
C u t e d i o r. One shot or story request shop![Apply is closed]

This is written for -AlienHippopotamus. I really appreciate that you applied :) I hope that you enjoy this oneshot. I'm sorry if this took a while. I really loved the plot you put into the application. It made it easier to write.

Written by: cutedior


Soojin's point of view:

I had to move into a new town again. Everywhere I go, I always cause trouble. And it's usually enough to get kicked out of the town. The last town was no different, and I didn't expect this new town to be either. I stepped off the city bus and viewed this place I would call "home." I wonder how long I'll last in this town. I viewed over the map apathetically. I wanted to toss the map. It doesn't tell me anything. I was by myself and I didn't care. My parents were nut jobs who I wanted nothing to do with. They never accepted my bad girl lifestyle nor did I expect them to. That's why I moved out and started living on my own.

It was difficult, but I became stronger that way. People were staring at me as if I was a stray cat, which made me infuriated. One of the things I hated the most was when people looked down upon me. Everywhere I went  I would be judged by my looks or the way I dress. It was sickening. I'm not one to be looked down upon. 

I walked on the road where my house was supposed to be. There was a fence blocking it so I just climbed  over it. I hopped down and landed on my two feet. I'm jut like a cat. Upon thinking that thought, a cat appeared in my sight. I chased it down just for fun, but it didn't seem to enjoy it much. I chased it around the house multiple times until it climbed up a tree, shivering.

I decided to leave it alone for now and went inside my house. Technically it wasn't a house, it was more of a shack. I didn't really give a crap though. I had a place to live and this place was dirt cheap. And by dirt cheap I mean I got it for free from this one family I caused trouble to. They said as long as I was far away from them, they would pay for my housing expenses.

Myungsoo's point of view:

My friends were off on their dates today. It was a lazy Saturday and I didn't have much to do. And by that I mean I didn't really want to do anything but my own thing. I walked inside my bathroom that was connected to my room. My life is just awesome. I took a quick shower and stared at myself in the mirror. "You are a prince." I said aloud. I flexed my muscles and slightly touched my abs. "You Myungsoo, are the hottest man alive." I laughed, and started getting ready.

I put on my favorite pair of grey jeans, a black t-shirt, a leather jacket and black and white kicks. I went downstairs where my mom was making breakfast. I commanded her "Yah! Umma make me a stack of pancakes. I'm starving." I sat down arrogantly. I knew how I am and there was no chance that I would change the way I am.

My mom quickly set down a stack of freshly made pancakes. I took one bite and it tasted horrible. "Ew! This tastes disgusting." I pushed it to her. "Here you eat it. I'm going out now. And don't touch my things when I'm gone!" She gave me a worried look. "Where are you going?" I shooed her and walked out the door. Maybe I should go to the convenience store and read some magazines.

Soojin's point of view:

I was getting bored in this shack of mine. I need to explore this town. I grabbed a bag that I had. I realized that I needed to buy some food, so I decided to go to the nearest convenience store. Chaos is going to be delivered soon to your doorstep. It wasn't that hard to find the convenience store. This town is a bit smaller than the ones I'm used to. That means less people to cause trouble to. I was utterly disappointed. I felt that this town was going to get boring fast.

I walked inside the convenience store and I noticed a few bikers hanging around, talking about where their next stop was.  They seemed interesting enough, so I strolled by them, pretending that I was just browsing the items in the aisle. They looked at me once and continued with their conversation. Gullible fools. I noticed a ring of keys on the back pockets of one of their jeans. That looks good enough to steal. With just one swipe of my hand, the keys were already in my possession. Haha. I should be named the pick pocketing queen.

I stuffed it in one of the front pockets of my jeans. I kept my eye on them, and they didn't seem to notice. 5 minutes passed and they were getting ready to leave. I saw one of them reach for his keys in his back pocket, but he couldn't find it. He spoke to another guy who then brought out a gun. I quickly scanned the room and found a boy who was reading magazines. I secretly snuck it into his pocket. The guy asked the cashier if she'd seen his keys, and she shook her head. I went up to him and said "That guy over there took your keys." I pointed to the boy innocently reading a magazine.

