New students

The Power of the Phoenix [HIATUS]

“I’m warning you…I want no mistakes!”

“Kevin! Run! RUN!”

“Kevin! KEVIN! Wake up!!”
The Air Host snapped his eyes open, breathing heavily and balls of cold sweat ran down his face. He looked around; he was sitting under a tall, willow tree. Beside the tree there was a stream that ran along the forest, it was full of fresh water that glimmer under the sun, reflecting the riverbank which was covered with peddles and mud. The tree stood at the edge of a huge, green field the size of a football field, on the other side of the field was the other part of the forest. This place seems like the perfect place for Hoon to help teach Kevin to use his power.  He was so exhausted from training, not to mention the added stress he had from his exams that he ask if he could take a small nap. Now he wishes he didn’t.

“Hyu-ung…” He called out. Hoon was there, concern on his bunny like face.

“Are you ok? Was it a bad dream? Kevin…”

Hoon gripped the younger’s shoulder, Kevin was looking back at the Earth Host, and Hoon could see fear in Kevin’s eyes.

“His eyes, they remind me of Dongho.” He thought sadly.

“Mianhe Hyung.” Kevin said quietly


“You said that I reminded you of Dongho.” He chuckled lightly, “I guess this reading in mind means we have no privacy huh?”

Hoon smiled back, “Well we can keep our thoughts to ourselves if we wanted to but I guess it’s harder for us Phoenixes.”

“I suppose.”

“Are you ok?”

“Y-yeah just a bad dream I guess.”

“Hmm what was it about?”

“Umm.” Kevin bit his lower lip, “I think I saw a gathering or something, there was a big group.” Kevin eyes widened and he began to shivered, “I think I-I saw those t-three men that tried to take me.” He clutched his arms together as he tried to hug himself. Though he has somewhat recovered, he was still traumatised by the attempted kidnapping. He was thankful that Hoon was here, to help him.

“Shhhh Kevin, it’s alright.” Hoon placed his arms around the Air Host and pulled him close. “I’m sure it was just a dream.”

Soon Kevin shivering sustained and he looked up to the older man.

“Thanks hyung.” He smiled.
“No problem, now how about we try this technique again?”


“Where am I?”

Mi Rae looked around; all she could see was darkness, it seemed to engulf everything, wherever she looked she was met with a dark mist. She started to walk around, not knowing where she was going and what she would find in this strange place.

“Hello?” She called out.

Silence. The only sound that could be heard was the girl’s steady breathing and her light steps on the ground.

The girl then noticed a small, bright light that was just ahead of her. Curious she began to walk forward.


As she came closer, the light became more blinding and she used her hand as a cover from the bright light.

From the gaps of her fingers she noticed a silhouette of something, as she edged closer, she realised it looked like a gigantic bird.

“What is that?”

The bird then turned at looked at her, its navy blue eyes seem to piercing through her soul…

Mi Rae slowly open her eyes, she squinted her eyes, trying to get another flash from her dream but soon her eyes meet the sight of her bedroom. She sighed and placed her hand over her forehead. “Another dream.” She slowly got up and sat on the side of her bed. She sighed and looked around, rubbing her eyes and hiding a yawn behind her hand.
“I feel so drowsy.” She got up and went towards her mirror which was hanging on her closet door.

She frowned slightly, noticing there was a pink tint on her cheeks and dark bags under her eyes. She felt her forehead and noticed it was warm. “I guess I have a small fever.” She sighed again. The truth was, she had been staying up late over the last weeks, studying very hard for her exams. Hyo Rin wasn’t kidding when she said about Mi Rae being a teacher pet but that wasn’t the only reason she must have fallen sick. As well as thinking about her exams, she keeps having those strange dreams, some which have left her waking up in fear, shivering as she curled up as she tried to calm herself down. She had told Hyo Rin but she couldn’t help but feel scared to fall asleep, in fear of having those dreams again. This dream, however she couldn’t help but think of that bird she saw in her dream. It was a nice change to the other dreams she was having.


“It must have been a phoenix, it’s too big to be anything else but they don’t exist right?”

“There are a lot of things in this world that we don’t understand.” Mi Rae said to herself, repeating the words her friend had told her when they were discussing about her dream.

“Umma? Are you here?” Mi Rae slowly walked in the kitchen, frowning slightly because there was silence, everything was turned off.
She then noticed a note on the table, which was next to a dish that was wrapped up. Mi Rae picked up the note and smiled.


Sorry sweetie, I had to hurry off to work.
Eat your breakfast while it’s hot. I have a double swift tonight
so don’t wait up for me alright? I cook dinner for you. It’s in the fridge.
Study hard sweetie! Fighting!!

She sat down on the table and began to eat slowly, trying to force some food in as she didn’t have much of an appetite
A soft whine was heard from Mi Rae side and she turned toward the Border Collie, who was looking at her, tongue sticking out as he panted.

