
The Power of the Phoenix [HIATUS]

“Looks like he notices us.” 

The two hooded figures were hiding behind a roof on a nearby house. They had followed the Air Host carefully, taking care to go against the wind, so Kevin couldn’t sense them. They were trained for the shadows, learning to blend in the dark and being about to follow their target anywhere.

“Perhaps it’s time to confront him. I’ve always wanted to fight one of them, it would be a honour.”

“You know that wasn’t part of the plan, we have to tail him until we get-”

Before the other man could response, he noticed that it had become windy all of the sudden. He turned back and watched as a mini hurricane was heading towards him and his companion.

“Hey! Behind you!”


Both turned around and jumped to the next house, trying to avoid it. The younger man had just landed on the gutter, relieved that they avoid the hurricane but he realised that with their jump, they had briefly exposed themselves.

“Crap!” He turned around to see a flicker of brown, as their target was running away from them.

“Minho, don’t just stand there! After him!” The other man yelled in his mind, before jumping towards the next roof.

Kevin was running, running as fast as he could. He was getting soak by the second as the rain poured down on him; he didn’t have time to create another shield. His shoes splashed into puddles, causing mud and leaves to stick to his pants. The adrenaline was going through his veins, giving him strength when he needed it the most.  That hurricane he created left him panting, he knew better than to use a powerful technique but that was his only way to attack. Ever since he awaked his power, he has only learned defensive techniques. It was only recently that he learned how to create a mini hurricane; it left him exhausted every time he tried, but he did it anyway. He was still developing his powers, for him the whole idea of being a Host was still new to him.

That was the reason why he moved to Korea, for he had heard rumours that there are others just like him, who could help him gain control over his power. He hasn’t been properly trained; as a result, he can’t reach his full potential, and use his power to help protect him when he needed to the most.

Transforming into his animal form, the Air Phoenix, would help strengthen his power, but he knew better than that. If he revealed his animal spirit, he was sure that the people pursuing him would want to capture him. He had heard the legend about the four Phoenixes, so he knew that he was powerful, yet vulnerable become of his lack of training. He practised every day, self-teaching himself but it wasn’t enough. He needed someone to guide him.

He was burning up, his breath getting heavier, his body screaming at him to stop and rest, but his mind thought otherwise. He kept going, praying that someone would be around but he knew he was on his own. Whoever these people were, he knew they were after him, because of what he was, because of what he possesses.

Suddenly he felt something around his throat, which pulled him back, making him land on the wet ground. He coughed and tried to get up but the whip around him just tightened. Kevin struggled to break free, but he was weakened from running and drained from his power and could only whimper when the owner of the whip literally dragged the poor boy near him.

“Well, well look what I caught?” The younger man said, smirking at the helpless boy, who couldn’t be more terrified.

Kevin looked up, trying to grab some of the air currents and throw it against the boy. It seem to worked, Kevin imagine he was using the air as his hand, smacking the man’s face and hand. The man yelped and let go, giving a chance for Kevin to breath. Gasping for breath he tried to get up before feeling like he was being pushed down.

Soon he was once again gasping for breath, but nothing was holding him. Kevin was confused and started to panic. He felt paralysed and helpless. He felt like a force was pushing him down, keeping him in place. He tried to move, struggled against the invisible force but it was no use.

“Now, now, stop that it’s quite hopeless.”

Kevin looked up from where he was laying and his eyes widened. The man that was chasing him and the girls before was standing in front of him, keeping his hand out, as if he was controlling the force that was holding the Air Host down.

“Good job guys, looks like we got him.” The man holding his hand out said, smirking. Kevin looked up at the three men. Two had hoods over their head, he assume that they were the ones following him before. He noticed one of them was holding a thick, leather whip in his hand and the other had a wooden bow and quiver over his back. He gulped, this didn’t look good.

“Who-o are yo-u guys? Pl-eas-e let m-me go.” Kevin whimpered, shivering as the rain continued to fall.


“Oh and what makes you think we will do that?” The man holding him down replied, sneering at him.

Suddenly he flicked his hand across, causing the boy to fly across and hit against the wall, hard. Kevin let out a cry, as he landed roughly on the wet pavement.

