don’t worry we said we take care of you right?” Mi Rae said, soften her glare.

“Yeah Kevin, we’ll be fine.” Hyo tried to reassure him. “I hope.” She looked at her friend; she hoped she knew what she was doing. 

“Now, go!” She pushed him forward, with a sense of urgently.

Kevin ran into the store and hid behind a shelf. Luckily they weren’t much people around to notice how he was panting and glancing back at the entrance as if he was playing a game of hide and seek.


He saw how the young man was looking around before running off, heading in the direction where the girls took off just moments ago. 


"No!" He thought as he stood up straight.


"I shouldn't let those girls do this for me, not risk their life because of what I have, what I am! That man is after me for sure!"


He then left his hiding spot and slowly breath in, hastening his power. He was following

1, 2,3,4,5 breath 1, 2-3


"Crap, Kevin Concrete! You can't transform here! Seek the power, don't transform..." He felt his eyes changing colour


"I hope they ok, I hope they ok!" he thought as he ran towards the direction, trying hard to control himself.


“Breathe, Kevin, Concentrate!”


Minutes past, it was like the place was a maze, he kept losing his way but he kept running. He wanted to keep his new friends safe; he could do that with his power.


"Almost...Almost there."


"Hey, stop let go of me! I wasn't going to do anything! I swear!"


"Yeah, yeah that’s what they all say"

Kevin was snapped out of his thoughts. His eyes widened as he saw the young man was being let away by two guards. He had one on each side of him, clutching one of his arms and though the young man struggled, he was no match against the two strong men.

The man briefly looked up and stared at Kevin, locking his glare at him. The boy felt a shiver went down his spine, as he felt the man’s eye piercing through, seeing through his soul.

He gulped, trying to calm himself down and turned his head away.


"Told you we would be fine, you had nothing to worry about." A voice said behind him. 


He turned around and a wave of relief came when he saw two girls smiling at him.


"But how..? I mean..?" He was loss for words.


"You need to thank Mi Rae; she was the one who had the quick thinking." Hyo Rin said, beaming at her best friend.


Mi Rae blushed, "Hyo Rin, you should take some credit as well."


Her friend shook her head, "Anyio, it was all you. The only thing I did was panic."


"Hey, that's why it worked so well."


"Still, I completely forgot that the service stall was there and that the guards were taking their break at this time."


"But at least you knew what I was doing right? It helped alot."


"What happened?" Kevin asked, he was turning his head side to side as he was listening to their conversation.


Both girls looked at each other.

"You explain. It was your idea."


Mi Rae blushed but she turned to Kevin. The three of them were walking off as she told him what happen in those last ten minutes



“Now go!” She pushed him forward, with a sense of urgently.

The two girls watched as the boy ran into the store and hid himself.

“Cmon, let’s go!” Mi Rae said, tugging her friend towards the direction.

The two girls headed off, turning to see how the young man was looking around, obviously seeking them. He turned to the girl’s direction and a smirk formed on his face as he headed towards them.
“Quick, turn right!” Mi Rae turned to look at her friend, who looked scared, if not terrified.

“O-ok, I hope yo-you know what you’re doing.” She stuttered, looking at her friend with fear in her eyes.

Mi Rae held Hyo Rin’s wrist as they ran and gave a reassuring grip. “
Gwenchana, I won’t let him hurt you.”

Hyo Rin widened her eyes when she saw her friend slowing down.

“What are you doing?” She exclaimed. “Hurry, he’s coming!” She tried to tug her friend, but she refused to budge.

Mi Rae looked at her friend, and then used her finger to point out something in the near distance.

Hyo Rin only looked, understanding what she meant and ran off.


“Help, please, my friend, she’s in trouble!!” Hyo Rin gasped as she approached the service stall.

The two guards looked up from their lunch and widened their eyes when they saw the female student, who looked out of breath and quite shaken up.

They followed her and saw how a young man was gripping Mi Rae tightly around the wrist, bringing her close and seem to be interrogating her.

“Hey that’s enough!” The two guards run towards them.


“Wow, that’s really brave of you.” Kevin exclaimed.

