Our playful time together~

C u t e d i o r. One shot or story request shop![Apply is closed]

This was requested by JustWinter. I'd like to start off by saying thank you dear for requesting. I'm really grateful for it :) I actually enjoy writing happy stories so when I found out you wanted yours to be happy well, I almost hyperventilated out of happiness. I hope you enjoy this oneshot!

Written by: DivineHarmony


Sung Yuki's point of view:

It's my final year of high school. And like most seniors, we all itched to do something fun. In order for it to be absolutely epic, we all decided to go on a trip to Jeju Island. My father is a tough but understanding man. And  I was relieved when he agreed to pay for my Jeju trip. The whole senior class wasn't going to attend though, it was just going to be my longtime friends Hyoyeon unnie and her boyfriend Jay oppa from trax and Taemin.

Taemin and I are the only single one in our group of friends, but we agreed that even if Hyoyeon unnie and Jay oppa were acting all lovey dovey we would still have a good time and not be left out of any form of fun. I packed my belongings, checking over everything. I was satisfied that I didn't need anything else, and I went outside to meet my dad in the car.

I locked the door and when I turned around, I saw a frog. I screamed, causing my dad to rush over worriedly. "What's wrong daughter? Did you see something scary?" I had one leg up, shielding my face with my jacket. I removed it slightly and pointed to the frog. "Appa, there's a frog over there." I heard my father chuckle. I watched as he picked up the frog and put it somewhere far away from me. "Oh daughter, how am I supposed to let you just go by yourself if you're scared of a little frog?"

I put my hand to my chest, more specifically, over my heart. "Don't worry appa, even though I'm afraid of frogs, I'll be okay. I promise." He grabbed my luggage from me and put in in the trunk, when I got inside the passengers' seat. I got myself comfortable and changed the station a bunch of times. I couldn't find a station that suited my tastes, so I just turned it off.

Taemin's point of view:

I almost woke up late this morning, because I was too excited about today. Not only would I be able to go to Jeju Island, I'm also going somewhere where my hyungs wouldn't be watching over me. This was a chance to prove that I can fend for myself and be more independent. I usually sleep by myself in a room so I didn't know whether or not my hyungs were up or not.

I stepped outside of my room to wash up, and I realized they were already up and lively. They were rushing back and forth, making sure I had everything I needed. That would include first aid kit, enough clothes, underwear, at least two jackets, etc. Minho hyung was overseeing that I had comfortable clothes. Onew hyung was making sure I had enough food to bring. Jonghyun hyung was busy making sure I had manly enough boxers. Lastly, Key hyung was busy making breakfast for all of us before I had to go.

I am so grateful for my hyungs. They always take care of me, and I knew that one day I'd have to take care of them well too. Key hyung was such in a rush that the only thing he cooked was a big pot of ramen. He hurriedly set it down and called out to all of us. "Come on everyone! It's time to eat now. Taemin has to get to the airport!"

At the notice that the food was ready, everyone rushed to the table and started to eat quickly. Key hyung nagged them. "You guys should eat fast but not too fast to the point where you'll choke!" They all grinned at him and did as they were told. After we were finished, Key left the dishes there to be washed later and we all rushed out of the door.

Yuki's point of view:

My dad dropped me off at the airport where Hyoyeon unnie and Jay oppa were already waiting. My dad took out my luggage. "Thank you appa, I'll see you in a few days." He hugged my tightly. "I'll see you in a few days. Take care of yourself now okay? And don't get into any trouble." I made a fake laugh. "You know I wouldn't do that Appa." He gave me a kiss on the cheek and said "I have to go to work now. Have fun sweetheart!"

Hyoyeon unnie and Jay oppa called out to me. "Yuki-ah! Come here." They motioned to me.I ran up to them with my luggage in tow. "Hi guys! Did you wait long?" They ran up to me and embraced me. It felt so warm, just like a family. They let go and replied to my question. "No, we didn't wait long. We kind of just got here." I looked around, wondering where Taemin was. "He's not here yet?" They shook their heads. "We haven't seen him. Maybe he'll come later." said Jay oppa.

Taemin's point of view:

It that it was traffic. I was almost late to the airport. I didn't show my aggravation, but I anxiously looked out of the window constantly. My hyungs kept their eyes on me, assuring me that we'd get there on time. "Don't worry Taemin-ah, we'll get there on time I promise." said Onew hyung. I flashed him a cute smile. "I know, hyung. I'm not worried." That was a lie.

