My rainy days.

C u t e d i o r. One shot or story request shop![Apply is closed]

This story is for cutterpillow. I'm very glad that she decided to request again. It really is amazing. I hope that you like this story as much as the first one. You're awesome!

Written by: cutedior


Minho's point of view:

I was one of normal kids in school. Or at least I thought I was. People had always told me that I was popular though I never really believed them. There were only a few people I trust in this school and they are my friends. We were one small circle of friends and I didn't want anyone to mess it up. First, there was Jonghyun hyung who was quite the player. No one really understood why he decided to be that way but hey, it's his life not mine. Then there was Onew hyung who always seemed to be interested in chicken half the time. It's either he was eating it or drawing pictures of it in his notebook. Which was probably why he's on the verge of failing. Another one of my friends was Kibum, but everyone calls him Key. And the youngest one of us all was Taemin who is the only one in a different class.

Of course I also have one best friend who has been with me since childhood. Her name is Nika Cho. She's one of the most outgoing people I have ever met. Actually it's because she's outgoing that I expected her to branch off into other cliques or groups of friends. She didn't, which certainly wasn't a disappointment for me. I was actually glad she didn't leave our circle of friends. We needed at least one girl to hang out with, and I thought she would be perfect.

We were in the middle of class, and I sat next to Nika. Beside me were Jonghyun and Onew. Key was in the back of us, paying attention and taking excellent notes as usual. I liked school, I just didn't like the class we were in. Math is my enemy.

Nika's point of view:

Math class was  very fun as usual. I love all of the subjects in school even P.E. Maybe that's why I've been able to be friends with Minho for so long. Over time my feelings for him grew and I even tried to show it. But no matter how many times I'd try to get him to notice, Minho would still seem as if he had absolutely no clue what was going on. At times it can be a bit aggravating, but since I'm naturally optimistic, I couldn't help but continue on. Math class was our last period of the day, and school finally ended. We had nothing else to do, so we went to the rec center with the pool to figure out where we were going to go.

Taemin splashed the water with his feet, while Jonghyun, Key and Onew, Minho and I were on the bench relaxing. "Where do you think we should go?" asked Onew. Key made a smart remark. "You have to finish your homework first babo. You're on the verge of failing!" Jonghyun joined in and helped Key to gang up on Onew. "Yeah! And instead of eating your precious chicken, you'll have to sell them in a fried chicken store." Onew went into a fetal position, sulking.

I felt bad for him so I rubbed his back and tried to comfort him. "It's okay Onew, we should just work on our homework together. That way you can graduate with us." His face instantly lit up, and he sat normally again. I returned to my seat and rested my head on my hands. "This still doesn't solve the problem of us not knowing where to go."

Minho's point of view:

Key and Onew looked as if they had their thinking caps on, while Jonghyun was busy looking at the girls passing by. Typical. Taemin was still playing with the water.  How much energy does he have? I looked over to Nika, who seemed to be falling asleep. I was getting a bit bored, until I saw a group of girls approaching us. I didn't know exactly who they were until I noticed it was Yuri and her group of friends. She's in our grade level, but unfortunately she is in a different class. Just recently, I noticed my feelings for her. She was like a goddess.

I stood up to greet her, when she waved at me. "Hi Yuri. What brings you here?" She snapped her fingers and her friends spoke for her. "She's wondering if you'd like to hang out with us at a the mall. She wants to see a movie with you. Any movie is fine, as long as it's with you." I blushed horribly red. Maybe she likes me too? "Um, I don't know. I have to ask my friends if it's okay first." I went over to Taemin who was now in the pool, school uniform and all. "Taemin-ah. Is it okay if I go to the mall with Yuri?" Taemin was happily splashing around. I take that as a yes.

I went back to the bench and asked Jonghyun. "Is it okay if I go to the mall with Yuri?" I shouldn't have asked that because I was just wasting my breath. He was already flirting with one of Yuri's friends. I asked Onew next. "Should I go to the mall with them?" Onew just shrugged. "If you want to, you should." I looked at Key and Nika. I gave them the puppy dog eyes. "Can I go?" Key gave me a "whatever" look, but Nika looked really pissed off. I wonder what's wrong with her. "Sure, I'll go." and we started walking towards the mall.

Nika's point of view:

I can't believe he actually went. Who does that? Ugh. He makes me so mad sometimes. I needed to eat food and vent. And I needed to do it as soon as possible. Taemin who was drenched came over to the bench and sat down. "So, what are we going to do now?" I gave them each a look as if to say "I'm going to decide." I walked around in a circle circling them all, and they kept their eyes on me. "Do you have a place that you want to go noona?" asked Taemin. I smirked, and they gulped. "Let's go to my house. I need to eat and vent." They all asked in unison. "Free food?" I gave them two thumbs up and they cheered.

