The Chase

The Power of the Phoenix [HIATUS]

The rustling of the trees could be heard, caused by the soft summer wind that was flowing through. It was hot, but the tall trees bought shade and coolness for all to enjoy. The trees went on for miles and miles, moving up and down across the mountains. It was a beautiful place to be yet in that particular part of the range there was a wild goose chase happening, a silent yet deadly chase.

Alexander was running through the forest, faster than a human could ever run. That was because he was a “Host”, a being who possess an animal spirit within him. Right now his fox’s powers were allowing him to navigate through the twisting trees with ease and run as fast as a grey fox would. Tied around his bicep was a torn, white t-shirt which was also stained in blood. He and Eli, who was currently flying above him, were trying to lead off the group that attacked Dongho, and so far their plan was working. Alexander could sense the group steadying following them through the range.

“Eli! Are you ok?” Alexander said within his mind. Communication within the mind was a special ability that all Hosts possess. If you allow people to access your mind, then you have complete trust in them.

“Yup, how long are we going to keep running? We could just confront them.”

“Yeah…I don’t think so. Us two against them, not gonna happen. I know you’re strong and a skilled fighter but maybe this isn’t the best time to display your skills. Beside what are you going to do? Peck them to death?”

“Yah! Hyung you know that I can do a lot more than that. You just say I’m an excellent fighter.”

Alexander looked up to the man that was far above him and laughed. He was right though. Eli’s animal spirit was a pigeon, which explains why he can fly but he also has excellent fighting skills. Not only in martial arts but also with weapons, he was exceptionally skilled with throwing knifes. He trained to be the best ever since he was born. He didn’t mind the hard training and terrible punishments that came but he hated the one principle that the clan valued the most. No mercy to your enemies, in this world it’s to kill or be killed. For him, that wasn’t right, even being bought up in this environment he always believed in second chances and when he reached his teenagers years, he realised he didn’t belong. His teacher was furious and became to push him harder and harder, hoping to rid his student of his kind heart.

By the time that Eli awaked his animal spirit, he had enough and wanted to run away from all he had ever known. He did, well at least attempted to. If it wasn’t for Alexander who saved him from his fellow clan members, he would have stay in that dark life forever.

To this day, Eli hoped that his dark past doesn’t find him and still finds it hard to believe he was free and he hoped to keep it that way.
The two continue running, the pigeon was flying through the branches, dodging them easily. He was enjoying the breeze through his short, blonde hair. The feeling of flying, it was simply wonderful.

“Eli.” Alexander called again to his companion.

They gaining on us…I think we have to prepare for it.”

Alexander then closed his eyes and he concentrated on hastening his power.

Soon enough, the group that was trailing the duo caught up to them.

One of the men grabbed Alexander by the neck and tackled him down.

“Arggghh, get off me!” Alexander struggled with the man who had him in a headlock.

“Hyung!” Eli immediately came to his friend rescue, flying down and punching the man straight in the face. The man let go and fell back, grunting in pain. Alexander and Eli turned back to back, faced with 5 men who looked ready to kill.

“Hey where’s that kid?”

“Damn it, they tricked us.”

“Boss isn’t going to be happy.”

“Who cares, let finish them off. I’m itching to get my hands on them and beating the crap out of them.”

“Sounds like a great plan.” said the man who grabbed Alexander in the neck, and had a wicked smile on his face.

The men surrounded the duo and each was growling; their own unique animal spirits was ready to attack.

It was quiet, eerily quiet; the only sound that could be heard was the leaves being trended on as the men were circle the fox and pigeon, ready to pound at any second.

The first man, whom had transformed into a reindeer, charged forward with his antlers forward. It was that which signalled the others to attacks. All hell broke loose.

Alexander and Eli were skilled fighters; Eli was attacking the men who hadn’t transformed whereas Alexander had transformed into a large grey fox and attacked the others. Two against five, the fight went on and though the pair did their best, they were just overwhelmed.

One of the men had transformed into a boa constrictor and had managed to wrap itself around the fox. The fox whined as it struggled with the snake. All his biting and scratching were in vain, as soon his struggles become weaker and weaker.

“Hyung!” Eli turned and tried to help his friend. But in that one second he was distracted, the man who was fighting with him managed to land a heavy blow on Eli face. He fell forward groaning in pain. The other men took the chance to beat up the pigeon. Eli, who was exhausted from fighting three men at once, couldn’t do anything but protect himself while he was on the ground.

“Stop it now.” A cold voice suddenly said.

The five men quickly stopped their assault and looked over to the man who had spoken. Their uneasiness was present, as all five of them were terrified of their boss.

The pair was breathing heavily, especially Alexander who had transformed back to his human form and was trying to breath deeply, having being deprived of oxygen only a few moments ago. Eli tried to slowly edge his way towards his friend, using his arms to drag him, before being stomped on by another man.

Eli couldn’t help but give a pained yelp.

“Tsk, tsk where do you think you’re going?” A mocking, playful voice said, as the man pulled Eli to his feet, keeping his arm around his neck. Eli tried to shake him off but the other man was too strong and he had already been weakened from the fight.

“Ah Jaeseop, thanks for that and nice to see you.” The other man said, his tone turning to a friendlier tone.

“Glad to help hyung.”

He then turned his attention towards his captive.

“You’re a tough one huh? I watched you fight; your techniques were quite what’s the word, unique. I’ve never seen those moves, who taught you?”

Eli kept quiet, his eyes scanning the situation they were in.