I watched as he angrily stomped towards him, and kept watching for the action to go down.

Myungsoo's point of view:

I'm pretty glad I didn't stay home today. Reading these magazines were pretty entertaining. Every time I saw a model in a picture or even a person in a picture I would mentally make fun of them. It gave me joy inside. All of sudden, in the middle of the best magazine I've picked up yet, a man came up to me and said "You took my keys!" I slammed down the magazine. I puffed out my chest and hit it once. "I, did not steal your keys. Now leave me alone. I need to get going."

As I turned away, I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I heard jingling of what sounded like keys. "Those are my keys. I can recognize them from anywhere because it has my dog tag attached to it." I slowly turned around and looked down at my jeans pockets. I saw the supposed keys I stole and turned around fully facing him. I took out the keys from my pocket and handed them to him. "You can have your keys back, but I'm telling you, I didn't steal them."

He pointed to a girl nearby and said "That girl says she saw you steal them." He turned to the cashier. "Call the police. We have a thief here." I looked over at the girl, and she smirked at me. I saw her laugh as she ran away. I'm going to shave off your head the next time I see you for putting me into this mess. I was forced to sit down, as the police arrived.

The interrogated me multiple times, over and over again. I kept my ground and constantly said "I didn't steal the keys." They eventually gave up, and let me go. They warned me if I ever did something like that again, I eventually will be thrown in jail.

2 days later: Monday

Soojin's point of view:

If there was anything I hated about moving to a new town, it was moving to a new school. I wasn't really one to make friends unless they approached me first. I went inside the office to retrieve my schedule without causing any trouble. I'll probably have the itch later. I was walking towards my class, but there were a bunch of kids blocking the hallway. I tapped my foot a ton of times impatiently, but they still didn't move. All they did was stare at me blankly, then move on with their conversations.

I eventually pushed some of them out of my way, and charged on to the classroom. I opened the door and the classroom looked really full. The teacher wasn't there, and everyone just stared at me. I could hear a few whispers. "Is she the new girl? I wonder where she's from." Another girl acted like she knew me. "I heard that she's a delinquent. We should stay away from her." I rolled my eyes and went to the only empty seat.

It was next to a boy, who seemed quiet. Maybe this school won't be so irritating after all. Or so I thought. The boy immediately turned to me and introduced himself. "Hi! My name is , well I won't tell you my real name. Just call me L.Joe! It's a pleasure to meet you. Let's be good friends." He's a bit to upbeat for my tastes. Oh well. I held out my hand. "My name is Soojin."

Myungsoo's point of view:

After the incident on Saturday, I actually couldn't wait to go to school. I would be able to see my friends and tell them about the horrible first experience I had. Surely they would laugh at me but I didn't care. I was the most popular anyway. When I got to school, everyone seemed excited. I thought about it. It wasn't my birthday, I didn't win an award, and it's not a holiday dedicated to me. So why is everyone so excited? I tapped a random guy's shoulder. "What's everyone so excited about?" I asked. "Oh, there's a new girl in school." A new girl?

I walked towards my classroom when I saw people crowding by the classroom next door. I went over to see what was happening. "What is everyone looking at?" A girl replied "The new girl is in this class her name is Soojin  and she's talking to L.Joe." I looked through the window, and I noticed it was the girl who got me into trouble Saturday. She's looking as good as ever. I shook my head. What are you thinking? You don't like her. She almost got you arrested! I went back into my classroom, and waited for the day to be over. I'll talk to her after school.

The bell rang, and I rushed to her classroom. She wasn't there. Dang. She's fast. I ran outside and saw her walking into L.Joe's car. Crap. I'm too late. I sighed, as I tried to catch up to them, even if it was pointless. I turned back and started walking home.

