Another one to look out for...

The Power of the Phoenix [HIATUS]

The group turned around and faced the owner of the voice. There was a man standing a few feet away from them, giving them a small smile. He had his hands in his coat as he stood watching the reunion and one thing that was noticeable was…
“You’re floating.”
The man laughed, genuinely amused.
“Well I think I would be able to, since I am the same as you.”

Alexander widened his eyes while Eli glared at the man and stood forward, blocking the view of Dongho, who stare at the man with fearful eyes and began to shake. Hoon hugged his dongsaeng tightly, sensing the fear that was being radiated from him.
“What business do you have with us?”
“Oh nothing much, just to let you know that you might as well give yourself up now, there is no point in running anymore.” He replied, giving a mocking smile.
“YAH! Do you think we are stupid? Of course we never give up!” Eli retorted, sending daggers with his eyes.
The man turned his view towards Hoon and smirked. “Well, well, well. The Earth Phoenix has been reunited with his dog. Did you know how much my comrades had fun with him while he was with us?”

Dongho let out a shuddered breath, the memories coming back to him and he bit his lips to stop himself sobbing. Hoon only glared up with eyes of hatred as he pulled the younger man closely to his chest.
“I get you back you monster, how dare you touch him? How dare you take him awa-“
“Oh no, no, no, we didn’t take him away from you. He came with us willing, isn’t that right Dongho-shi?”
“Only because you threatened to hurt others if he didn’t complied.” Alexander snapped, using his Mind Reading ability to seek the information he need from the Dog Host. He knew he wouldn’t admit the fact to protect Hoon, so he had to say something before Hoon misunderstood the situation.

Hoon only glanced at Dongho and a small, proud smile came on his face. “Always putting yourself before others eh?”
Dongho kept silent, his head still pushed against his hyung’s chest, though a small blush appeared on his cheeks.
“Whatever. We’ll get all of the Phoenixes; we managed to capture one. How hard is it to catch the other three?” The man laughed, and a shiver went through everyone spine with his statement.
“Screw you.”

Eli suddenly threw a ball of energy towards the mysterious man but it never hit him, instead it went right though him. He stared, shock at what just happened.”
He burst out laughing, “Did you really think I would come to you in person! No way, there is four of you and one of me. Even I’m not cocky enough to take you on.”
The pigeon gritted his teeth, “Coward.”
“Oh no there is a difference between a coward and a smart-.”
“Eli, that’s enough.” Alexander warned his tone low and serious.
“Hmmm, calm and patient I see. Keeping your friend under control I see.”
Alexander glared up, and the man inwardly shivered at the dark look the other man was giving him.
“Oh trust me; I am this close to finding you and making you pay for what you made Dongho go through. We will never give up! Not to the likes of you.”

The floating man sneered, “You don’t scare me. Good luck to you all. I bet you’ll need it for times to come.”
The illumination of the mysterious man disappeared and Eli hit against the wall to vent out his frustration.
“Easy Eli.” Alexander warned, though he let out a breath he was holding in. He turned towards to the other two. Dongho was silently crying against Hoon’s chest, with Hoon trying to calm him down. He was running his hand through his hair and whispering words of encouragement.
Alexander smiled at the sight. During the time that Dongho was unconscious, the fox host couldn’t help but tapped into his mind. Usually a Host mind can train their mind and keep their heads protect against unwanted visitors. Since Dongho was weaken and injuried, Alexander couldn’t help but have a look. He wasn’t a stickybeak but he was worried since Dongho was mumbling in his sleep.  He knew what the poor boy had to go through.

Dongho’s life was peaceful once. He once was a happy child, full of laughter and life. But it all changed when he witnessed his parents being killed by a mysterious man. This even lead to Dongho awakening his power and he managed to fight off the man before running off. He was so scared, so alone. No one came to help him, everyone thought he was a freak when Dongho accidently transformed into a dog. When Hoon found him, he saw someone who lose all hope in life and just wished to die.  He held so much admiration for the young boy and he can see why he clung to Hoon and he would be willing to protect him at all cost. Their bond was really strong; it’s really hard not to see. Hoon was there for Dongho when no else was, he helped him through, gave him love and friendship, taught him to control his power. The bond was more of a fatherly-son bond, and it was really sweet to see them interacted.

