My name is...

The Power of the Phoenix [HIATUS]

“Wha- What are you doing here?”

“Sae Ra noona, please help him, he’s dying!”

She looked up at the man who spoke, he was also bleeding from a cut on his face but he looked more worried about the teenage boy who was whimpering from the pain. The other man who was carrying the boy with one arm looked equally as worried.

She quickly turned her head to see if anyone was around and let the trio in. She led them to the spare guest room and told the two men to place the boy on the bed.

By now the boy was quiet, he had his eyes shut as to try and block out the pain.


"What happened?" She asked as she carefully lifted the shirt to examine the damage, she gasped. There were many cuts and bruises on the young man’s body but she was shocked to see a bite mark that was bleeding the most, it looked like he had been bitten by an animal, a large one at that.


"Was he attacked by…?" She asked as she turned her attention away from the injured boy and towards the older man, the one who wasn’t bleeding.  


He hesitated before he spoke.

"Yes, we were lucky and managed to escape but they were powerful and were torturing the poor kid."


She only nodded and quickly ran out of the room, returning soon with her nurse kit. She quickly cleaned the wounds carefully, soaking the blood and apply anaesthetics. The teenage boy winced when the cleansing liquid was applied to his wounds, tears starting to fall on his cheek.

“Shhh it’s ok, the pain will go away soon, I promise” Sae Rae cooed, as she continued with her work. She had seen worse, having worked as a nurse in one of the busiest hospital for most of her career. She worked efficiently and quietly while the two men watched with interest. Only the soft whimpers from the patient and the cooing of the nurse could be heard in the room, creating a somewhat calming yet tense atmosphere.

After 10 minutes, the nurse spoke towards the two men.

“Alexander-ah, could you go to the kitchen and gets some water and medicine, it seems that he has a high fever.”

He nodded and left the room.

“Eli-ah come here; let me have a look at that cut.”

Eli looked up, surprised that he was bleeding; he was too absorbed in his own thoughts and walked towards her. He kneeled down and Sae Ra cleaned his wound and was relieved that the cut wasn’t as deep as she though it would.

“There you go.” She said as she placed a bandage around his head. The wound was too big to be covered by a band aid.

“Kamsamnida, Noona.” He said, flashing a smile yet his eyes were still full of worry.

“Don’t worry, he will be alright. Luckily you guys came on time.”

“Well we couldn’t really go to the hospital; we would have to explain how he got those wounds…”


“I understand, you guys wouldn’t have come to me unless it was absolutely important.”

Alexander walked in with the medicine and water.

“Thank you Xander.” She turned her attention towards the patient again,

“Now…ummm what is your name?” She asked.

The teenager boy opened his eyes and looked at her before weakly replying “Dongho, Shin Dongho.”

“Dongho-ah, open up and take this medicine.” She said as she positioned her hand with the tablet to Dongho mouth. He immediately obeyed and took the medicine before lying down again.

“Can I-I rest now?” He asked quietly, the nurse looked up and smiled.

“Of course sweetie.”

He closed his eyes and fell asleep, his breath became steady.

Alexander then jerked his head up, before quietly saying

“Eli, they are on the move again.”

Eli turned to him then to Dongho.

“We need to lead them off. Noona pass the t-shirt.”

Sae Ra obeyed, passing along the blood stained shirt, which she had taken off to treat Dongho’s wounds. She looked at the two men, worried for their safety.

Alexander smiled to reassure the nurse.

“Don’t worry, we’ll be fine, they haven’t seen how fast we can run yet. Right Eli?”

“You can run fast hyung, I have a better way to travel.” He replied, a smirk on his face.

“Noona, please take care of him for us, we will come back for him and for other purposes.” Alexander gave her a knowing look.

She led them out and before she had a chance to say anything, they were off.

“I hope they will be ok.” She silently prayed.




“You should say hi to him.”

“No! You know how I am with boys.”

“So? I’ll be there, what’s there to worry about.”


“It’s easy for you to say, you’re the confident one.”

“Aish, you can be really stubborn sometimes.”

“Stubborn, but determined.”

“I know you want to say hi to him.”

“Ne- I mean aniyo! No it isn’t like that.”

“Really, then what’s with the blush?”

Mi Rae and Hyo Rin were sitting outside by their usual tree in the yard, enjoying their time outdoors after being crammed in their hot classroom all day.

“It’s so hot; I can’t wait for the school to get air-conditioning.” Hyo Rin complained, trying to cool herself with her paper fan.

“Drink water, it will help.” Mi Rae said, as she took a sip from her bottle. She didn’t like the heat either, she prefer the cold weather. Funny thing was, she especially loves rainy days. The coolness that the rain brings, the dark blue colours that light the sky; she was always fascinated by it. She also loved the feeling when the rain hits her skin and she would often stand outside and enjoy it and never get sick, not even once.

Hyo Rin suddenly yanked the bottle from her friend and drank some too.

“Yah, get your own.”

“I’m just following your advice, unni.” She said with a smirk.

Mi Rae shook her head, she couldn’t believe that Hyo Rin was older then her, she acted like her dongsaeng at times.

The bell suddenly rang, telling the students to head back to class.

“Aigoo, it has been a long day.”

They were walking back to their classroom and as they got to the doorway, Mi Rae stopped. Kevin was sitting at his desk, listening to his I-pod. Hyo Rin noticed, and took the opportunity. She walked up to him and the other girl had no choice but to follow her.

Hyo Rin stood in front of Kevin’s desk giving me a wide smile. He looked up and took the headphones out of his ears.

“Anneyong Kevin my name is Chae Hyo Rin, I sit two desk away from you.” She said cheerfully as she pointed.”