“You must be hungry boy.” She said softly, stoking his head before getting up to prepare Dongho’s breakfast. The dog sat there patiently, watching her quietly, his head slightly tilled, as it he was thinking of something and was in deep thought.

“There you go.” She placed a bowl of dog food. Dongho barked in thanks before clopping down his meal.
As Mi Rae got up, a wave of nauseous hit her and she gripped the kitchen counter for support. She breathed in deeply, trying hard not to empty her stomach of her recently eaten meal. She kneeled down again, covering and leaning against the cupboard door.

She turned her head and almost jumped when he saw a pair of chocolate brown eyes staring at her. She couldn’t help but noticed that the dog eyes almost seen human, as the dog looked genuinely concerned about the girl. Dongho whined quietly and nuzzled his head against the girl. His cold, damp nose was against her warm neck.
“Hey, that tickles.” Mi Rae said weakly, a small smile breaking out on her face. The Collie looked up again and tilled his head to the side; his eyes seem to be asking if Mi Rae was ok.

“I’m ok.” She smiled to reassure the dog as she slowly pulled herself up and grab a glass to drink water.
Mi Rae turned around and saw how the Border Collie was standing under the cabinet that contain the Shin’s household medicine. He looked up, then turned his head towards her and barked. Mi Rae couldn’t help but stared a little. She made her way towards the cabinet and pulled out some tablets.
“Ok, I took the medicine, happy now?” Mi Rae asked, frowning slightly at the amused expression on the dog’s face, his tongue sticking out, eyes glistening and tail wagging to side to side to express his happiness. She sighed, “I’m talking to a dog.”



But this didn’t surprise her, over the last two weeks the dog has been giving her good company when her mother was away at work. They have been taking care of the Border collie since he was still healing from his wounds and yet, from the short amount of time Mi Rae has gonna quite attracted to the black and white dog. The first week the dog seemed quite shaken and was afraid to come close but Mi Rae was patient and eventually the dog started to follow her around the house. He would sit beside her while she studied late at night, keeping her company and was there when she wore up from one of her dreams. Somehow his presence was calming to her and though she was still afraid, knowing that the dog was there made her feel safe.

However there was sometime quite odd about the Collie. For one thing, Dongho was very obedient and it seemed the dog understood everything she said. He understood her abit too much, it was kinda scary. Mi Rae could recall one night she was talking on the phone with Hyo Rin and her friend had asked her to bring her textbook that she left behind when they studied afterschool that day. She needed it for their practise test and she would be in huge trouble if she didn’t have it. Mi Rae promised she would bring the book and hung up. She then began to pack her bag and for that brief second she would have forgotten to pack Hyo Rin’s book if Dongho didn’t bark at her and used his head to point at the textbook which was sitting on Mi Rae desk. Mi Rae then picked up the book and stared back at the dog, the dog looking back at her, his ears prinked up, as if saying “Well you were going to forgot it if I didn’t remind you.” Since then, she had been talking to the dog, asking the Collie to perform tasks for her, it was fascinating to see that the dog understood her like a normal human would. She wasn’t a fool, she knew there was something different about him but she didn’t think too much about it.

“Alright Dongho, you’ll be a good boy while I’m gone.” Mi Rae asked as she placed her heavy bag over her shoulders.
Dongho only looked up at her and whined softly.
She kneeled down and cupped her hands over his face and smiled, “Don’t worry I take it easy today alright?”

Dongho looked back and her in the face. Mi Rae laughed and stood up.

“I’ll see you later.” The wooden door was then closed and Mi Rae walked out into the street, making her way to her school.

Inside the house, Dongho stood there watching the door. It was completely silence; the faint ticking of the clock that hung on the wall was the only thing that could be heard in the house. Soon, the sound of the front door closing could be heard as someone left the house. A tall, teenage boy with chocolate brown eyes walked out the street, glancing around before heading off on his way



“Mi Rae-ah? Mi Rae-ah?”

“Hmmmm.” Mi Rae opened her eyes and sleepily looked up to see Kevin peering at her.

“Are you ok? You look pale.” Kevin asked in a worried tone, placing his hand over her forehand.

Mi Rae unconsciously leaned into his touch, drowsiness taking over her mind.

“Wel-l I guess I have a tiny fever but I’ll be alright.” She said with a tired smile.

“Hmmmm…Are you sure?” Kevin could feel her temperature rising and it concern her.

“Good morni- Mi Rae! What’s wrong? Do you have a fever?”

“Morning Hyo Ri, and yeah it’s just a tiny fever but I’ll be alright.”

“No way! You need to go home! Your health is more important.”

“Unni, I’ll be fine. I took medicine this morning.”


The sound of the door being open was heard and the teacher walked in.
“Everyone take your seats!!”

Mi Rae sigh a relief as her best friend sat down reluctantly. She avoided her friends piercing glare as she try to focus on what her teacher was saying, it seem she was announcing something.

