My daily battles.

C u t e d i o r. One shot or story request shop![Apply is closed]

This oneshot  is for cutterpillow. You were our first requester. Thank you! I hope that you enjoy this story. Sorry if I didn't quite exactly get the genre you wanted. Nonetheless, I hope you still like it!

Written by: cutedior


Nika's point of view:

Everyday, there was a new battle to face because of Choi Minho. Yes, the one from SHINee. Unlike all of the other girls at our university, I try to stay clear from him. No, it's not because I dislike him. It's because he's my boyfriend and we're playing a game that only Minho, my friends and I know about. It is one sick game. Every time I see him, I have to pretend that I'm just another fan girl and have close contact with my enemies. If I lose? Oh you do not want to know the consequences. I can't even explain to you how I even got myself into this mess.

Minho's point of view:

There she was, my beautiful girlfriend. She was walking to school with a nervous look on her face. I must've done that. I thought. I didn't feel bad at all. I walked to my class, which was a different major from hers. Like most predicted, I'm a life fitness major due to my love of sports. Even after these 2 years, I never thought of changing it. As I stepped inside, my original teacher wasn't there again. Greeaat.. Now I have to sit through another day with this boring sub. All she does is talk about how the aliens are coming to earth and are going to destroy us all. It didn't help that my friends weren't there either.

She continued her story about aliens from yesterday, and I drifted off to sleep.

*Minho's dream/flashback*

A fall morning, it was the first day of school. I couldn't wake up early enough because of a packed schedule the day before. It did help that it was a SHINee group activity. Without my band mates, I wouldn't have made it through that day. Together we went to film Flower Boys Generation, and we had to finish recording for our comeback album. I didn't even get home until 1 in the morning. A few hours later the sun was already shining and Key was dedicated to his "Umma" persona like always. He came into my room without me knowing and shook me vigorously to get me to wake up.

According to Key, I woke up with an angry face. It didn't matter though, because it wouldn't even phase Key. I sat up in my bed and groaned. "Can I have 5 more minutes of sleep, please?" From one eye I noticed him glaring at me. "Choi Minho. If you do not get up now, you will be late to school and I will literally let you feel my wrath when you arrive home. Got it?" That was enough for me to have the urge to get up. If there's anything I don't want to deal with, it's Key's constant nagging.

I took my time getting dressed, and thankfully Key had to leave before I was done. Otherwise I'd probably go to school with a black eye. Proving that none of my muscles were fake, I walked to school like always, listening to my Ipod to block out the sounds of others. When I reached the campus, there was a girl who seemed to be interesting, so I walked up to her. I realized I haven't seen her before. "Excuse me? Are you new here?" The girl with long, flowing hair and an innocent face smiled at me. "Yes, I'm new here. I just transferred here from another school.."

She seemed to have a cute accent which made me want to talk to her more. "What's your name?What's your major?" She took out a piece of paper and handed it to me. "My name is Nika Cho. I'm a fine/studio arts major, but I don't know where the buildng is. Can you please help me?" It was on the other side of campus from my building. "I'm already late." I thought. "I can help you. Just follow me." She's a quiet girl, who seemed to be unsocial. The part that bothered me the most is that she didn't seem as if she knew exactly who I am.

"Do you know who SHINee is?" I asked fairly quietly. Her answer shocked my hair into frizzy ness mode. "Yes, I know SHINee. You're Minho the main rapper right?" I stopped in my tracks, and so did she. "Then why aren't you screaming like a fan girl?" She shrugged. "I suppose that's not in my nature. I kind of find it irritating too. The way they act so cute is kind of creepy. But that's just me." We continued walking until we reached her building. "Here it is." She bowed down in a perfect 90 degree angle and all I could stare at was her figure. "Wow.. she's really perfect." I thought.

Before she left, I caught her arm, and she looked at me puzzled. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you like that but, would you like to have lunch with me? I saw her sweet smile. It was sweeter than caramel. "Sure, meet me here at lunch?" "Sure. I can do that."