Mi Rae only shrugged it off, Hyo Rin playfully hit her.

“Aigoo, stop being so modest, he’s right you know?”

Mi Rae only nodding shyly, the two of them watched with amusement.

“You’re so cute!” Hyo Rin said, suddenly pulling her in a hug.

Mi Rae was still embarrassed, but she appreciated her friend’s praise. She hugged back, slightly please with her friend’s embrace. In true, she was also terrified of the man, but she felt something had to be done, so she did what she had to do.

“Anyhow, Mi Rae and Kevin, mind if I go off by myself for a little bit. I have to take care of something.” She winked and looked at Mi Rae.

She only laughed and nodded.

“I’ll be back in half an hour, wait for me! Don’t leave me behind for more stalkers to follow m- I mean us!” She said, turning back to her cheerful self again.

She walked off and Mi Rae laughed slightly at her best friend.

“Aigoo, that girl.” She was shaking her head in mock disapprovenment. 

“You guys seem very close though.”

She turned to Kevin and smiled slightly, “You’re right, she like a sister I never had. One of a kind.”

“I want to thank you.” Kevin looked her in the eyes. Mi Rae saw the sincerely and gratitude in his eyes and gave him a smile.

“It was nothing, really.”

“I know but its means a lot, you did this for a boy that you just met today right?”


“I saw you were terrified, yet you managed to pull this off. What you did was really brave, thank you.” He was holding both her wrists, looking at her, a grateful smile on his face.

Mi Rae couldn’t help but get lost in his eyes. His soft brown eyes that gaze to her own eyes, she felt her heart skip a beat. She had already sense that this boy was special; he wasn’t quite all the other boys. They stood there, enjoying the moment before Kevin let go.

“Sorry, I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable.” He looked down, embarrassed.

Mi Rae was shaking her head.

“Ani, it’s ok.”

Kevin smiled.

“Let’s carry on, shall we?”

Mi Rae only nodded but as she turned away and started to walk off with Kevin beside her, she smiled.


“I wonder what’s going to happen next.”


“Thanks for shopping with me guys.” Mi Rae said as they were heading towards the train station.

The two of them looked at her and smiled.

“Thank you for showing me around.” Kevin said, slightly bowing.

“Ani, you don’t have to bow Kevin, we’re friends now right?” Hyo Rin laughed and lighty hit Kevin on the back.

“I guess so too, after experiencing something like that…” He said, looking down slightly. All three understood and a silence went over them.

“Hyo Rin, want to stay over?” Mi Rae looked at her friend, knowing she was also shaken up by what happen today.

“We can start studying, you did ask for my help remember? And you need to start now.” She said, amused as Hyo Rin poked her tongue out.

“Hmph, that’s true, but I hate studying!”

*Sigh* “What to do with you?”

“Not much, you still must help me unni.

Kevin looked at the two of them and suddenly burst out laughing.

Mi Rae couldn’t help but smiled, “He really is cute.” She thought

“Yah! Kevin Woo, what are you laughing at?” Hyo Rin pouted.

“Ahh you girls make me laugh.” Kevin said, still recovering.

“Kevi-Kevin-ah would like to come over too?” Mi Rae suddenly asked, turning shy again. She looked at him before looking at her feet, embarrassed.

Kevin looked up in slight surprised but quickly gave her a small smile.

“Thanks Mi Rae-ah, but I have to head home; the house is still a mess. Its times like these that I wish my mum was living with us.”

“Ok, we see you tomorrow?” Hyo Rin asked.

“Yup, I see you tomorrow.” He turned and started to walk away.

“Stay safe!” He turned back and smiled at the girl before waving.

“I will, don’t worry!”

The two girls watched as the boy walked off before heading off their way.

“Soooo… did anything happen while I was off on my own?” She winked.

Mi Rae only blushed before replying slowly. “He really is sweet.”

“So, do you like him?”

“Ani! I mean we just met today.”

“Alright, alright, I’m just checking.” Hyo Rin never missed a chance to friend.

“Anyway, let’s talk about you. Where did you run off to?”

“That’s for me to know and for you to find out.”