We finally arrived at the airport, where I saw my three friends waiting. I made it just in time. I waved goodbye to my hyungs. "Thank you hyungs! I'll see you in a few days. Stay well!" They all playfully slapped me. "Hey, we're the ones that are supposed to be saying that to you." I got out of the car and ran towards my friends. "Shall we go?" They asked. "Yup!" I noticed that Yuki had a heavy luggage, so I offered to pull it for her. "Are you sure?" she asked. I replied "It's the least I could do."

Yuki's point of view:

I'm seeing a new side of Taemin today. Well technically, no. But it seems as if he's treating me a whole lot better than before. Even though he always treats me fairly well. He carried all of my things, he helped me put my shoes back on and he'd even feed me food while we were waiting at the gate. I had a weird feeling, but I just shrugged it off. It's probably nothing anyway.

We finally boarded the plane, and Taemin and I sat next to each other. We felt it would be better if Hyoyeon unnie and Jay oppa sat together anyway. It was an hour long ride, and the whole time Taemin and I would see Hyoyeon unnie and Jay oppa either kissing each other or acting all flirty. Taemin and I would shoot each other looks, and remembered the promise we made to each other.

Taemin's point of view:

Throughout the entire plane ride, Yuki and I watched a movie together. Once in a while when we had the urge to look over, we'd notice the couple that we came with. I didn't feel like it should bother me because they've been together for so long already. The movie had ended and so did the flight. I reached for my bags in the overhead compartment, and I also grabbed Yuki's carrying it again.

She thanked me, and I could feel her gratefulness in her voice. I didn't feel like she had to thank me anyway. I just felt like it was what a gentleman should do. Besides, I can't have Hyoyeon be the only one that's being treated like a queen on this trip. We all went downstairs to baggage claim, and I grabbed my bags as well as Yuki's. I made sure she wasn't carrying anything heavy, and Jay hyung went to get a rental car.

Yuki's point of view:

When I first stepped off the plane and walked on Jeju Island soil, I felt a wave of fresh air brushing up against me. It was a different experience than when I am in Seoul. We waited patiently until Jay oppa came with the rental car. Hyoyeon said "I hope he comes back with a convertible. That would make me so happy!" We all laughed at her comment and wondered what kind of car he'd bring back.

A few minutes later, he came up to us driving an SUV, much to Hyoyeon's dismay. She lightly stomped her feet on the ground. "Oppa! Why did you bring an SUV and not a convertible?" He kissed the top of her forehead to make her feel better. "Because, it's so everything can fit inside. Now let's go to the pension." Hyoyeon was in a better mood at the mention of a pension. And I was too.

Taemin's point of view:

We arrived at the pension, and it was still broad daylight. Hyoyeon noona rushed up to the pension and opened the door. She rushed inside, leaving Jay hyung to carry her things. Yuki on the other hand tried to grab her things, when I stopped her."No it's okay, I'll carry it." She shrugged. "Okay, if that's what you want to do." She walked up the steps slowly. Hyoyeon noona came back outside and dragged Yuki in with her.

Jay hyung turned to me. "Girls huh?" I didn't quite get what he was saying. "I'm sorry?" He chuckled. "Girls. Some aren't helpful but some are. You're lucky you got Yuki. Hyoyeon can be a brat sometimes." he sighed. I became flustered. "Oh no hyung, Yuki and I aren't together." He raised an eyebrow at me. "Mhm. Well, let's head inside and put these things away. I've got other things planned."

Yuki's point of view:

Hyoyeon unnie dragged me inside the pension. It was so gorgeous that I couldn't' take my eyes off of everything. It felt as if I was in a dream. We heard the boys come inside and they seemed out of breath. "Are you two okay?" I asked. They gave me a thumbs up. "yes, we're okay. We're men." I giggled. What a lame excuse.

I watched as the put the bags in the same room. Hyoyeon unnie and I were supposed to sleep together. And Jay oppa and Taemin would sleep together. I guess it was to prevent anything from happening. Or rather, an awkward air when we're supposed to be having fun. They came out and we rested for a while, drinking drinks that Jay oppa prepared.

Taemin's point of view:

After we were done relaxing, Jay hyung suggested that we go somewhere. "Do you guys have anywhere that you want to go?" We all shook our heads. "We don't know this area very well." Hyoyeon noona said. Yuki chimed in. "Yup~ I've never really been out of Seoul." They all turned to me. I assumed I had to say something as well. "I don't know either. i've never been here before."

Hyung smiled at us. "I knew you were going to say that. So I prepared a day at Lotte fire tank sauna!" he said enthusiastically. The girls were now ecstatic. Especially his girlfriend. "Yes! I get to relax in a sauna." She started rapidly kissing hyung's cheek. "You're the best oppa~" We each went to our rooms and prepared for the day at the sauna.