*end Minho's dream and flashback*

Nika's point of view:

It was break time, and my friends CL and Sandara Park rushed up to me. "Hey Nika! Let's go eat lunch together under the tree!" I picked up my bento box filled with various kinds of gimbap I made myself. We sat down together on a blanket Sandara brought and put out our food. Everyday we never failed to share our food so that we could enjoy what each of us had made. We were happily eating when CL said "I saw you yesterday acting like a fan girl again. Doesn't it get annoying? I mean, you're with those mean fan girls saying "Oppa, let's go on a date~" she made a disgusted face. Sandara let out a hearty laugh. "Hey, it's not her fault. It's a game that her and Minho are playing until they graduate." CL shook her head. "Remind me again why you're doing this?"

I just shrugged. "I guess I could tell you again." I stuffed one more piece of gimbap and ate a bit of stir fried noodles CL made. I swallowed the food and immediately shared the story. It felt like it was my thousandth time but in reality, it was my second. "It started a few months after we met on the first day of school. As our friendship grew, so did our feelings with each other. One day he approached me, and confessed. I accepted him of course, and we started dating. But one day, he just told me that we should play a game. I didn't really want to at first, but I guessed that it would be fun. We're supposed to have fun in our relationships right?"

I took a sip of water, to hydrate my throat and continued on. "And then he said since I'm a fine/studio arts major, it should be something related to that. I didn't mind since I thought it would be easier for me. But then he suggested I act like a fan girl every time I see him. And if he sees me, he'll have to do some weird dance. If I didn't, it would probably affect our relationship. And if we don't keep it up, there's a penalty at the end. Well, there could be a penalty but I'm afraid of what kind of penalty he'll give  to me." CL had an angry look upon her face. "Yah! That's a stupid game. I guess that's love huh?" I shrugged. "I guess."

We had to return to class, but since it was a short day we only had 15 minutes of it. Which I was thankful for. I impatiently waited for the bell to ring. I don't know why, but I felt really anxious since the beginning of class. Surely enough when the bell rang, I zoomed out of there. I was walking towards the beginning of the gate when I saw Minho and fan girls surrounding him. For some odd reason, I couldn't play the game anymore. It was like all the understanding and patience I had weren't there anymore. I walked past him, and I knew he noticed me. He is tall after all.

I started walking home when I noticed a new yogurt that had just opened that day. I stepped inside, amazed at the variety of flavors they had. Maybe this will take my mind off of things. I bought a random flavor and ate it in silence, savoring every bite. Then I saw Minho and the fangirls nearby. Minho noticed me and walked inside. Of course the fan girls followed. He sat down in the seat across from me, causing the fangirls to become jealous. "You didn't act like a fan girl." I became sad. "I guess I didn't really feel like it today. But I'm ready to know my penalty." He turned to the fan girls. "Do you want to see something awesome?" They screamed all at once "Yes!" and "Do something cool oppa!"

I rolled my eyeballs, but they didn't seem to notice. Then I saw him pull out a diamond ring from his pocket. "I've been waiting for this day." I nervously looked around. "Minho, what are you doing?" He got up from the chair and bent down on one knee. "I'm sorry I made you act like a fangirl all these years. I want to make it up to you by being your fanboy. For the rest of our lives. Will you marry me?"

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__eccedentesiast_ #1
xD love it y Jjong <3
Wow. I love it! Thanks a lot! :))
__eccedentesiast_ #3
Thanks for the oneshot I enjoyed it very much ^^ ! Yes it was epic :D
Apply is officially closed...
I applied.. Again :)) Hope you dont mind. :)))
__eccedentesiast_ #6
Applied as Choi Aimika! (:<br />
Yaaay! Thank you so much! I love it! 8D
Can I apply for the 3rd time? kekeke. >.<
Applied as Choi Chung Ae! <br />