When the two meet...

The Power of the Phoenix [HIATUS]

“It seems the Water Phoenix is going to be awake soon.” The Dog Host said quietly.

“It seems so soon.” The nurse was puzzled. “She’s still so young.”

"True, it’s rare to awake your spirit so young. It’s not unheard of though. "



“Deh.” Dongho couldn’t help but give a small smile.

“Her presence was calming; she seems like a kind person, even without her powers.”
“She is a kind person.” The nurse agreed, a small smile appearing on her face.

“I see, well she is almost 16 but...”


"Hmmm, well hyung was only 14 when he awakened his spirit."




Dongho suddenly stop talking, his eyes darted down.

“No, last time I talked to someone about hyung, I got hurt. I don’t want that to happen again. Why do people betray me so easily? Why?”

He couldn't let her know he was afraid. He wanted to trust her but he was afraid of being taking advantage of again. He knew things that people want to know and would do anything to get it. Being scared would do you no good. People would take advantage of your fear, making you weak, making you an easy target. He shut his eyes tight, trying not to remember but it kept coming back to him.




"Your hyung, who is he, punk?"


"Yeah, who is he and where is he? We would like to speak to him."


"Tell us!"


"Pretty stubborn, guess we got no choice."


"Stupid Kid, I hate you! I wish you would just die."




"You're not wanted here!"


The dog slightly jumped when the nurse placed her hand on his shoulder.


"Are you alright?"


Before Dongho could say anything, he felt warm arms around him, pulling him closer in her embrace.


"It's ok, you’re safe here. There no need to be afraid." She said softly, as she his head.


"He must still be traumatized by what happen. I mean, who wouldn't be."


Dongho was shocked; no one had treated him so tenderly before. His mentor was the first person who had treated him with kindness and love but this was different. He never experienced a mother’s love.  Most of his life he had to face the world on his own. It was strange yet warm, he never though that a simple gesture could have a strong impact. He stood there awkwardly, unsure of what to do.


"Sweetie, you're burning up again." The nurse placed her hand over his forehead on Dongho's head.


"You looked pretty flushed. Here, take this medicine.” She pulled a tablet out of her pocket from her apron.

“Dongho-ah, I need to check your wounds before you transform back, ok?”

He gave a nod in reply, sitting back down on the bed as the nurse took out bandages, a pair of scissors and bottles containing different liquids.

He took off his shirt, whining slightly as pain shot through his arms and chest.

“Does it hurt?”

He looked up to the nurse’s concerned eyes.

“D-deh.” He said quietly, not quite used to the woman kindness.

“Here, take this too. It will help with the pain.”

After he took his medicine, the nurse made him lie down and she proceeded with her work.

“It hurts.” He thought quietly as she tended to the bite mark, but he didn’t say anything and he bit his lip to avoid letting out any noise.

“She’s being so kind as it is, I don’t want to worry her more then she needs to.”

“All done.”

Dongho got up slowly, before bowing.

“Thank you.” He said quietly sincerely thankful of the nurse. He sat back down on the bed.

Sae Rae kneeled down and looked at the boy kindly. “He seems so scared, I hope he can open up soon.”

“You’re welcome.”

Dongho then closed his eyes and began to transform.


Before she closed the door, she looked back and smiled at the Border Collie who looked almost peaceful in his sleep.

“Sweet dreams, Shin Dongho.”

The room had become quiet, except for the faint roar of thunder echoing through the city and the soft breathing of the dog as he rested. It was completely dark; the room would light up for a few seconds as the lightning flashed through the sky. Rain continued to pour down, the thundering sound of the storm against the windows and roof could be heard by the inhabitants of the house.

“I wonder how hyung is doing…”



“Whe-ere am I?”

Kevin opened his eyes, blinking to clear his vision. He woke up slowly, blinking his eyes. He tried to clear his vision, squinting his eyes until a pale, white ceiling came into view.
He groaned softly, his body ached all over. His head was still throbbing, though it wasn’t as painful as before.

He tried sitting up, with great difficulty. He whined in pain, wondering if being thrown against the wall had hurt his back.

“Don’t move.”
Kevin froze and stopped what he was doing.

“Who-o was that? W-what do you want?” He asked shakily, his voice sound raspy.