He felt himself being pulled into a standing position and pushed against the wall. He watched as the three men circled around him, like they have caught their prey.

The man with the bow and arrows grabbed Kevin’s chin, he flinched at the other men touch but he couldn’t do anything as the man looked at him, scanning his face.

“He’s pretty cute, now that I can have seen him properly.” He said, smiling as he caressed Kevin cheek, making the boy feel more uncomfortable then he already was.

“Ahh thanks Hyung.” The man with the whip said, taking off his hood. “This rain was annoying me.”

Kevin noticed too, that the rain had stop pouring down and saw what seems to be like a silver energy shield above them.

He turns his views towards the three men. He tried to start calm, and keep a brave face. But the whole situation had started to overwhelm him and felt tears starting to form. He tried to grasp some air, so he could create another hurricane. Better yet try to do something. He knew it would take a huge toll on him but he didn’t know what else to do.

“Who are these people? Why can’t they leave me alone?” Kevin thought quietly to himself. He widened his eyes when he saw the man with bow and arrows pull out rope from his bag.

He tried moving as the two hooded man began to bind him up, tying his arms and legs tight. He couldn’t yell because the man who was holding him down had covered his mouth, muting out his cries.

“Mmmpph, mmmpph.”

“Hyung, here.”

Kiseop looked down and watched as the man soaked a piece of cloth with something.

“Thanks Minho.” He took the cloth.

“Make sure his hands are tied properly Jonghyun, wouldn’t want him to do anything surprising. I have enough of that for one day.”

“I know, I know.” Jonghyun replied, focused on his task.

Kiseop then turned his attention towards Kevin.

“Time for you to take a nap, looks like you’re coming with us.”

“Wh-a-t do-o you wan-nt with me?” Kevin asked, his teeth clattering as he shivered. He took the chance to speak since Kiseop took his hand away. 

“Well what we want is what you have.”

Kiseop chucked at the shock experience on Kevin’s face.

“Why so surprised? Hmmm? You think I didn’t notice the scent you gave off. I have the spirit of the bear and well bears have the best sense in smell. You got lucky once, I won’t let you go again. Those girls were smarter than I thought.” Kiseop suddenly tightened his grip on the Air Host, making Kevin cry out in pain.

“Ple-ase st-op! You’re hur-rting m-e! Arggh-” His cries were cut off when Kiseop placed the cloth over his mouth.

“Mmmpph, mmmpph.” Kevin used every amount of strength to stay awake, not to breathe in. He felt himself slowly losing conscience.

“No, stay awake Kevin! Someone help. HELP!”  He gave Kiseop a pleading look, letting the tears fall down his face. He knew they were after him; the question was what they wanted to do with him? If he was captured, were they going to go other the other Hosts, the ones that held the Phoenixes? He couldn’t let that happen! Somehow deep inside he felt the urge to protect the other three, even though he has never seen them. He needs to stay awake! He need to stay safe himself!

He began to concentrate again, focusing his energy on a particularly strong wind current that was blowing. It was difficult, he had never use mental strength before but he had to try. He felt himself beginning to transform and this time, he just went it. Might as well, since they know what his animal spirit was.


Kevin suddenly snapped open his eyes, startling Kiseop. For that spilt second he loosened his grip on the boy and with all the strength he had left, he flung the current towards the three men. Minho and Jonghyun could barely let out a gasp of surprise before they flew across against the wall. All three of them fell down hard, much like Kevin had a few moments ago. All three were still, knocked unconscious from the heavy impact of Kevin’s power.

Kevin was breathing heavily, feeling the rain poured down on him again. He was panting heavily, suddenly feeling fatigue. He slide down the wall and let his head lightly hit the wall as he sighed.

“I-I did it. Crap I feel so weak now but it was worth it.”


“Argghh.” Kevin groaned in pain, his head felt like it was going to exploded. He felt limp, like he had no control over his limbs. However in spite of his pain, he felt proud of himself. That was the first time he control the air with his mind, it felt great, no more than great, it was amazing.  He looked at his hands; at least they were slowly turning back into them. Before, he could feel his arms changing into wings, the wings of his Phoenix.  Whenever he started his transformation his arms would always change first. That was why he had to control himself back at the shopping centre; he couldn’t just have his arms become wings while he was hastening his power.   