The Fox Host placed his hand on Eli’s shoulder.
“Hey, you ok?”
Eli sighed, and turned to his hyung, “I’m alright hyung. Sorry about that.”
“Haha, I was going to do the same thing to be honest.”
Eli chuckled, “Do you think Dongho-ssi will be alright?”
Alexander smiled warmly, “I think he will be alright. He back with his hyung after all.”
The pair looked at Hoon, who was now carrying a worn out Dongho on his back. He saw the expression on the two’s face and chuckled.
“He’s alright, I think he just exhausted, he hasn’t fully healed yet from his wounds. So what’s the plan now?”
The pair looked at each other.
“I think it’s time to find the Water Phoenix.”


“But hyung..”
“No Taemin.”
“No! You’re already had two bottles.”
“But I want more.”
“What part of ‘no’ do you not understand?”
“But I love banana milk. Please hyung?”

Hyo Rin and Kevin watched with amusement as the Stoat and Raccoon Host had their argument. They were currently at the nurse office, each sitting on a chair surrounding Mi Rae, who was resting peacefully. The nurse had informed the group that she did have a fever but being informed that she took medicine this morning, the nurse insisted that she rest.
Hyo Rin sighed, brushing a stray hair away from her best friend’s face.

“Why do you always pushed yourself Mi Rae? I know you don’t want me to worry but not telling anyone just makes me more worried about you.”
“You mean this has happened before?” Kevin asked.
“Deh.  Once she caught a really bad cold but we had a project which was due the next day, so she came to school, with a high fever I might add. She ended up collapsing and she was send to hospital. I ended scolding her for days.” Hyo Rin chuckled at the memory.
“I see…” Kevin wasn’t all that surprised, her actions really show her personality.
“Sometimes I forget that she is the younger one, since I always act childish but she has to know that she doesn’t have to carry the burden by herself, whether it’s big or small.”

Kevin looked at Hyo Rin, she had a serious expression on her face.
“Is there more that I should know Hyo Rin-ah?”
The Meerkat Host gave another sigh.
“Well…It’s not my place to say but Mi Rae hasn’t had the easier life but despite everything she pulled through. Though she is cautious to whom she trusted. She doesn’t want others to worry for her; she believes that she can take care of herself. ”
Kevin smiled and placed a hand on Hyo Rin’s shoulder, “Well I’m sure Mi Rae understands how much she means to you and she should be grateful that she has a friend like you.”

The girl smiled, “Thanks Kevin. But you know I think she trusts you too. I havn’t seen her open up to someone so quickly before. Perhaps it’s because you are both Phoenixes but regret less please always be there for her when I can’t”
Before Kevin could say anything,  Mi Rae stirred and slowly opened your eyes. She blinked away the sleep from her eyes and smiled at her best friend.

“Hey…” Her voice sounds slightly crocked.
Hyo Rin only shook her head, “Pabo, always making your unni worry.”
Mi Rae gave a soft smile, “Sorry.”
Kevin came by her side, “Are you feeling alright?”
“Deh, I’m fine. Sorry for making you worry.”
She turned her head and frowned slightly, “Aren’t you guys the new boys that came to our class today?” She looked at Key and sighed, “And the one who noticed that I was sick.”
Taemin beamed, “Deh, it’s nice to meet you!”
“Likewise.” The other boy said, giving a slight nod.

Mi Rae turned her attention to her two friends, “When did you guys start hanging out?”
“We…talked over some things that’s all and we came to see how you were doing.” Kevin replied, noting that the message was directly to him, as she saw how tense he was when Taemin and Key first walked in the classroom.
“Hmmm ok then.”