“Please don’t be afraid. If I was going to hurt you then why would I have saved you from those men?”

Kevin gasped slightly, trying to think straight, his mind was still fogging from his fever, but he knew one thing. Someone was talking through him within his mind.

“Th-hen at least show yourself to me and tell me where I am.” He asked back in his mind, it was a weird feeling but someone he knew that this person, whoever he was, wasn’t going to hurt him. He had this strange feeling that this man was someone he knew, from long ago.

There was a fluttering of wings and Kevin widened his eyes at the sight. He turned his head and saw a huge, green bird. It was perched on a clothes stall that was on the other side of the room.  His feathers were emerald green; his body was darker than his wings. The bird’s tail was long which consist of two kinds of feathers. The first kind was shorter which curled up and at the end of these were stripped. Attached to these tail feathers were bigger feathers which had a circle and a gem that glim in the middle. It was simply… beautiful.

It flew on the bed, and Kevin stared in wonder. Cautiously he lifted his hand up and edged towards the phoenix. His fingers meet soft feathers as he the bird’s cheek gently, still in disbelief. The bird seemed to relax at the other man touch, its eyes close.

“You-u’re a phoenix.”

“That’s right, just like you. My name is Yeo Hoon and I am the Host of the Earth Phoenix.”

“How is this possible? I’m talking with you in my mind!”

*Laughs* “I’m guessing you’re still new to this. This is something unique that all Hosts are capable of.”

Kevin smiled and a wave of relief and gratitude washed through him. He was relieved to have not being taken by those men but has also found a Host and it was a Phoenix Host! He couldn’t help but be excited, he finally found someone who could help him and teach him.

“Anneyong Hoon-ah, my name is Woo Kevin.”

“Kevin, it’s great to finally meet you, Host of the Air Phoenix.”


Kevin watched as the Earth Phoenix slowly transformed back to his host, a young, chubby face man whom had a well-build body. He, strangely enough, reminded Kevin of a bunny.

Hoon walked towards the younger man, concern appearing on his face.

“Are you alright? You were pretty drained from that last attack. Not to mention you got a fever from the rain. You received some bruises here and sprained your wrist.”

“Deh, my head doesn’t hurt as much now, thank you.” Kevin looked down and saw that his left hand was bandaged, he frowned slightly. He must have twisted his arm when that man, Kiseop, flew him across.

“Thanks for helping me.” Kevin said quietly. The next thing he saw was a bowl of what look like a brown liquid. He looked at the older man and frowned.

Hoon laughed, “It’s medicine, I know it doesn’t look appealing but it will help give you strength.”

Kevin only nodded and reluctantly drank the foul tasting medicine, coughing after swallowing the contents.

“Arrggghh, that’s disgusting!” Kevin said, trying to get rid of the after taste by drinking water.

Hoon watched with amusement, “Ah sorry, still working on the taste but at least it will help you.”

“Who were those people?” Kevin asked, still drinking the water.

Hoon only sighed and sat down on the bed, looking for the first time worried.

“To be honest, I don’t know, but I do know one thing.” Hoon wore a very serious expression on his face. Kevin looked up to Hoon’s brown eyes.

“They are after us, all four of us. You know what I mean correct?”

Kevin gulped, remembering what had happen to him before and nodded.

“D-deh, but I didn’t realise that people were after the Phoenixes, does that mean…?”

“Yes, the legend is true. Whoever possesses all four phoenixes or rather control, can achieve infinite power. Just imagine the possibilities. They could do what they want, and no one can stop them. They could even create a power to grant wishes, I think that is their purpose.”

“Do they know you are the Earth Phoenix?”

There was a pause, before Hoon spoke again.

“…Yes they do, the host, the one who has the bear spirit, managed to find me and my dongsaeng one day when we were training. Apparently, they have been waiting for the right time to attack but they didn’t realise how powerful I can be.”

Hoon let out a dry chuckle, “I don’t mean to boast but I had awaked my power a long time ago and the spirits help me developing my powers-”

“Spirits?” Kevin interrupted

“Yes, I have the power to communicate with the spirits, the living dead. The ones that helped me were the trees spirits, nature spirits.”

“Wow, that’s incredible.”

“Kevin, you do have a special power within you too, not just the power to control Air. Don’t worry I can help you with that.”

