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C u t e d i o r. One shot or story request shop![Apply is closed]

Guess what darlings? I'm BACK! To celebrate Easter, my mom was nice enough to give me my computer back. I feel so happy!  Then this would be officially closed and we're going to start a new request shop. Sorry if I didn't complete some of your stories D: I lost your emails on accident.

Anyway, this is for MikaLikesPie!

Written by:DivineHarmony


Song Mika's point of view:

It's been about two years since our successful debut. It was amazing how in demand we were after that. Most of the time, you would need to be good for at least a year or two before they start calling you in. In Roses case however, we got called in just two months after. Amazing isn't it?

Our first guesting was the show for the year was  Dream Team. We had to to many sports that wasn't that big of a shocker, since we watched it before while we were chilling in the dorm. 

And by we, I mean my band mates. First, there's the leader and her name is Jiyeon. She's a very sweet and caring leader who doesn't fail to take good care of us. She's also very prone to nagging, which well, we can't help can we? I think that she's perfect for a leader and she brings us all up when we're feeling down. She also constantly cooks for us, which is why we never go hungry. keke. Just like the media said, she's dating Key from SHINee. They're officially the legit almighty couple. According to me of course. 

Next is the lead dancer, and her name is Hyosun. She can be very cute sometimes, and the aegyo she does would just kill the audience. Everyone thinks she's the maknae, even though she's not. But she is called the second maknae though because of it. She absolutely loves strawberry boba and all things of that sort. She just can't get enough of it. She's like her other half Taemin. Oh, did I mention? Taemin is a part of SHINee too. Even though she's younger than Taemin, they still make a good couple.

After that there's the Lead rapper, and her name is Eunkyung. She gets irritated easily, so it wouldn't be wise to piss her off. She really doesn't like it when she sees people making out in front of her. She thinks its gross and offensive. At least they should get a room. I think so too. She's often seen with her brother Yesung. He's part of the group Super Junior and they're really close. That's probably why we get to be close with Super Junior too. Minho from SHINee is her boyfriend, and they're very fiery. They're officially called the 101% legit couple. Like, no joke if you take one look at them you just know they're dating.

We also have the little maknae, and her name is Minju. She's the only one who isn't from Korea. She's actually originally from the United States. She moved to Korea to pursue her dream, which she finally achieved. She's really innocent and pure, and you can tell from her clothes. Almost everything is white. Despite being called innocent, she also drinks coffee. She's very addicted to it. As an unnie, I'm glad she's dating Onew from SHINee. They're both very innocent, and perfect for each other. That's why I call them the "legit innocent couple." Although sometimes Onew can't get over his obsession of chicken.

And then there's me, who is a Lead Vocal.  I've had prior training to the training that got us together with our SHINee boyfriends. Bizarre right? Actually, our relationships with them started off as a teacher and student relationship. And we didn't meet them in the SM entertainment building. Instead, we met them on a vacation, in a random location. That was really weird. And then slowly but surely, we got to where we are today. And did I mention? I'm also going out with Jonghyun from SHINee. It makes me so excited.

After our recording for that show was done, we rested for a day or two, when we went on another variety show called "100 points out of 100" We've never seen that show before, so we were curious as to what was going to happen. We hoped that we didn't have to do sports again, because our bodies were kind of hurting.

Day of "100 points out of 100" recording:

We all groggily got up, and were happy we weren't being filmed. We felt so sore from Dream team that we became zombie like for the past two days. And it definitely showed today. We had to wake up extra early because we had to fix ourselves up. There was no way we could go on TV looking like we do now.

It was also the day of Jonghyun's and my date again. As we were all riding the car, Jiyeon asked "Did you text him to come pick you up after the recording is done?" I replied "Not yet, unnie. I'm planning to do so after we're done at the salon and when I'm more awake."

Jiyeon unnie nagged. "No, you should text him now, that way you won't forget later." Hyosun chimed in "I don't think she'll forget, that's her boyfriend after all~" I heard a bunch of "Ohhs~" from Eunkyung and Minju. Eunkyung was busily texting Minho because he usually gets up at this time anyway.

I said to Hyosun and Jiyeon unnie "Why don't you two text your boyfriends too?" They pouted. "They're not up yet." All of a sudden I heard "Hey! Why don't you bully the maknae? Why are you bullying unnie?" I laughed, and glanced back at the now sleeping maknae. "She's still sleepy. She hasn't had her coffee yet." They all nodded in agreement.