“You can come in now.” She heard her teacher call. The door to the classroom opened and two boys walked in the front in the classroom.
Around the room, Mi Rae could hear her classmates talking quietly. The girls were giggling amongst themselves, while the boys were whispering to each other as they all analysing the two new students they have in their class.

“Kinda reminds me of when Kevin first come.” She though with a tired smile and turned to her left to look at her friend. What she saw surprised her.

Her friend’s expression had changed dramatically. His eyes had narrowed down, losing the happy gleam that she had grown accustomed to, his whole boy had tensed  up and he looked at the boys with a sense of suspicious, and she couldn’t help but noticed that her friend look afraid behind his grimace expression.

“Annyounghaseyo, my name is Lee Taemin. Nice to meet you!” The boy said enthusiastically, giving a bright smile. Mi Rae could hear all the girls in her class silently squealing from the cuteness of the auburn haired boy, his smile and child-like face seem to make anyone ready to pinch his cheeks.

“Anneyong, my name is Kim Kibum, but I prefer Key.” The other boy said, bowing before looking up and looking at Mi Rae. She looked at the other boy, he was lean, had high cheekbones and feline like eyes. His blonde hair was styled nicely, and he gave an aura that he knew what he was doing in terms of fashion. She smiled faintly at him, he looked at her and then to the teacher.

“It seems like one of your students isn’t feeling well.” He commented bluntly. Mi Rae froze.

“How did he know?”

Before she knew it, her teacher had walked up to her desk and looked at her student flushed face.

She placed her hand over her forehead and sighed.

“Mi Rae-ah, why did you come to school if you’re not feeling well?” She asked softly.

“I-I took medicine Sunsangnim (A/N teacher in Korean), and I felt fine when I came.”

“You don’t want to go home right?”

Mi Rae shook her head.

“Aigoo, how about you go to the nurse office to rest and if you feel better you can come back in ok? But if your fever doesn’t go down by the end of the second period, please go home and rest arasso?

Mi Rae looked up, before slowly nodding.

“Good girl.”

“I can take her, Sunsangnim (A/N teacher in Korean).” Hyo Rin offered. Before she could protest, Mi Rae was dragged out of the classroom. The whole room was quiet, some watching with interest, other were whispering amongst themselves.

“Ok everyone!! Take out your workbooks and start revising. Taemin-ah, Kibum-ah, take those two seats behind Kevin-ah. She pointed out the two empty desks which had been placed this morning.

Kevin watched as the two girls walked out and down the hall, slightly chuckling to himself. He didn’t notice the new two boys walking by and he almost forgot why he was suspicious of them. At that moment, when the two boys walked in, he had a feeling that they were different.

Kevin turned back to his book and noticed a folded note that had been place under his pencil case. He frowned in confusion but took the note and read the contents. After he read the note, he froze and began to shiver. He tried not to let his fear show but it was slowly creeping in.

We know your secret, Air Host.
Meet us at the rooftop at lunch.
Or else…

He tried to breathe in and out, to calm his nerves before he folded the note and looked toward the feline boy.

“How did he know? Why can’t they leave me alone?”




A/N: *Bows down* I’m sooooooooooooo sorry for not updating sooner. Please forgive me >.< I’ve been so busy with schoolwork can you believe it, the first five weeks of Term 1, I’ve had 8 SACS (Tests) -____- School has taken over my life. Every time I finish my homework, there’s new homework or another test to study for. ‘Sigh’ guess this will be my life for the next two years… I hope you enjoyed the chapter my lovely readers ^^.
Thanks for being patient, so I’m almost introduced all the characters, tell me what you guys think of the story so far. Comments are appreciated and subscribe perhaps <3
I try my best to update sooner >.< I wrote this chapter at any spare time I could. When I was heading home, I was on my phone typing away…
OMGOSH I love Dream Girl~~~ XD And then U-kiss will be coming back soon!! OMGOSH!! Sooo excited I recently received my preorded Shinee Album~ Lucky me the guy at the counter said they won’t going to do any more orders but since I ask, he let me have the last order ^^

This has been bluemoonluvkpop0596~


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wow reading through this haha XD guess who gona try to update >.<


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lucky9606 #1
Chapter 11: I understand that school is important because I am also applying for uni this year
so but please don't forget about the story either... even small updates are good
thanks and good luck author-nim
lucky9606 #2
please update ^^
Primardya #3
Chapter 8: yeahhh...i can wait your update patiently.just take it easy and studying was more important for you.
fighting :-)
Chapter 7: Hoon so powerful *.*
Can't wait to read what will happen next ^^
Primardya #5
Chapter 7: hi..i'm a new reader here..
annyeong..i really like the story that you write and i specially like fantasy or adventure style story..and i feel you are a good person shown from your language you've used..
hope you write the update soon^^' #nooffense..
Chapter 5: Wow, this is so cool~~~~ Update soon ^.^
Chapter 5: I started to love this story ^^