I'm related to who?

C u t e d i o r. One shot or story request shop![Apply is closed]

Oh dear! I apologize. I couldn't work on this half of the day. Usually it takes me about a day and a half to finish a oneshot. Or hopefully just a day. Anywho~ This oneshot is being written for mizukeii as Park Miyoung. Ooh! I love the character name by the way.  I hope you enjoy this oneshot!

Written by: cutedior


Park Miyoung's point of view:

My friend who is a major Kpop fan, drags me to all of the concerts she gets tickets to. B2st? Infinite? Teen Top? You name it. I've been to the newest boy band concerts. Need more evidence? I've also been to Super Junior's super show, all of Big Bang's big shows and all three Asia tours Dong Bang Shin Ki had. And if that wasn't enough, everytime she bought their CD's, she'd make me buy a copy too.

I've always wondered why she had such a love for KPOP. Everytime I'd ask her, she would just laugh at me and say "You silly girl!" Not that I minded it though. The collecting of the CD's and going to concerts I mean. It was just something that surprised me. Trust me, I'm usually very hyped up everytime I go with her to any event.

The only thing we haven't done, is go to a fan signing event. YET. Speaking of which, she begged me to go to SHINee's fan signing event with her a few days from now. Or was it tomorrow? I don't remember. I'm pretty sure she'll remind me anyway though. Anyway, I didn't even know who SHINee is. If there is anything kpop group she'd kept to herself, she kept SHINee away from me. I wondered why, but I knew it was probably for a good reason.

I heard my phone ringing as I was surfing the internet. I was trying to find out more about SHINee when the phone rang. The only thing I got down was their stage names. I ran towards the phone and answered it. "Yoboseyo? This is Park Miyoung speaking." I could hear my friend screaming in the background. "Are you almost ready? I'm coming to pick you up now. The fan signing event is in two hours!" Okay scratch that, the fan signing event is today. I didn't have anything to do, so I was really happy. I get to meet the real thing.

"Don't worry, I'll be down soon. I'll see you later. Okay, bye." I hung up the phone and rushed to get my clothes on. I wore clothes that matched my personality. They were bright and lively. My parents weren't home, so I checked all of the plugs and locked the door. I went downstairs and I saw my friend patiently waiting in her car. I knocked on the window and she opened the car door. I sat inside and smiled at her. "Are you ready chingu?"

She was happy like always. "Are you kidding? I've been waiting for this day!" She grabbed my hands. "And I get to share it with my bestest friend ever. Miyoung-ah aren't you happy?" I held onto her hands tightly. "Yeah! I'm really happy we get to experience this together." She started driving, and we got there in no time. Unlike most days, the streets were empty. But when we got there, the place was severely packed.

My friend started to pout. "Aww, are we not going to be able to get in?" I held her hand. "Don't worry chingu, for sure we'll get in there. Promise." The line was moving quickly and I was getting even more optimistic. This day feels like it's going to be the best day ever.

We finally reached inside and I got to see the boys that were in SHINee. I could see why they were named that. They shined in pictures and in real life. I almost fainted at their beautifulness. My friend handed me a CD. "Here, just in case you forgot yours I brought an extra for you to sign." It was almost our turn and I was getting slightly nervous. "Which one do I walk up to?"

She shrugged. "Just walk up to whoever! And by whoever I mean Minho oppa. I'm going to walk up to Onew oppa." I nudged her. "Umm, which one is Minho?" She pointed to a boy with an intimidating aura. "Oh, okay. I guess I'll walk up to him." It was my turn, and I walked up to Minho. I smiled at him and handed him the CD. He asked. "What is your name?" I replied "Miyoung." He signed it fairly quickly and handed the CD back to me. "Please continue to support SHINee." I nodded and tilted my head to the side as I walked away. There is something about him.

My friend and I were heading home, and she dropped me off. I thanked her for the ride and headed inside. I noticed that my parents were already home. "Appa, Umma. I'm home!" My umma rushed up to me. "Oh good you're home! We have something to discuss with you." I sat down on the couch where my appa was. "What is it that you need to tell me?" My umma sat down in the middle of me and appa. "We went to visit your father's brother today. We haven't spoken in a while and we decided to have a family reunion tomorrow."

I yawned because I was tired. "Is that it?" She shook her head. "No dear. His son who is your cousin is in a popular kpop band called SHINee. And he's bringing his band mates with him to the reunion at a hotel tomorrow. You should invite your friend too. I'm sure she'd enjoy it." I couldn't help but grin. She definitely would. I'm related to someone in SHINee. This is great! I wonder who it is?