“Where is your dongseang now?”

Hoon suddenly looked down and when he looked up, he had a teary expression.

“I-I don’t where he is. He went into the city to get something and he never came back. I was so stupid, I didn’t think that they would go so low and tried to take him to get to me.”

“Don’t worry, I’m sure he’s safe, he is also a Host too right? I’m sure he just resting somewhere.” Kevin tried to reassure the older man, it seems he really blames himself for what happen to his dongsaeng.

“I-I know, he’s strong but he’s been through a lot, I don’t want him to suffer anymore then he already needs to.”

“What’s his name? I can help you look for him.”

“Dongho, Shin Dongho.”





“What are we going to do now hyung?”

“I don’t know, but we think of something.”

The two males were sitting in a tree, once again watching as the Earth Phoenix took the exhausted Kevin, placed him in a piggy-backed position and flew off. Before he lifted him off though, he sensed the two other Hosts and looked straight into Alexander’s eyes. They exchanged glances before Alexander mouthed out, “Get out of here, we take care of this.”

Hoon widened his eyes, before giving a nod and flew off.

“Give me a sec” Alexander closed his eyes and breathed in deeply. After about a minute of concentration he opens his eyes and turned to Eli, an idea forming in his head.

“I have a plan.”

“Why do I get a feeling it’s a bad idea?”

Alexander smiled at Eli’s concern.

“You really are a worrier, who would have thought that you trained in one of the top clans where pain was your friend.”

“Hyung, you know this pain is different to physical pain that I had to endure.”

“I know but I need your help with this. Heard me out ok? If it makes you feel any better I require strength from you but-”

“I’ll do it, hyung I rather we suffer together than you enduring this alone.”

“I couldn’t ask for a better friend, you know that?”

“Ok here’s the plan. That dude with the whip and looks like a frog, it seems his ability is teleportation. I can control his mind into teleporting him and his companion to that forest we were in. Problem is, I don’t know how much strength that will require and-”

“I hope you know what you’re doing. Have you tried this before?”

“Controlling people, yes, making Hosts used their powers, no. But it’s worth a shot.”

“Ok hyung, I trust you, I mean your plans have worked before.”

Eli then closed his eyes and began to hasten his hidden power.


He concentrated on hastening life energy within himself and placing it on the palm of his hand. He then breathed out and placed his hand over Alexander’s back. He was transferring energy to the fox host, giving him enough power.

Alexander then joined Eli with his breathing and used his power to hastening Minho’s mind.

“Alright, time for you to use your power.”

Soon, the three men who were lying unconscious in the rain disappeared, leaving behind two exhausted hosts.

“W-oah, that was more tiring then the illusions. You ok?”

“Ye-eah, apart from having a splitting headache and feeling like crap, I’m good.”

“Thanks, I don’t think I would have enough power without your help.”

“Still, you look more exhausted then me. Hyung-Yah! Alexander!”

The fox host almost collapsed from where he was sitting, he would have fallen out of the tree if it wasn’t for the Pigeon Host.

“Woah, that was close.” Eli said quietly, his worried thoughts turned into relief. He had grabbed Alexander from behind as he was falling forward. He pulled him back and peered at his hyung’s face.

Alexander had his eyes closed and he appeared to be breathing heavily, he looked completely worn out.

“Idiot, always gives 100% in everything.”

“H-hey, I-I hea-rd that.”

Eli chuckled, “C’mon let’s go, all we can do now is wait and see.”



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wow reading through this haha XD guess who gona try to update >.<


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lucky9606 #1
Chapter 11: I understand that school is important because I am also applying for uni this year
so but please don't forget about the story either... even small updates are good
thanks and good luck author-nim
lucky9606 #2
please update ^^
Primardya #3
Chapter 8: yeahhh...i can wait your update patiently.just take it easy and studying was more important for you.
fighting :-)
Chapter 7: Hoon so powerful *.*
Can't wait to read what will happen next ^^
Primardya #5
Chapter 7: hi..i'm a new reader here..
annyeong..i really like the story that you write and i specially like fantasy or adventure style story..and i feel you are a good person shown from your language you've used..
hope you write the update soon^^' #nooffense..
Chapter 5: Wow, this is so cool~~~~ Update soon ^.^
Chapter 5: I started to love this story ^^