We finally got to the salon, where they provided us with the looks of the latest trends, and natural makeup that showed off our natural beauty. If there's anything in our contract that's unique, we made sure we would have natural make up at all times. That way it won't be too heavy and it's just better that way.

We stopped by a cafe nearby, when I finally remembered to text Jonghyun.

To: Jonghyun

From: Mika

"Yeobo! Don't forget our date tonight. I'm starring in this variety show today. It's called 100 points out of 100. Do you know it? Anyway, the show won't end until our date is supposed to start so do you think you can pick me up after we're done recording? It ends at 6:00. Don't be late~"

A few minutes later, he texts back.

To: Mika

From: Jonghyun

"Jagiya! I just woke up. I didn't want to get up, but I saw your beautiful name on my phone keke. Oh, that show? I have watched it actually, when Minho was on it. It's pretty fun, and I think you'll have a good time recording. Hwaiting! Don't worry, I'll remember to pick you up. I might even come early. Talk to you later! Saranghae.

Everything just seemed so perfect. Nothing could go wrong, right?

As we got to the studio, we were waiting in the dressing room. We were all having a blast in our own special way. Eunkyung was rapping out to some music, Jiyeon was practicing her singing, Hyosun was drinking boba and talking to people, Minju was happily sipping her coffee and reading a book, while I kept thinking about my date for tonight. It is going to be perfect.

I heard a knock on the door, and a staff opened it. "Oh, it's the stars of 100 points out of 100." Jiyeon who normally speaks for all of us said "You can let them in." The door went wide open, and a bunch of people came rushing in. Simon D, Park Myungsoo, Shinyoung and Bongsun. They all greeted us, and I was happy until a certain person came inside.

"Oh, yoseob-ah! You're here!" What is he doing here? Myungsoo sunbae introduced him. "He's also a regular on the show." He is? I should have done some research. Crap! I don't want to be near him! In case if some of you are wondering, Yoseob is my ex boyfriend, although no one knows it, because I've never told anyone. They don't really need to know though. It doesn't matter right?

All of a sudden we were rushed, and recording was about to begin soon. while we were recording, yoseob kept coming by me and staring at me. What exactly does he want? I tried to shake it off and act professional. Thankfully recording was almost done. After we were done, I checked my watch. Jonghyun was supposed to be coming soon.

We went back inside the dressing room and changed into more comfortable clothes. Actually, it was them because they were going home. I was the only one that was going out tonight. As I stepped outside for fresh air, I felt the cool breeze brush my skin. Then all of a sudden Yoseob approached me.

"Hi, how have you been?" he asked. I replied "Good. How are you?" He sighed. "Not so good." I pretended to be interested. "Aw, what's wrong?" He inched closer and closer to me. "You see Mika, I've been missing you, you know? Ever since we broke up, I couldn't even stop thinking about you. Will you be my boo again?"

Is he kidding around with me? What is he trying to do? I sternly said "I'm not going out with you. I have a boyfriend for your information, and his name is Jonghyun. He's from SHINee." He was getting closer. "I know, but he ain't here right now so why you gotta worry? Just give me one kiss."

He leaned forward, but I didn't feel him kissing me. I opened my eyes, and I saw Jonghyun, holding his wrists behind his back. "What are you doing to my woman?" Yoseob started squeaking. "I"m sorry, please let me go." He let him go, and I was mad. "What ae you stupid? Was this some kind of joke?" Yoseob started smiling. "I actually just wanted to see how good your relationship is. You know? Your bond is strong, and I respect that. Good luck with your relationship! I give you my blessings!" He said as he walked away.

Jonghyun chuckled. "You've dated weird guys in the past." I was startled. "How did you know?" He smirked. "I over heard your conversation. And you said you have me. I'm so touched." He kissed me on the lips gently. He his lips. "Instead of the date, can we do something else?" I playfully slapped him. "Yah! we're going for a date."

Oh how I love my life.

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__eccedentesiast_ #1
xD love it y Jjong <3
Wow. I love it! Thanks a lot! :))
__eccedentesiast_ #3
Thanks for the oneshot I enjoyed it very much ^^ ! Yes it was epic :D
Apply is officially closed...
I applied.. Again :)) Hope you dont mind. :)))
__eccedentesiast_ #6
Applied as Choi Aimika! (:<br />
Yaaay! Thank you so much! I love it! 8D
Can I apply for the 3rd time? kekeke. >.<
Applied as Choi Chung Ae! <br />