I hate his guts!

C u t e d i o r. One shot or story request shop![Apply is closed]

Hi there! This oneshot was written for alice0826 as Park Sung Hyo. Hopefully this oneshot is what you expected it it be and what you wanted. Enjoy this oneshot! P.S. I put swearing in this. I hope you don't mind ^^ It's to make the voice of the story stronger~

Written by: cutedior


Park Sung Hyo's point of view:

According to the people at my school, I'm an ice princess as well as a queenka. Do I care about my ice princess image? Absolutely not. I'd rather be alone than have any form of drama in my life. Although technically, there is one form of drama in my life. No, it isn't the people talking poorly about me. No, it isn't a boy problem. Well, technically it is a boy, but it isn't a love relationship. It's a hate relationship for goodness sakes! Do you want to know the person who utterly disgusts me? It's SHIM CHANGMIN.

Why do you I hate him you ask? Because he's such a faker! I can completely see through his act. He isn't sincere. All of his kindness? It's artificial. He's just another fake person in this world. I don't get why he's hiding his true self. Maybe it's only for the popularity. Either way, I just cant stand him. And do top it all off, he follows me around everywhere. Tch. Probably so that I won't spill his precious secret.

Shim Changmin's point of view:

That girl. Park Sung Hyo. She's a dangerous girl to be around. She can see right through people. I still don't know how she even managed to see through me. I was doing jut fine without her being a know it all! I'm afraid that she'll spill my secret. And if she does, my life will be completely ruined. Which is exactly why I follow her around whenever I can. She probably doesn't like it, but do I care? As if!

I can't follow her right now, because we're in separate classes. I headed off to mine, and put my mask on once again. I was greeted by giggling fan girls, as well as the typical "oppa~". Geez, they're so annoying. Don't they know when to stop? Acting cute won't get them anywhere with me. Especially not up to me like that.

Regardless, I greeted them with a warm smile. "Hello, everyone! How are you today?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around the two girls nearest me. I could see the feisty glares the girls were giving each other and chuckled. "Girls, now now. It isn't the time to be mad at each other. There's a lot of Changmin to go around."

This was followed by a whole bunch of screams. Probably out of happiness. Someone KILL me NOW.  The guys weren't all that jealous. I could see it on their faces. They know they're no match for me. It made me laugh inside. I expected someone to try and beat me up, but I guess that's not going to happen here.

Class was boring as usual, so I thought about how I would stalk Sung Hyo later. Kekeke. This should be fun.

Yoona's point of view:

I'm getting so tired of seeing Changmin follow that Park Sung Hyo girl. She's in my class, and I use that as an advantage. Mainly to follow that saying. What was it again? Oh right! "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer." You might be wondering why I consider her my enemy? It's because she's my love enemy duh! I liked Changmin all this time, but she clearly doesn't like him. And on top of that, Changmin seems like he likes her enough to follow her around like a puppy that can't leave it's master!

Aish. I really need to get rid of this problem. She's getting in the way of my happiness. I discussed this matter with my friends, and it turns out they hate her too. Oh, how friends always have your back. We just started discussing the plan to destroy her, but it's still in progress. You just watch Shim Changmin. I'm going to make you mine.

Class was about to start again, and I saw the walk through the door. How dare she show up here after everything that she's done? I scoffed, but it seemed she didn't notice. She sat in her usual spot by herself. Fricken girl probably has no friends. Good for her! It's not like she deserves friends anyway. When she was in my class, I actually felt sorry for her. But now I don't.

She's the type of person I hate the most. Watch, later she'll claim she's the victim when she's obviously not. It doesn't matter anyway. Everyone will believe me. After all, I am popular.

Sung Hyo's point of view:

Unlike most idiots in my class that weren't paying attention, I was. They're so annoying. Out of human habit, I scanned the room and I noticed a girl staring at me. Who is that? I looked closer and it was Yoona. Is it that really popular girl? Yeah, I think so. I've never really spoken to her, but something tells me she's even worse than Changmin. I didn't even think it was possible.