My house was near to the school. Thankfully no one was home, because my parents would tell Minho's parents that I like him if they ever find out. And I absolutely do not want Minho to find out that way. I opened up the door, handed Taemin a towel and started cooking ramen and brought out all sorts of junk food. Chips, crackers, candy,brownies and soda. The guys attacked it, but I pretty much expected it. The ramen didn't take that long to cook and I set it down in the middle of us and started to eat.

After a few bites of ramen, I started to vent. "Guys!" They looked up from eating and made random noises as if to acknowledge me. "You know how I like Minho right?" They nodded. "Well, I'm sick and tired of seeing." I took a bite of a brownie and a sip of soda. "Minho and Yuri act that way together. I want to be the one he goes to the movies with and I want him to like me. But I don't know what to do at this point." Onew burped. "Excuse me." Key rolled his eyes and said "Let me give you some advice. They aren't even together yet. You should confess to him tomorrow before he does! That way you have dibs on him." 

I glomped Key to the floor. "Yaaaah!" I kissed him on the cheeks. "I love you Key~" He patted my head and pinched my cheeks. "I love you too." I got off of him and started eating again but this time it was because I was happy. Just wait Choi Minho. I'm going to confess to you tomorrow.

Next Day 


Nika's point of view:

Today is the day I finally get to confess to him. Last night I prepared a bento to confess. Throughout the night the only thing that went through my mind was I like you and I hope you like me too. I didn't get any sleep the night before so I was a bit worried I looked unkept. I wore my new clothes that had a feminine twist to them. My hair was tied up in a bun, and I put in a pink rose pin. I happily walked to school, when I saw Yuri and Minho hugging. Oh no. They aren't together are they? I felt a pang of pain and I felt like there was heavy rain in my heart. I turned the other way, taking an alternative route to our class.

When I arrived, tears were rolling down my face. Key, Jonghyun and Onew rushed up to me. Onew handed me a tissue and Jonghyun asked "What's wrong?" I tried to hold back my tears. I kept sobbing, and my voice was cracking. "I saw Yuri and Minho hugging when I just got to school." Key had an annoyed look on his face. "That witch! How dare she do that. Don't worry Nika, you should still confess anyway. I can guarantee they aren't together. Now wipe your tears before Minho comes."

I did as I was told, and I made sure there was no sign of me crying. Soon enough Minho came in and we all acted as if nothing happened. "Good morning! How are you guys today?" We all smiled brightly. "Good morning to you too! We're just awesome today." I went up to him and hugged him. "You seem to be in a good mood." He hugged me back. "Yeah. Me and Yuri are good friends now." Oh god. Does he have to mention her name?

We were in P.E. class and Yuri's class joined in on ours. It's okay. Nothing will happen. Today is going to be an awesome day. We got to do our own individual activities so I just played badminton with my friends while Minho was teaching Yuri how to play basketball. I kept my mind off of it and kept my focus on the game. I'll just confess to him in one of the breaks. Class was over and it was now break time. Come on Nika, you can do this. I quickly got changed and rushed upstairs. I got the bento box and hid it behind my back.

Minho came inside the classroom and smiled. That encourages me. "Nika-ah. What do you have for lunch today?" He asked as he was rustling through his bag to find his. "Me?" I tried playing coy. "I brought a bento box." He found his jajangmyeon and placed it on the table. I pulled it towards me. He was standing and towering over me. "You want my jajangmyeon?" I shook my head, and he seemed confused. I pulled out the bento from behind my back and put it in his hands. "Minho-ah. I've liked you for a while now. And, I was wondering can you please accept my feelings?"

He stood there with a blank look on his face, leaving me not only embarrassed but angry and contradicted. What am I going to do now? The whole room was silent. Even my friends were silent. I guess they don't know what to say. I ran out of the room crying and I was crying hard. A few teachers tried to chase me down. I was halfway towards the gate when I realized I forgot my items. I kept running anyway. They'll just give it to me after school. I ran all the way home and locked myself in my room, a thunderstorm above my head.

Minho's point of view:

What was that about? I looked at my friends, but they just shook their heads at me. What's wrong with everyone? I sat down in my seat, waiting for class to start again. There was an awkward silence, I needed a release. Yuri crossed my mind. Maybe I'll just hang out with her after school is done. There were two classes left, and I wasn't used to not having Nika beside me. It was as if a part of me went missing. The bell rang, and I walked with my friends to the front of the school. Yuri was waiting for me, and I turned to them. "Guys, I'm going to hang out with Yuri." Onew who was holding Nika's things just shook his head at me. Jongyun, Key and Taemin just pretended like I wasn't there. I went off with Yuri, in the hopes of making the day better.

Nika's point of view:

I was still locked inside of my room. School must be over already. I heard loud knocking and I walked over to the door. I peeked through and saw that it was everyone except Minho. The jerk probably is out with Yuri again. I opened the door and Onew held out my things. "Thank you for bringing my things over." He shook his head. "It's no problem." Taemin gave me puppy dog eyes. "Noona, can we come inside pretty please?" I moved aside. "Sure you can."