Hyo Rin placed her hand over her friend forehead and gave a small sigh.
“Unni, I’m fine. Really. Please don’t worry.” She grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze.
“Well… I wouldn’t worry if you take care of yourself!”
Mi Rae lowered her head, knowing that she would get another scolding from Hyo Rin. But before the girl could say something, Key suddenly lifted his head and looked at Taemin.

The younger boy jumped but answer back, Hyung…What’s wrong?
Someone is coming! This is bad, we have to warn them?
Hyo Rin! Kevin!

The two turned their attention to the boys, wondering why they were talking to them via their minds.
We have to get out of here! Someone is-
“Why hello there?”
The four frozed, while Mi Rae looked up in mire curiously and gasped at what she saw at the window.


The man looked out of his vast window, smoking his pipe. It really was quite beautiful once, there was a vast of green trees that grew and where the mansion was located, and there was a vast lake. Now the area was coated in complete darkness, and the clouds gave a redish glow. Animals wouldn’t dare to come to this curse land and that’s what the man preferred. It acted as a barrier, not letting anything in or out.
There was a knock on the door and the man was pulled from his thoughts.

There was a creak and another man entered the room and bowed before him.
“I have returned Master.”
“Yes, what news do you bring to me?” He asked, turning to faced his ally.
“As we speak, the others are heading towards the two other Phoenixes. It’s only a matter of time Master.”
“And the Earth Phoenix.”

“I would have captured him but he was accompanied by others.”
“Others you say.” The man raised an eyebrow. The younger man gulped, not liking the man’s tone.
“Y-yes and I was alone so I didn’t think it was wise to..”
“You’re right but I would have expected better from you, Onew-ah. You are one of my best Hosts out here. Don’t disappoint me again!” He exclaimed.
Onew looked down, not wanting to me the older man glare. “Yes, Master. I promise I will do better.”
“Don’t be like Soohyun and the others. Please, they captured a child but lose them to, how many, two Hosts! And I thought they were stronger than that.”

Onew stayed silent, that was the reason he didn’t try to attack the group earlier was because of the Pigeon and Fox Host. He agreed that the pair didn’t seem as strong at first but he wasn’t the type to underestimate his enemy. Especially that fox host, he was definitely special. Not to mention clever.
Just like a cunning fox. He thought to himself, forgetting that his Master was able to listen to his every thought.
“Well Onew, I don’t mean to interrupt you in your thoughts.” He snapped.
The Host gulped, “I’m s-sorry Master.”

“But you make a good observation; those two will certainly be a problem. We must get rid of them.”
“Yes Master.”
“I trust you know what to do.” He placed his hand on the man’s shoulder and pulled him up and gave him an evil smirk.
“Of course Master, your wish is at my command.”

A/N: Hello...ummm I'm really sorry for not updating, school really takes a lot of my time but don't worry despite me not updating regularly, I won't give up. I'll do my best to write my chapters so I can post them up ^^ I can't tell you when I'll updated again, but I just want to thank my readers for being patient. ^^
This has been bluemoonluvkpop~ 


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wow reading through this haha XD guess who gona try to update >.<


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lucky9606 #1
Chapter 11: I understand that school is important because I am also applying for uni this year
so but please don't forget about the story either... even small updates are good
thanks and good luck author-nim
lucky9606 #2
please update ^^
Primardya #3
Chapter 8: yeahhh...i can wait your update patiently.just take it easy and studying was more important for you.
fighting :-)
Chapter 7: Hoon so powerful *.*
Can't wait to read what will happen next ^^
Primardya #5
Chapter 7: hi..i'm a new reader here..
annyeong..i really like the story that you write and i specially like fantasy or adventure style story..and i feel you are a good person shown from your language you've used..
hope you write the update soon^^' #nooffense..
Chapter 5: Wow, this is so cool~~~~ Update soon ^.^
Chapter 5: I started to love this story ^^