I turned away from her, without showing any sign of emotion. I looked down at my notes, and continued to write as the teacher didn't stop talking. Slowly but surely, the time was going by and the next break was nearing. I wanted the bell to ring so badly, so I can get out of this crowded classroom and be alone again. Minus Changmin of course.

But, if there's anything I thought about that wasn't school related, it was about him. I don't know why I kept thinking about him. And when I did, I got this strange butterfly feeling in my heart and stomach. I can't be falling in love with him! Or am I already there? I shook my head furiously. No, don't think about him. He's just a fake person who stalks you all day so you won't share his secret.


The bell rang, and I rushed out of there.

Changmin's point of view:

I rushed out of my classroom, in case she rushed out of her room again. Aish! Why does my room have to be so far from hers? I was already panting. Why am I so out of shape nowadays? I slammed open the door, and everyone was just staring at me. A figure rushed up to me and glomped me. Who in the world is this? Ow, my head hurts from falling on the ground.

I bent my neck and tried to see who it was. It was Yoona, the most popular girl in the school, and also my most annoying fan girl. "Oppa~ I missed you so much." She was still on top of me. "Can you please get off of me? I need to go somewhere." She pouted, and stood up. I shot up. Looking around, I realized Sung Hyo wasn't there."If you'll excuse me, I have somewhere to go."

Again, I rushed out. Where could she possible be? I checked the cafeteria. Then I checked the main hallway. Wait. She likes to be alone. I ran all around the outside of school, and still she wasn't anywhere to be found. Yah Sung Hyo! Where are you?

Out of despair, I walked aimlessly around the school, until I heard a piano being played.

Sung Hyo's point of view:

I couldn't just go to the same spot. Otherwise Changmin would find me. I needed to find a different spot. When I stumbled upon the music room, I realized no one really comes in here anyway, so I'd be safe. After noticing the piano, I couldn't resist my urge to play it. There was something about it that was just so beautiful.

How I starting to feel about Changmin, how lonely I always feel, how much I was starting to miss a normal human relationship, I used it all. I poured it all into playing the piano, and it produced something so bittersweet, it was almost too much for me to handle.

Changmin's point of view:

That song. Why does it sound so sad? I couldn't bring myself to see who was playing it. It felt too heartbreaking to me. Is there something like that in this world? Is this an emotion all of us go through? The song ended, and I had enough courage to see who it was. Sung Hyo?

Slowly sneaking up on her, I wrapped my arms on her, and felt her jump. "Who is this?!" she asked fiercely. "It's me." She gasped. "Changmin? What are you doing here?" I felt her heart beat faster. "I heard you play the piano, you're really good." She was getting hotter, and her face redder. "Why are you blushing? Do you like me?"

She took my hands off of her and slapped me. "Why would I like a jerk like you?" "Maybe I grew on you." She looked down. "It's true isn't it?" I leaned forward to give her a kiss, when I heard a voice shout. "Changmin oppa!" I turned to see Yoona. Oh great. "What are you doing to my Changmin oppa?!" She yelled at Sung Hyo and slapped her, making her fall to the ground.

I grabbed her wrist. "Yah! What do you think you're doing?!" She started complaining. " You always follow her around and you don't pay attention to me! I'm so depressed. Oppa, can't you see it's that girls fault? What is she to you anyway?" "I'll show you." I let go of Yoona's wrist and pulled Sung Hyo up, and pulled her into a long awaited kiss.

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__eccedentesiast_ #1
xD love it y Jjong <3
Wow. I love it! Thanks a lot! :))
__eccedentesiast_ #3
Thanks for the oneshot I enjoyed it very much ^^ ! Yes it was epic :D
Apply is officially closed...
I applied.. Again :)) Hope you dont mind. :)))
__eccedentesiast_ #6
Applied as Choi Aimika! (:<br />
Yaaay! Thank you so much! I love it! 8D
Can I apply for the 3rd time? kekeke. >.<
Applied as Choi Chung Ae! <br />