“I think I know.” Mi Rae smirked, with a knowing look on her face.

“Yah! Mi Rae, it should be a surprise!”

“Fine, whatever you say unni.”

They made their way back to the train station and caught the train home. It was still busy as before, they stood near the door and watched as darks clouds began to form in the sky.

“It looks like it’s going to be a storm.” Mi Rae said quietly.

“Yeah…” Hyo Rin looked worried.
“I wonder how I get home.” She thought

Mi Rae saw her friend’s expression and said “You can sleepover; I wouldn’t want you to walk home in the rain.”

“You sure?”

“Of course I don’t mind. It would be nice to have company. I think Mom might be working tonight, so hopefully I can see her off when we get home.”

“Ok then.”

“Even I wouldn’t walk in this weather.”

Hyo Rin looked at her, and smiled at that dreamy look her friend had on her face.

“It’s amazing that you love the thrill of walking in the rain.”

“Really? Well I guess so but I like it, it calms me.”  

The late afternoon had turned dark by the time the two girls made it back to the house. Just as they reached the door the first drops of rain began to fall. What started to be a shower turned into a heavy downpour.

“We’re pretty lucky!” Hyo Rin exclaimed, as Mi Rae as she opened the door with her key.

“I wish it rain sooner though.” Mi Rae thought quietly, disappointed.

“Mom, I’m home!”

“Annyounghaseyo, Mrs Shin.”

As they walked in, Mi Rae closed the door and stared through the window and watched the rain pour down and faintly hearing a roar of thunder, echoing through the sky.

“I hope Kevin’s ok.”




Kevin was making his way around the narrow streets, when he felt the first drops of rain.

“Oh no, I didn’t bring an umbrella, hurry!” He heard a couple behind him.

He hurried along the pavement until he notices a tree which had could shelter one person. He stood under it, shaking his hair which was slightly dampened.

“Hot for one moment, cold the next, who would have thought? I hope the girls made it home ok.”

He watched as the rain poured down. The street looked more sinister as the clouds began to cover the sky. The rain smelled fresh, like summer and it bought a cool change, it seems to refreshing everything. There wasn’t anyone around since they all ran to avoid the downpour.

Though rain went through the leaks in his shelter, Kevin never felt it. He was using the air currents around him and had created a shield above his head. He had his eyes closed as he was breathing in and out. The rain had calmed him, letting him hasten his power and forget everything that happened today.

But he wasn’t just working on his shield; he was also using his power to explore different air currents, to see if he can pick up anything.
Suddenly he froze; it was that feeling again, the feeling of being watched. He opened his eyes and scanned through the heavy rain.

“Looks like he notices us.”






A/N: Hello my lovely readers ^^. Hope you guys had a good Christmas! Can't believe its going to be the end of 2012 and the start of 2013, this year has gone by really quick huh? Here is the promised chapter I said I would put up before the end of the year ^.^ I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I was alittle disappointed with this to be honest but I hope I can make it up with the next one. Next chapter expect new characters~ 
Comments are always appreciated <3 Subscribe perhaps?
Thanks again, I stop writing now ^^
Oh and if you guys have any questions about this story don't be afraid to ask! I'll be sure to answer it either by replying or included it in my story ;D
This has been bluemoonluvkpop~


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wow reading through this haha XD guess who gona try to update >.<


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lucky9606 #1
Chapter 11: I understand that school is important because I am also applying for uni this year
so but please don't forget about the story either... even small updates are good
thanks and good luck author-nim
lucky9606 #2
please update ^^
Primardya #3
Chapter 8: yeahhh...i can wait your update patiently.just take it easy and studying was more important for you.
fighting :-)
Chapter 7: Hoon so powerful *.*
Can't wait to read what will happen next ^^
Primardya #5
Chapter 7: hi..i'm a new reader here..
annyeong..i really like the story that you write and i specially like fantasy or adventure style story..and i feel you are a good person shown from your language you've used..
hope you write the update soon^^' #nooffense..
Chapter 5: Wow, this is so cool~~~~ Update soon ^.^
Chapter 5: I started to love this story ^^