He nodded and gave a smile, then turned To Mi Rae, who was quiet and looking down.

“A-anneyong Kevin-sshi, my name is Shin Mi Rae.” She said quietly and quickly. She looked up and gave him a small smile.

“Anneyong Mi Rae-ah.” He said, and placed his hand out to shake her hand. Mi Rae shook it, noticing he had a firm, yet soft grip.

She then sat at her desk, with Kevin on her left and Hyo Rin on the right. She looked at her best friend who gave her a knowing smile and gave a thumbs up. Mi Rae smiled back and turned her attention towards the board. She didn’t notice that Kevin was watching her with interest, as he was in deep though about something.

“I wonder, if she is one of them…” He thought.




The bell rang for the end of school and everyone, including the teacher, couldn’t help but cheer. The fan did provide some comfort but it was still uncomfortable to learn in this hot classroom.

“Hyo Rin?”

“Mmmm, what is it?”

“Want to come to the city with me? I have to buy some stuff.”

“Sure” She smiled, already an idea forming in her head, she had been meaning to go to the shops.


“Excuse me? Are you guys heading to the city?”

Both girl turn around and saw that Kevin was talking to them.

“Do you mind if I tagged along? I did just move from American a week ago.” He asked shyly, after all he just meet the girls today.

Hyo Rin smiled brightly “Of course you can! He can come, right Mi Rae?”

Mi Rae looked at her friend before looking to Kevin and smiled, “Sure, I don’t mind.”

The three of them headed out the school gates, Kevin and Hyo Rin were talking while Mi Rae was texting her mum that she would be home later since she was going out. She hadn’t gone out in a while since she was studying for her exams but she thought today she could use a break.

She put her phone in her pocket, and walked along with the two, listening to their conversation, she always was a listener, she can learn a lot from just taking it all in. Perhaps that’s why Mi Rae was such an understanding person.

“So Kevin, what part of America are you from?”

“Danville, California.”

“I see, you speak good Korean though, I’m impressed.”

*laugh* “Well my parents are both Korean, so I learned how to speak it.”

“So you can speak English and Korean.”


“That’s cool; I wish I could speak another language.”

Mi Rae couldn’t help but laugh.

“Yeah Hyo Rin, do have the patience to learn?”

Hyo Rin pouted.

“I don’t need patience, I need persistence am I right?”

“True, do you have persistence?”

“Yes, Yes I do!” She declared.

Kevin and Mi Rae looked at each other and laughed. Mi Rae couldn’t even believe that she was hanging out with a guy let alone speaking to him. But here she was now, sitting at the train station and having a conversation with him.

“Hey guys I’m gonna get some drinks, my treat, I’ll be back.” She said as she stood up and winked at Mi Rae.

Soon it was just the two of them and an awkward silence followed. After a while Kevin broke the silence.

“So ummm, tell me about yourself. Do you have any siblings?”

“Nope, it’s me and my mum. How about you?”

“I have an older sister but she still studying in America.”

“I see, so did you come with your parents?”

“Just my dad, he had to come for business, and I came along to keep him company.”

“That’s nice of you.” Mi Rae said, relaxing as the conversation went on, she realised it wasn’t that hard to talk to Kevin, it was like talking to her classmates.

“I’m back.” Hyo Rin was holding three cans of juice and hand one to each other. Just then the announcement came to tell the passengers that the train was coming. Hyo Rin smiled as her best friend and Kevin were talking to each other with ease. They walked towards the doors of the train.

Just as Kevin was about to go on, a man behind him pushed into him.



“Oh sorry. I didn’t see you there.” The man said, not sounding sorry at all. Kevin gave a small frown before climbing in the train to join the two girls. There weren’t that many people climbing in, so it made Kevin wonder why the man bumped into him.

The man climbed in and sat in the last remaining seat, which was at the edge, while the three of the students stood on the opposite side, against the door.

The three of them talk as the train travelled through but Kevin was slightly distracted. He had the feeling that he was being watched. He slightly turned his head before Mi Rae stopped him by grabbing his wrist.

“Kevin-ah, your suspicions are right.” She said quietly, understanding the situation.

Hyo Rin heard what her friend said and turned her head, pretending to look at the advertisement on the top but she glanced at the man. He was indeed looking at them, but Kevin in particularly, she couldn’t help but shivered when she saw the look in the man’s eyes.

“Our stop is next, if he does follow us, we outrun him. Don’t worry Kevin you have us, we know our way around the city.” Hyo Rin smiled at their new friend, who couldn’t help but feel a little relieved.

“Thanks guys.”

-The next stop is approaching; please clear the doorway for incoming passengers-

“Right Kevin you ready? When the doors opened we go to the right.” Mi Rae said with a serious tone.


“Got it.”


The train was slowing down and then they heard the ding.

“Let’s go!!”


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wow reading through this haha XD guess who gona try to update >.<


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lucky9606 #1
Chapter 11: I understand that school is important because I am also applying for uni this year
so but please don't forget about the story either... even small updates are good
thanks and good luck author-nim
lucky9606 #2
please update ^^
Primardya #3
Chapter 8: yeahhh...i can wait your update patiently.just take it easy and studying was more important for you.
fighting :-)
Chapter 7: Hoon so powerful *.*
Can't wait to read what will happen next ^^
Primardya #5
Chapter 7: hi..i'm a new reader here..
annyeong..i really like the story that you write and i specially like fantasy or adventure style story..and i feel you are a good person shown from your language you've used..
hope you write the update soon^^' #nooffense..
Chapter 5: Wow, this is so cool~~~~ Update soon ^.^
Chapter 5: I started to love this story ^^