Following day:

I woke in a pretty good mood like always, and I called up my friend even though it was early in the morning. She should be up by now. She's an early bird the last time I checked. I could hear the phone ringing, and she answered in a sing song voice. "Yoboseyo?" I replied "Annyeong! Can you come with me to a family reunion today? My mom said that SHINee is going to be there." There was a long pause. "Yoboseyo? Are you there?" I heard clapping and cheering. "SHINee is going to be there? How come?"

"My mom said I'm related to one of them." My friend was tripping out. "Really?! Oh my gosh. Of course I'll come. What do I wear? Where is it at?" I answered all of her questions in one breath. "Wear something formal and it's going to be at some hotel. I don't know exactly which one so I'll have to pick you up. Is that okay?" She giggled. "Honey, that's a rhetorical question. You know the answer."

We picked her up and started driving to the hotel. Like expected, we were gushing over who it might possibly be. Only my parents knew and they weren't willing to tell me. They wanted me to find out when we got there.

All of us walked inside the ballroom, but it seemed kind of empty. "Umma, why does it seem empty?" She replied back by stating "I guess they're not here yet. Only SHINee, your uncle and us are expected to be here." I nodded "Oh so that's why." We waited for a few more minutes, wondering when they would come.

10 minutes later, I heard heavy footsteps and loud voices coming from the hallway. It must be them! I composed myself and sat up properly. They all entered at once and they were shining just like before. I felt like I was on cloud 9. An ahjussi approached me and said "Annyeong. I'm your uncle. I want you to meet my son." He motioned to them who were all standing in a small circle.

One of came up to me and said "Annyeonghaseyo. My name is Minho."

My mouth and my eyes went wide open. He's the one I got an autograph from yesterday! It seemed as if he remembered me as well. "Hey, aren't you the girl from yesterday?" The adults were confused. "What do you mean?" He replied back "She was at SHINee's fan signing yesterday. I gave her an autograph." The adults burst out laughing. "Aw, how cute. You asked for a signature from your cousin." said my friend. I nodded, unable to say anything.

Now the rest of SHINee came up to me. They tapped Minho on the shoulder and he got into their formation. They bowed down to everyone. "Annyeonghaseyo! We are shining SHINee!"

I was pretty sure all of the girls who loved them would love to be in my place right now. Heck, I wouldn't blame them. I was extremely happy. Not only did the adults want to talk by themselves, my friend and I got to talk to SHINee by ourselves too! It was a fun conversation. It was until almost all of them had to leave besides a person who said his name was Jonghyun and Minho oppa. My friend wanted to talk to Minho, so I was sitting with Jonghyun oppa on another corner of the room.

He kept smiling at me, so I smiled at him back. Then he asked. "So, do you keep smiling at me because you know I'm handsome? It's okay. I know I'm handsome too." I laughed at his comment. This is a new kind of personality. In order to lift up the atmosphere even more, we played games such as truth or dare down to simple card games. One of the most memorable dares for him was to kiss Minho on the cheek. The hardest dare I received was just to kiss his shoe. He's secretly a softy huh?

Day was turning into night, and it was almost time to go home. I had so much fun with Jonghyun oppa that I didn't really want to leave yet. He assured me that we would meet up again. "I know that we just met today. But can I have your number?" I nodded. "Sure you can." I put my number in his phone, and headed home.

First we dropped off my friend who wouldn't stop thanking me. I guess she's that happy. Then I went home and prepared for bed. I snuggled inside my blanket, when I heard the vibration of my phone. I looked at it and I saw an unknown number. I read the text that said:

"Hi. It's Jonghyun. Remember me? keke. I know that Minho might kill me for asking you this. And I know it's awkward because I'm your cousin's band mate but I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date Saturday night? If that's okay with you?"

I replied back.

"I'd be honored to go on a date with you. keke."

I didn't need to dream to know that my life has just begun.

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__eccedentesiast_ #1
xD love it y Jjong <3
Wow. I love it! Thanks a lot! :))
__eccedentesiast_ #3
Thanks for the oneshot I enjoyed it very much ^^ ! Yes it was epic :D
Apply is officially closed...
I applied.. Again :)) Hope you dont mind. :)))
__eccedentesiast_ #6
Applied as Choi Aimika! (:<br />
Yaaay! Thank you so much! I love it! 8D
Can I apply for the 3rd time? kekeke. >.<
Applied as Choi Chung Ae! <br />