A few days pass

Myungsoo's point of view:

I established in my mind that I don't like her. Soojin was known as the girl who almost got me arrested, and that was the only thing I kept in my mind. Regardless, I still followed her around and I didn't know why. She didn't seem as if she noticed me. She is too busy being best friends with L.Joe I guess. It was already Friday, so I decided to party it up. School was boring as always, and I needed a release from the teacher's constant lectures.

I went to a popular club despite the fact that I am underage. It didn't matter though. I could either use money to bribe the bouncers or, I could pass as old enough. I got into the club with ease, and searched the room for my prey. I'm going to get a girlfriend tonight. I noticed a girl drinking alone, so I approached her. "Hey, can I know what your name is?" She scoffed at me. "You look a little young to be here. How old are you?" I cocked my head. "I believe I asked you a question first. What's your name?"

She rolled her eyes at me. "My name is Woori. What's yours?" I smiled. "My name is Myungsoo. Do you want me to keep you company?" "I'd like that." she said as she took another sip of her drink.

Weekend passes

Soojin's point of view:

It was Monday again, and I wasn't looking forward to it. I had a pretty good weekend. L. Joe and I caused some trouble at an amusement park nearby, and didn't get caught. That was absolutely the best part of my weekend. As I was walking towards the school, I saw the boy everyone told me was Myungsoo with an older woman. I passed my them and heard a part of their conversation. "Woori noona. I'll miss you~" She said back "I'll miss you too. Now have a good day at school." So that guy has himself a girlfriend.

A few weeks have passed, and I constantly saw Myungsoo and his girlfriend acting lovey dovey on campus. It didn't bother me at first, but all of a sudden I snapped. I felt like I wanted to kick his and get him back. I stepped inside my classroom and L.Joe was waiting for me. He happily waved as he stood up. "Hi soojin!" I waved back. "Hey."He pouted. "what's wrong?" I gave him a ticked off face. I pointed out the window, and he looked outside. "You see Myungsoo and a girl?" He said "Yeah, what about them?" I flicked the window. "That's his girlfriend. We should mess with him."

He looked at me all confused. "What do you mean?" I smirked. "I mean, you're going to pretend to be my boyfriend. I heard they go to the club they met at everyday after school. You and I are going there and displaying our love for one another."

A few hours later

Soojin 's point of view:

Just as planned, we met at L.Joe's house. He drove us to the club and on our way there, we were already planning out how we would act. He seemed a bit excited though. "How about we dance provocatively? That way it would for sure he would get caught up in our act." I laughed evilly. "Now you're starting to talk like me." I patted his shoulder. "We have a beautiful friendship."

We arrived at the club, and I pulled out fake I.D.'s and handed L.Joe his. As expected, we got in fairly easily. We noticed that they were already there, and Myungsoo seemed to notice us. I pretended not to see him, and led L.Joe to the dance floor. I could feel Myungsoo's eyes on my the whole time. Just wait until you see what's going to happen next.

Kagura's Sui ren club version started to play, and L.Joe and I danced provocatively. No one stopped us. In fact, it seemed that most people were encouraging us. I started to kiss L.Joe to make it even more realistic. It seemed that last kiss sent Myungsoo past his limit as he stomped towards us and pulled me away from him. He brought me to the hallway leading to the bathroom.

"What do you think you're doing?" he growled. "What do you think I'm doing? I'm having a blast with my boyfriend. Shouldn't you be with your girlfriend?" I said arrogantly. He forced his lips upon mine and broke the kiss after a few seconds. "No. You're mine."

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__eccedentesiast_ #1
xD love it y Jjong <3
Wow. I love it! Thanks a lot! :))
__eccedentesiast_ #3
Thanks for the oneshot I enjoyed it very much ^^ ! Yes it was epic :D
Apply is officially closed...
I applied.. Again :)) Hope you dont mind. :)))
__eccedentesiast_ #6
Applied as Choi Aimika! (:<br />
Yaaay! Thank you so much! I love it! 8D
Can I apply for the 3rd time? kekeke. >.<
Applied as Choi Chung Ae! <br />