He weakly lifted his head and looked across to see what he had done. Through the heavy rain he saw the outline of the three men who would have taken him away if he didn’t do something.  Despite that, he felt some guilt crept into his heart, he hoped they won’t hurt, just knocked out.

The Air Host felt himself drifting off, despite the wet drops falling constantly on him. The effects of the chloroform plus being drained by his power had left him in a weak and once again vulnerable state.

He was about to close his eyes again when he sense someone was walking towards him. He open his eyes slightly, his vision had become blurry. He managed to see an outline of someone coming towards him and kneeling down.

“Who-o are you?”

“Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you.”




“The rain isn’t going to let up anytime soon huh?”


Mi Rae and Hyo Rin were sitting in the bedroom; books spread everywhere as the girls were “studying”. It was more like a mini lesson, with Mi Rae was being her friend’s tutor. She didn’t mind though, it was comforting having her best friend over, it was these times when they would have heart-to-heart conversations.

There was a knock on the door.

“Girls, I bought some tea can I come in?”

Mrs Shin walked in, smiling at the two girls. She placed the tray on Mi Rae’s desk and sat on the chair. It was quiet for a few moments before a soft whimper was heard.

Mi Rae saw a border collie in her doorway, staring back at her with his big brown eyes. He had a bandage over his body. He was panting slightly, tongue sticking out.

“Dongho, why are you walking around?”

Mrs Shin walked over to the dog and his black and white fur.

“He still seems pretty weak. I wonder how he managed to…”

“Mum is he going to be ok?”

She looked back and smiled, trying to reassure her daughter.

“Deh, he’s going to be fine, he just has a fever and he’s still weak. Luckily I found him…” She trailed off as she continued his fur.

“Dongho, huh? That a pretty unique name for a dog.” Hyo Rin said, as she got up and joined Mrs Shin. The dog looked at the girl and nuzzled his head towards her hand, as if agreeing with her statement. Hyo Rin laughed softly as the dog her hand. Mi Rae had also walked over the three girls seem to be fussing over him.

Mi Rae had run her fingers along the bandage on the dog’s body. She frowned, and wondered how the collie got the injury.

“Cmon, it’s time for you to rest.” Mrs Shin looked at Dongho. He then turned around and walked back to the spare room, but not before looking back at the two girls. They both couldn’t help but noticed that those eyes, were human-like.

The dog walked in the spare bedroom and looked back at the nurse, who had closed the door behind her.

She turned around and had to hold back a surprised gasp. The Border collie had disappeared and in its place was a young teenage boy.


“It’s seems the Water Phoenix is going to be awake soon.”






A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter ^.^ I'll be going away for two weeks so there won't be an update for a little while don't worry though, I plan to write the next chapter on the plane ride haha. So expect to see a new chapter before the end of the month (I hope!) 
Hello to all the new readers and thanks to all you guys for reading :) It makes me happy to know that people like reading what I write. Comments are always appreciate <3 Subscribe perhaps?
Oh, btw I decide to make a character description because one of my readers ask me to ;D it was a good idea (thanks joyjesoh) i decide so you guys can check it out in the foreword.
I would like to recommend my friend's stories to you guys if you don't mind, she is the one who checks my story for spelling and punctuation ^.^

Alyson's Adventure in Wonderland 
Running out of time
Both are U-kiss fanfics ;D the second story has Shinee :)
This has been bluemoonluvkpop~


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wow reading through this haha XD guess who gona try to update >.<


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lucky9606 #1
Chapter 11: I understand that school is important because I am also applying for uni this year
so but please don't forget about the story either... even small updates are good
thanks and good luck author-nim
lucky9606 #2
please update ^^
Primardya #3
Chapter 8: yeahhh...i can wait your update patiently.just take it easy and studying was more important for you.
fighting :-)
Chapter 7: Hoon so powerful *.*
Can't wait to read what will happen next ^^
Primardya #5
Chapter 7: hi..i'm a new reader here..
annyeong..i really like the story that you write and i specially like fantasy or adventure style story..and i feel you are a good person shown from your language you've used..
hope you write the update soon^^' #nooffense..
Chapter 5: Wow, this is so cool~~~~ Update soon ^.^
Chapter 5: I started to love this story ^^