“I say…” Jaeseop voice had turned cold and dangerous “Who taught you?!” He suddenly twisted his arm in an unnatural way, intending it to break.

“ARRGGHH!” Eli screamed, the pain was overbearing, he tried his best not pass out.

“S-stop please, d-don’t hurt him! Alexander weakly said. He was being held by two of the men and watch in horror as his dongsaeng was being tortured in front of him

“AJ, enough.”

The man turned with a cat like smile and let go, letting the pigeon fall to the ground.

“Sorry hyung, you know me. When I want to know, I want to know, I’m a curious person.

“Yes, I know you too well.”

Soohyun then walked towards Alexander who had his views on the ground. The younger man cupped his hand around his cheeks and forced the fox to look at him.

“Well, now that I got your attention, where is he?” The tone of his voice had turned cold, he meant business.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” The other man smirked slightly in replied.

Soohyun face turned cold and he kneed Alexander, hard.

Alexander was almost knocked out from that attack. It was powerful, like a lion was throwing his weight against him.

“I won’t ask again, WHERE IS HE?” The leader of the group yelled, his voice echoing through the tree.

Alexander slowly lifted his head and gave another sly smile, one that resemble a fox.
“I rather die than tell you.”

“So be it.”

Soohyun walked up to him and stabbed him with his bare hand, as he had the strength of a lion spirit.

“HYUNG!! NOOOOOO!! LET ME GO!!” Eli had witnessed the entire thing. He was screaming, tears forming in his eyes.

Alexander looked at where he was stabbed and turned his view towards the lion man, whom eyes were fuelled with fury.

“Better luck next time, fur ball.” Alexander suddenly disappeared in a puff of smoke.

“WHAT THE HELL?!” Everyone was yelling out.

Eli turned to the man who was holding him and poked a tongue out on him.

“Haha you were all completely fooled.” The pigeon also disappeared.

“Are your sure hyung?” Eli was slightly worried when Alexander finished explaining his plan.

“Don’t worry Eli, it will work, I promise.”

“But hyung, you’ve never done a complete illusion of us before.”

“I’ve been practising, where do you think I have been all last week?”


“I see but doesn’t this technique drain your energy? You have been looking tired lately.”

“Of course, to make it more realistic but Eli this is the best we got so far. We barely got away when we rescue Dongho. Do you any other ideas?”

*sigh* “I understand, but next time let’s not rely on this ok?”

“I can’t promise that, we might need this more than ever. I need your hair Eli, to helped created this.”

“OK, I’m coming down.”

Eli flew back up after that and watched his hyung slowly forming the illusion or in this case the doppelgangers.


“Wow, they really are ruthless; the rumours were true after all.”


Eli and Alexander were carefully concealed in one of the trees, watching as “they” were being attacked.

“I told you we didn’t stand a chance against them, like I said before we were lucky.”

Alexander suddenly placed his head over his eyes. The technique had a left quite a toll on him; he was quite paled and breathing deeply, not to mention he had a splitting headache.

Eli turned to his friend in concern.

“Are you sure you’re ok?”

“Deh, don’t worry it will go away soon; you could have seen the first time I tried. I slept for four days straight. Wait it could have been longer…maybe a week.”


“Woah, so this is like nothing compared to that.”


They turned their attention back at the scene, and watched as “they” were being beaten up.

“I’m not that weak right?”

*laugh* “I only had a hair from you, sorry I could only do much for your doppelganger.”

They watched as the scene unfolded in front of him. When Soohyun stabbed “Alexander”, both couldn’t help but shiver.

“Woah, that guy has some serious issues.”

“I know right? He seems calm but he has the motive to kill.”

Meanwhile, the group below them, Soohyun and AJ were yelling at their men.

“How could you guys be so stupid! First of all we didn’t get the boy and now his rescuers are on the run again! I could kill you all right now” Soohyun yelled in pure fury.

The five men only whimpered and tried to keep their shivering to a minimum.

“We need that boy, with him we can find...”

Soohyun suddenly stop talking, as if he was receiving a message from someone.

“What is it hyung?”

Soohyun turned to AJ, a triumphant smile on his face. Alexander and Eli leaned closer to hear what was being said. What they heard shocked the pair.

“It seems that we have found the host of the Air Phoenix.”





A/N: Hello everyone!! ^^
I hope you're enjoying the story so far :D Thanks to my subscribers you guys are amazing *hugs* and even the silent readers!!
Please don't forgot to comment and subscribe!! Tell me what you think. 
I hope you don't think the story is being rushed >.< but anyhow I'm introducing all the members one by one :D
This has been bluemoonluvkpop~


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wow reading through this haha XD guess who gona try to update >.<


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lucky9606 #1
Chapter 11: I understand that school is important because I am also applying for uni this year
so but please don't forget about the story either... even small updates are good
thanks and good luck author-nim
lucky9606 #2
please update ^^
Primardya #3
Chapter 8: yeahhh...i can wait your update patiently.just take it easy and studying was more important for you.
fighting :-)
Chapter 7: Hoon so powerful *.*
Can't wait to read what will happen next ^^
Primardya #5
Chapter 7: hi..i'm a new reader here..
annyeong..i really like the story that you write and i specially like fantasy or adventure style story..and i feel you are a good person shown from your language you've used..
hope you write the update soon^^' #nooffense..
Chapter 5: Wow, this is so cool~~~~ Update soon ^.^
Chapter 5: I started to love this story ^^