They all came inside and I looked inside my refrigerator. "Do you want anything to eat or drink?" They were all in the living room and shouted. "Yes!" Key shouted "A glass of milk please!" Taemin asked "Noona, can I please have a glass of banana milk and some fruit?" Jonghyun said "I'll have the same thing as Taemin minus the banana milk. I want water instead." Onew made his typical remark. "Chicken~" I giggled. They're so predictable. I brought out Key's milk, Taemin's banana milk. Jonghyun's water, Onew's chicken and slices of watermelon.

They ate slowly, unlike usual. "What's wrong guys?" They immediately stopped eating and gave me looks of sympathy. "Your confession didn't work out well. How do you feel?" asked Jonghyun. I sighed. "I honestly feel like giving up on him. I'm so tired of having to compete for something I can't have." They all sighed. "Okay, if that's what you want. But you should go to school tomorrow." "Don't worry, I will."

Next Day

Nika's point of view:

I decided to go to school today. It didn't matter anymore. Even if I had to pretend everything was alright, I'd do it to keep my friendship with Minho. I know it's going to be hard and I know that I'm going to give up sooner or later if it gets too hard. There was no sign of him and Yuri when I got there. But I did get glares and some people were making fun of me. This is not what I wanted. I felt things being thrown at me. When I looked up, I could see it was Yuri's minions. "You shouldn't try and steal Yuri's man you !" How dare they call me a . I was about to throw a punch when Taemin held my hand. "Don't hit them noona. Let's just go to class." I started walking without looking back.

A week had passed, but the tormenting didn't stop. Even if my friends tried to defend me, Minho would still be with Yuri. They were together now. They're perfect for each other I guess. I skipped school early, and cried my last tear. This is the last time I'm going to cry for you Minho.

Fast Forward

A month had passed and Nika still wasn't at school. Her friends never heard from her, and it seemed like she disappeared off the face of the earth.

Minho's point of view:

It's already been a month since I've seen Nika. I was starting to get worried. Every time in class I would notice the empty seat next to her and I would think of her. When I was at home practicing basketball, I would think of her. And when I was out on dates with Yuri, Nika would always be in my mind. Why is she constantly in my mind? I felt a fuzzy feeling every time I thought of her. I tried to shake it off. You have Yuri now. You don't have feelings for anyone else.

It was lunchtime and I tried looking for Yuri to get my mind off of Nika again. As I was approaching her classroom, I overheard a conversation. One of Yuri's friends said "We finally got rid of her for good." I heard Yuri's voice afterwards. "I know. How long did that take?Now Minho's finally mine." I felt so hurt. Why would she do that to my best friend? I knew then that Yuri wasn't who I thought she was. The perfect girl in my heart wasn't her. I went inside and said "Yuri, we're over." Leaving her shocked and confused. I walked back into the classroom where my friends were waiting. "Why aren't you by Yuri?" I shrugged. "I broke up with Yuri. She isn't who she thought I was. I just wish I could find someone who truly cares about me." They shook their heads. "What?" Key spoke up. "Yuri isn't your true love but Nika is."

When he said that, I remembered all the times I thought about her. All the times I longed for her to come back. I needed to see her now. I got permission from my teacher to leave early and ran towards the nearest floral shop. I bought a dozen roses, and ran back towards Nika's house.

Nika's point of view:

It was the most enjoyable month I've ever had in my lifetime. I traveled to the United States and came back just yesterday. It was good to be back home, and I was already searching for a new place to move to. I even considered moving to the United States. Just as I was about to leave the house to talk to a real estate agent, I heard the bell ring. I opened the door and Minho was standing there. What is he doing here? The pain, the sorrow everything I tried to get rid of in America, came rushing back. "What are you doing here?" I became scared. He showed me a bouquet of roses. "I'm sorry. For everything. Throughout the whole time you were gone, I kept thinking about you. And I want you to be my girlfriend." I became infuriated. "What about Yuri?" He pushed me up against the open door and held onto my wrist. "She doesn't matter anymore. Only you matter to me. Please, be my girlfriend."

All the anger, all the sorrows I let go of it for him. This was everything I ever wanted. This is exactly what I was waiting for. He pecked me on the lips. "Will you?" I ruffled his hair. "Yes, I'll be your girlfriend."




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__eccedentesiast_ #1
xD love it y Jjong <3
Wow. I love it! Thanks a lot! :))
__eccedentesiast_ #3
Thanks for the oneshot I enjoyed it very much ^^ ! Yes it was epic :D
Apply is officially closed...
I applied.. Again :)) Hope you dont mind. :)))
__eccedentesiast_ #6
Applied as Choi Aimika! (:<br />
Yaaay! Thank you so much! I love it! 8D
Can I apply for the 3rd time? kekeke. >.<
Applied as Choi Chung Ae! <br />