Yuki's point of view:

We arrived at the sauna safely, and quickly parted ways. We didn't want to waste any time while we were there so we all rushed to the separate rooms. Thankfully Jay oppa reserved two private rooms for us. That way we wouldn't have to keep secret about what we spoke about. We could talk freely as well as play freely without having to worry about bothering anyone else.

Hyoyeon unnie and I quickly wrapped ourselves in towels in the locker rooms. We peeked out the door to see if any men was there, but thankfully there weren't. We rushed to the private room and quickly closed the door. I locked it, just to be safe. When I turned around, Hyoyeon unnie was already in the sauna. She really loves this. During our stay, we spoke about the boys. How cute they are, etc. It was a bit awkward for me, but Hyoyeon unnie kept pushing that I get together with Taemin. I didn't know why.

Taemin's point of view:

It was a bit weird walking in the sauna and it being just the two of us. I wasn't uncomfortable, but I felt a slight weird aura. We slowly went inside, relaxing into the water. I felt the hot water loosen up my muscles. That feels so good... Hyung was the first one to initiate a conversation. "What do you think the girls are doing right now?" I thought about it carefully. "Probably.. enjoying the sauna and talking about girly things."

He laughed. "Knowing them, yeah they probably are." We sat in silence for a while until he asked "So do you like Yuki?" I shrugged. "I don't know actually." That was the end of our conversation. An hour and a half later, we went back to the pension and ate a simple dinner before going to sleep.

Next Day

Yuki's point of view:

It was a brand new day, and I wondered what Jay oppa had planned for us. Yesterday the sauna was really fun, and I was really getting into this vacation. I was the first one that was up, so I thought that I should cook breakfast for everyone. I made waffles, as well as prepared strawberries and watermelon that I bought yesterday on the way back. I looked at the clock and it was already 8:00 AM. I guess it's time to wake them up.

I went inside my room first and woke up a sleeping Hyoyeon unnie. I gently nudged her. "unnie, I made breakfast. It's time to get up." She groaned and turned to face me. "Really?" I nodded. "Yup, now wash up and eat breakfast okay?" She nodded and headed straight for the bathroom. I guess she doesn't want oppa to see her swollen face. I went into the boy's room cautiously, nudging the both of them at the same time. They both woke up fairly quickly. "I prepared breakfast, you should come and eat now."

Taemin's point of view:

I was a bit disappointed that I didn't wake up early enough to help Yuki make breakfast. But that was okay, because I told myself I would help her any other chance that I get. I was starting to like her, and I was hoping she'd like me back as well. Hyung and I washed up together. We even brushed out teeth. Most people would think it was unusual, but it's a habit both he and I shared.

We went into the dining room and the girls were already eating. They smiled at us to acknowledge us. Yuki pushed us over. "Come one~ You need to eat to be able to do all the activities you want to do today." I loved how considerate she was. It was something I've always wanted in a friend.

Yuki's point of view:

We finished eating, and Taemin helped me clean up the dishes. His helpfulness is growing on me. I think I may have feelings for him. While Taemin and I were doing the dishes, the lovebirds were preparing our attire for us. After we were done, it was revealed that we would be going to a nearby beach. Yay a beach! I could hardly contain my excitement.

All of us were happily going to the beach. The weather was perfect, and nothing went wrong. We spent the whole day at the beach, playing beach volleyball as well as looking at the different animals living in their natural habitat. Night soon arrived, and we ate a barbeque dinner.

For some odd reason, barbeque always made the mood so much better. Taemin and I both cleaned up while Hyoyeon unnie and Jay oppa were taking a moment for themselves. I sighed, knowing we'd have to go back tomorrow. All of a sudden Taemin came up to me with a stereo and put on some music. He bowed while extending his hand. "May I have this dance?" I giggled and blushed. I curtsied. "Yes you may. But I don't know how to dance."

He smiled. "It's okay, just stand on my feet." "Are you sure? I don't want to hurt your feet." "I'm sure. Don't worry about it." I stood on his feet like I was told and he started to guide me. We looked up at the stars together. We would never be able to see it like this in Seoul. Taemin interrupted my thoughts. "Yuki?" "Yes?" "I like you." he kissed my forehead. "I like you too." And we danced the night away.

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__eccedentesiast_ #1
xD love it y Jjong <3
Wow. I love it! Thanks a lot! :))
__eccedentesiast_ #3
Thanks for the oneshot I enjoyed it very much ^^ ! Yes it was epic :D
Apply is officially closed...
I applied.. Again :)) Hope you dont mind. :)))
__eccedentesiast_ #6
Applied as Choi Aimika! (:<br />
Yaaay! Thank you so much! I love it! 8D
Can I apply for the 3rd time? kekeke. >.<
Applied as Choi Chung Ae! <br />